New indie animation just dropped!
Interesting, thank you for letting me know.
Le different art styles just like muh drawn together!
Hard pass.
Why a musical number
Well it looks pretty good luck to them selling it
im supposed to believe this is a cartoon about murder from these candy ass designs?
The animation is impressive for the pilot’s length. The musical aspect is weird though, and so is the parasocial relationship the author and characters have to one another. In Toy Story at least the concept of toys exist to be friends to kids at a young age. These are drawings that can just come to life? And the author thinks drawings are friends? That’s pretty pathetic, even at a young age.
I think it would work better if they just focused entirely on the murder mystery aspect, even if I smell the detective being the culprit from a mile away. Also, the victim is probably not dead either.
Just a weird concept that can only exist on indie productions.
someone made Rebeltaxi’s idea into a cartoon before he did
Pan on suicide watch
Thats not his idea
Pastel vomit
If there's any decent porn, maybe I'll check it out.
Fuck you, you won't trick me into watching a 20 minute indie pilot after Catching Up
it's a cute idea but this writing fucking sucks
the characters could have been more original, i find it hard to care about blatant parodies
i see this quite a lot in smaller artists, they like to make their characters badass killers but also not too psycho for them to be unrelatable
the characters could have been more original
That would go against the entire plot
different art styles
they all look like tumblrslop
yeah, artist should have
Varried up the line art
Try different lighting
Animate them slightly differently
worked for spider verse
Welcome back Drawn Together.
I really don't know how to put this, but this just feels like
Gassing up all the things I liked, the pilot
And that's it. I only saw a minute of this but I'm already put off to the idea of this because it doesn't feel like there's going to be more to the point of this outside of "naruto/disney/adventure time/Ghibli media "saved my life" and thus I made a animation about that" and nothing else.
Too infantile for me to grap onto. Not being rigged animation isn't enough to make to wanna watch that.
20 minutes
yeahhh I think I'm good
pseudo anime art style
cute aesthetic but le EDGY plotline
20+ minutes
why is indie animation like this
Buy an ad
Well that was a big bunch of nothing, rip off parody characters and a musical didn't sell me.
never Anon Babble ad shill
Indie animation is just blurring together for me at this point. Nobody is actually doing anything new or different or, god forbid, experimental now. It’s all the same bland, safe stuff you’d see on tv or on a streaming site that gets cancelled after the second season. There needs to be someone willing to do something wildly different and unexpected to really stand out.
Drawn Together but safe edgy
Western animation has fallen
anime style
without the quality
singing like fucking Hazbin
Glitch's shows are pretty unique, to be fair. I just finished watching Murder Drones and even though it's quite short it definitely has its own unique style and it's clear why it's a hit.
I'll give The Amazing Digital Circus a try next.
Murder Drones is what I immediately think of when looking at indie cartoon series that don't feel like is like the rest especially in terms of atmosphere and the general feel of the series. A lot of these indie pilots feel same-y and blend together so much that it's hard to remember or even tell them apart sometimes. Shows like MD that aren't afraid to be different from the rest and do something new are good and I wish more indies did that.
As for this Pilot, I was bored. For a few reasons I get the feeling like it's trying to be Helluva Boss / Hazin Hotel or at least similar. I don't like the musicals in those shows either.
I liked it. Animation choppy at points but I'm endeared.
Pip is Pain Girl's VA
also inheriting Pain Girl's hairstyle
the detective is Jax's VA
What the crap?! How many indie pilots are going to keep relying on Lizzie and Kovach to do the heavy lifting for the industry? I'm getting the feeling that these are only made to obtain royalties. Sounds kind of gay right there...
It helps that they can sing, I guess. I think musicals are fucking stupid though.
I think I've outgrown current cartoons, all of them look childish to me
Wait for mine then, it’s an action cartoon. Look out for The Phantom Skater
It worked on spiderverse because that a multimillion dollar production with people looking into it. This doesn't have that.
they could have have had original characters that were in different styles instead of not-finn, not-sasuke, not-tiana, etc.
What's the pitch?
Also that's a pretty Testuya Nomura hairstyle
I feel like there needs to be a tiny but more design variety here for a show about different pieces of art, like the top two look like they’re in the same style, same goes for the bottom left and bottom middle
Skater boy moves to a new town where he meets other skaters. They warn him to be careful after sundown because the town is haunted. Disbelieving them he stays out late to find out if it’s true. Trouble ensues, and he comes face to face with the mysterious figure named the phantom skater.
Im animating it all alone by myself and am considering doing VERY limited animation just to get the thing done, but I’m feeling a bit antsy after seeing so many pilots with lots of animation. I’m hoping to get this thing done by next year
Also thank you, being compared to Nomura is the best compliment I could ever receive.
The song's lyrical structure and rhyme schemes are bad but the vocals are good. Don't know how to feel about this.
Also half of the jokes are reference humor that just points stuff out. It isn't clever to acknowledge Toy Story or Frozen existing, it just feels like you ran out of actual jokes to tell.
Oh wait and I forgot to mention the skater boy gets attacked by demons, but the phantom skater saves his life with his skateboard powers.
Gen Z baby can't handle a half hour story.