Anon Babble General Drawthread

Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post

Keep requests Anon Babble related and keep them concise.

General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.

However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't Anon Babble material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.

Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.

Drawfriends, don't hold back.

If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.

Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.

No one is entitled to a request delivery.

Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.

Don't fight spam with spam.

No begging.

No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.

To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.

Have fun!

Collection of Deliveries:

Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:

Previous thread:

Requesting Angel posing like this.

Requesting more of this ship.

1729821427318.jpg - 1920x1080, 342.83K

Requesting Sasha as a cowgirl

sasha cowgirl.jpg - 1104x1020, 673.46K

Requesting outfit swap

Requesting this with a character of your choice

Requesting Raven dressed like Gero

gero raven.jpg - 1783x1493, 1.31M

Requesting Human Desiree performing a belly dance for Anne, Sasha and Marcy.

Requesting Kiki riding this bike.

kiki bike.jpg - 2394x1328, 1.23M

Requesting Miko teasing Miko

Requesting Hexadecimal as a LadyDevimon variant.

Requesting Darkseid being the victim of the Anti-Life Equation

Requesting the image on the right, but with a modern podcaster Leslie Willis becoming a lightning/terabytes of internet data themed version of Phantom Lady (Angel Blade) and Livewire

Requesting Monkey Star eating pork.

Requesting something going wrong here

Requesting April dressed like this

tsugumi april.jpg - 1308x1266, 441.13K

Requesting Ruby Gloom sandwiched between Mandy and Gaz

Requesting this but with the actual characters

Requesting Gwen experiencing a twist ending.

Requesting something similar to the bottom ref image, but with Five staring down a giant, buxom Hulk/Tetramand/Sheeva-like version of Glitch Miko clad in the remains of her uniform

Requesting Stan smoking a cigarette in satisfaction

Requesting Raph and Karen ice skating like Rocky and Adrian

IMG_7241.jpg - 1392x1623, 429.5K

Requesting April as a witch

april witch.jpg - 1000x1880, 617.99K

In the year (or more) since you first started spamming requests for this character you could have worked a couple shifts and Mcdonalds and earned the money to just commission this.

Requesting Cyborg finding some

btst2xbsnk911.png - 500x496, 362.6K

Requesting Starfire getting into trouble with the space cops.

Requesting Pomni kissing an anon on the cheek.

7342fef.jpg - 3364x1898, 935.16K

Requesting Hun and Casey reading playboys

Requesting Miko wearing only panties, fishnet leggings, and pasties on her nipples.

cuw8f32.jpg - 780x308, 85.3K

Requesting Birdie fawning over Sabertooth

Requesting Carl being the winner

Requesting gossip about Marco

Requesting this with a character of your choice

Requesting fusion

Requesting sisterly grooming

7700545_max.jpg - 565x1100, 69.98K

Requesting Splinter on the furry scale

Requesting Connie getting a lot of attention from the boys after becoming a cheerleader

Requesting Louise vs Shiki

louise shiki.jpg - 2376x2040, 1.77M

Requesting a sloth as an axeman

Requesting April showing off her back

april back.jpg - 1832x1525, 1002.64K

Requesting Karai drinking wine

1584056737044.jpg - 236x377, 19.56K

Requesting Gwen and Miles' baby

Requesting Priyanka doing illegal experiments in her basement

priyanka.jpg - 1700x2500, 1.15M

Requesting Cody and Starlee making out.

Requesting Enid killing some Yokai

1543191968422.png - 396x800, 184.2K

Requesting Raven dressed like Anko

raven anko.jpg - 1688x1168, 1.33M

Requesting Captain N complaining like a bitch on Twitter

892669.jpg - 650x1156, 101.15K

Requesting Penelope Parker doing that one Tobey Maguire pose.

Requesting these two eccentric little girls hanging out

pippi arale.jpg - 903x707, 323.02K

Requesting this with a character of your choice

Requesting Darcy vs Gert.

darcy gert.jpg - 1994x1498, 1.31M

Requesting Phantom Girl spying on Superman as he is sleeping

1627054563807.jpg - 958x958, 85.82K

Requesting Marcy eating some expensive sushi

Requesting Ro on planet Krypton

Ro.png - 600x450, 281.71K

Requesting Mowgli drinking beer.

mowgli beer.jpg - 1564x1474, 670.81K

Requesting the cartoon party fighting a dragon like in the image on the right, the dragon is maleficent.

Requesting the tick and ladybug on a romantic date.

Date in Paris.jpg - 1600x895, 196.94K

Requesting Fionna vs Splinter.

Requesting Chef chilling in Scientology Heaven

SummerSucks69.png - 1920x1080, 2.68M

Requesting king jack with the redheads from cartoon network from the 2000s, as in the image on the left.

King Jack.png - 3522x1000, 3.72M

Requesting Angel admiring April.

Requesting Skyla dressed like this.

skyla lucia.jpg - 2160x796, 622.11K

Requesting the Rainy Street wives partying

Requesting Goo and Numbuh 5 taking a selfie together (Goo on the left Numbuh 5 on the right)

Requesting Butterbean licking caviar.

Requesting Billy as a lizard

Requesting Marceline vs Scorpion

Requesting fusion

ribaru fusion.jpg - 2048x2000, 470.17K

Requesting Summer jogging

Requesting Ylva dressed like Ashei

ylva ashei.jpg - 2173x1636, 1.72M

Requesting whales showing up on the moon so the whalers don't need to tell tall tales

Requesting Star dressed like the countess.

countess star.jpg - 1120x844, 361.52K

Requesting Nico dragging Peter to the love room.

Requesting Jubilee on the hook.

jubilee hook.jpg - 848x2024, 1M

Requesting Angel wearing the Junketsu

one request posted every minute for over an hour

they all suck


Requesting Bonnie Rockwaller wearing a Pornhub sportsbra. Either while working out, in the gym locker room or just out in the open.
Mr spammy man is on a rampage. No wonder most artists ignore the 1st 100 or so requests.

BDR-Request.png - 1244x1080, 1.53M

Requesting the artist's choice getting married to Ludmilla.

bridezilla.jpg - 1024x768, 123.34K

he doesn't want any delivery, he just wants to spam

he doesn't even give the full reference anymore

to whoever made this, thank you so much, I request to add the sunglasses and tattoo for my beloved Madeline pls!

Can't we report those that are obviously spam?

oops, here is the picture

gets a delivery

begs even more

You're a scumbag with an awful taste in fetishes, schizo

Requesting Ezeckiel Zick Barrymore from Monster Allergy cosplaying as post time-skip Zoro withouth his upper dress and wearing the bandana with his right eye closed doing the three sword style (with the respective swords in the reference), also add the earrings pls

Requesting this cover but with Apocalypse Samurai from Mutant Busters wearing his mask and shooting a blue laser from the bottom muzzle and with a blue muzzle flash

Requesting this comic but with Wally Machaby and Terrence Thaur from Monster Allergy

Requesting drawing of Zatanna doing this pose

Requesting young Marceline really scared

Requesting Chelsea waking up with her roots showing

chelsea (1).png - 2028x912, 1.35M

Requesting Starfire wearing Sue Storm's 90s costume with Teen Titans logo cutout


Requesting whatever version of Supergirl (you) like looking wistfully out of a window with the curtain hiding her naughty bits. Or just the reference image with a superman logo tattoo instead of that triangle thing

wistful kara.jpg - 1280x1600, 364.84K

Please stop! I can't request anything on here if you keep trolling my request with "lol".

Requesting Spider-Man and Frankie Foster re-creating the Spider-Man wedding comic cover, in honor of the two of them being this year's Mr. and Ms. Anon Babble. As for the background, I was thinking a few of the other Mr. and Ms. participants, but blank is fine too.

Requesting Connie using a gun like a real Texan

connie gun.jpg - 238x598, 84.1K

Requesting a comfy Luz in a sinister room.

I think that's his idea.

Anon Babble Sabrina getting all the attention at the beach while Betty and Veronica fume jealously in the background.

Best Girl.jpg - 976x1305, 1.7M

Requesting Candle Fox dress as Flonne

Well then, I stop requesting stuff on here for a while.

Requesting Odalia Blight wearing a very skimpy belly dancer attire.
Optionally have her sensually dancing and shaking her curves.

Requesting Bessie Higgenbottom cosplay as Julia Whitepearl

Begging fuck get the rope

Requesting the Flashgitz version of Pocahontas smiling and waving

How!.jpg - 1614x1209, 257.14K

Requesting Hyperion vs piccolo. Type of background can be artists choice, I was gonna say space but piccolo can't survive in space

CvX7e7kJRiNL.png - 1000x1000, 899.11K

Requesting Gwen Wu dress as Hortensia

Almost three days and I never noticed this post. Sorry for being a dummy but that's fine I know these things take time and I'm nothing but patient so take as much as you need and I'll be here when you're ready.
Anchoring for the last time.

So do groomers.

do you even know what that word means? fucking retard

Can I get Magik in her Darkchilde form, wearing stirrup leggings over her goat legs?

Magikal Legs.jpg - 1567x1134, 1.46M

The work is there and the artist will deliver it. You lost anon you can let go of this already.

Requesting Kim Popularé dress as Agnea Bristarni

Requesting Gabi Hernandez and Gogo Tomago taking a selfie together.

Gabi X Gogo.png - 2414x1808, 3.44M

Requesting Mark and Hank Hoagies having a ninja fight using hot dogs for nunchaku.

ubg.png - 631x330, 375.71K

Requesting Anthro Version of Honey dress as Drasna

cosplay as

Do you even want this or are you just looking to fill up the thread?

Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon as a cute stalker/yandere type peering in with heart eyes

Fudlafa.jpg - 890x2177, 501.57K


Requesting Terri Buns cosplay as Estellise Heurassein

Requesting ko sitting on Wilhamena's lap while she smokes

lap wilham.png - 3000x1980, 2.79M

requesting Lila from Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse being nudged (or licked like the dolphin's a puppy dog) by a dolphin like Maya Graham in The New Adventures of Flipper

request19.png - 1440x1080, 869.87K

Requesting kim pine dressed as left pic, yes even the spear would be nice.

kim boudica.png - 1671x1080, 1.01M

Requesting Casey Krinsky dressed as Zatanna on the left panel

CaseyZatanna.jpg - 1447x1037, 453.25K


Requesting a short hair post grad Harleen Quinzel hiking up her graduation robe and mooning the crowd.

Requesting Raggedy Princess lying in bed next to the viewer and smiling.

not OR, this hilda remember me strike witches, very cute

Requesting Oswalda Cobblepot in the same pose as Kim Kardashian

Requesting Nia from I can't Sleep dressed as Cate Archer from No One Lives Forever with Room from Boisvert dressed as Bond doing this James Bond poster.

Dr No.png - 2136x450, 897.04K

Requesting Edda, in a tight version her schoolgirl uniform, like the bottom pic

edda.jpg - 1492x1156, 465.19K

Requesting Kiff Chatterley dress as Julia Whitepearl

Requesting Collin as a Holy Sheep Dragon

Holy dragon.png - 776x346, 328.12K

Requesting a redraw with Cyn & Tessa

Fwends.png - 449x221, 99.63K

I task anyone to draw a JudoChan in their respective style.

Requesting "The Lovers" (the image on the left) with Kitty Softpaws, Puss in Boots and Perrito

Requesting Gerty abducted by Stereo Monovici from Space Goofs and then both fallen in love (just like a image below).

requesting someone draw a hypothetical deleted scene of crown and out that has Lola and Rita practicing the book balancing technique (eyes forward, chin up, tushy clinched) from the season 1 episode roughin’it but Rita ends up ripping her pants during the tushy clinched part


Requesting Goat cosplay as Liete

Requesting the image on the right with Dr Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder

Requesting Marilyn Monroe's infamous dress scene from the Seven Year Itch with femboy Double Trouble getting their dress blown up with an optional Catra as Tom Ewell's character looking on.

7 year itch.jpg - 3474x1129, 495.49K

Requesting Marceline aggressively kissing her mother Elise similar to the bottom picture. First one grabbing her by the face and kissing her deep, then pulling away with a saliva trail going between their mouths.

marcy mommy.jpg - 1024x984, 152.94K

Requesting size-change fusion

requesting a cavegirl version of Mertle and friends (or just Mertle) Simmilar to cavegirl lilo

Requesting the Carol Ferris Star Sapphire recreating the poster of Ferris Buller's Day Off.

Requesting Tina Russo dress as Rose form Street Fighter Alpha

Requesting Azula getting drunk like Kana

reference.png - 873x1117, 980.93K

Requesting Christie Glamorpuss dress as Createur Rosenqueen

Requesting this funny meme but with the characters from Batman the animated series. Draw them wearing their own outfits.

joker chariot.png - 865x1095, 950.58K

Requesting Casey Calderon and Carlota Casagrande sharing a passionate kiss at the beach.

Requesting fusion between the Sector Vhouse and an Ork Gargant

Vgant.jpg - 1299x926, 396.72K

Requesting the left pic with Kiff Chatterley and Candle Fox

Requesting Kali Belladonna from RWBY in her workout outfit from this fanart (by Aestheticc-Meme)

thumb.jpg - 250x279, 22K

Anon Babbleing Supergirl or Power Girl wearing a 'kryptonian' outfit like the artist on the right. Instead of 'Uchis' have the jewelry spell out 'Zor-El' with the El sigil on both sides of it.

I'm annoyed Nicki Minaj doesn't thot it up anymore, truly a loss of prime reference material to us low requesters

Requesting Shaka Booga cooking Slirps from Atomic Betty. Make that little guy relaxing with his hands behind his head.

shaka slirps.jpg - 2681x1384, 678.34K

Requesting Spear and Dexter Caveman facing off in Unga Bunga.

Requesting Miss Deer Teacher cosplay as Rozalin

Requesting Mai with a fat ass. Any (rear showing) pose, outfit and expression will be fine

Mai.png - 794x962, 912.64K

Requesting Ruby and Sapphire in the Garnet from wearing a one piece swimsuit

Screenshot.png - 727x900, 479.78K