Is Anon Babble ready for a Jubilee series?

One World Under Doom tie in coming.

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Does Jubilee ever "level up" her powers? In the cartoon, she just blinded and confused people with her fireworks, but her powers could be much more dangerous. It's an explosion and fire, she could really hurt somebody if she made it big.

I'm going to be real here. I only liked Jubilee because of Alyson Court. Unless she voices her today, I can't really give a damn. She is cute, but not enough to keep me invested in watching a series about her.

Does Jubilee ever "level up" her powers

Yes. She had the ability to cause a stroke in any living creature by detonating the shit inside their brain. She specifically has the power to basically nuke anything she wants and she nukes the Collectors (IIRC) ship from the inside, which results in her losing her clothes and hair. But she has spoken about her desire not to harm people with her abilities, which is why it is limited to what she does in the cartoon. Emma Frost says she could basically go to any level she wanted. Jubilee also blows up a building when she thinks Wolverine is dead and that's another reason why she doesn't do it (emotions make shit bigger). Alternate reality Jubilee's have no such qualms, however.

Finally, they made her 'relevant' by making her a vampire for a bit and then Phoenix Forcing it out of her.

Are (You) Ready for the fucking Loony Bin????

Honestly thought she disappeared from the comics after the 90ties

I still miss Jubilee when she had fangs


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Did no one tell Lee she was only 14?

That’s how 14 year olds were built back then anon.

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From what is teased

Peter parker dies for good, aka we are getting morlun reborn shit where peter died and he was reborn beneath the brooklyn bridge

Kurt is mutating into what peter became for a while with 4 arms and possibly taking the mantle, unless is miles forced down everyone's throats

Rogue becomes the new Cyclops, so something will happen to Scott during World Under Doom.

Chuck gets free and takes magneto's helmet and puts on his head, so it means he and Doom are facing off.

Well Lee was bringing a ton of japanese hentai tapes and top of the line doujinshi to his home back in the 90's from his travels

If they sideline Cyclops again I swear I'm done with the X-Men for real this time.

So what will lead to this new series?
Doom making Jubilee leader of his mutant team Seven Daggers if Latveria?
Doom using Jubilee as an energy source?
Sorcerer Supreme Doom seeks Jubilee as a young bride?

check the xmen thread, Kurt is getting peter's 4 arm spider mutation and Rogue is now Cyclops as if she absorbed all of his powers, so it seems that the entire cloning shit that crippled magneto is taking its price again, and since rogue hasn't died or cloned.
Colossus will die to the metallic beasts and Charles is using Magneto's helmet

Which comic is Colossus appearing in now?

(Besides playing off panel chess with Illyana)

I don’t think anyone are.

Maybe that information did not come up.

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Chuck gets free and takes magneto's helmet and puts on his head

Wouldn't that just negate Chuck's powers?

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Wow, everyone got an eyeful of Jubilee back in the day.
Marvel is too chicken to ever do something like this to Kamala Khan.

Edible panties

Jubilee doesn't have enough lore for a solo act

Seems that the metal dogs are related to the wolverine comic

It can be done.

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We don't need it

Why do you keep posting this you fucking autistic weirdo?

Different anon but earlier this year there were 4 one shot mutant comics for the Bloodhunt event:
Psylocke, Laura Kinney, Magik and Jubilee. In that order.

Now post-Krakoa we have ongoing titles for 3 of them. Odds are Jubilee will get an ongoing. Not sure if OP is right though.

reminder any of this is not real and OP is a schizo-waifufag that has been making up "rumors" about an ongoing for months
you can easily trace it back up in the archives too

Doesn’t Psylocke already cover the token Asian female solo?



implying she wears any underwear
