Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish just dropped on Netflix and their second season hinges on you watching it on there. Get to it.
Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish just dropped on Netflix and their second season hinges on you watching it on there...
no, buy an add if you care so much
Spoken like a true corporate shill
Talking about comics and cartoons on Anon Babble makes you a shill
They're probably Disney shills doing the ol "accuse others of what you're doing" strat.
That said, these whole watch on streaming to get this cartoon renewed movements have worked a grand total of never.
Worth a shot, I figure. This is one of the few times creators have outright said watching the streaming service actually matters.
don't tell me what to do
inshallah may it die
woke slop
Die in a fire
Thanks for the reminder OP. Time to binge it again on Netflix
Little rich asshole becomes the best character in the show
How does it keep happening?
They had a good template to improve upon
Shit's cancelled btw
Season 2 needs to happen just to bring him back.
You hear people complain that Nick cancels everything that isn't as successful as SpongeBob, but season 13 SpongeBob episodes have around 120,000 viewers at premiere meanwhile FOP new wish has like half that.
I’m on it, but if we couldn’t save Scavenger’s Reign I don’t know if we can this one
and their second season hinges on you watching it on there. Get to it.
Sorry, I’m off the clock.
Cute black feet
Do you guys have to be weird? That said, UUUUOOOOOOHHHH!!! TToTT
This show has fans?
Yeah, and a lot of them want to fuck Adult Poof.
Why is Timmy African and why does he have eyelashes?
no no, Timmy is an adult now and currently blowing out Tootie's back.
I see you're posting pics from your DeviantArt account again, JillyBob123.
Negligent muscle dad, ugly bus driver was already deconfirmed as adult Timmy. Unless there's multiple adult Timmys running around and he's not "the" one.
Me on the left.
ough a shitty butch hartman character in an even shittier animation style but OUGH the character was a baby I'm gonna cooooom
god zoomers are pathetic
They like to slip the fat bald guy into a bunch of episodes, or have other weird apparitions of Timmy pop up like the squirrel.
My daughter couldn't make it past the first episode.
Doesn't help that they have no original seasons of FOP on Netflix. (The voices in spanish for the new seasons are horrible)
Its dead on arrival.
That's nasty. Timmy should be a chad.
when did black people all decide they had to do this, I have had black friends and they never did this until tiktok
why is frisk there
who could you possibly mistake for Frisk in this image?
I'm doing it just for him desu
Do what?
It's not Timmy.
They do it cuz they got their hair did.
I’ve slept with a black girl a couple of times and she did that often. It was cute honestly
We need season 2 so he can get a second chance at being Dev's godparent and not fuck it up this time.
firmly grasp it
consume the slop
Industry folk need emails
Remake Crime Wave.
Forever mad that we were supposed to get an entire Dev and Peri bonding episode but it got scrapped.
Too based to happen. Little boys being naked is funny, little girls being naked is a federal crime. I don't think there's anyway to trick them into thinking its a bold feminist statement, either.
I'm more annoyed we never got an episode that showed how Dev and Foop took over Fairy World.
Netflix will kill this in few months.
28 likes and zero comments
Boo, that is not interested.
Hah! That is very wrong. New season 2 will come soon.
I like to think that Dev was most of the brains behind the plan.
And, Nice try.
The fact that they managed to make people horny for a character with a square head is a feat not accomplished since the pink dinosaur lady on Gregory Horror Show.
The blatant intent behind OP's "discussion" makes it shilling.
He's actually allowed to be flawed and interesting compared to the safe avatar protag made for brown people.
Still, the fact that he's super cunty and standoffish would make him a pretty bad protag for a kid's show. He and Hazel actually work really well together, they round out each other's weaker traits and they play off each other nicely.
the fact that he's super cunty and standoffish would make him a pretty bad protag for a kid's show
Nobody said he should be, it's just a basic explanation of why he's infinitely more interesting to watch in comparison.
Not really all that insane honestly, objectheads are pretty popular with fangirls so it stands to reason that a guy with a cube head would end up a kind of sexyman.
Also it helps that the popular way to give him a human form is to make him buff and turn the square head into and angular chad jaw thing.