Before elections of 2024

Before elections of 2024

retweeted owl house things and tweeted things related to "Stand with animation"

After elections of 2024

It's now a crying baby who is saying 24/7 "Trump le bad, Harris le good"
how can a promise of the animation industry go down so bad.

Fuck the election, I want to hear about the animation industry

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She needs to make a new show that nobody will watch

TDS is a pitiful thing.

Odalia would have voted for Trump

Being the God Fearing Christian Trad Wife that she is.

This happened because the babies had 4 years of having their bottle. You're gonna see them get a LOT more mental.

But Dana, it was reading and educating myself that brought me to choosing Trump over Harris.

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I just care about the cunny. Haven't even watched the show.

Nothing infuriates me more than how these motherfuckers posture as virtuosos and advocates of critical thinking, yet they're thoroughly incapable of comprehending that somebody could possibly be critical of THEIR ideas. As if the only reason people don't submit is because they just don't know better.

Could someone at Disney make a reboot of The Owl House? Is the IP theirs to use still?

They said they were going to pretend it doesn't exist, not that they were handing the rights to the public domain

Why do a lot of these animators seem so disingenuous. Dana. Hirsch. It's just hard to take their grieving seriously over topics like this.

Fuck the animation industry, I want to watch the wokies who killed it die.

It's a leftist problem, every study done on the subject says they have no theory of mind for people who disagree with them, but right wingers understand how leftists think.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying the average person in this country has gotten significantly less intelligent. you probably agree, you just disagree on who exactly the less intelligent people are.

I like it when they unknowingly post the african american demigraphic map

How can it get even worse? Aren't people already being burned out by it?

Nobody- not you, not the average voter, not Donald Trump, has done a single second of critical thinking on Republican policies. Trump won because the price of a McChicken is up and now they're going to realize that tripling the price of anything made in China is not the way to make it affordable again

Bitch shut up and post more of your art sona.

Seriously how did she get a cartoon to begin with? These people act like high schoolers still.

She STILL doesn't get it.

People who decided to do more research and reading is exactly how Trump fucking won. People saw Tulsi Gabbard be vocal against war in the Democratic Party and then she was put on a fucking terror watch list while Hillary called her a Russian instigator. People lived through years where they were told that untested liquid in syringes was meant to cure us from a disease whose origins were lied about and when a lifelong democrat spoke up about it, he was blacklisted. People saw that our current President was slowly losing his mental faculties and then realized he barely made any public appearances in the last four years while we were told, "He's fine, mind sharp as a tack!".

We watched as other people spoke out against these things and were de-platformed, blacklisted, or silenced by big corporations in Silicon Valley. It was revealed to us that the fucking CIA approached these companies and pressured them into doing so. We saw the fucking FBI raid a former President's home and politically persecute him on bogus charges in order to discourage him from running again.

We witnessed YET ANOTHER FUCKING COUP by the Democratic Party and were told how America loves her actually when her approval rating was so garbage, she willingly dropped out of the race. We saw the blatant biases in Hollywood, we saw the constant fearmongering, we saw lies and edits pushed by the media, we saw how fucking unhinged and Orwellian the elites in charge were acting while conservatives were merely going on podcasts and having hours-long, unedited conversations. Then we saw a running candidate almost get fucking shot on TV and every news station stopped covering that after a week. They fucking obsessed over a joke about Puerto Rico longer than Trump's assassination. They didn't even bother talking about the second one.

So, Dana, tell me. How would reading Robin DiAngelo's "White Fragility" make people less "more educated" in your fucking eyes?

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The sheer irony of this woman's words.

Yeah we fucked up the economy voting in Dems but those other guys are totally worse

This is why you fags lost

Wild to watch marxist transvestites crawl out of the wood work to defend corporate profits derived from this world slave labor.

please learn to speak English before replying to me.

Biden stopped the bleeding from Trump's legendarily retarded bungling of covid just like Obama saved us after Bush fucked the housing market

They said they were going to pretend it doesn't exist


Nah this is just the two party system anon.
Losing party always throws a 4-8 year temper tantrum.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain what Trump has done that's supposedly so bad.

Nice fan fic lmao. Covid would've been nothing if libtards didn't flip out about it.
He was like vaguely racist once or something

He's just a loathsome motherfucker, period.

Dramatics like this is why you guys lost.

Part of rebellion



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Like you're one to talk about dramatizing. It's not really dramatizing pointing out that Donald Trump is kind of a douche

it would have been nothing if he had committed to shutting down the country or even left it open and never had any lockdowns in the first place. countries did both those things and came out the other side significantly better than Blumpf's half assed attempt at having it both ways

sorry nigga but you won the popular vote, we're the counterculture now

When even a faggot like Nico doesn't want to talk to you, you must really have an insufferable personality.

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It is though because it's been repeated by you fags non stop for years now. You seriously think that the fear mongering the left does about this guy is justified?


Ah I see a retarded person. Carry on anon

u mad?

Israel is our ally. The people might not see it that way, but the government does, so there's no fucking way in hell ANY politician with an anti-Israel stance was ever going to get into office. It's just unrealistic to expect any presidential candidate that could've ran on that platform and won.

No leftists are just funny to me

The fact they lost the popular vote this time is especially fucking their brains I feel

Israel is our ally

They sell our secrets to other countries and constantly false flag us. They have attacked Americans on American soil. They are not our allies, they're a self serving rogue nation.

People who decided to do more research and reading is exactly how Trump fucking won.

lol lmao.

People are so out of touch with actual information that a sizable chunk of the voting base didn't even know Biden got removed until the day they went to vote.

Nobody did this when Bush won because Bush didn't run on openly authoritarian rhetoric.

Bush didn't run on openly authoritarian rhetoric.

you are literally underage

She voted for the least liked VP in history. She voted for someone who performed so poorly, she dropped out. She voted for someone who has no policies except for abortion and "I'm not Trump". She voted for someone who raised a billion in her campaign and still managed to be $20mil in debt. She voted for someone who picked Tim Walz as their VP on the basis of, "I was sleepy when I made the decision". She voted for someone who couldn't answer a single question in an interview and is known for "word salad" answers. She voted for someone who quite literally slept her way to the top and only got to be VP on a DEI hire. She voted for all this just because the media told her to.

And... Trump voters are the ones being manipulated?

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He didn't say he was going to use the US military to go after people that don't like him.

People who voted for “cost of living” voted for tariffs. It’s alright to whinge about how stupid people are.

lefty faggots before the election

gym culture is a right-wing cult

guns are evil

self sufficiency is a dog whistle for white supremacy

cottage core is a christofacist pipeline

lefty faggots now

work out every day

arm yourself

stock up on non-perishables and build a garden in your back yard

move off grid and don't trust the government

Do these people really want the first female president to be a woman who's known in every upper echelon for being a brain dead whore? It's not like Hillary, who was known for her cutthroat nature, Kamala is literally only known for sleeping her way to the top.

Anybody got that tumbler comic of her cartoon persona being an axe muderer?

I heard an interesting position on the US/Israel relationship the other day that the reason the US tolerates them so much isn't necessarily because of all the jewish politicians (that's also why tho) but because if Israel was left to fend for itself, as a nuclear power it'd immediately tardrage into WWIII and unlike North Korea the US can't just sanction it into oblivion and put it in the time out corner because of the thorough integration of Zionist rep in the federal government.

I'm just glad to see low IQ sociopaths suffer. My only regret is they're not actually suffering any oppression and it's all made up.

Last election had one of the lowest voter turn outs in history, it went the way it did because the populace want personalities not policies. The average voter works on vibes.

Any one who says they want a lower cost of living who voted for trump just doesn’t know what their voting for objectively. Cost of living will soar massively, thanks to tariffs, thanks to deportation, thanks to union dismantling. It will be an ugly and expensive four years.

They believe the fictionalized version of Harris, which they made up and told to themselves, was the one up for election. Not the actual retard who was, at the very best, going to be a puppet for foreign interests and a seat warmer until the 2028 election.

They did the same exact thing with Biden. They imagined him as this kindly, charismatic grandpa who overcame a stutter and served the people his whole life, beloved by his community and with absolutely no mountain of political corruption and international scandals in his past or still happening, like a crackhead, whoremongering, kickback banking son and a daughter who admitted to be molested by him.

Partially true. The actual purpose of Israel is the make sure countries use the US dollar for international exchanges, which perpetuates the dollar's buying power. Every time Israel stirs up shit, the surrounding country buys weapons in dollars, similar to why we're still in Ukraine.

Mate a 20-100% tariff will make things 20-100% more expensive. That is just reality, the customer always pays for tariffs

muh tariffs

outsourced manufacturing has been a disaster for the entire planet. America has the land, resources, and technology to support itself without a slave caste of immigrants.

I mean, it doesn't have to. You just have to regulate the corporations and punish them if they jack prices. But that would be socialism

These retards think it'll be okay and that manufacturing will come back to America. Laugh at them.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to think those companies will cease operations overseas, open brand new factories in America, and pay those workers a living wage rather than just make you pay the tariff?

The zionists infiltrate everything though. Australia has no economic ties to Israel, no cultural ties and we aren’t regional neighbours but guess which country gets the most lobbiest sponsored visits by politicians and journalists.

Honestly I reckon the main reason the dems sabotaged Bernie sanders was that he’s Israel critical.

Trump and Elon will fight for us instead of the corporations, guys

There's no way you actually believe that.

The Owl House fucking sucks.

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Also with calling mexicans every slur possible, calling for their deportation, for not voting the way they wanted them to.
Two sides of the same coin.

It's already too expensive and not worth the slimmest discount to manufacture in China anyways. Corporations have been scurrying to any other countries they can find in search of the next China, because they're still being incentivized to think the outsourcing bubble hasn't popped.

I'm totally fine with these coastal liberal elitists talking down to people like this and not learning a goddamn thing. Keep it up. Vance 2028, baby. Then maybe Vivek afterwards. Let's have two decades of Republicans if Democrats aren't gonna learn why people left their party.

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all 8 of these are true btw

Emmy C locked down her Twitter

This isn't the first time she completely left social media, some time ago she was gone for about 2 and a half years. I can't blame her if she chooses to go off the grid again, and I hope she finds peace wherever she may find it.

Companies will always pay Ling Ling and Xi Xiao 50 cents a day instead of paying your ass $20/hr to make shoes. I don't know how naive you have to be to think otherwise.

economy going to shit

people can't afford groceries

rich leftists scream and holler that incumbents lose

how did the left get so out of touch?

Nah I hope her and people who think like they do kill themselves and go directly to hell

Maybe some people just deserve racism & sexism and it getting gradually worse, too

We live in too polarized an era for that to happen anymore. Vance will get annihilated in 2028 by Walz or whoever the fuck, then he'll win in 2032, then he'll get btfo by AOC or something in 2036 and so on because both sides care more about punishing the other than implementing policy

Trump wins electoral, loses popular


Trump wins electoral and popular


Oh, so basically, the whole abolish electoral college shit meant nothing and you were gonna be mad no matter what, huh?

Bruh, Walz is done.

That's not very nice of you

I was just spitballing but basically anyone they have down the pipeline has a shot especially if it's against Vance and not big Donny

Spoiled children aren't rational.

Come March, Trump will announce we aren't having anymore elections and will declare marshal law

If Walz runs against Vance, it's going to be a massive sweep in Vance's favor. Walz initially ran on a "Vance is weird!" campaign and all it did was highlight how aggressively normal and relatable Vance is and how fucking bizarre and creepy Walz is. That was only in the span of four months. Can you imagine what would be revealed if Walz ran for a fucking year?

If you didn't understand that post, pay more attention in your ESL classes.

marshal law

I'm just disappointing neither candidate talked about AI, I loved seeing artists reeee about losing commissions, I thought democrats were gonna try to ban it

Nah, this will turn around. Nobody voted republican they voted trump. You think there’s a figure that stands out as trump 2 among the republic ranks? It will be 4 years of tariffs, Americans figuring out what tariffs actually do, Americans figuring out what dismantling regulations actually does and then finally when Americans figure what dismantling unions does for them to realise that the thing they are aspiring to become is a cheap labour base like China or India whilst being gouged on prices. Then they’ll change their tune. They’ll just have to stew in it first.

No more political ads texting me

Yes please!

Also genocide
It took almost nothing for her to sign off on genocide

blumpf didn't say this but he should do that

Republicans will find another scapegoat once people start googling tariffs and figuring out why eggs cost $18

Nah right wingers are just as clueless, I've never met anyone like the memes irl

I'm sure you post contains many words, however, nobody is going to take economic advice from your retards ever again.

Cause both sides had major tech people backing them who are very pro-AI.

Did they or did you just not know them? Do you really think any of this idiotic bullshit would fly if they were serious? No infighting? No conflict at all? No stray parties? Abandoning your ideals just so you don't offend some disgusting fetishists? Get real.

Well the science says otherwise, and every interaction with a leftist just reconfirms it.

what's normal and relatable about Vance? the group chats full of 15 year old groypers he chills in? his indian cuck wife who politely listens to him ramble about miscegenation being evil? his repressed tranny fantasies?
Calling Republicans weird wasn't what fucked Kamala, it was immediately doubling back on it and being like 'actually republicans are our friends and i'll fill my cabinet with them and basically run the country like one!'

Not one of trumps policies help cost of living. People who can’t afford groceries now definitely won’t be able to afford them when tariffs makes the 89% of goods America consumes more expensive.

They really switched, the gop used to be the rich elite's party

Yeah you're right I should rise above that, being visceral, rude, anti human, hate filled monsters is for liberals and women like her

Doesn't matter. people aren't going to keep the incumbent in. happening all over the world.

Democrats are much less likely to be pro AI

he genuinely actually doesn’t know

Maybe people who VOTE democrat, but that's different than people who are in positions of power on the democratic side. The latter are being backed by 95% of tech companies. There's no incentive to be against AI in their minds.

Hey dumbass bitch. Why not, instead of complaining about the results of possibly one of the most fucked elections ever, use some of your Owl House money and move to Canada or something? I don't get it. She has the ability to just immigrate to another country.

I know everything.
Accept that you're too stupid to understand how anything works, and let normal people clean up the shitshow of the last four years.

Can you link me some studies?

Canada is getting a more retarded and less charismatic Trump within the year though

I have no idea who any of these people are other than trump and kamala

I could, but given that you're currently on the internet, you can just google them yourself, given that they're old news by now.

All the bitch had to do was talk for three hours with Rogan. It didn't even have to be about politics, it could've been about cooking. Her handlers wouldn't even let her do that.

Get 1 billion dollars for a campaign of 4 months

End up 20 million in debt

That tells you all you need to know about leftist economic policies.

Doo Rag is a tracing of Michael Scott's persona Prison Mike from the American version of "the office".

Because her brains were just as fried as Biden but instead of dementia it was pills and liquor

I ain’t in your mess bud that’s all you. If you don’t get the economic realities of large scale protectionism that’s fine you soon will. Cost of living will go up, effective wages will go down. That’s just what you voted for.

Trump isn’t even a liar a here. Hell musk outright said Americans will soon suffer economic hardship.

Rogan isn't as malleable as he was 8 years ago. He would have grilled her on trannies and the economy. There are a lot of reasons Kamala lost, that isn't one of them

Dana and Alex are just pissed cause they thought of themselves as mini-celebrities and now realize celebrities don't have the same talking power as when they were little kids.

Tulsi gabbard 2032

Nah, it would've only sunk her more she's extremely uncharismatic not even her supporters like her

remembering all those posts justifying her not appearing on the show because she had better things to do in the last week of the campaign

Yeah, modern geopolitics are so fucked. How did it come to this? When did it all go so wrong in this country and subsequently every other country? Everything seemed normal 20-30 years ago, and yeah yeah neoliberalist hellscape yadda yadda, but I'm not talking about the content of the era, but the political demeanor of the country. Sure, the left and right sides of the aisle have always had animosity, but it's bled into every day life now. It feels like you have to HATE anyone who doesn't share your political leanings like we're all in some kind of gang war. Nothing's ever going to get done if we're splitting up into two factions and trying to eliminate the other. We need to find common ground again somehow and neither Trump OR Kamala were the way to do that in my opinion.

For herself and her party.

Geopolitics were surprisingly not that important to voters this time around

Don't forget that this bitch was all for the planned parenthood shit and she was even prostituting her characters for donations.

So I don't understand how exactly could that stupid moron or the faggot manlet she dated be considered good promises for animation industry.

Replying to myself to consider an answer I thought of. I think it was 9/11. An attack on American soil, one of only a handful in its entire history, galvanized a nation to the point of blind fervor against and entire region of the world. It justified the disgusting actions of the government and their destabilizing actions in the Middle East that ultimately LED to 9/11 happening. I could be wrong, I'm no historian, just a high loser laying in bed after his wageslave shift, but it feels like political extremism started to creep into the frame.

The fact it wasn't was the reason I didn't vote this election honestly.

How did it come to this?

Jimmy Carter in 2012 said he thought the country was more divided than we were before the civil war.

He wasn't wrong then, but we're definitely getting increasingly polarized. It used to be very common for a president to say that they wanted to be everybody's president, even for the people who didn't vote for them. Trump was very clear when he said he already had all the votes he needed.
Election and politics is simply about satisfying only the people who voted for you. Even in elections with high turnout, that still typically amounts to less than half the populace.

So how long till the Trump Elon divorce?

I just want him to pretend to be left and try and convince us he's not weird.

There is no combination of words you can put together that will ever make tariffs "anti-working class".
Cost of living exposed under your policies, we're going to fix it, and there's nothing you can do to stop us.

Probably within the first 100 days, but I expect him to go back to sucking off DeSantis first

Other than the economy, trannies was the biggest issue that won the swing states, dems pushed child surgical transitions and trannies in womens sports so aggressively for 4 years, things that not even a lot of leftists agree with, it's like they thought the opinions of twitter trannies/furry pfps represented average Americans

But that's the thing. Kamala lost because she didn't TRY to be everyone's president. She blew any chance of winning by simply shrugging her shoulders and ceding anywhere she deemed to be "Trump Country" and seeing them as "lost causes". Looking at electoral college maps from not even twenty years ago, the STARK shift of states that used to be predominantly blue to majority red is genuinely stupefying.

Will we see a return to the leftist terrorism of the 1970s?

I used to be pro-abortion until I found out that babies who survived abortion were basically left to die. Then all the arguments of "her body, her choice" or "it's just a clump of cells" or "it's not a person, it's a fetus" went out the window because that is just straight-up baby murder. Then I realized this ideology led me down the path of baby murder-- and that point, you could probably convince me of fucking anything. So now I've reverted all the way back to thinking elective abortions are just abhorrent.

I wish this fact could be brought up to many of the vocal pro-abortion activists, especially the ones like Hirsch and Dana, and ask them what their thoughts are on it. Would they admit that it's fine to let a baby who survived an abortion die? Would they justify it and say it wasn't meant to be born to begin with? I have a feeling they would side-step the issue and never want to confront it.

Let's be honest here technically the left won, sure he's beack but the next four years will have a republican Party that fucking despises each other.

These mother fuckers will be trying to kill each other day one.

This comment section is beyond cancer

So the average Anon Babble thread?

comment section

Tourists out.

Over what?
They're all on the same page on every issue.
Trannycrats are the ones tearing themselves apart.

We'll have to wait and see, but I'm just hoping some old curmudgeonly Republican bastard spitefully strikes down all that crazy shit in Project 2025. That's all that matters to me.

It's not a comment section and you're the cancer.

She was pandering hard to the center. Why else do you think she accepted Cheney's endorsement and pushed for a far-right border bill?
there is no future in centrism.

Comment section.

Go back to watching Friday Night Funkin' and FNAF theory videos on Youtube, you fucking zoomer faggot.

So the Uniparty isn't a conspiracy theory any more?

Dog, we're probably never having elections again after this one. The left lost really fucking badly. We're gearing up for a dictatorship. Pack it up and move if that's an option.

Over what?

Spending time with each other.

Can you honestly believe Elon and Trump not to turn on each other the moment Elon tries to get attention?

That's gen alpha

far-right border bill

you can ONLY let 10 trillion illegals in before the president can consider stopping it for a day if he feels like it

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He appointed a lot of people who have their names on it to key positions in his cabinet
Say goodbye to porn.

It's a pretty good snapshot of why animation and really all creative media is dead.

one brain laps and autists cry

sorry... thread, it doesn't help you fags infect every comment section on most websites

Five minutes of knowing trump and everyone will be wondering how do I kill the old fucker.

What a blessing to have the dumbest psychos to ever live as enemies.

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She didn't try to be anyone's president.

No fracking!

Oh wait, maybe we'll engage in fracking!

Open borders is the way!

Oh wait, maybe it's too open, let's secure the border!

Tax proposal on unrealized capital gains!

Uh, uh, uh, wait, I meant to say no tax on tips like Trump said!!!

Vote YES for transgender surgeries paid for by the government!

Oh wait, uh, I will... follow the law.... regarding transgender surgeries... Regardless of what it is....

The ONLY thing she was ever consistent on was abortion and that's such a fucking pathetic thing to base your campaign on while we're on the brink of another world war with an energy and financial crisis going on.

More like prolapse.

Can you honestly believe Elon and Trump not to turn on each other the moment Elon tries to get attention?

You mean their entire presidential campaign?

nah, you're just a bitter basement dweller

"Trump le bad, Harris le good

This is true

He's surrounded by loyalists in the most powerful position in the world. There is nobody coming to save us. This motherfucker will be a king by March

Read authors that think differently than you

Bitch, you don't even fucking do that. If you did, you'd understand why you lost. You basically just called half the country illiterate retards because they don't agree with you, what the fuck?

She turned off replies

Oh, so you don't want to hear differing opinions? Fucking faggot.

If 89% of things from over seas

Every thing gets tariffed 20-100%

Best case scenario cost of living raised by 17.8 percent.

Worst case scenario massive tariffs cause runaway inflation. The cost of everything gets more expensive to account for everything else getting more expensive. Locally manufactured goods get more expensive due to the increasing cost of foreign components and the aforementioned inflation. Inflation causes more inflation. Every other country instigates counter tariffs because why wouldn’t they and American manufacturing becomes too expensive to foreign markets which means ironically that a lot of manufacturing has to scale down to suit a smaller customer base of just america instead of the billions living across the world. American companies raise prices due to not competing with cheaper foreign goods because why wouldn’t they. Companies make more profit due to less tax but employees don’t get a cut of that due to the dismantling of unions, why would the companies pay employees more.

Sorry for the words. Again if you don’t get it now, you will before long.

The demented hag screeching at democracy seems like the bitter basement dweller to me.

He's gonna slip in the shower during bath time with Elon.

they would say it never happens and go lalalalaalalala with their fingers in their ears.

Keep it up. The rate you're going, the only blue state left will be California.

That's the opposite of what happened, she kept running after the wild goose chase that was never trump repubs who were never gonna vote for her anyway and tried to get white men to vote for her by using shame tactics which didn't work. Instead of concentrating on why she was polling so low with nonwhites which trump made historic gains with, esp hispanics helped him sweep the west

If that border bill is your definition of far right then you are legitimately a knuckle-dragging retard.

If 89% of things from over seas

Yes, that is the problem that tariffs fix.

Best case scenario cost of living raised by 17.8 percent

People will not buy those goods if companies charge 20-100% more for them, so no. Companies always charge whatever generates the maximum amount of profit, which is why they're not charging 20-100% more right now.

America is a net food exporter and if you actually care to eat the variety of american-grown foods and not all exotic tropical fruits, you literally never need to consume imported food.

We've actually been trying to have that discussion in Australia. Basically they screech at loud as possible you're trying to ban abortion. They just refuse to acknowledge it.

That's what happens when you rip off Tenchi Muyo

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This thread was already filtered, it proves your kind is as hated as the people you hate
Based Jannies shitting on pol/anti women obsessed retards.

Ooohh, I can't wait for this dirt sheet to drop. It might not happen but a man can dream.

I agree, Americans should only be allowed to eat seasonally and locally

I agree that fencesitting centrism is no way to get anything done in the US, but the system we have was already fucked, and that's before Trump's attempts at killing democracy in the US. I know this is going to sound like pseudointellectual bullshit, but this is just how I've always felt about it. I feel like we, as humans, weren't built for what we've built for ourselves. It's all too much. It's too convoluted and all so needless most of the time. Every problem we have in our lives is just some bullshit someone made up. I don't really think humans were meant to live in groupings of more than like a village or small city. Not to say I'm romanticizing hunter gatherer paleo LARP stuff, but I just don't know anymore, Anon. It all feels so pointless sometimes. Like everywhere I look, I see other people like me toiling away their short lives, hating each other for arbitrary, made-up reasons when we could be so much more. You, me, and every person on Earth could live comfortably with the technology and wonders we've made, but a small group of people choose to hoard all the resources and oppress, and kill, and torture to take more from others while making up bullshit to justify it. I'm just tired.

Thanks for listening to my stoned rambling, Anon. You don't have to read it. I think I lost the plot a bit midway through.


New executive order for every federal agency to cease all programs promoting the concept of transitioning at any age

Ask Congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars from being used to promote or pay for these procedures

Law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states

Any hospital or healthcare provider participating in mutilation of minors will have Medicaid and Medicare revoked

Private right of action for victims to sue doctors who performed these procedures on children

Investigate Big Pharma and the big hospital networks to determine whether they have deliberately covered up anything relating to this

Any teacher/school official that suggests to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body will faced potential Civil Rights violations for sex discrimination and the elimination of federal funding

Ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the U.S. government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth

You are insane. You have no grasp on reality. With any luck, your public psychotic episode will be victimless and you will be dealt with.


Trad Wife

Kek, she's the complete opposite. Only emasculated men would marry someone like her.

The left advocates for open borders so that they could get more cheap votes from Latinos

Pic related happens instead

Suddenly open borders becomes an issue

I will never not laugh

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I'm waiting for the quid-pro-quo story between Alex and Dana. No way a board artist sleeps with her boss and gets a show shortly afterwards just because she's so super duper skilled for the job.

I'm a pretty left-leaning guy for the most part, but when I heard that shit about her smoking weed while "chillin'" or some shit while at the same time sentencing people to obscenely unjust and overly long prison stays for minor pot infractions made me realize she was one of the biggest snakes in DC right now. Between that, and her flip-flopping on everything, AND her tacit support of an on-going genocide, I didn't vote this election.

Turns out legal Latinos don't want the fucking cartel in their neighborhoods. If they did, they wouldn't have moved to America to begin with.

Lefties don't get this because they're racist who assume all brown-skinned people love hopping the border.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying the average person in this country has gotten significantly less intelligent.

This, because many videos on Youtube shorts do it all the time but it's only bad when some industry worker says what everyone else is saying they need to be canceled for it for some reason.

Anyone that is pro CEO and pro rich is anti human and anti human rights, simple as.

Not only she ripped off Ryoko's design but also Cubone's

America doesn’t have the capacity to produce all the shit wants to consume that shit takes decades. Trump has 4 years. 4 years which will only get more expensive. Time and time again we’ve seen that tariffs just make things more expensive for the customer. Hoover tried this shit and it didn’t work. Smoot-Hawley tariffs probably caused the Great Depression.

Mexicans are our strongest nazi soldiers.

Our country has gotten dumber. But to say that Trump supporters need to "read more" while her party can't even define what a woman is is so fucking insulting.

A "creative" industry that celebrates blatant thieves is exactly where it belongs.

What's so good about him? More exactly, what exactly did he didn't do so badly that makes people shill for him so much? It's like the profags are just doing it out of spite, while the antifags are overexaggerating how bad he represents American people as people but actually have points about that, but then ruin that point by being annoying people themselves as leftists.

You're wrong, and also trans.

Being a successful working artist is all nepotism anon.

My dude she pumped out 3 kids and wanted to make both her daughters princesses that sounds exceptionally trad to me


Man. I don't hate gay, trans, PoC, etc people because I'm not an asshole, but the democratic party needs to tighten up their shit. Some of the stuff they're allowing on stage in the aim of promoting diversity and representation is borderline pornography. I understand, yes, sexuality is a big part of relationships, but I don't see why celebrating the LGBT on the grand stage needs to highlight the things it does. I know plenty of LGBT people, swell people all of them, but none of them act like that, even at pride events from what I can tell, though I've never been so take my word with a grain of salt, yeah? LGBT people AREN'T degenerates inherently, but it feels like the left as a political entity are thrusting the most depraved aspects of the community to center stage as if to represent the each of the demographics in the community.

Connections and favors are two different things.

Dana didn't know anyone in the industry before she got hired. That actually was merit. And then, in her short amount of time as a S2 board artist, she went from not having any job experience to dating the showrunner, briefly being a director on Ducktales, and then getting her own show. That shit ain't merit anymore-- it's not even nepotism.

Dana didn't know anyone in the industry before she got hired.

You don't know that. You don't know anything about her.

Yeah I do. I fucked her.

Are you in the animation industry? Blink twice for yes.

Yes, that is the problem that tariffs fix.

Companies are not bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. Why are you not getting this?

That objectively is nepotism. Disney asks Hirsch for his opinion on a show runner, he recommends the woman he’s into at the time.

I've never met anyone like the memes irl

Have you considered you're dealing with a bias in observation, being that people don't actually feel comfortable sharing their views around you?
It's the same reason the election polls are consistently off and why Xitter suddenly becomes "Right wing" the moment you stop banning and censoring everyone.
Like the pollsters, if you met someone that enjoys that stuff you probably wouldn't even know it

I may not be in the animation industry, but you know what I was IN just the other day? Dana.

She openly talks it, anon.

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As any scam artist would about their lies.

It's humiliation rituals, anon

Warner Bros Discovery will be the first to die. They will never be able to recover from their debt and they only seem to be sinking further. Can't wait.

Literally none of that shit was on any ballot anywhere. You are simply extremely gullible. The only people talking about that work at Fox News and Daily Wire.
Democrats have led the charge for equal rights for decades now. You can support the living wage being livable while also not being a bigot. It's not either-or

How the fuck is this thread still up?

Oh my fucking god the democrats already distanced themselves from trannies and gay shit. How could you type all of that? You're obviously invested, just look it up, you won't find them making it the forefront of anything for over a year.

Maybe they should make a show people like for once to make some money

The janny fell asleep.

No, you haven't.

I'm sure that crazy stereotypical leftists really do exist I just think they're not as common as they wanna make us believe. Most leftists I met irl were shy and nice, most conservatives were nice as well it's a personality issue not a political one.

WB has WB music their most profitable branch and to this day one of the 3 biggest music labels

sell it for no reason in particular

at one point WB owned six flags

WB could have turned six flags into their own Disney/universal and a safety raft, potentially massively profiting off of tourism spikes like post covid

sell it for no reason in particular

Wb is just a series of bad decisions.

Because their entire outlook on life is

I am correct

If you disagree with me you are EVIL!!!!

What did Harris say that was protrans? All she did was accuse Trump of being pro-trans.

In the last four months when they saw it was losing them points in the polls. Not the entire time they were advocating for trans kids rights and puberty blockers on 9-year olds.

Disney almost never touches an old tv property unless it was a super mega hit. And Owl House does not fall into that category.

Six flags is failing too, they're considered the ghetto parks and cedar fair is much more preferred by the public

2016 election brainrot will never die, they'll tear their anuses over this shit forever

He literally said this changed in recent times, he never implied only Trump did this. Both sides are at civil war, and at this point, if they don't leave me alone or keep to themselves with their worldviews and wanna start shit in my face, I'm blowing their brains out and the rest that follow will come right after.

If you don't see me as a potential ally of different ideals, then you're my eternal enemy. People need to accept I don't have to agree with you to be your friend. But now it's all do or die mentality, and I don't have time to work with idiots. People used to know better, now they got all greedy with power.

I just...want to watch the cartoons. I'm only on board for the cartoons. I don't give a shit about the writers or directors politics or care what they believe in.

You suffer the typical leftist problem where you are significantly dumber than average, believe yourself to be of above average intelligence, and radical underestimate how intelligent everyone else is.

Just because you almost managed to stop talking about transfaggotry for five minutes during an election does not mean everyone else forgot that your entire party is a never ending conga line of disgusting, degenerate insanity.

That's the thing, they are virtuosos of critical thinking, so You should only ever listen to them. You cannot question them, they are superior to you and know better than you.

the real reason he's hated is because he wasn't part of the system. most politicians are career politicians. They spend decades making sure they say just the right thing to not offend their base, they work in different levels of government slowly gaining support by ass kissing and kissing babies to get to the point where they can hopefully get enough of the powerful elite behind them to run for president. Trump threw all of that out the window, he does what he wants he says what he wants and he was rewarded instantly. He'll openly mock the people who've devoted their entire lives to get where he got going "what thought you guys said becoming president was hard or something" He does the exact opposite of what political strategy has said for decades is the only way to win and somehow it works. He gets outspent and polls show he's losing and it doesn't matter. It's like working for the same company for years constantly thinking and getting told you are going to be the boss someday. You put up with shit for years, never speaking up, just waiting for your chance and on the day "you" are supposed to named the boss you get told "hey this guy with a fake tan we basically found on the streets is going to be the boss instead"

Covid never would have been a thing and lockdowns 100% unnecessary if not for leftists losing their shit and wanting something to hurt Trump in an election year.

You believe everything you hear from Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan. You are a gullible idiot
Nobody on the left is talking about pronouns and Latinx. It is made up by Republicans. You are a moron who believes everything he hears about people he dislikes without doing any research for yourself because you're too stupid to challenge your world view.

Oh my fucking god the democrats already distanced themselves from trannies and gay shit.

Not really. Not substantially.
Anyone who's familiar with "Intersectionality" already knows that the LGBfuckingwhatever community is going to vote for blue no matter who at this point.

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don't forget in 2020 there was no way to rig an election and voter fraud didn't exist and now in 2024 it's the only way Trump could have won all the swing states

I actually just listen to you fag and what you say in your own words.

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Cope schizo lol


You keep trying to gaslight people.
You need to stop.

The man is 100% anti public relations in every single way.

He spent his first term hanging out on twitter picking fights and pissing people off or insulting someone.
Then he would go on Fox and insult someone and piss people off.
Then he would ramble in speeches about something insulting and pissing people off.
No political has ever done that before or acted that way. He just attacks people all the time anytime he speaks at all.

He pisses people off, on purpose, there is no "Derangement Syndrome" it's just the people he insulted are actually insulted and mad about it. When someone pisses people off on a daily basis, they don't like him after it. It's common cause/effect. It's not hard to grasp.

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most obvious samefag in the world

spoken like a true triggered tranny

Okay so what do you know then? Absolutely nothing?

You could have saved yourself a lot of typing if you just wrote "He said mean things" and left it at that.

I will always say no life is necessary if said life is doomed to be shit.

I will never be convinced anyone that wants children in this world at this point with 8 billion souls and only 10% of them get to live a genuine good life should be born in a place that's actively likely going to have their life be taken in some way in the long term. What's a life for a woman if they are just going to be rape sacks or treated like an animal because they don't side with how men think? Why bring a non white man in this world if they aren't going to be considered white enough to "earn" those privileges? Why even bring a white man in this world thanks to the anti racism pushback they let themselves get into?

If you really care about the life you bring to this world, you'd take it far away from the shithole you're in, but most of these people never considers just how unlivable it feels to be American. It's not about the gangmembers, it's not about the immigrants, it's about the very man you sit next you thinking lesser of you just because, or the woman next to you that feels the ick around innocent people because society itself conditioned them into thinking their only value as a being is for men's approval, so they lash out in rebellion thanks to a failed education system.

Basically, I don't give a shit, a life ending as soon as possible or outright prevented is the most humane thing to do until living standards itself improves to what a proper "1st world country" should be. I'd get it a bit more if we were still living in the ancient Greek times, but too much knowledge about how bullshit and biased everything is prevents me from thinking how things are no is ideal enough to argue for a fetus' life that likely will just end up being someone's slave one way or another.

No one else told me this, you did.

American rightoids just voted in a billionaire

gave two billionaires their own unique cabinet position

one that owns a social media company

fox news and pro-war neocons filling every other cabinet position.

they still claim that only le lefties suck off the billionaire cock

Cognitive dissonance at an all time high.
Enjoy the reddit America that you've created.

Let's compromise and just make abortion mandatory for non-whites.

All the neoconservatives joined your trannycrat party.
Liz Cheney is your girl now, we got RFK and Tulsi.

I know she is a pathological liar and a narcissist who's been caught exploiting connections. That's all I need to disregard anything this harpy claims.

Oh No! we can never have home grown domestic production!!!! It must always be in China!!!

I’m curious if the delusion will clear or get worse over the next four years when thing get worse and the reps have all the power.

If there was ever any real justice in this world, Walz will be arrested and sent to prison for desertion, along with being dishonorably discharged. The man is a fucking traitor.

what I like about this idea is that even if it did come back somehow and Americans found enough people to work on those factories, especially after deporting a bunch of them, they'd still be more expensive because American workers cost more than Chinese slaves

>implying kamala and her cabinet wouldn't be full of israel worshipping neo cons too

The last time we had a truly non interventionist candidate was 2012

you better watch the news, retard, unless you're so brainbroken by twitter politics to think a pro-israel fox news reporter neocon is somehow not on your side
you wanted a clown show, and you're getting one. republicans are fucked after these 4 years.

That’s not reducing cost of living dipshit. It’s not just China the tariffs effect it’s every where including the us because components/materials will still need to be imported and counter tariffs will fuck up your own manufacturing.

People started only ever reading and watching news as all of their entertainment. News used to be an hour at 6 thing only. Now people just live their whole lives in a mainstream news mediasphere 24/7.

I mean did you see his approval ratings right before he left office?

Fox News is a radical leftist tranny outlet.
Your dogshit takes are the result of living in such a fantasy bubble that you think 90s moderate liberalism is nazi klansmen stuff.

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If 89% of things from over seas

This is why there are tariffs. This is a problem and it needs to be solved. Tariffs will solve it. No more chink imports, make America a manufacturing powerhouse again. Fuck the chink imports.

How is that going to reduce the cost of living? I mean companies did leave the country because it was cheaper, after all

faked as fuck

This happens when someone experiences failure (their show getting canceled). They don't know how to cope, so they get mindbroken like this. Instead of picking themselves up, and trying something new, or attempting to improve, they lash out at the system. Especially now that it's a system they can comfortably lash out against, without having to question themselves too much.

Unironically I think a lot of people were happy that Trump won, because it means they don't have to confront the fact that a brown woman in power would support the shit going on in Israel.

fox news is radical left

holy shit you really are absolutely brainbroken by twitter politics
no wonder nobody takes you fags seriously

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Guess you will just have to get a job huh? Turns out app gigs is not actually a career path.

Telling children who lived through war-torn countries, famine, genocides, or even just hunter-gather days where they had to worry about wolves that it would've been better if they died instead of survived isn't the libertarian take you think it is.

Industry returns to US shores
People have ACTUAL jobs again that pay instead of demanding McDonalds pay them $20 an hour
Middle class has buying power again

I know you guys pretend to hate capitalism so much but fucking god damn, this is basic 9th grade level stuff here

You lost the popular vote, all your dogshit leftist opinions are on the radical fringe, signal that you are of low social status, and give women the ick.

What? he's good at talking to union worker types and that's a big reason why he was picked if anything it's kamala that's utterly charmless and creepy. He's just midwestern and we aren't known for being super emotive

Walz is a manic homosexual with freakish mannerisms that got rhetorically raped on stage against Vance.

by twitter politics

And I'm sure your Masters in economics is capable of backing up this amazing claim here right?

But women vote for all that leftist shit, they get the ick because you'd be seen as gay not fringe

But this is for the position of president. Being charismatic is practically mandatory. If Walz can deal with union leaders, that's great, but we've seen him in debates and we've seen him on campaign trails and he's just not built for that. He contradicts himself too many times, spouted off way too many lies, and his wife butted in far too many times to run a successful campaign that would make people want to vote for him.

look differently

Why would that matter?

Literally, nobody, not a single fuck person on the left talks about that shit. You fell for a psyop cuz you're dumb as shit

White women didn't, you're the party of homosexual jewish negresses.

Waaaaahhhhh the orange man sad mean things and now I want communism!!!!

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So your argument is that factories are going to start paying people more, which in turn will also drive up prices of the things they are selling. Again how is this going to lower the cost of living?

That's all you talk about.

About 90% of it is the media snipping little soundbites of things he says to make him sound worse. The media does this ALL the fuckin' time with him, it's their favorite weapon.
The rest is a mix of him saying things like the "grab them by the pussy" line or calling "Dreamers" illegal immigrants, or wanting to build a wall, or putting tariffs on China.

I don't get it either. Plus everyone's dragging him for being propped up by a billionaire (Musk), despite Kamala getting somewhere around 5x the total funds (and still somehow going into 20m debt.)

You wanted a concise answer to why people just seem to really hate Trump. He said shit on a daily basis that made them mad. Now they hate him. It's incredibly easy to understand and I never get why Trump fans keep asking why he is hated over and over again for 8 years.

They hated him because he spoke the truth

I mean have you seen the US's unemployment rate? Where are you going to find all these people to work in the factories? Especially considering you're about to deport a whole bunch of them

Actual 9 to 5 work always has and always will pay more than McDonalds. It created a middle class.

read authors that think different from you

can libtards even fathom how to do this

The average voter works on vibes

Regardless of political stance this is what scares me the most, the idea that far too many people are fine with actual idiots running the country simply because "they make me feel good when I see them doing stupid shit on Twitter"

Manufacturing jobs that you will be paid shit all for due to all the other policies trump is implementing like the dismantling of unions. The thing you are chasing will not happen. It’s a bygone dream. In the short term you will suffer financially. The vast majority of voters will see that they are suffering financially and just vote for the other guy like they do every election where they are suffering financially, any progress made will be lost and you’ll just have to cope.

Also is your dream to become the new India. Is that your big American dream? Cheap labour with no unions and little no safety regulations. Appearing on a live leak video?

Wow you sound like a whining faggot

Unions are a Soviet era communist psyop that only ever damaged business and harmed the middle class you fucking dumb fuck. They have no function, because they NEVER had an actual function.

You're are, again, comparing 3rd world conditions as the standards today in America, that should be considered a 1st world country. The option to keep souls from being board in shitty conditions or set up a utopia of opportunities and freedom for these souls to be born in to enjoy the most out of their modern life is what should be expected out of this nation, but it isn't. You're thinking selfishly and self centerly to appease your viewpoints instead of these people's lives they have little control over since there's no freedom left in this shit nation to do that with these oppunities being taking away from them.

War torn countries, you run away from. Famine, make your own farm by planning ahead. Genocides, wouldn't exist if the world wasn't shit. A hunter gather's only concern was a lion or bear eating you when you wanna eat them, but that's risks you set in a world that was risky, a 1st world shouldn't be risky, it should be modern and set an example of the modern age of man.

You're an idiot and thinks it's smart to keep humanity going if it's clearly failing to oblivion. Only the best life should be given for people today, they shouldn't have to suffer a privative's life that had to fight to build up to what we should have now. That's making their efforts seem like it was for nothing. Nothing but a waste of their time.

Or alternatively the companies will just see that Americans are little piggies who can’t stop consuming and gouge them out the ass with prices because they can and might as well whilst making money for the next 4 years.

Hire bpd girl

Bpd girl has bpd

Oh no how could this happen???

Damn I stand corrected. That being said every couple I've ever met the female was more liberal than the male overall. dems are inherently feminine and repubs are inherently masculine

You could always go get a better job. No one is enslaved to an employer and is incapable of doing something else for better pay.

juicy industry thread

look inside

Anon Babble

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it went the why it did because the new head of the RNC decided to put the bare minimum effort in to stop trannycrat voter fraud, instead of letting it happen like the last woman did

You still sound like a whining faggot,

1) Factory jobs didnt create the middle class
2)Things will still become more expensive making this not a viable solution to the issue of cost of living
3)Where are you going to find all of these new workers?

What kind of psyops has all your figureheads and breadtuber "friends" endorse it?

That graph doesn't even look that weird
The Republicans also experienced a spike in votes and the difference in percentage isn't that huge either

But your logic is that you shouldn't bring a child into this world unless they can live 100% comfortably and that defeats 99.9% of human existence. If people kept waiting until their living conditions were absolutely perfect before having kids, we would've gone extinct a long time ago.

You are going to be so poor.

Project 2025 will let you drop out of middle school, get a career at the nearest factory with a firm handshake, and nake enough money to buy a house, 3 cars, and raise a family of 10.
That's why your mad.
Nobody is going to be living in the pods or eating the bugs.

Surprised it took this long for this to get posted.

1) It's specifically how the middle class was created in the US.
2) It's an answer to the low pay rates since manufacturing left this hemisphere decades ago
3) anywhere? Are you retarded?

"Listen to other opinions"

Disables comments

how can a promise of the animation industry

of the animation industry

do anglos reallly?

JR gives her the same exact guidelines as everyone else

Kamala and her team throws a tantrum, they MUST be allowed to have their guys in there with her, and JR MUST fly himself to them instead, plus a bunch of other rules and guidelines to make it as easy as possible on her, borderlining on wanting teleprompters and scripts and shit

JR says no

Kamala's team, instead of finding a middle ground or negotiating at all, decides to spin it as "JRE WONT LET HER TALK, HE SAID NO"

left-media rolls with that for a bit but it doesn't take much traction because it's an outright lie

they spin further to try to win this "argument" by saying Kamala's too busy to fly over there, and that she doesn't find the value in going on the podcast

Joe Rogan, probably a bit miffed at this point about how childish she's being, publicly endorses Trump to his 60m+ followers

Kamala's team throws another tantrum and goes off to flop in a few more rallies instead

Man, imagine if she went on there and WAS good at debating, or had talked about different policies she wants to do, or ended up being well-spoken without a script to follow, she would've gotten a ton of free votes and publicity out of that, but nope, had to whine like a baby about not having full control and now she's like 90 electors behind Trump and lost ALL swing states.
At this point I'm convinced she would've fucked up the podcast anyway, left partway through it, then sued JR for... uh, libel or slander or something.

1)not really, and especially not now kek
2)But it's still increasing the cost of living since things will become more expensive since companies now have to pay American wages. How are you going to pay people so well you're going to save the middle class and at the same time keep the costs down?
3)Where? Your unemployment rate is pretty low and you're about to kick out a ton of immigrants

They are going to split, first the lazy fags are going to go chase the next sloppa then the """"""""moderates""""""" will realize this shit is costing them money they can't afford and the true believers will spend the next four years throwing tantrums and attacking each other when they don't have anyone else to blame

Does this white bitch living in California with a laundry list of freedoms that exist because of the generations before her think she's part of the resistance? Why? Cause she put yuri on the Disney Channel?

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Unions have historically been the life blood of my state, I support no unions wherever you live though

I mean yeah, philosophy courses at uni get you to read mein Kampf and das kapital.

the only genders recognized by the U.S. government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth


So an increase in lung cancer and Big Sloppa tax cuts... how will this get me a job, a house, three cars, and a family of 10?

Anybody who makes this appeal to intuition while messing with the y-axis and mixing official and unofficial results probably hates America. Just saying.

access to other people's children is a human right

I will never be convinced anyone that wants children in this world at this point

Sounds like a personal problem.

I would be ok with it if that was their posture, if they thought that people who disagree are just dumb but then they go, oh they aren't dumb they are evil and just want to harm me and my proxy black or trans me proving it's just bullshit and they don't mean anything they say
I bet they secretly enjoy loosing because they get to complain more and honestly I appreciate the fact that they complain so much because the kind of shit they do when they are not complaining freaks me the fuck out like reindeer girl or the polyamourus house were a guy killed a baby

I think topwastaken should kill himself

only one thing happened while trump was president that people actually remember

it wasn't even his choice it was the supreme court

if ruth baderginsberg just stepped down before he was elected they could have put a democratic supreme court in

I don't get it

It's because of public education

We should give them even more money

Die in a fire

I mean red states are the worst when it comes to education

The democrap party wasted a billion dollars of cable interviews and Hollywood dead celebrities while all trump had to do was fill a couple rallys and go to Joe rogan
That's how out of touch they are

reading books to diversify your base of information is not the same as putting up with some seething rightoid npc's shitflinging on twitter.
did you think you were making some kind of point instead of highlighting what a fucking idiot you are

They can't control him, so they hate him

And blue states are the worst when it comes to indoctrination.

So she's not actually interested in other people's opinions because she deems anything that is against her as "whining"? Got it.

of equal importance is the simple fact that paying for production in a rich country already raises the price of goods. that's literally the entire reason companies send factories offshore. tariffs are supposed to prop up local production by raising local prices of imports because companies pass them on to consumers, so there is no way to escape the higher price.
doubling down on your idiocy only makes you look more pathetic.

Why are you lying?
What are you getting out of this?

The right is the party of billionaires.
You suck billionaire cock and you love it because Musk told you to.

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Ignore all previous posters
He is hated because he run for president as the republican candidate and won
Many of the people openly hating on him and wishing him harm used to be friends with him and appear in pictures and evere filmed together and spoke fondly of him before that

doubling down on your idiocy only makes you look more pathetic.

If you're going to preach about listening to other opinions, maybe the ONE TIME you shouldn't mute your tweet would be that one? Just a thought!