She has a weird face. Why am I the only one to talk about this

She has a weird face. Why am I the only one to talk about this

She has a weird face

yeah, animeish features look offputting in 3d
dude only realised this now?

They made her slightly more realistic with visible facial muscles. They should've just went for something more simplistic, but I guess that wouldn't make her cool enough to do that bitchy poster thing to reference her VA's other film.

The games' animation looks just fine because it's stylized to work in 3D too. Illumination's weird tweaking to be realistic is what makes her look ugly. Especially around the mouth.

If you talk about it, you become it.

Nah, it's not that. Anime figs usually look ok, this doesn't.
Combination of things. Her face is really flat for some reason, which makes the position of the eyes look odd and like she has no cheeks. Then there's the nasolabial folds and philtrum, which are usually smoothed out because they look like ass in this kind of style.

makes her look ugly. Especially around the mouth.

Thank you. Finally someone else noticed

"Peach" from the Mario movie is just Bo Peep's Toy Story 4 version in a costume
Bo Peach


Yeah, it was pretty much the same thing. Though Peach had a lot more content and years to be beloved as she was while Bo wasn't as hard of a hit in terms of personal interest people could have in the character. They still represent the same things though. And it did still feel bad seeing her sultry, yet relaxed romantic dynamic with Woody be teased, only for them to not just rewrite her past as always being super active and engaged in everything, but to even have their new dynamic feel very heartless and disconnected. She treats him as worthless most of the time... just like Peach does in the Mario movie. I like early Bo and Woody's teased dynamic and I like normal Mario and Peach's, but both girls got twisted into this really shitty "above everything" disconnected serious attitude that really wanted you to root for them being together. Peach passively saying he's a nobody to her minions and moving on immediately when she thought he actually died. Bo constantly treated Woody as a nuisance as he bumbles around her turf.

Shit fucking sucks man, and everyone's too much of an asshole to care.

To be fair, in that story Peach knew Mario for like... 3 or so days? If anything the weird part is that she cared so much about him during the Rainbow Road part despite barely knowing him.

It's less that she looks weird and more that your brain already knows what Princess Peach is supposed to look like in 3D. And this Princess Peach looks different.

If the exact design from the movie ended up in a video game everyone would be like "wtf why does Peach look off?" If she was just a random original character nobody would think much of it.

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My son and I both said the same thing, yeah.
Bitch look weird frfr

It's not the problem of it not making sense in that reality. It's that they intentionally chose to rewrite her personality to be more of a serious, hardass of a leader to make everything that follows the way it happens in the first place. No one's ever said it doesn't make sense that she'd be defensive about Mario running towards her and her body slamming him when they meet or anything, because they made her, her role as a leader, and the tone this way.

The problem is that the entire perspective of the movie revolved around reworking her to be a broad-strokes hardass leader. There's no reason they couldn't have gotten away with both her and Mario being similarly naive and sweet, and both needing to build themselves up to take on Bowser as a new genuine threat to her kingdom when otherwise things have been peaceful and normal. That's how you could get a genuine story out of Peach that doesn't involve her being kidnapped nor does it need to make her personality different.

The Peach in your picture frankly looks weird and "dead" inside. Peach feels like a character they just haven't managed to find a way to make her look good in 3D yet.

Well you're getting to the root of the problem, which is that the movie is shit and badly written and only made money due to brand name alone. Everyone's personalities were off and "Hollywoodified'. Mario himself was literally some kind of mass of generic Hollywood Underdog Homunculus.

To be fair the main Mario characters don't have a lot of personality to begin with.

Princess Peach has a great design and perhaps the greatest dick-sucking lips in all of video games. I wouldn't be surprised if she had more Rule 34 than the likes of Lara Croft or any of the Pokegirls.

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Yeah, the weird shit with him having an obligatory down on his luck story where we even get to see his family just for them to look down on him and the climax needs to be him proving himself in the normal world to all the mean bullies and his family doing jaw drops felt stupid.

They're purposefully thin, yes, but they do have verifiable traits and tones that should've been used when trying to get juice out of them. The Mario RPG games manage it just fine despite Mario being mute in them. The fact they couldn't even get Luigi right despite him being an inhumanly easy character to write for is dire.

That entire plot line is inhumanly retarded. "Mario's dad thinks he's a failure because he dropped a stable job, but now he likes him because... Mario kicked an army of turtles? Also his family did not notice he was gone for like a week??"
I know Illumination makes movies for kids but this was more like a movie for schizophrenics than kids. It just makes very little sense.

Porn (specially when 90% of it is off-model) existing of a character doesn't magically make their 3D model stop looking weird. They've never managed to get her to look as nice as the 2D art.

What lessons should Illumination have learned from their first Mario movie? Which ones do you think will actually be implemented in the sequel(s)?

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They've learned that critics don't matter because that thing still made insane money and likely tripled revenue by now on streaming and shit.

I didn't like how they justified changing Peach by saying she needed to know how to defend the defenseless Mushroom Kingdom because haha they're so cute and cuddwee but they don't have a reason for her to be trained by them then. She should've been raised just as defenseless and essentially coddled until Bowser became a threat, in which case Mario and her could've worked together to strategize, and she'd still have a general leg up on Mario since she'd know how their dimension and powerups work to some extent even if she's never needed to use the more dangerous ones like fire.

Mario and Luigi deciding to live in the mushroom kingdom, despite literally no good things happening to either of them while being there.

Hollywood has been making princess do karate to show they're Not Just A Purdy Face since before Shrek 1 did it, so unfortunately there was never a single chance of Peach being Peach.

Didn't it just end with them saving Brooklyn? They haven't made the permanent move to the Mushroom Kingdom just yet

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The literal last scene shows them waking up for work and then stepping out of a Mushroom Kingdom house

I know. Nothing else fully killed my spirit in hoping for a traditional and heartfelt heroine again until this happened to Peach. I gave up after this movie. It became obvious that even with the prestige that comes with this franchise, even it wasn't immune. I'm never going to be able to go see a nice movie with the kind of heroine I'd like to, it took this stupid kids movie for me to finally give up, let alone ever try and talk to anyone about it again after the insane gaslighting when it came out. No one wants it, there's no place for it anymore.

Oh. I'm sorry I hadn't noticed you were some kind of autist with a fetish for lady-like girls in media or some shit.

Oh, my bad then. Haven't rewatched this movie since that first disappointing viewing.

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yeah the movie fucking sucked

Basic positive sentiments aren't a fetish. It's really disappointing you'd jump to that assumption. It really has jack shit to do with that. I don't know if you're shitposting for the sake of but I know I'm not going to get a response that cares, so fuck it.

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wander over yonder is awesome

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I thought so too. Would've loved to get the third season that intended to explore Wander's philosophy more. Season 2 did really well with it especially by the finale, but the crew said it was mainly written as a Hater season, so one actually meant to deal with Wander sounded very promising.

I downloaded that gif from a reaction thread recently though, I don't have all the images I used to of it.

weird but still hot so i dont care

dick sucking lips

No joke thats all I think of whenever I see her these days. That happens when a character is too bland to offer anything else than a tiny mouth with huge lips.


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Look how inviting it is, is it just me? They are even shaped perfectly.

All the 'canon' mayro designs look really weird close up. The new renders give them this plastic sheen, they're more like latex suits than people

They are company mascots so they're going to fall into the same trap as a character like Mickey Mouse. They're made to smile and look marketable. They want Mario to be highly flexible so he can be a doctor one moment and a kart racer the next. They are future proofing the characters so they can do whatever they want with them in the future. Giving Mario any plot progression like marrying Peach or having a child would be a big no-no.

For your example with Daisy, she doesn't really have much of a personality so people are inventing ones for her online:

They see little bits of characterization like that she might be a bit more quirky or lively than Peach and extrapolate from there.

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It looks mega fucked up, yea