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Arcane: The leaker was right
Arcane: The leaker was right.
cardboard sex anon
The Caitvi sex is happening bros. I can feel it in my veins
ep 7 24:39
Ya think?
This shot is framed like a sex scene. Call me delusional but I know what I'm talking about.
My body, body is ready.
Cardboard leak fake and gay.
Someone repost the titty leak.
New merch: The Last Drop light up mug
Crushing the Black Rose
OP has Ambessa trying to crush a black rose
Fades to Mel with hands approaching her and she almost gets swallowed by them
But then she yells out and finds herself in the same place Ambessa was but with the Black Rose on the couch and no Ambessa in sight as she reaches for it
Is Leblanc going to wind up creating a new threat to herself and her order AGAIN with Mel? Why can't she stop doing this to herself?
Do you mean to tell me this is canon and come saturday it's gonna be watched BY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD in 4k definition?
Vi protected the kid because Jinx asked her to.
gun gets shot out of Isha's hand and she grabs onto Jinx
Jinx struggles a bit then looks Vi in the eyes pleadingly
Vi locks eyes with her
shot changes to Cait menacingly approaching with her gun pointed at them
At that moment Jinx was communicating to Vi to not let the kid get hurt and Vi responded to it to protect her from the only possible threat in that moment, which was Caitlyn.
Because its LeBlack. Convinced she makes her own problems because shes bored.
I don't remember how Xerath and Renekton are related to LB
It’s just intimate, fag.
These threads are going to get so much fucking worse when the Cait/Maddie scene comes out in HD Saturday...
These threads are going to get so much fucking worse when the Cait/Maddie scene comes out in HD Saturday...
*when Cait/Vi sex scene come out
I think that's more Shurima as a whole.
Leblanc having Cassiopeia try to murder Sivir in the Shuriman tomb led to her blood awakening Azir from his slumber, which basically restarted the whole Shuriman empire conflict. He wants to MAKE SHURIMA GREAT AGAIN while Xerath and Renekton are just very strong chaotic forces that are now also vying for power harder in response to Azir showing up again.
Isn't their sex scene going to be in episode 7 though?
Can any game players tell me which champs in the show are easy to play and which are hard?
Millions of people who have no fucking idea what's coming because they're good little boyscouts who avoided the leaks, yes
Yeah... what I meant was that when the Cait/Vi sex scene sees the light of day these threads will be unbearable
this image has more chemistry than this one
VI is the easiest by far.
Singed is a living meme that is absolutely NOTHING like his arcane character. Also piss easy.
Jinx and Cait are simple but require awareness and positioning.
Viktor... Just isn't very good. He's a short range mage with mediocre survivability and no mobility.
Heimer is situational and requires a fair amount of skill to play effectively.
Ekko and Jayce are both equally difficult to play in my opinion.
Ambessa is brand new so I don't know but I hear she's quite difficult.
leaker was right
Which one?
Warwick is the easiest by far, more than Vi. He heals himself. His abilities are simple to understand. (But jungling itself is a hard position.)
If ep 6 has caitvi reconciliation nobody's gonna think about THAT scene anymore
I wanna play with Vi's neck hairs
I’m fairly sure Maddie cupped her boob there.
Nobody talks about the upcoming KINO fight Viktor vs. Jayce.
based lyricschad
Too focused on the lesbians and warwick.
Yes. They believe Vi will just crawl into Cuntlyn's window and try to talk some sense into her or that the newly appointed ruler will get on hands and knees.
Ep 6 will be super convoluted
Ambessa charge into Viktors base
Caitlyn somewhere in the background shooting at WW
Viktor vs. Jayce
Jinx, Vi and Isha somewhere in the middle
Ekko + Heimerdinger return
WW's full transformation
baby easy
Vi (although prepare to get insulted to pblivion because jg never make it)
Hard (don't ever use them as a noob in ranked, just don't)
Important to note the difficuties of their roles before going into how hard they are to play individually
Jungle - Very hard role to play as you're basically in charge of play calling most of the time
ADC - Fairly hard role to play as you have to be good with positioning and farming cause your only value is staying alive, getting fed and doing big damage mid-late game
Mid - Middle difficulty role as you also are usually important for damage & crowd control in teamfights and need to roam as needed to help others as needed so map awareness is a must
Support - Fairly easy but frustrating role as you're main goal is to help the ADC stay alive and get vision out everywhere for your team, but you can't really do much if the rest of the team is retarded
Top - Easiest role IMO cause you barely matter. You sit up in your lane and just fight your enemy the whole time with only Jungler ganks to break the monotony. And everyone else will matter more than you by the mid/late game 80% of the time
Caitlyn somewhere in the background shooting at WW
not even the fake leaks mention this, assuming its from that picture you can't say if thats caitlyn shooting him, its probably not.
Viktor vs. Jayce
not even fake leaks mention that they fight
WW's full transformation
100% not happening at ep 6, he still needs to transition to humanwick
Cardboard sex anon and slashed titty vi anon. We’re leaning on those two
I love both, mechanically WW is easier but Vi is a better investment as a jg, there's a reason she's always prio ban/pick in pro play
WW's jg game is harder than Vi's, if you dont win in 20min you're usually in trouble
Isn't it weird how none of the woke twittertards are saying Isha is good disabled representation and just keep focusing on the terrible dyke ship?
Vi gets cucked in episode 4 by the way
I don't give a fuck about what some fake leakers may have said or not.
prob doesn't happen till act 3 desu
acknowledges leaks are fake
cites them anyway
Graves looks rough. Might be the HIV/AIDS catching up to him.
Sucker is catchy as fuck, but the rest of the ost so far has been lacking.
To Ashes and Blood is no Guns For Hire and I expected more from Woodkid. I also don't think it's actually possible for mako to top What Could Have Been. That song defined season 1 and I don't see anything coming close to that quality in s2.
Think you're reading way to much into it, don't believe it's anything that explicit. That scene is just jinx showing confusion, likely stemming from the fact that she doesn't think or could even fathom anyone really loving her. She certainly wouldn't understand why this child would be so attached to her. And so in this brief moment of total confused "get the hell off me" she glances at Vi with a
what the fuck is going on
kinda look. But it's not an ask of vi.
my point was that he has literally no reason to believe 300 important plot things will happen in ep 6 at the same time when not even the supposed 'leakers' mention them
Posted by the official Arcane account
None of the leakers were legit lmao
Ep 6 having a trillion plot lines makes sense for the end of Act 2
That's right, To Ashes and Blood is no Guns For Hire, it's better
there is 0 chance that warwick fully transforms in ep 6 and that jayce x viktor have a full fight at ep 6
Now, with roles in mind, here's how I'd say they are to play:
Vi - Jungle - She's easy to understand and use. Just literally rush in and punch the shit out of things. But again, hardest role to do well in
Warwick - Jungle - He's also very easy to understand and play. Just rush in and faceroll, though you do wanna be careful on positioning for some things
Caitlyn - ADC - Very easy as far as ADCs go. She's got huge range and very easy to use safety tools
Jinx - ADC - She's kinda hard to do comapared to others. You don't have a lot of fun tools and are mainly just trying to run and gun till you can get a kill and start popping off (she gets a big boost for a short time when killing), or get them low enough to just ult and get that kill to start going hard.
Ekko - Mid/Jungle - He has one bit that takes timing and thought to use, but otherwise he's really simple with a massive "Get out of Jail Free" card in his ultimate time rewind
Viktor - Mid - Easy to use, hard to do well with. Once you understand how to aim his laser it's free damage and he's generally annoying but doesn't usually become a huge force unless he gets super fed. He's getting reworked anyways so it doesn't matter
Heim - Top/Mid - He's got some complexity to how he works, but once you understand it he's really easy to play, you're basically just setting up turrets in good spots then trying to land his skillshots consistently while being an annoying shit to reach
Jayce - Top - He's pretty easy. He has a lot of spells due to his transforming hammer gimmick, but they're pretty straightforward. His biggest issue is just that he's predictable and doesn't have much getaway if he gets fucked up
Ambessa - Top - She's new, but kinda complex. Has a whole "dash with every ability" gimmick that takes a lot of getting used to, but if you figure it out she becomes faceroll outside it and is pretty strong.
Singed - Top - Don't. Just don't. Coming from someone who first learned Singed.
sticky and off-white
Can someone start making their weird schizo subtitle storylines where Cait is actually trying to force Vi to miscarriage a pregnancy she's keeping from some rape she's had to endure. I don't have brainrot and something about that shit from s1 cracks me up so I'm chadsplaining that something about it is actually funny.
Renni built chempunk chainsword vs Jayce
I like how you think, it could be a follow up to this
Why would you do this. I'm extremely erect.
I wonder how the Victor arc is gonna end. The fact he's healing shit means I hopefully don't have to deal with yet another "environmental allegory for pollution." I want magic to be harnessed and controlled for the betterment of the world.
idk if convoluted is the right word, convergent
a lot of characters will be thrown together, something tragic happens that separates some of them, cliffhanger into act 3
Episodes 7 and 8 the best episodes of the season. Everything else before it is too packed to understand what's going on unless you do many rewatches. Executives meddling with the show is pretty obvious. Episode 9 just wraps everything up kinda like what characters are doing years later
Yeah this needs to happen. Perferably after this.Vi explaining its Loris baby and it happened while she was drunk after being thrown out her house by Tobias. Good shit.
Vi sitting in the corner be like
Who'd have thought they'd wind up such great partners.
This, except jayce isn't hard at all. He has more buttons than most champs but once you figure out when to use ranged vs melee it's simple. He's not like Aphelios or Hwei where you have to spend 15 minutes reading tooltips before you can even start to play them.
imagine the sex
I agreed with you until I heard the clip of My Best Enemy. There's still kino in the works.
You’ve seen act 3?
Always thought that they had a kind of strange "unwitting family" dynamic. They would never say it but they're basically much "older sibling" incredibly annoying second marriage "younger sibling". Them having to share the same space constantly as Jinx grew up, I can't imagine either of them not having the tiniest affection grow between them, even if they were at odds most of the time.
She’s going to suffer the same fate as her dad if she doesn’t reconcile with Jinx, her family has to come first.
Is this true?
Thanks Ambessa.
Holy shit, it's true! He also retweeted Viktor's poster and said that the episode he worked on would air next week.
Viktorbros, WE ARE SO BACK.
I read an Ambessa x Caitlyn fic last night, they're out
So, what does that mean for ep 6? Do tell
didn't discussing films already said that jayce and viktor interact at ep 6?
Viktor's arc will probably be one of the main subplots of episode 6
Should be the main plot since the show is called 'Arcane'. I am excited about them the most. Dykes have been an excellent diversion, but now its time for the real story.
To Ashes and Blood
It's been kino whnever I heard it in trailers and the episodes themselves but yeah the actual song has way too many dead zones.
maddie's little feet
I can't wait
Im not sure how to feel about this
Right about what?
Cait and Vi fuck on a cardboard.
Was that…the only thing he leaked? And what confirmed it?
I'm elated. We're finally shifting away from the boring sister drama.
I was wondering the same, what makes you guys think this cardboard sex anon is right vs the other 'leaker' anons that came before?
Slash tit anon at least made a good point.
He also wrote Jinx's OG bio. I hope they interact.
sucker terra's theme...
Hailee has a boyfriend in real life though
So the leakers are just leaking E6, right? E4 and E5 are public and Act 3 is super sekrit and no one's seen it, right?
Some 'leakers' claim to have watched 6-9, here's one of them. We call this guy slash tit leaker, there's cardboard sex leaker too
no one is leaking anything anymore, there's only three days left for fuck sake. Two considering Wednesday is almost over already
some "leakers" have leaked act 3 too, but it's all fake anyway just like the ep 6 "leaks".
The earliest reliable leak we have for 7-9 will be the day before it officially airs, some anons are going to the early LA finale premiere
when is this finale premiere?
Vi is nothing like Ambessa.
Bruh, the day before it airs? I said it in the bloody message. If act 3 acts on the 23rd then the premiere is on the 22nd.
Don't be shy, give us hints.
Do tell anon, we're hungry for leeks.
My personal question is, where do you feel there was executive meddling?
at that point it's just a spoiler when you can watch it all yourself the next day or whatever
Maddie is gonna get Jinxed isn't she? Simply because they wouldnt want Cait to break up with her and deal with the drama.
I will try to go to the premiere of a Latin American city. Unfortunately the capacity is limited, so I will have to be lucky to get tickets. If I can I will come here immediately to tell you everything
I just finished season 2 yesterday and I dont even want to spoil it for you guys. It was so beautiful that you guys should just wait it out. I'm assuming the next show they make will be announced soon after because of the ending.
I just hope the lesbians don't throw a fit and taint everyone's view of the show
I have a few questions without you giving away spoilers, other than a confirmation.
-Your favorite episode?
-The most epic scene in which Ep does it take place?
-Will we be happy?
-Is the ending as raw as they describe it?
-And here you come the million dollar question: Which leaker is right?
Please hope you're not a troll
you guys need to stop believing random anons
Why do the faces look so ugly? Those nostrils just ruin everything. What the damn hell
- Cant pick between 7 and 8
- 7
- ...
- not gonna talk about the ending!
- Not sure who the leakers have been
which characters get the spotlight in episode 7?
insert political comment
If you’re not gonna talk about the ending, what the fuck did you come here to talk about?
If you’re going to go pretending you’ve watched the finale, at least be fun making up answers, don’t be the third leak gatekeeping cunt this week because it gets old.
all this cope from CaitVi fans
Canon Caitler has no regrets about the gutpunch
does viktor have a pussy now?
vik and jayce
He has nothing. That greedy hexcore ate his dick.
id describe the ending as "tamam shud"
I know you're trolling but I hope they get the spotlight.
As someone from 08/08, I have seen all kinds of leakers and people who have already seen the entire season, many of them worse than others. I like to give the benefit of the doubt, so could you give a proof, anon? I'm just asking that, something small doesn't matter, you can delete it within seconds of posting it
tfw you're about to earn enough Good Girl Points to set you up for life
He has nothing
How does he pee? Does he even need to pee?
You know perfectly this anon is not going to provide proof, as neither did the others. All the leaks are probably bs but they’re fun to talk about, this anon is low effort, they’re just bragging about having watched the season and feeling above us because of it, but they’re not even trying to make shit up.
Low quality bait, 1/10 and I’m being generous
Why aren’t you guys discussing the fact that all of the sneak peaks we’ve seen are allegedly only from act II..?
he has no need to do such earthly things, which only increases his godliness.
Timebomb is still being hyped up
erm didn't Jinx murder Ekko's buddies including his previous female friend with dyed hair?
Isha's thicc
The epic war thing is act 3, which is a good chunk of the trailer. Ep 6 seems to be back on the Ambessa betrayal track and Jayce realizing Viktor’s cult is bigger than anticipated.
Retards don't let things like "logic" and "reality" get in the way of jerking off to their favorite ship, anon.
whats the liint of this post? you really think you can dissuade shipfags with logic?
Not a timebomb but I've noticed some of my favourite 'enemies turn lovers' ships have involved them killing each others' family members. Not sure if it's as romantic when it's killing friends though.
IGN released an article with pictures that allegedly are from act I and act II.
So when does the kiss episode come out? Im waiting for the insufferable queers on reddit and twitter.
I think they'll get even worse when the leaks are either confirmed or shattered in episode 6
Has the kiss episode already dropped officially yet?
What is Maddie ends up being "C"
Talk about the ending faggot
Are you retarded
It's the fact they hate each other just as much as they love each other that makes timebomb work. Them being a thing is only cool if it's degeneratley toxic and not some lovey-dovey sappy "ekko fixes jinx", bs.
I dont keep up with this show, i jus tknow the queers are dying to make vi a canon lesbian.
She’s been that for over a year now
Yes but the kiss is being used a stupid gotcha, so when did that episode drop?
november 9, episode 3
Leaks are full of shit because it
doesn’t say what happens to Jayce, Heimer, and Ekko
doesn’t say what happens to Viktor
Isha who’s obviously going to die doesn’t die
doesn’t have Jinx become a full blown schizo villain
that council lineup
pretends Sheriff isn’t already a title
I can go on but this is obviously a random anon making shit up for (you)s
Let's see how many of these boxes get crossed off in the upcoming episodes.
Ah okay. Well Caitlyn being made a rugmuncher are a damn shame. Lets pray not too many other LOL champs are turned LGBT for ratings.
i wanted to see what would happen
also she was cute. and is on the mural.
wat did you expect from lonley weirdo femcel
It’s very obvious that Mel’s father is a Solari and Leblanc views her magical inheritance as a threat
What are you talking about? Half of the relevant roster is lgbt at this point.
thats subjective and bisexual is basically straight with some kinks.
There's no reason for Jinx to hate Ekko. He has never done any wrong to her. What's more, if she takes the flag of freedom fighter, then hating Ekko would make her a complete hypocrite.
In the same line, it's very unlikely Ekko hates Jinx. Even when she knows it was she who killed his friends, he refused to put the blame on her last season and blamed Silco instead. His words always came from a place of hurt rather than rage. Even their song puts this into question
Is it hatred or is it pain?
Some of these are obviously true.
Ekko betrayed Jinx and Zaun
Ekko is the only true successor to Vander and Silco’s dream. He is the one character that will never betray Zaun. Imagine Ekko’s seethe when he comes back and sees the schizo whore is the symbol of Zaun.
Grayson is involved in the murder of Vi and Jinx’s parents
We basically no idea of the context behind the bridge incident and after Vander’s little flashback in episode 5 I suspect we’re going to get more.
Silco is an artist
It’s possible he has some common ancestry with Jhin
Mel sides with Jinx
Those 2 will never interact
Caitlin becomes disabled
Too kino for this world
Silco promised Vi and Jinx’s parents he would take care of their daughters
Vander is guilty of the events on the bridge but blames Silco for everything
This is pretty much said to be the case in episode 5. Vander attempting to kill Silco completely changed Silco as we saw with the baptism and speech stuff in season 1, that was his whole shtick.
Is this the person who made the Silco is a Kiraman bastard theory???? KEKEKEK
Ep.6-9 spoilers
Jinx and Vi bring Warwick to Viktor's base to try to get Viktor to heal him. Ambessa and Cait track Warwick to the camp.
Vi and Cait reconcile after running into each other. They make plan to betray Ambessa and after she finds out she invades the camp.
Jayce comes back and assassinates Viktor and almost kills him.
Warwick goes crazy during the chaos (he becomes firey) and Isha sacrifices herself trying to kill him.
Ep.7 takes entirely in an AU where hextech was never invented. Ekko and Heimer get sent here. Jayce is sent to an apocalyptic future where hextech killed everything.
Everyone is alive except for Vi--who died in the original job back in S01E01 (Jayce is also implied to be dead too). Powder is normal and not insane.
Ekko invents the Z-drive there. Heimer sacrifices himself to send Ekko back to original universe.
Ambessa allies with Viktor to use his arcane zombies as weapons in exchange for taking him to the hex gates.
Jinx mega depresso after Isha's death. Is arrested, escapes, and tries to kill herself, but Ekko uses Z-drive to reverse and convince her to fight.
Caitvi sex happens in Jinx's prison cell
Final ep is Noxus invasion of Piltover. Ekko, Jinx, and Zaun arrive partway to help Piltover.
Glorious Evolution Viktor is combo of hexcore cocoon and Singed's bio-engineering. (He has his third robot arm!)
Maddie is a traitor and was loyal to Ambessa the whole time. She tries to executes Cait.
It's revealed that Viktor is the hooded-man who gave Jayce the arcane crystal as a child thru time travel shenanigans.
Viktor and Jayce fight, Viktor is mainly winning, but they reconcile in the galaxy arcane realm after above is revealed. Then they literally disappear after???
Vi and Jinx fight Arcane-enhanced Warwick. Jinx and WW die together.
Cait gets an eyepatch.
There's more but I'm too lazy to remember. Overall, I found S1>S2.
This is so bad it gotta be real but its so bad
Seems likely if this is the locket of the iron solari like some anons have claimed, but honestly I don't really see the resemblance. Also it's obviously not a locket.
Same person who also sent that deranged tweet to the VA's.
Jayce comes back and assassinates Viktor and almost kills him.
this is so funny
an AU where hextech was never invented
Ekko invents the Z-drive there
who is gonna tell him...
It's revealed that Viktor is the hooded-man who gave Jayce the arcane crystal as a child thru time travel shenanigans.
Can’t tell if this is really cool or really stupid
Sex in a prison cell...?
Who tops, is it graphic?
Viktor and Jayce fight, Viktor is mainly winning, but they reconcile in the galaxy arcane realm after above is revealed. Then they literally disappear after???
hey let them have their time together so they can fuck properly
Mel who?
Why would it be real…
>Caitvi sex happens in Jinx's prison cell
I will kill myself if this turns out to be true, hell no
maybe she can
say "sorry, i'm mentally ill and neurodivergent." to Caitler and Ekko and all is forgiven
Jinx and WW die together
False and homosexual. Neither characters are going to die. You don't even mention Viktor'd Warwick, or Vi's fakeout death.
There's no reason for Jinx to hate Ekko. He has never done any wrong to her.
They've been at odds for years. She calls him "boy savior" alluding to past interactions, maybe a time after everything first went down and as the only two left went to "save" her, only for her to tell him to buzz off. But regardless he's in opposition to Silco which puts him in opposition to Jinx. If you hurt, threaten, or in anyway seriously harm(physically or just in their endeavors) one of my family members i'm not gonna like you.
What's more, if she takes the flag of freedom fighter, then hating Ekko would make her a complete hypocrite.
Not really sure what that means, she doesn't hate Ekko cause he's a "freedom fighter", it's more personal then that. She doesn't have some lofty ideology like he does.
it's very unlikely Ekko hates Jinx
This is a huge stretch. It's not that difficult to imagine that Ekko would be pretty angry at the one pulling the trigger on his friends. Even if he can follow the source all the way to Silco, Ekko doesn't infantilize her, she's crazy but she still makes her own choices which happen to be fuck everything Ekko cares and believes in.
Is it hatred or is it pain?
I think you're missing the point of this line. It's examine how the source of hate can be pain but that doesn't mean there isn't hate. It could be that Ekko, more than anything, is hurt over the loss of his friend but negative emotions can turn into hate and the only one left to hate is Jinx. Like it's a common trope that a character will be angry at a loved one when they die, for "leaving them", still angry though.
heimerdinger just fucking dies
not happening
Caitvi sex happens in Jinx's prison cell
Jinx and Vi bring Warwick to Viktor's base to try to get Viktor to heal him. Ambessa and Cait track Warwick to the camp.
Nice try anon but I remember you proposing this exact sentence as a theory back in August
Reminder that Heimerdinger made zero acknowledgment for the attack on the counsel. He’s happy those traitorous fucks are dead and crippled.
Thinking the climax would be a fight with warwick is silly anon, you're silly.
So why should i care about Caitlyn at all? All her fanservice is nothing to me, she is a lesbian. Feels pointless.
no mention of LeBlanc, fake and ghey
Ekko's animosity for Jinx was a result of her devotion to Silco. With Silco out of the picture, I would think that the nature of their relationship would depend on what she chooses to do now that she's on her own. I'm not sure that bombing the Piltover council would turn him against her, I doubt he cares too much about topside business as long as it doesn't spill into the lanes. If Jinx could get the chembarons in line and stop their warring I could see them as allies.
For me timebomb only works as long as they don't get into a relationship, for as weird as it sounds
Ekko hating Jinx but still valuing the friendship(and most likely crush from hia side) they had as a children would be boring if he just swept everything bad that happened under the rug.
Also i don't understand how some of the writers talk about liking timebomb yet they write Jinx as if she don't give a shit about Ekko anyway, it just looks one-sided 90% of the time
Yup. Thats pretty fake and gay.
As Arcane takes us from street-level brawls to superpowered duels of titans (as more fan-favorite League of Legends champions enter the fold)
There are many callbacks and Easter eggs steeped in the lore of the games, and even some meta references designed to delight longtime fans — keep your ears open for a particular theme song.
Any guesses?
not liking Count Dykula because she eats pussy and sucks titties
Couldn't be me.
To be honest I don’t think your chances of linking up with a straight Cait would be very high, in fact, your chance of getting with any Arcane girl sit at 0. Not a personal dig: they are just not real.
One of you "leakers" needs to make yourself useful and tell me when
It already happened, Sevika's new arm plays Get Jinxed when she pulls the lever.
We need vi to fuck the woman who hit her and left her jobless & homeless
Can you guys get some standards. I swear no one hates vi more than caitvifags
Ekko sees caitvi sesbian lex in every other time line but the one Maddie is present in.
My leak source says Cait and Vi may or may not have sex with each other
we need Jinx to fuck a guy she hasn't thought about and carelessly killed the friends of for 8 years
I don't think the most popular ships have ever been so awful in any other thing I've watched yet people won't stop begging for it. Feel like I'm in another dimension.
I feel like there's so many things this season that don't get acknowledged by characters, it's probably the effect of cramming ao much shit in 9 episodes and now we have no breathing room
Xitter dykes think with their pussies
for the leak watchers
what happens to ekko and heimer?
Ekko’s animosity for Jinx was a result of her devotion to Silco
She also killed a shit ton of people
My leak is leaking from Vi's pussy after we had sex with Cait watching
Nobody knows
If traveling to an AU is true then star guardian urgot could very well be on the table
Literally nothing happens except a true between Vi and Jinx to find Warwick
really the only one that was morally questionable was Cait's mom but even then she was complacent in the condition of Zaun and generally just being a boomer politician.
ironically, in one of the older versions of the lore she retired from politics and was killed by some extortionist instead.
Anon it's just an in-game item. The point is that she has a magic shield. Which makes no sense since Jinx ult does physical damage
Married Caitvi. I will not lose hope.
But fantasies are so much better when they are canon, bro.
I like my women available, thank you.
Jinx tells Sevika her plan is to "finish what's left of her family"
Jinx tells Vi "I'm ready. I'm glad it's you. It had to be you."
Jinx is upset when Sevika blows up the Janna statue "No no no! This isn't how it's supposed to-"
Jinx's plan was for both herself and Vi to die in the chamber. Vi wasn't in the right position because she left the altar to stop Caitlyn.
Also the caitler death squad attack on Margot's establishment that Smeech runs into at the start of E2 is shown at the start of E3, meaning that the end of E2 actually happens before the start of E2.
Locket active shields all damage.
What episode is this from?
Jinx is upset when Sevika blows up the Janna statue "No no no! This isn't how it's supposed to-"
I think it's more she didn't want Isha to die. But yeah I agree she planned for both her and Vi to die there.
Confirmed kills is only 3 (enforcers aren't people), and she wasn't the aggressor.
That too. But when Sevika pulled the trigger, Jinx and Isha were in the killzone and Vi wasn't.
Yeah timebomb is absolute ass, too. Idk what's wrong with these people
S2 E3
This is a dumb meme. Sevika wouldn't go along with Jinx's suicide, she cares about her. Jinx was open to the idea of dying there, but it wasn't the point.
Jilcofag here, I hate Vi more than you can possibly imagine.
end credits roll
jayce in his lab
ryze shows up
”im here to talk to you about the league of legends initiative”
Wheres my straight rep?
this show is for the faggots my dude
I think Jinx's plan was to either die in a way that put Vi in the killzone or to kill Vi and then worry about killing herself after. I assume she wouldn't have mentioned the second part to Sevika.
I don't think she'd cared if Jinx herself wanted to die. This will change in the future once she sees her potential as a symbol of the resistance.
With Silco out of the picture
It just doesn't undo what she's done. She still caused him incredible amounts of pain and suffering. Every time he looks at her, he'll be reminded of the friends he's lost, the people swept up and destroyed by the empire she helped perpetuate. And not just his people but all the people of Zaun. Nothing can undo the violent visceral brutal fights they've had, the fights they barely survived cause the other was genuinely trying to kill them. It doesn't change the years that Ekko was completely on his own cause she abandoned him for Silco, leaving him entirely alone. There's plenty of reasons for ekko to continue hating her. But i think the reason timebomb works IS cause all of that is "in the past". It doesn't change what happened or the current unfurling hatred he feels when he thinks about any of it but he also hasn't lost how he felt about the girl he once knew. His friend powder. Their once deeper connection.
So if they're ever in a room together, and not trying to kill one another, and he doesn't think about it too hard, he can delude himself into a fantasy that his friend is back. That nothing bad ever happened, it was all a bad dream and the girl he likes is still here beside him. But doing that is a fucked up thing to do and unsustainable. He'd probably even hate himself for enjoying it so much, like a shimmer addict who self-hates, and so their relationship is a seesaw of toxic back and forth, of
i fucking hate you and ill kill you if i ever see you again
just chilling on a rooftop, not really saying anything as they watch some festival fireworks together
that's really the only way i feel timebomb can work, them spiraling in a violent decaying orbit that can only end badly. Them making their relationship everyone else's problem cause they can't stop themselves or stay away. Anything besides them being horrifically toxic is unrealistically sappy to me.
maddie betrays caitlyn and worked for ambessa the whole time
maddie tries to kill caitlyn
Yeah, idk. It just doesn't make sense to me to hold it against someone to protect their livelihood when I attack them, even if I were convinced I was in the right. Maybe something happened between them when they were kids, but my guess is that he just assumed she died along with the rest of her family until she turned up at some point in her mid teens when Silco started sending her along with Sevika to learn the ropes of the family business.
It’s foolish to believe Maddie is anything more than Amanda’s sadism took against the yuris
leaker anons lied to us every leaker anon lied to us act three has never been shown they truly have it locked down
People have definitely seen episode 6, but we have no reliable leaks about it and all of the "leakers" are larpers claiming to have seen act 3 (which no one outside of Fortiche has seen).
I’m not watching the leaked episodes because I want to experience the episodes in their full glory. Anons, can one of you tell me what the context of this image is?
And when do we get the scene people keep mentioning where some say Maddie was disappointed in Caitlyn? Why was she upset?
Caitlyn is regretting going full Hitler because she accomplished absolutely nothing for 6 months. Maddie is trying to reassure her otherwise which is why some anons suspect she works for Ambessa although she isn’t pushing it, just being a supportive partner.
Damn stop making me want a special episode about what Ekko had to endure since Vander died, how he created the firelights and how he felt meeting his past friend as an enemy in the battlefield
It just doesn't make sense to me to hold it against someone to protect their livelihood when I attack them
People hold unfounded grudges all the time. The parents of criminals who's children are killed by cops doing their job and stopping them from whatever crime they're engaged in are often vocally upset by their murder. Totally nonsensical logically, but emotional is what we are.
Silco was a prominent figure. He usurped Vander's leadership position and became de facto head of Zaun. He would have been a highly visible person to people in Zaun which includes the blue haired child following him around like a lost puppy. And Ekko would never leave family or friends behind. It's my head cannon at least that Ekko definitely found out she was alive, that she was seen with silco, and he figured silco had her as like a prisoner and went off to "save" her. But something along these lines has to have undoubtedly happened, because by the time we meet Ekko, he is fully aware that jinx is powder and works for silco willingly. So at some point in the past he found out that she was alive, and there's no way Ekko would have believed that the powder he knew "turned bad" without hearing it from the horses mouth.
Also considering the secrecy of Ekko's whole operation, i find it unlikely that silco, jinx, or any of the gangs, really know about ekko's "saving people and taking them to his secret hideout" thing he's got going on. So the only other way to interpret Jinx's
Oh, look who it is. The boy savior.
line is as a personal one.
Thanks. So why does Maddie suddenly look upset in another leaked scene I’ve seen screenshots of here if she’s been supporting Caitler?
We really should have gotten more flashbacks. One of the main reasons we should’ve had 3 seasons.
I would need to see the screenshot. I don’t recall her being particularly mad.
I stand by the idea that canonizing arcane was bad. Instantly kills creativity. The whole champions dying possibility went out the window.
It really makes it feel like Ekko is a half written character
How much of this was bullshit
full of hate.
inextinguishable hatred.
so jewish.
filthy jews.
Canonizing Arcane meant decanonizing LoL since the lore diverges between them. They're updating the LoL lore to match Arcane, it's entirely possible that a champion's story could be updated to past tense.
What does? Nothing i said was really contradictory, and just because he has little screen time doesn't mean he's a badly thought out character.
as long as you know if x character is a champion you basically know he won't die
90% of the characters will end in the same or a similar point they are in the current lore so you can also predict the what will happen based on this
It's an horrible choice all around
He looks so anorexic
Doing their jobs
Lol, lmao even.
you mean atrophied?
that too
found the 6 year old. go outside and enjoy your childhood while you still can, world only gets greyer from her.
Also considering the secrecy of Ekko's whole operation, i find it unlikely that silco, jinx, or any of the gangs, really know about ekko's "saving people and taking them to his secret hideout" thing he's got going on.
It's not a secret that he's trying to save the people of the undercity from Silco's shimmer operation.
jinx sideboob (and even frontboob somehow) 24/7 and she wears NO BRA
based on? They're only public face is the masked firelight vigilantes that go around attacking or robbing different gang operations. I don't even know if jinx and silco know that ekko IS the firelights.
I'm old enough to know several cops personally and have had several interactions with them. Some day you'll grow up and realize they're not knights in shining armor like you've been told, but average people with a selection bias towards assholes.
Never said they were knights in shining armor, good guys, or not assholes. I said they shot someone dangerous doing something criminal.
only good guys do good actions
only bad guys can do bad actions
seriously i think timmy is more your speed, go ask your mom for a sleepover.
Cops are out being assholes and someone gets shot
Therefore he deserved it
Unless it was the cop that got shot, in which case he's a gud boi who dindu nuffin
yea for the analogy i was making the implication is they deserved it. Again literary subtext is something you learn at a higher grade.
Unless it was the cop that got shot, in which case he's a gud boi who dindu nuffin
I don't know why you have the impression i like cops to be clear i don't by an large their retarded and often prone to corruption. I feel dumb having to spell this out for you.
Anyway your also retarded and i hope the state approves your disability status.
shut up about cops
not one mentioned LeBlanc which is suss and definitely no one said that Rictus fights Jinx which we see in the new trailer
that would've certainly been a plot point to not skip over. or what happens to VW at Viktor's homeless camp
no one said any of that except the church of Viktor anon who said the sisters take VW to see Viktor, capefags were talking about how Viktor takes Caitlyn's Supreme Commander cape after she discards it in his homeless camp
Statistically accurate lesbian relationship
furry in ep3 starts talking
immediately go 'this is a man'
look it up
it is
i'm not a polfag but i don't enjoy noticing this stuff
it made me want to puke. I tolerate dykes in this show but trannies? I fucking can't.
Worry that the show is going to be copaganda showing the Good Cops up against the Ebil Slumcreatures
Season 2: "All cops are bastards, any cop that looks like they might break the mold will either themselves be molded into a tool of oppression or else will realize what they're a part of and quit in disgust."
yeah like women wanting to fuck women is whatever sure but this is just a guy doing a bad woman voice
took me right out of the scene and i had to watch it on mute, completely unnatural speaking cadence
They need to stop letting women write shows. Arcane is mostly woman drama with a tiny bit of action and intrigue to keep everybody else watching. If they ever make another LoL show / Arcane season, I want it to be masculine. Starring basically any male champ.
I'm sure you know perfectly well arcane was largely written by men, but literally which male champ? A lot of them are just boring as hell
Season 2 is so fucking boring bros.
My lesbian relationship is partially responsible for killing my mother
Still cucks her
Wow what a bold statement to make about the state of lesbians
Do people even give a shit about this how anymore outside of relationship melodrama?
He is definitely missing a peepee
lost both fathers
lost all her friends
lost her sister
her ass thrown in hail for 7 years
lost her gf
schizo sister hailed a hero
no one bottom or topside gives a fuck about her
nyooo the hekkin kidderino!!!!!! do not kill my sister millions must die!
vi is a fucking retard
>lost her gf
God is punishing her for being gay
"This city is gonna respect us"
VI in the slums a literal who?
Jinx stumbles into being practically worshiped
I guess things are turning out alright after all.
women and emotionally retarded men do.
t. emotionally retarded man
I like your optimism, but the Noxus ex machina is clearly there so they can pull the, "But actually the cops are good guys deep down, and will say they're sowwy after the friendship team-up, and all will be forgiven."
That's why I love this show
Dumping shit harder than any other media on women's irresponsibility
Guys, One of the lines in the video posted by Victor's Chinese dubbing studio is, powder, you can help the commune
gets adopted and apprentices to the greatest revolutionary Zaun has seen in their lifetimes
abandons home to chase after Piltie punani
They both got the fame/infamy they deserved.
dead thread
this is what happens when your go from silco to dyke drama
She'll have a good ending no worries
Thats from the alternate timeline where Ekko gets his Zdrive from.
Silco was one of the greatest depictions of a revolutionary in media.
I've been saying episode 6 is where everyone's paths will cross
Ambessa and army attacks Viktor's base
Caitlyn and small enforcer squad are also there to capture WW
Singed tagged along to capture WW
Jayce appears at Viktor's base and Viktor vs. Jayce happens here
Jinx, Vi and Isha at Viktor's base to try and heal Vanderwick
Vanderwick briefly turns into Vander but soon after undergoes full blown WW transformation
Ekko and Heimerdinger reappearance
The only character I've no idea about is Mel but her plot is completely disconnected from the rest (besides Ambessa)
Hollywood - we get infallible female characters like Rey and Captain Marvel who barely face any challenges, always come out on top and have no moral quandaries
This shit’s main cast - domestic violence, police brutality, chemical warfare, homicide, drug trade, arson, kidnapping, terrorist attacks (plural)
Thats off the top of my head. Bitches be crazy.
lesbians in western animation are allowed to be front and centre place and have on screen kisses
gay males are all minor characters, are ugly and never kiss
I can't be the only one noticing this
They aren't lying tho
They're scared that straight men won't watch Ig
That's a good thing. Man on man is gross.
This must change.
Did cardboard sex anon ever come back with more info?
Shield dude is gonna be gay
every character is gay
The fuck is wrong with westoid writers?
The Kiramman bloodline will end with Caitlyn
You're not gonna enjoy the 30 minute jayvik sex scene then
To modern writers, gender is just an aesthetic.
They can say Vi and Cait had magic babies and thats that.
like years and years of normalization propaganda about mentally ill ppl, and ppl in art are literally selected for being like this, like in the past were to be an artist you would have to be communist
Hey, tomorrow I'm going to the premiere of 4-6, so I'll let you all know as soon as I get back that anon was right.
Does anyone have a summary of what cardboard leaked?
I’m so ready for Viktor and Jinx communication theyd make a great team
Wait there was a day early premier for 4-6 as well? Sweet.
Pizza for $80
I can't believe you're just realizing now...
45 hours until we see Vi getting cucked and bitch slapped in HD
I'm certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed
Violet has been raised as Vander's successor, but no one knew it's her clumsy little sister will be portrayed next to Vander.
PLEASE give Vi One (1) W
But that was the leaker of "rich uninterested fat guy", not cardboard anon
i think he said that vi, jinx and isha go to viktor's place, vi gets injured by vanderwick and isha dies, all in episode 6.
theres more for episode 6 but i forgot.
nice, spoil us on everything
here you go
also if Vi/Jinx's mom's name is really Eileen then we know that the other leaker was right
I could've sworn he said Isha dies during the final war, that's why I need a summary or screenshots, I don't remember
So Ekko is MLK and Jinx is Malcolm X?
this troons self-sucks itself so much it's unbearable to read
Hey I wouldn’t say Vi is a literal who and not well known in the Undercity now.
Everyone knows her as the traitorous daughter of Vander who abandoned her home and people for Enforcer pussy.
I want them to be friends
What part of this:
Can we rule out? Is there anything we can confirm about this anon?
By the way, this is cardboard sex anon.
What time is it, anon?
Apparently the new Ekko look, Warwick’s arc and the Ambessa chain fight is all in act 2. How the hell are they going to pull that off in E6?
But isn't this footage from the 3rd act?
Wait, so this Vi is from episode 6 also?
Seems like they're going to be on good terms or at least not enemies judging by a lot of the official art, merchandise and animations that came out between S1 and S2. Hell, China somehow let this slide
I don't get how they'd write this in any case. Vi and Cait are already pushing the boundaries in the first place.
I'll be pissed when they nuke Mel and Jayce's relationship, which is the only one that makes sense
Where is the early premiere?
How did you come to that conclusion?
Vi will get her ultimate W when she gets fucked by Cait.
I thought so too but this article reviewing act 1 and 2 had these images so I wanna presume it’s a mistake:
Someone important to Ekko dies and 4 seconds arent enough to save them?
Doesnt want to talk about ep9 jinx?
If rumour true - jinx dead.
That gotta be act3.
Vi has 'new' improved gauntlets. It has to happen after her old ones gets wrecked and Cait gives her new ones (made by Jayce ofc + Cait's new railgun).
I'm only watching for Isha.
I don't really care about anyone else, they all seem like cunts.
Jayce and Mel don't end up together
Figures that the only narratively plausible relationship gets nuked
That's probably Act 3. Jinx doesn't cut her hair and make her ship airborne until then and that's when that takes place.
its clear they're having sex, but nothing explicit is shown
and dropped.
why would I watch your faggot dyke romance if you don't even provide basic tits shots or ass
YES! JayVik is alive again
There's an ass shot
If this is Act 2, we know nothing bout Act 3
Isha acts like animal. She's lost case
Mel does participate in the final battle with a new, more golden look
didn't we see a leaked image of Mel's new look after this?
It's been a while, about 2-3 years. You can tell they've changed a little, but not much. Some have new outfits (like Vi and Caitlyn, who we see wearing regular street clothes instead of armor or anything like that)
Maybe this thing about seeing them in casual clothes is related to seeing them in pajamas in the intro?
Yes, and I think it got leaked after the cardboard anon
Jinx should die, you cant just get “redeemed” after all she did
unless Jayce fucks off to Noxus with Mel there's no way these 2 can end up together
Who is confirmed alive and dead by the end according to cardboard leak?
Caitlin is the catalyst for Vander going full WW
omg babes all is forgiven
I fucking hate shippers so goddamn much
Mel, what are you doing?
Succeeding you, mother.
They will get married
Caitvi became irredeemable the moment that rifle made contact with Vi's gut but shippers are dumb
What surprises me about the Cardboard leak is that he responded in very little time and didn’t make any mistakes in his statements. Even if it turn out to be fake, he did it convincingly
They are mortal enemies now
According to cardboard leak someone important dies
its not Ishas death, she dies elsewhere
Ekko tries to save them
Its not Heimer, Jayce, Mel, Vi or Cait
HUUUUMMM… Wonder who it is!
Only things I care about
Jinx and Vi properly reconciling and parting on friendly terms
Mel and Jayce sticking together because their shit was unironically sweet
What the leaker alleges
Jinx booted out in favor of lesbian shipping screentime
Mel and Jayce break up because..uhhh just because
Sounds like an ass season desu
We have seen Mel in Noxian armor, maybe she returns to Noxus in the end and that's why they brake up.
Jinx and Vi will never end on friendly terms.
Which is insane to me, because Vi has known Caitlin for a day and a half, and her behavior makes zero sense
chances are that they will become friends again
Which is boring and cringe. I don't really have my hopes up and don't really expect them to go the toxic spiraling relationship route cause that would require the writers to actually have the understanding, and to be able to implicitly acknowledge, that they're horrible for one another and shouldn't have anything to do with each other. Which I think is a little too high brow and aware for the shippers over there writing it. I don't think they can write romance without modeling it as a "good" relationship to the audience.
It could only be Sevika.
Cait gets an eyepatch.
Another Adc with an eyepatch? Fake
How was Mel manipulating Jayce sweet exactly? I'd understand if you liked their relationship regardless but she literally sets out to make him worse
She starts out so manipulative and clicheed that it's hilarious when Jayce's nature turns her instead. It's the subversion of the expectation that I loved.
Act 2? nah this is definitely act 3 they must have made a mistake
Vi has no reason to want to stick with Jinx after all her murderous actions.
Actually I don't think Vi should stick with Cait either. Vi should just fuck off to someplace else.
Its Jinx
The fact that she doesn't end up with Jinx is not because she chooses Cait, it's because Jinx is a psychopath
Nothing says sanity more than throwing on a nazi fit and trying to genocide the undercity
I feel like I have lost all sympathy for Jinx.
Like she is like a sadistic sociopathic terrorist, yet many scenes try to make her quirky.
They should hand her over, fuck her, thousands will die because of her mental illness.
ambessa is actually agaisn't piltover and starts killing everybody
WHO WOULD'VE GUESSED, guess who the final baddie is guys?
after the Nux and void invasion was defeated
everyone sits at the roundtable
jinx, ekko, VI, Cate, Heimer,etc
jayce stands up
”well I guess we really are the “League of Legends”
end credits
I fucking clap! Kino
I think Jinx and Vi will reconcile, Vi's perception of Jinx is already starting to show cracks in ep 5.
though this won't last long, me thinks.
Everything sounds decent BUT Isha's death. If they do this it will ruin the show and confirm she was just a fucking plot device to make Jinx react to her death
Jinx dies
Are u telling this is VIktor???
Wait I didn't notice before that Vi is going around flaunting her abs like that
She is so clearly a plot device
A potential reason for why they can't or won't write a toxic relationship between the two is because their relationship hasn't had much focus in the story. So far there's only one line between the two.
Also it doesn't sayt what happens to Maddie, an incredibly dead-as-shit shaped person. Not even saying that for caitvi cope, she looks 100% like dead material and this show is very predictable.
In the chapter you can clearly see that she only uses the gas on Silco's assistants and the chemical baarons. That's why Vi and the rest of the squadron agree.
Whatever you say Satan
Maddie is randomly made into a council member? KEK
This was debunked through no mention of Viktor'd warwick when will you people stop posting it?
Jinx and Ekko promise to keep Zaun safe
If we take Reed's teasing seriously then Ekko and Jinx will be nowhere around each other at the end so this part doesn't make sense either.
Viktor'd warwick
this is not his final form and no one even knows if its actually viktor who made him that way,it could very well be singed using the same rune tech as viktor
rewatching ep 5
it's good ep
Leaks really shat up all potential discussion for this series.
Hey Anon Babble, I’m sharing a leak I received from a reliable source. I’m just copying it directly because I have no idea about the lore.
- In Act 3, we’ll see Mel return to Noxus after Ambessa’s death. She will be part of the third part of the Trifarix ("Principle of Guile"), and it’s implied that LeBlanc is behind all of this.
That’s basically what he told me, but I don’t know what all of that means
I think shippers did it
Isha is good disabled representation
How can you tell? She's not even a character.
Would be wild if this was from the AU ep which happens in episode 6 and it's actually them fighting the enforcers. But because the trailer has these scenes mixed with Ambessa's stuff we think it's Act 3.
Yes it's the best of S2 so far. Hope they don't ruin the "Singed tells WW backstory" with retarded music
Sounds legit
ask him more stuff
I know it's an extreme minority opinion, but my takeaway from Arcane S1 was that it was a gorgeous, well-voiced show I don't regret watching. And that I've never had the urge to rewatch or really dwell on. Everything landed just right and Frenchily.
How is the second season? From lurking I heard stuff to the effect that the writing is worse, but the action and art is as good as ever. That's encouraging. The plot was always a nice bonus for me, with the visuals carrying.
Well anons, I just got back from a break. Why the hell do I see new leakers?
S2 is really good (so far). But as per usual you will see a lot of contraritarian opinions due to it being a popular show.
I don't think the writing is exceptionally worse, it's just that the brisker pace just makes the bumps that IMO, was always already there more noticeable.
Though honestly, with the way the show looks, even if it's written like some fuckin flavour of the month isekai anime, It'd still be worth watching.
I just rewatched entire S1 before S2 and you can't help but notice the drop in writing. It's blatant.
What sucks so much about it? I haven’t watched yet.
brisker pace
That would explain a lot, thanks anons. On the one hand I'm really busy right now and this is the kind of show I like to marathon all at once, but on the other hand the urge to just watch already is growing.
Though honestly, with the way the show looks, even if it's written like some fuckin flavour of the month isekai anime, It'd still be worth watching.
I know exactly what you mean, the level of animation that went into Jace fucking while Viktor was doing science was completely above and beyond what was insanely over the top relative to what it was actually about. Love that shit, artistic flair all over the place. Especially after it was tragically clear the latest Wakfu season suffered from a shrinking budget for animation
The first season was telling the plot through the character actions. In S2 subplots are introduced with flashbacks, montages or exposition dialogue
Twitch status?
It's not that it's bad, on the contrary it's good, but that people are now processing the story and the decisions they have made regarding the characters. Give them some time so they can process everything, they will say that S2 is a masterpiece, and honestly it is, but S1 so far has a greater impact, in my opinion of course
This is also how I would describe it.
It definitely has a different "vibe" compared to S1, but it doesn't mean it's worse.
Noxian Mel
I dont like s2
My boyfriend works at Fortiche and refuses to tell me what happens
Should I dump him?
That sounds fair. One of the prevailing takeaways I remember from the S1 threads on Anon Babble was that Jilco genuinely resonated with people a lot more than Vi's own relationship with her dad-figure even though they're supposed to be the "good guys". Meanwhile if there's one thing I can tell for sure from this season, it's that Vi getting keked is...quite something.
subplots are introduced with flashbacks, montages or exposition dialogue
Huh. I'm not discouraged yet, but I am curious now how that'll be implemented.
If you haven't seen act 2 until now, I'll give you a small preview without spoilers.
-First of all I hope you have a lot of patience, because sometimes the plot will get boring with the Zaun revolution and certain things about Jinx
-I hope you can put up with a Caitlyn Ellie Williams dictator version
-Vi looks too hot, I'm a lesbian because of her
-My God, Ambessa is a bitch.
fuck off to xitter woman it's not your board
Is the Warwick song from the leaks the real one for the scene?
Bro, what the fuck? It's not our fault you haven't seen a single woman in your life.
Caitlyn Ellie Wiliams dictator versoin
Yeah I'm standing by my no-spoilers policy until I watch it myself, but I'm definitely intrigued
Vi looks too hot
And as a straight man, I agree.
Vi also says they used it 'to clear the streets', so... they did, in fact, use it in the streets. I'm sure that heavy gas we see pooling and not dissipating whatsoever did no harm to anybody when unleashed in the cramped streets and alleys and nooks and crannies and crevices of Zaun, and that e.g. all the mooks we see passed out on the floor and struggling to breathe were totally fine after they were left lying there in a noxious substance for god knows how long, and absolutely nobody suffocated.
where do you think you are?
If all the other songs were left in the 2022 leaks, then yes. Just wait for changes in the song
I dont find Vi hot at all
Mel and Jinx though - would do terrible things for them
Goth Vi is pure sex appeal
he didn't watch full act 2 just leaked version
Honestly your analysis is too extreme and separated from what is shown in the show. Shipping aside, hatred is too big of a feeling and Ekko has never shown to reach that level in the show. He isn't obsessed with Jinx and, bridge scene aside, it always looks like he has a very healthy view of where they stand right now. Something like "She can do whatever she wants as long as she doesn't do bad things. If she does, I'll stop her". No hatred, no extremes, no obsessions. His real obsession is the survival of his people.
Too masculine for me
(I prefer Viktor)
Literally all of these threads have had fujos and lesbians
she's made only for the female gaze. can hardly believe a straight man would like this
Vi if she real
This is what Jayce will say when Mel shows up with her new Noxus look
Ryze is Victor now?
As of S2 Jinx is the worst-written major character by a country mile. She has no redeeming traits, no interesting dynamics, her """love""" for her sister consists of doing nothing but harming her, and the only reason why she's still alive and relevant is that she has a plot armor a mile thick. The whole sister drama has also gotten extremely old and one-note by this point.
*fujos and trannies
Anyone who has ever told you he was a lesbian in this general was a liar at best, a transbian at worst
yeah since the leaks and you fucking tourist faggots horded this board. trannies and womyn not welcome here keep lurking newfag
This but Vi
I NEED Jayce accidentally making Violet a stepford wife and the time she realizes it she’s in a dress and pregnant with triplets!
dykes should be shot
Where can I put money of Jinx dying?
This, I agree. And that mute child she keeps around her is also an annoyance.
Clean the streets of Silco's followers, not of people in general...
Nah transbians can't go 5 minutes without talking about their ~*girldick*~
Shut up fatass
Vi is made worse by Jinx. She's not allowed to have any character growth or new dynamics because god forbid her conflict and motivation could be about anything else than muh Powder.
KEKing dumb show
I'm not new here, retard
nighttime thread
that one filipino writing novels about how his little cuck ship will totally happen for real guys Amanda told me in a dream
Damn they must have some next level spy drones so they can unleash toxic gas into streets that they know for sure specifically and only contains exclusively followers of Silco at that exact moment.
It's afternoon for some of us
sure thing newfag
Check out this cool shit
Watch the episode again, now pay attention to where the gas is released in the images and who is affected by it. Then come back here and show me an innocent civilian affected by the gas
Vi has grey eyes though
Bro fell for piltie propaganda
tactical strikes to remove key figures stalling the revolution in one fell swoop (Vander, Benzo and Grayson)
perfect portrayal of revolutionary funding through less than virtuous means
hates piltover but is pragmatic about his hate
knows all out war is retarded, intends to use everything as bargaining chip
the chembaron meeting illustrating he is still connected to his roots
Nothing comes close.
*gay eyes
Little good they did her
you don't say
despises this new generation
obligated to work with them
Poor guy
you're one of the good ones
Is she a racist?
How does Jinx die?
Is still alive in the game
wow this copaganda montage is so cool
unironically using same arguments zionists use for flattening buildings in gaza
"Those were PRECISION gas strikes! Our intelligence indicated that only criminals and terrorists were in those cramped, densely-populated streets and buildings. We're keeping the people safe! Piltover's enforcers are the most moral army in the world!"
We have always been at war with Zaunasia
She dies 100% sure of it
bro watching IDF montages and cheering them on
I admire your faith in the plot of an animated series dictating the life or death of a MOBA character, I used to believe that the expanded universe of an IP-even one that's fallen out of fashion-could ever have lasting consequences on it's core media too
Be grateful that without lesbians you have new threads idiot, without us you would already be in trash, lol.
I want to fill her with my babies, I want to kiss her swollen belly
This ricedick has been shilling his cuck ship for 3 years lmao
I am against those Zionists and I am against what Caitlyn and the group did.
I am just describing what the show shows without being swayed by speculations, just what has been told and shown to us.
Are you for one or two-city solution?
What if he's doing all this because he was mindbroken by the knowledge that long before Arcane, Jinx canonically went on a date with a fucking moodle?
Shadowy mage cabal gang, let the muggles build their toys and fight each other in the streets, and eventually the problem will solve itself.
When did I say I am in favor? I am just describing what has been shown to us so far
So we have no idea what’s in act iii
She's Lol's damn Mickey Mouse, she can't possibly be killed, just like Caitlyn. I would even believe more that Vi is dying than Jinx or Cait.
Asian incels are so embarrassing
No wonder their women want nothing to do with them
We do
-the final battle
-caitlyn and maddie are still together
Vi pregnant when
they end in good terms
A lot of fucked up tension in that one line though. Also when I say "relationship" I think most people are thinking "caitvi cute domestic life, has an apartment together, and a dog" but really I'm using the term incredibly liberally. I don't think Jinx is capable of normal relationships of any kind or settling down ever, but I image a "relationship" to her is having someone of particular note to fixate on regularly(and occasionally have violent animal strangling injury inducing sex or 'insert whatever you jack off to' idc).
But yeah, the more I think about it the more I hope they don't attempt anything at all. I don't think arcane, especially with its current final season stakes, could handle the tonal whiplash needed to make their flipping toxic relationship work. They would need to be able to show the whimsy, childlike, fun side of the relationship, the "good", that Ekko guiltily enjoys while trying to ignore his gnawing conscience, then juxtapose it to the equal amounts bad in their encounters that has them often at each others throats. I think it makes sense for Ekko to be this person she pops in on every couple of weeks or months to torment or play around with despite his vehement protests. Ekko being ostensibly reluctant to participate as a sane man who hates jinx, but then is "forced" to when she "twists his arm". But I don't think arcane could balance Jinx forcing him to have any kind of lighthearted adventure, to bomb and rob a bank or two together, or have a race to see who can remove the most tires off gang cars before getting shot at, or going to a topside festival in disguises to set off paint bombs on people. And without ekko giving in to the nostalgic childlike old friend fun it's hard to make the following 'day comes crashing down cause they stepped on one of the many relationship landmines in their mind field of a past and now things are toxic' work to justify why he ever entertains her.
different file names
nice try lesbo shiller but you got the wrong man.
The show says they gassed the streets to clear the streets. If they gassed the streets, there is no way only gang members were affected. Also reminder that the distinction between 'gang members' and 'civilians' is non-existent; the gangs are a major part of the fabric of Zaunite society, and people at all levels work for or with them.
The show shows us mooks unconscious and struggling to draw breath. Is there a medevac team coming to drag them to safety? A follow-up team making sure that building is cleared of gas? Or is what we are shown the case: the gas is simply left where it stands once unleashed in Zaun, and anyone not quick enough to get out is simply left there to lay in it.
Silco was an absolute chad
They're exactly the same, chang
How many white boyfriends has your sister had since 2021?
The order was correct until now
Isn't that like, sexual abuse due to Caitlyns position of power and authority over the barely legal redhead?
Weinsten was jailed over less
This is act 2
Fuck you all
maddie is in her early 20's confirmed by her VA
Act 3
holy shit that's incredible luck monkeyonatypewriter-san, your response even feels like you can read when you clearly can't.
I fully believe this is episode 6 and here she is aiming at WW.
Vi is infertile after all the beatings she's taken
U mean Chapters, not acts
Timebomb won
20seconds since she became 18yo more likely.
Act 3
She's up on the tower, aiming at Jinx's ship
Does anyone have the in order Songlist with Isha's song on it?
May I please have it?
Was already confirmed to be act 2 yesterday
in act 2 it's not correct either. Rebelt heart, the beats and what have they done to us all come before Remember me
Agreed. They don't want Jinx as the main bad guy but they don't want to redeem her fully either. They don't know what to dowith her which ends up with them doing everything half assed.
ending with wasteland
… happy ending bros?
The brickwork/paving slabs on which she's resting her rifle look Piltovan to me, so I think this is more likely to be during the fight with Noxus. Unless Warwick goes on a hell of a bender topside, which I suppose is always possible.
It's okay to be asian
The first step is admitting it
Ekko is currently busy fucking Jinx nonstop
They just confirmed that we don't know anything about act 3
These people won’t listen kek. They think they know more than the people who have actually watched it.
We do.
Take the final trailer, substract the ep4&5 leaks plus the act2 sneak peak, you got act3.
Violet is fighting for Zaun, Catherine is fighting for Piltover/Noxus
Discussing films also mentions a fight. Therefore, act II.
and he's back to slamming on the keyboard, so long monkey-san. It was nice pretending even if for but a moment.
Or…they just haven’t shown us anything from act 3.
Good luck on the call center, hope today's papag is nice and warm
It's so fiucking obvious it's Ambessa I can't believe any of you retards don't get it
They have
Cute and canon power couple
If the battle is from act 2 then this picture takes place during….act 2.
*act 3
Why would Ekko be trying to save Ambessa?
Damn you’re stupid
Thats AU powder
The universe from which Ekko takes his Z-drive
Caitler's a bitch
And Vi is cucked
It's insane that the writers can still think that. After, Jinx blows up the tower for no other reason but teenage angst.
It's unironically Piltover's 9/11, and Jinx should be seen as Osama bin Laden.
Yeah so that article um I think what we saw in the trailer Purple hair Jinx Crop top Ekko Black armor Caitlyn and Vi is an alternative universe
viddie endgame
Jinx should be seen as Osama bin Laden.
She is, by Piltover.
Zaun considers her a saint.
We know the main beats, just not where to place them
Vi and Cait get together and fuck
Isha dies
Ambessa is defeated
Jayce kills Viktor followers and confronts Viktor
Jinx dies
Ekko gets his drive from his trip
Mel embraces the Medarda heritage
That could make sense. But cardboard anon said Isha is dying in an act 2 battle and I think this is it.
>Vi and Cait get together and fuck
think he said ep8
Why is Caitler sexing up the youngest looking enforcer.
I don't think the show considers her that.
It seems to think she is just a zany antihero with a tragic backstory.
If you want to keep your character redeemable, don't make them commit act of terrorism and literally smile when they kill people
Jayce kills Viktor followers
Why aren't you?
”Hexicans had it coming”
Jayce “The Hammer” Talis
I thought he said she died in the first battle, then the last 2 episodes are the real battle.?
You really really haven't watched the leaks, huh?
Isn't the implication here that Caitlyn is using her subordinates for pleasure? doesn't exactly do any good for how her character is perceived.
Can u understand that this is act 2?
Jesus christ Maggie looks like the stereotypical spoilt noble minor villain in that shot
... On Saturday we talk
death squad deployed to locate which cave jinx is hiding in and put a bullet in her skull
not Osama bin Laden coded
Nah, she cute
are they going to release rest of the season so soon?
I though it was going to be couple months
Yey fascism! martial law? awesome!
She cute but she brainless too
She's Bin Laden if he only blew up the Pentagon/White House/Capitol Building on 9/11. You know, targettng the people in power who messed up the Middle East for their benefit and not the civvies.
don't make fun of here, she hasn't had her morning coat of paint applied yet
My prediction is Warwick will kill her.
Why does this look like Armin and Eren from AoT to me.
You just know she'll butcher isha on cait's orders
works for cartel
steals your weapon
bombs your government
kills your mom
people see her as a hero and you as a tyrant
create murals of her
cant kill her anymore without martyring her and causing a giant riot
Caitlyn must be seething
You gotta love the contrasting artstyles
Jinx goes full shimhead as last hurah in final battle and then dies, Ekko tries to save her but 4 seconds arent enough
Thats what I got from the clues of Cardboardleaker
Last nights leaker said the same thing
I don't think any of the champs from the game is going to die.
Because you're a fujo and you got your first taste of fascism from sasageyo and now want more
lmao so we dont even know in which act those frames. hhahahahahah
Joss whedon esque marvel dialogue, weird scene prioritization where fight scenes drag on forever and plot essential character interactions are glossed over or played humorously, different lead story boarder so the shot composition and fight choreo isn't as good, all the main characters are intentionally isolated from one another in a way that feels like the writers just didn't know wtf to do with them, and there's a weird mix of feeling like a lot of time is wasted and like there wasn't enough time for everything to begin with
getting angry over fictional characters
Get a life
Jinx bio hasnt been updated unlike the rest.
Maddie is the seducer.
We have seen nothing from Act 3
how it is cuck shit when they were never together in the first place
my favorite character dies
my favorite couple breaks up
never together
keep telling urself that
I am getting too invested.
Gotta disengage and come back next Saturday. I have enough work to get worked up over the death of fictional characters
Yes, she has.
We’ll only be between Act 1 and Act 2 of S2 Arcane once. Just saying.
then dv
they "broke up" so
What about the cucking of fictional characters?
Why do you have every frame saved?
This thread is trash
oh to be hugged and crushed by Vi's giant gauntlets
this thread is jinx
Proof? What was changed?
Sevika is hotter than anyone else on the show. Also easily the best character this season.
Act 2 ep 6 finnna be fire
Why not?
in act 3 she goes to cuck Vi with Warwick in the cardboard
You should have let me shoot that girl, Vi
This is the worst one because Cait is smiling.
i just realized something if they are sitting on a bed did they fuck in front of a mirror?
Yes, he said she dies in Piltover, in the final battle.
Warwick wouldn’t even be able to fit in Vi’s cardboard “apartment.”
So the whole fight shit is in act2 ep6? Now I'm hyped.
So if we find out Cardboard is right about ep6, we know Isha and Jinx both die in act 3
she smiles briefly but then gets angry again
jinx dies
not even him mentioned that, kek you guys are delusional thinking they will kill any piltover champ, besides heimerdinger at MAX
Cardboard isnt right about anything, youre just retarded and mentally disabled so you believe anything
more reason the leaker was fake because jinx won't die
Vi caught her from hard fall
The fight in ep6 is the one shown in the preview between Ambessa and the others in Viktor's homeless camp.
Are Zaunites gonna do a revolution or something? They all have the same Jinx drawings on them, even Vi the traitor and Ekko.
no he’s just the cringe “cardboard anon” samefagging and pretending to be other people hyping him up
Vi doesn't have jinx drawings, her act 2 skin is the brawler one, ekko does have it
She looks Slavic.
people only wanna believe cardboard sex anon because he mentioned caitvi has sex watch it to be fake too
hand on spine/torso/waist
Vi is an instinctual protector.
Jinx lives
Thank fucking god, this show is about the sisters learning to understand each other better, not about a retard nazi dyke hijacking it
It says act 2 in the image retard
Them doing it on some cardboard trash next to Vi’s mounting piss bottle pileup is really, really not ideal.
Did Silco tap that? Is it true? Jinx is his actual daughter?
He implied it because there is nobody else who fits in the blanks. She dies after she goes berserk for Ishas death.
believing a random article
you're retarded
They can also kill Vi, just not permanently. Ekko would use his z-drive to save her.
Is there a place where I can bet money on Jinx dying?
"random" as in fucking ign lmao
so vi will die by warwick or by someone else?
Cardboard sex anon never said jinx dies only isha
He tries to save Jinx but 4 sec isnt enough.
theyre trolling, dont bother replying
Use your brain and ask yourself if they have enough time to show not one but two big fights in 206. They don't. It's act 3.
It's the other way around
Vi is Silco's
Jinx is Vander's
I believe this less judging by their body types.
WW confusing Cait for her more likely than not
He said that Jayve Vik, Mel, Cait and Vi dont die.
Someone important dies.
Ekko wants to save them but fails.
Its not Isha.
Doesnt mention Jinx beyond her getting juiced on shimmer post-Isha’s death.
Its just pretty obvious what the implication is.
Did you not watch the leaks? This article clearly made a mistake there’s no way all this and outfit changes are happening all in Episode 6 Jinx and Vi are together Ekko is still stuck wherever he went Caitlyn is in Zaun with Ambessa and Singed
Finally another Eileen enjoyer, she’s fine
Mommy looks pretty different between these
This is AU where Jinx remained Powder, its part of Ekko’s trip.
Stop making assumptions about what they have time to show in Act 2 as if the pacing isn't at neck-breaking speeds. Isha dyed her hair, staged a riot, got locked up, and broke out in episode 4 alone.
Cardboard is 90% chance legit
Nah, it’s as sturdy as cardboard in firepit
and then you realize Ambessa needs to turn on Piltover in the same act
Actually, Eileen is more likely. If I have to bet it would be on Eileen leaker.
he really thinks they will show a sex scene let alone in Vi's dirty smelly apartment
whoever told you he can only rewind 4 seconds?
is she going to be shown doing more based sigma female shit like in the lore or is it too silly for "le mature show"
Is Jinx and Vi both getting happy endings too much to ask for? t_t
This, he was the one who mentioned cool as slow motion fight in ep. 6,although maddie becoming a part of the council is pretty fucking stupid
Same leaker. Cardboardsexanon
All stuff done by copycats post her death.
We will get a bittersweet montage of it happening.
can you post the whole leaks?
Wait till saturday and the confirmed ones will get spammed
This gets more and more creative
none of the leaks are real and they never are
they only posted one part of the 'eileen' leaker, he returned another day and commented about the whole 'Vi titty slash' and thats why people called him 'Vi titty' but the second part no one talks about it. He mentions 'cool slow mo sequence in ep 6' and that caitlyn heals Vi, but no mention of mutated warwick,isha dying,rictus fighting jinx or wathever
On saturday we might learn Jinx and Vi mother name.. if her name really is Eileen we will know what leaker was right.
Her name will be Scarlett
Scarlet Dust
I'm hoping her name is different
Leakers are full of shit.
No one would be stupid enough to do Joker 2 all over again.
Right now they going to delete it because we haven't reached page 10. SHIT WE ARE ALREADY THREATENING BY THE MODS
Thread is on page 10, refresh
Show was written long ago
Forget it
Yeah, they also knew a Joker 2 ending was stupid as fuck back then