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Arcane: EP6 Leaks Edition
No xitter tourists allowed. Don't quote me.
Why would straight people do this?
someone important dies
Ekko tries to save them desperately, but 4 seconds arent enough
its not Ishas death, she dies elsewhere
Its not Heimer, Jayce, Mel, Vi or Cait
no mention of Jinx after Isha dies and she goes full shimmer-mode for her last fight
Jinx bros.... I dont feel so good
It’s fishbro isn’t it….
Can't believe Vi lost her tits
Blame Warwick
I guess we'll see AU Benzo die this time.
I cannot escape this webm, I see it in my dreams.
Abby edition is coming
S1 act 1 artstyle had more soul. Prove me wrong
it’s nightmare fuel
They're there. I'm sucklin' on her tits right now.
Amanda will make it right and remove this scene, the same way she made Lest a hecking valid transfolx.
Have faith.
LoL the game has no real story, it's literally a sporting event to the death. Occasionally you can trigger nemesis events where characters with personal beef outside the arena duke it out.
They only made champion lore in the profile blurbs cause it was plain without a little backstory. Nothing was very consistent and keeps getting retconned by themselves to this day
where are the ep6 leaks
Isha is LoL Jinx.
lmao no way when it was her who said in a interview we will live and hate maddie
Idk how anyone can sit there and pretend any anime can compete with the eye candy Arcane’s been giving us rn. It’s the new standard.
Japan has to assemble its A-team and fund a passion project just to get its respect back. They’re getting dogwalked by the French.
Amanada is a single dog mum who loves drama. There is no plan here. Just drama.
were's the love part tho?
RIP Isha and Sevika.
Riot loves to put in champion skills into Arcane, so Jinx getting her 'Get Excited' passive is actually believable.
Jayce gets his hammer skills, WW does his ult/hold q on Jinx in the prison scene, Vi gets her shield buff vs Sevika in s1, Ambessa E in the trailer, bunch of others
Married Caitvi, they’re wearing rings in the epilogue.
The half-assed smooch in the smelly poo poo sewer
I cant fucking draw
I tried to draw the fucking catgirl and nothing but shit
It came to me in a dream
Previous thread
about maddie
needs to die…..
Why would Ekko care to try to save Sevika a bunch of times?
Its Jinx.
dk how anyone can sit there and pretend any anime can compete with the eye candy Arcane’s
Cope. lol
Trigger alone has been dogwalking western animation for years, right back to its days with Gainax.
You heard it here first. Maddie will be crucial in getting Cait and Vi back togheter. She will tell Vi how much Cait loves her. I am willing to bet money on it.
Is in the game now
Why spill all this stuff but chicken out when someone asks the understandable question about what happens to Jinx? Sounds like calculated leaking
Not it’s just Cait and Maddie, sit this one out Vi.
she's on tft, thats were non-characters or dead ones go
idk about all that, I just meant the part about Jinx wilding out and going on a killing spree like in the games with her passive
Yuritards have been misquoting Amanda for months, here's what she actually said:
Caitvi sex when?
After Maddie
Its so over
1. its not her, its yee
2. they are not talking about that interview you retard, she said 'you'll love and hate maddie for all the right reasons'
Vander's prodigy.
Candidly, I thought you were the prize of your secondhand family.
But, Jinx... Oh, she is more than you ever imagined.
80% of the discussion is about lesbo ships and when sex
I hate online fandoms
I doubt it kek watch the sneak peek the scene where they visit Cassandra’s statue and Caitlyn looks at Maddie is still there that scene won’t make any sense if they are not together
lesbo ships and when sex
ep7 24:38
someone post THE webm
So to guys what’s a series that blows Arcane out the water, in your opinion
if she actually does this then 100% maddie is amanda self insert:
she have sex with caitlyn
doesn't end up with her cause she likes her with vi
How do they feel as writers having worked for years on complexe characterization like Silco and all the "fanbase" ask in theses AMA is retarded shipping faggotry?
That’s old. In the premiere she recently said we’ll love and hate Maddie for the right reasons
the dykes? sure, we threw a bone at their fans in the form of a kiss then one on the gets cucked whatever, anyway back to the actually interesting parts of the story............
You know..
Kill La Kill
it's so funny how trannies reinforce gender roles, like no vi can't just be a butch woman, if she does anything considered vaguely masculine she MUST be a man
Not even close
I thought AO projected in Vi and liked Caitlyn her vibe is more like Vi and she thirsts over Caitlyn
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
the two main girls show more skin and both are straight
No, he's right
zoomercore tranime
You're right, Kill La Kill is leagues beyond Arcane, faggot troon.
KlK came out over 10 years ago, bro
I see what you did there.
Yeah when zoomzoom were 14 and the target audience
I don't get it tho, like Caitlyn is hot and all but why does Vi simp for her so much in S2? In S1 she ditched her whenever she had the chance.
Sevika's dying, isn't she? She got these scars cause of the hextech. If that thing starts acting up again won't she be experiencing pain?
You’re seething over cartoons and probably still a virgin, faggot.
I cant fucking draw the catgirl
I can’t remember the exact part but it was an Evanescence-tier scene when Jinx was having an episode. Both of her dead friends were flashing to the sides of her and the whole thing felt like a music video. Which can be said of the entire series’ emotional and action scenes but still
Jinx has good taste in anime
The two best animation series ever
Tatami Galaxy and Ping Pong the animation
they really made vi so pathetic loser this season because who simps over pussy for a whole ass year while the other one is actually getting pussy for a year
Saw the season finale spoilers, Vi ends up sexing **Jinx**
you fucking retard just because she helps her in a battle doesn’t mean they are still fucking
Caitlyn is getting pussy from who?
Ryuko vs Satsuki
Jinx vs Caitlyn
Single handedly mogs your arcane
maybe caitler screamed vi’s name when they were fucking and that was it for her
he doesn't know
Ekko could never.
Is this Ymir Fritz
it's still good, it's still good, it's still good
Which arc of berserk is this again? The golden age? Zaun...what do they eat?
The bigger Zaunites simply eat the smaller ones (this is Isha in the future)
34h until episode 6
thread dead
Fish and chemicals
This shit was ASS.
Arcane S1 = Frieren > Arcane S2 >>> Shitland Kaka
Imagine you go to prison for seven years, having lost all of your family except for your sister, who you gave every reason to hate you before you got imprisoned.
Imagine you come out of prison with a woman's help and proceed to try and find and reconnect with your sister, only for you to develop chemistry with the woman who got you out and for your sister to turn out to be a complete psychopath who rejects your attempt to reconnect with her and who basically starts a war with a terrorist attack.
Imagine having no one left in your life except for the woman who got you out of prison and who you have developed affection for, there's basically nothing else left for you in the world.
In such a situation, it would make sense that you would cling to that woman because at that point, without her, you have absolutely nothing and no other reason to live. It's why Vi is going to go into her self-destructive spiral in Episodes 4-6, because she's lost Caitlyn, the last reason she had to live.
Go on Reddit. People ADORE Maddie, well, at least people who haven't watched the leaks, they call her a cute patootie. I'm very curious to see how people react to her.
"Bu..bu-but...y-you're seething..f-fa—"
Shut the fuck up, pussy, and make way for this peak.
I could have sworn when Viktor walked into the undercity some rando was eating a rat.
There are probably farms outside the city's limits. As for Piltover, they likely eat Zaunite babies. Genuinely, why can't they stop themselves from killing children?
It's quite simple then, Vi was miserable in jail and then a hot enforcer chick came rescue her, on top of being hot - and despite being an enforcer - turns out she's kind and treats her like a person.
I don't know what Vi's dating prospects were like in jail, but if I were her I'd have fallen for Caitlyn too.
And then she cucked her lmao
The topic is over go home troon, if you really want to talk about some retard gook show there’s Anon Babble
Seems they mostly eat seafood from the river (which must be polluted as shit), but I'm sure people in the markets sell imported things.
Says the yuricuck who wandered out of Anon Babble
People say this cutie is a terrorist?
Thats crazy.
Aside from Piltover's trash, they seem to have a lot of street food that uses fish and seafood covered in sauce.
Ironic because you’re here too
Yeah, but she doesn't know.
On a separate note, I wonder what tf did Caitlyn do to Maddie to have her basically begging for a round 2. We joke about Chadlyn and shit but Cait must be really good at whatever she does to girls in bed.
Hope Vi can get some.
I'm not a yuritard
Vi got cucked by the way
Would you eat Zaunite street food?
Okay, what's more polluted, the Pilt or the Ganges? In other words, what's safer to eat, Zaun or Indian street food?
Arcane > trigger
It was a good run jinxbros...
I cant fucking draw her, its impossible
I have no fucfking talent, Anon Babble was right, I was right
ITT: usual retards comparing 3D to 2D animation
Actually i’m glad she did, prefer seeing two cute girls together rather than a cute girl and a man.
You'd get diarrhea worse than in India.
all of these anons replying "seafood duh"
Fun fact, Jericho the Fishmonger(who is a fish himself) shows up briefly in act2
Both might kill you but who knows what kind of evil magical shit is in Zaun runoff.
samefagging responding to their fake shit hoping more morons will believe it
Caitlyn was wise not to accept that
Scary to think cucking is a universal thing everything living is going to experience in some way or form. It’s as essential to life like eating and shitting.
everyone that has had sex with more than their first partner is a cucking
Getting a baby girl is a future cucking as a dad
you basically gets cucked 24/7 by Chad unbeknownst to you
cucked by work and the rich
he doesn't know
Literally no problem in comparing the two
Retarded take. So were you cucked by your own body too cause you need to eat, drink, breathe and sleep?
Those big eyes and unrealistic hair color really take me out of it
This is how you know cuck is just another buzzword.
Btw Vi isn't a cuck. It's been at least a full year since Caitlyn broke up with her.
all of these Anon Babblemblr tards getting insecure over Anon Babble again
Jinx and Rebecca would be friends
Yeah she is lmao
Hair dye really ruins my immersion, obviously they never could have invented it in a magical steampunk future.
I was cucked from the moment I realized I was gay…
Also you are a cuck cause your dad fucked your loving mum.
I find it very interesting how Jinx seems to be shaping up to be both Silco and Vander's successor, whereas Vi - Vander's prodigy - is just...there.
Like I can see Jinx and Ekko becoming leaders in Zaun their own way, the firelights are already Zaun's vigilantes and Jinx is becoming a symbol, but Vi doesn't really seem to have a place in there anymore, so wtf is she supposed to be now?
I know Arcane is rewriting the canon and all, but tb h I think they're not changing the part about Vi staying in Piltover. She just doesn't have a whole lot to do in Zaun, you know? Like...What, is she supposed to go there with Jinx and re-open the last drop? The Piltover Enforcer becomes Zaun's bartender? The hound of the underground 2.0?
The hound of the underground 2.0?
The Bitch of the Underground
Explain why she still thinks about her
Explain why Caitlyn is getting her clit sucked nightly by Maddie and doesn't think about Vi once
She's a cuck and you know it
I just got here
The River Pilt is probably perfectly clean, actually. The rift between Piltover and Zaun is more like a massive canal created by chemtech bombs. It used to be an isthmus like Panama before they blew it up, in order to create a fresh new trade route that they could monetize.
But due to the chemicals and explosives involved, that canal is absolutely rife with all sorts of noxious chemicals, while the Ganges is mostly just full of disease from all of the decomposing matter that gets chucked in it.
So, pick your poison. Industrial waste water or sewage run-off water.
Because she's piltovers enforcer and you just gotta deal with it.
She’s not but Vi drinking herself to death hallucinating and thinking about Caitlyn while Caitlyn is getting fucked by someone else makes it look like it
Character with lots of melanin
called Mel
Such full yummy lips
fuck off
calm down
korra's catchphrase
If only Arcane's PnZ was more like this...
Imagine being Vi, you feel compelled to protect your little sister, to save your home, and fulfill the legacy of the man who was more your father than your own father ever had the chance to be...
And then one day you realize that you're actively working against your sister, the people from your old home beg her to save them, and she's completely by dumb luck fulfilling the legacy of not just your adoptive father, but her own as well.
Honestly, it's Vi that should be contemplating suicide, not Jinx.
Jinx in LoL, LOR or 2XKO doesnt have a mechanical finger
This means that arcane Jinx is her most chronologically advanced version
Not sure what that means.. but it means something
Vi was 7 years in prison and came back to a changed Zaun whereas Jinx had all the time to fuck around and got herself a new dad. They are not the same.
Guess you could say they got...
They are not the same.
Yes, Jinx is better
Honestly, it's Vi that should be contemplating suicide, not Jinx.
What do you think she's doing in Episodes 4 to 6? It's slow suicide but descending into alcoholism while constantly throwing yourself into pit fights is a good way to get yourself killed.
It means that LoL, LoR, and 2XKO are noncanon, and at some point may or may not be updated to match Arcane.
The Z-Drive works exactly as it does in the lore
exactly as it does in the lore
Ekko can only go back 4 seconds
only 4 seconds
I would advice that before trying to bullshit stuff from the lore into your lies, maybe read the lore first?
Geezus, that image is long as fuck.
You're very bad, just give up
Do you think Vi realizes how terrible of a person she is after nearly a decade being raped and beaten in prison?
Do you think she realizes how little she's actually changed?
We will know if its legit in less than 2 days
It will probably be in a few years, with Zaun being independent with more power of its own.
why would 2XKO be non canon? The game hasn't been released yet and won't be until way after Arcane is done.
It was more vibrant on purpose.
Being trapped in prison doesn't really allow for character development. It's no surprise that she's stuck in her adolescence.
Keep going, anon, I belief in u :)
Why is this literal nigga so tiny and scrawny?
His mohawk is there to make him look less like a manlet
holy fuck man that's actually sad
Alcoholic pit fighter Vi almost certainly smells like a rancid combination of piss, vomit, stale sweat and liquor, and a delicate, sweet-and-sour whiff of the early stages of fetor hepaticus.
SAY IT, WHY cant I?
It was more like they just turned the bloom all the way up. lol
the bird is actually ok
hot body but a horse face
Always the fucking BIRDS
In the old canon he used to be younger than everyone.
It means anything can happen in arcane, including her death, and it will become the new canon outcome.
We have run out of things to discuss. See you fellas on Saturday
See ya poser
desu it's gonna be ghey if Ekko can just rewind minutes into the past to undo whatever tf he wants, I'd prefer if they stick to the game ult where it's 3-seconds only
bro says "gimme a couple seconds", not "I need 5 minutes to undo shit on a whim"
I kinda…. Dont care about any of the characters anymore.
Only cared about Powder in S1 but now they are just turning her into Harley by redeeming her.
Cait and Vi melodrama feels like one of those “its just le misunderstanding” things and it’s annoying because we all know they get together.
Jayce was interesting as the idealist who finally found courage in s1, but now he has regressed back to just making weapons and compromising his principles.
Silco was pretty good and complicated, but thats gone. Ambessa is a much weaker antagonist.
Isha is so fucking cheap.
They're trying too hard to to make it seem like everything is deep and meticulous. Now, the story feels contrived and played out.
S1 was effortless because it focused more on the emotion rather than the happenings, and I think that's why it ended up being as good as it was.
Singed and Viktor. That's all I care about.
Writing romance into a story is ALWAYS a mistake.
The show wouldnt be half as popular without a lesbian ship.
Specially a terrible dyke ship with ugly girls with Anakin-tier chemistry
popular on xitter and leddit doesn't mean shit
Maybe the one who should learn to read lore is you. That Ekko comic hasn’t been canon for years, it was even deleted.
The current canon (though the canon will be Arcane) doesn’t let him come back for more than a few seconds.
She is the only character I care about and its literally only because she is the hottest main character and moves around in a cute way.
The show wouldnt be half as popular without a lesbian ship.
No one is watching Arcane for the toxic lesbos.
We're watching for Jinx's tumtum to catch our cumcum.
I would not reduce the relationship between Caitlyn and Vi as a misunderstanding, it is more than that, it is Caitlyn's personality and beliefs changing as she goes through the same kind of tragedy that Vi went through years ago. I like how tragic it is, Vi being powerless to stop it.
She will snap out of it because nobody has real convictions in this show.
Disappointed in Jayce vs Viktor for the same reason. Would have been so cool to see them grow apart because of strong moral and philosophical convictions they come to with time. Instead one gets corrupted, and the other gets mindfucked by a bad trip. Its lazy and boring.
Vander vs Silco? Now that was good.
Most leakers talk about Ekko traveling through time and between alternate universes. The only one who mentioned Ekko going back just a few seconds is Cardboard anon, and I don’t think someone actually looked into the CONV/RGENCE comics, to be honest.
I'm with him.
Convergence is canon
hahaha I bet you haven't even played the game.
If Cardboard is proven right come Saturday, Jinx almost certainly dies.
Don't worry, they're retroactively sabotaging Vander & Silco, too. Nobody can have real things that they strongly believe in, in this show. The only motivator is drama.
and between alternate universes.
They just gotta turn everything into slop these days
I want to believe so bad but I know it's just bullshit.
The opening does show Ekko with 2 shadows
trannies reinforce gender roles
Gender roles exist and will continue to exist with or without trannies.
Vi, Jinx and Viktor felt important in S1.
Now Viktor is gone, Jinx feels hollow (this is on purpose), and Vi still can't find joy.
Isha is meh. I actually am most interested in the chembarons.
Literally, it's the most recent canon, and they themselves said so until they revised it and declared that Arcane is the canon.
anons really believe some random guy in Anon Babble
Did he post some photo or video evidence? The fuck are you doing thinking about this.
I want more fascism snd police brutality in the shoe. These are the best parts.
I'm saying that Ekko isn't the one who creates the alternate universe, it's the anomaly instead
What happened in February 2021 that made you forget how to draw?
He answered really quick and with some detail. Its just fun to evaluate most credible leakers and check if it was true later on.
help me make a bingo board for s2
I wish I cared about Vi and Cait because they are the only ones guaranteed to have a good ending, but I really dont give a shit.
But why is he credible, because Vi has a cardboard bed? Just because of that? The boxing scene has been around for a while, and surely the leaked episodes showed some shots of the bed.
You think Piltover and Zaun could come together to repel a Godzilla attack
they are the only ones guaranteed to have a good ending
Doesn't Vi abandon Zaun and her entire family and friends in it? How is that happy?
We get a new chembaron
Orianna is created / shown
Maddie dies
Shieldbro speaks
Jinx reconciles with Chuck
The Tree burns
Janna saves the day
She lives and has a job and a girlfriend
That counts as happy.
I think it's also because he didn’t come here saying, "I’m a leaker, here are my topics." He just came in saying not to worry about Viktor's icon because it looked much better in the series. He only started answering when people asked him
What family? Her dad is a barely lucid rage monster that kills nearly indiscriminately, both Jinx and Vi acknowledge that Powder is dead, and Ekko has never needed Vi. Cait is the closest thing to family Vi has left.
oh the misery for free space
He also talked about a much more golden outfit for Mel, and I think I remember that shortly afterward, that image of Mel with the new golden outfit appeared
Sequel hook?
Jinx (likely) loses her adoptive daughter and then dies, so take what you can get
Caitlyn and Maddie end on good terms
Maddie is part of the council
Remember me released (in australia and NZ)
Do you still think its VanderWick song?
Remember me
Remember me
I'm on my own
Remember me
I'm too far gone
I couldn't see
Remember me
Remember me
All the times
I cut so deep
All my life
I couldn't breathe
Remember me
Remember me
Remember me
Remember me
I don't wanna lie, that's not me
I just wanna be more than a memory
If you dream about me when you fall asleep
I hope you, I hope you
Never find someone to hold you like I held you
All I want is peace of mind, can I tell you
When you tell me that you love me guess it wasn't true
But I hope you
Remember me
Remember me
I'm on my own
Remember me
I'm too far gone
I couldn't see
Remember me
Remember me
All the times
I cut so deep
All my life
I couldn't breathe
Remember me
Remember me
Remember me
Remember me
link or gpt created
Btw Vi isn't a cuck. It's been at least a full year since Caitlyn broke up with her
Don't try to reason with these anons. Bunch of retards in here
Sevika is the best character of the season so far.
It works if you set spotify acc to aussieland
Can someone download it and upload it somewhere so it doesn't get lost?
This doesn't sound like Vanderwick at all t bh.
According to Anons in here we all have been cück because we have exs and new relationships.. crazy right?
It's set to release today later anyway.
It just slowly rolls out across the world.
It's not possible to download it with the websites, as it feeds these sites only trailer music.
What am i looking at
I mean, people have theorized about her getting some golden power. Necrit has too, and he's not here for the leaks.
I know episodes are an hour long but there's no way all that happens in Act 2. We know what happens in 2 out of 3 episodes.
Nigga don’t be dumb. IGN made a mistake.
Nvm my previous comment, actually worked this time
not golden power, golden armor/accesories
They never said that. Convergence was an alternate universe since the beginning. No anon, Ekko doesn't turn bad in the future.
that's not IGN bullshit, that's netflix sneek peak in youtube channel
Sounds more like some lesbian melodrama song
Ok guys what if this song is also for Caitlyn
IGN posted one of the picture of jinx flying an airship, and now everyone thinks it’s happening in act two. Everyone here should know that it was just a mistake.
You fell for such obvious trolling? They know exactly what they're doing.
Are you people retarded? Theres no way people believe this unless youre mentally disabled and in need of medical attention
I feel it might be Vi's. Who else but her would want to be remembered by someone she loves.
I mena, look her outfit in airship, in the second imagen and look her outfit in sneek peak
I feel like this song is for Mel since they're pushing her hard this season. Mel is the only one "on her own" too.
there's two versions of the song and intro and the full one. I assume it's about VW in some capacity cause of where it is in ep6, first 1/2. Isha's song in the 2nd half.
This sounds like it's Jinx @ VW talking about herself, getting him to remember Powder
You think Jinx is going to team up with Ekko, cut her hair, and build make her lair fly in one episode?
I don't think it takes much time to cut your hair
Fucking stupid lyrics and nauseating beat.
Have we heard Remember me in the leaks?
They dont, there is no “people”, its 99% the “cardboard anon” spamming replies to his own post because he has down syndrome, the other 1% are just xitter retards.
It seems like it's from a flashback, but I don't think it's from WW
Guys, what if Caitlyn dies?
Yes, we listen to Remember Me (Intro):
This is fact
If cardboard sex anon is right, then I'm guessing Mel and Jayce break up because Mel goes back to Noxus and is a lead character in the next series. Tit slash said she is on the new council, so they'd probably stay together if that leaker is correct.
Well, other shows should learn
This is the one I thought was VW, like he can't remember who he is
Remember Me (Intro?)
Can you find me
I'm not hiding
All my memories
Aren't mine, mine
Not me
Show yourself
Not me
Show yourself
We're all creatures
(Who we might be)
Find a mirror
See what I see
When you tell me that you love me guess it wasn't true
Not Caitvi unless we get get more Vi yearning, which I doubt. JayMel maybe?
I just want to speculate and so I am looking for the most credible "leakers" to latch onto something.
Also makes this Saturday more exciting, as we only have 1 new episode that will reveal if there are any credible leakers at all
3/10 tranime
there's tons of better animekino even after covid
go kys
I and thousands will kill each other
But It does take time to fight Noxians, cut your hair, team up with an enemy, build an airship, make new weapons, and Fight Noxus again.
They wouldn't.
... Would they?
it would be way more if jayce and viktor fucked
I swear to fucking God if they kill off Vi I am done with this entire company.
Then I hope Caitlyn dies. World and humanity would do better as a species with out you insane dykes in it.
In ONE EPISODE, we had the fall of two Chemtech Barons, the Black Rose appearing, Vi and Caitlyn’s kiss, Jayce, Ekko, and Heimer discovering the anomaly and activating it, a fight between Vi and Jinx, and Caitlyn’s rise to power.
They will never go for the bury your gays trope lmao
So seethe more faggot
Good. Vi is better off without Caitlyn
This. People forget how jam packed these episodes are.
Same. Kill literally anyone else and I'm fine. Even Caitlyn. If they kill Vi then it's just flat out sadistic and I'm over the franchise.
During what scene did it play?
Hm. This song is completely different.
Could it be that intro is for VW but the 'normal' version is just for some other pair.
That said, both songs are pretty weak after some bangers from act1.
Holy shit you’re dumb. That was all happening to separate characters you idiot. I’m not going to entertain your stupidity anymore, so let’s just wait for Saturday to see who’s right.
I don't know if u don't wanna see or u cant
The Vi misery porn is so overdone where I am completely numb to it. Vi having a fake out death would earn an eye roll instead of a tear from me.
installing league of legends
I just can’t, sorry.
Another lesbian song?
This has to be the shittiest song I've ever heard
This doesn't sound like an Arcane song. Anyone else know what I mean?
you sound like fucking tumblr fangirls
yes, arcane songs are great, this is shit
Just like Macbeth
I’m surprised nobody pointed this out but bottom left jinx could very well be her alternate universe version
No it's a Vanderwick x Eileen song
The mutation must survive.
it is, look her tattoos
Literally only good character left in this show
Best character with just two lines of dialogue
Sure thing Heisenberg
Everyone seems to like him here, but why do I find his scenes so boring.
Here's the thing about time, if you can't make the most out of any give moment...
you don't deserve a single extra second.
Ekko's power is only as cool as it is deeply tied to his personal philosophy and character. Giving him brain dead boring time travel instead of his very unique flavor of it just isn't gonna happen so I wouldn't worry
Killing Vi at this point is just overkill (pun not intended). Most likely to die is Ambessa (after I saw that new intro)
He literally has the best written dialog this season
scenes women can't understand
we do unspeakable things for love
Trying very hard but it just sounded cringe
Yeah, it's not great. Maybe they will somehow make it good in show, but by itself it's probably the weakest two songs from soundtrack so far.
Vi should have died in the warehouse.
Every character
i think i will make a werewolf today
Simple as.
Didn’t he literally say he was doing everything for “Love.” That’s pretty corny.
That's literally what he does tho
Can someone tell me when does Remember Me intro plays? What scene?
sexually assaulting viktor
if it's true about him not being able to save someone with 4-second god powers then it would indeed be humbling to his character, even with such power we mustn't take things for granted.
I can dig it, it's like an Uncle Ben kind of moment in a cool way
how would be know fucking retard?
Not really, when you realize he's a clinical psychopath and doesn't have the ability to understand what love is. He says it's for love but in reality he just wants to bring his daughter back out of some lizard brained need to see his progeny survive.
VW prob
How does she die?
If you think hes trying to bring his daughter back for love than you really have not been paying attention to any of his scenes.
He can just fuck some woman and have more heirs
is it native 4k or enhanced ai slop?
Am I missing something, is this not what is in the show? Buildings for better off workers and bourgeoisie on the surface, working class housing and slums along the walls of the mining pit/trench connected with bridges?
I dont know, saved it from 4channel
holy shit, you're right
Drowned by my cow
what did Jinx mean by this?
The only song I've liked so for is Hellfire. Sucker is kinda okay
However, she also lacks the middle finger
Were its positioned in the line up would be the stillwater fight between VW and Jinx, but it is not a fight song. So might be the opening to 206 since they ended 205 on a gay ass hug. Might be an all around case of flash backs
The undercity is located across the bridge and only in small cracks in the surface that run deep, like trenches. In lore Zaun is directly underneath Piltover
what fucking alternate universe?
if this is really act 2 then its just a milisecond of a scene and ekko is involved
The real music question is:
Guns for Hire, or To Ashes and Blood?
That Silco is a cuck
I could handle the woke levels of S1 and still enjoy it. I haven't started S2. Do they crank it up? Was S1 all a trap for chuds like me?
Missing Vander
Guns for Hire is miles ahead
Does she really give caitlyn a foot massage or was that made up
What woke levels? The girl bosses that constantly fail at everything they do?
To Ashes and blood. Not contest.
Guns for hire with that heavy accent makes it unbearable to listen to.
Where do you see her middle finger?
I'm gonna be controversial here and say Our love
are u blind?
They cranked it up with dyke faggotry. Seem very shoehorned and unecessary compared to S1 where it was more subtle. Rest is ok appart from cat tranny
Lmfao I had a dream where this happened last night and it was leaked somehow and everyone got mad
Oh no, another one who learned the word "woke" in 2021 and now uses it for everything
What could have been >>>> to Ashes and Blood >>> Guns for Hire
I mean in the two lower images
Fantastic >
Idc I like how it zooms in on Caitlyns face cause she's also doing unspeakable things out of love for her mother
You have to be 18+ to post on Anon Babble
Are they not just painted over?
kills her brothers
kills firelights
sets up booby trap with a child's voice so when someone tries to save the child - they die in an explosion
kidnaps and kills her adoptive father
people still root for her
people still want her to get a happy ending
"she is le cute and neurodivergent"
I hate you simps so fucking much
melodramatic lesbian song better than anything else
only newfags like you say "Anon Babble" tho
In lore Zaun is directly underneath Piltover
Not anymore, Arcane is c a n o n
Sure, but Jayce-Mel sex seemed incredibly well-placed to you
i know this must be bait but it hurts knowing people this retarded do exist and think this way
it must be exhausting living like this
Fantastic leak never but I guess only 8 days left
Yes it was good romance. The scene when they make out while Viktor is on the verge of dying was also kino
Oh I see it now, thanks
It's only funny when it's Vi who's receiving all the blame for everything.
I’ve gotten weirdly attached to Jayce and Mel, especially since the season opened the way it did. I’ll be so bummed if they split them up. They’re the best canon ship in the show right now and they’d just be doing it for girl power bs.
Well duh. Nothing in s2 will top What Could Have Been. Hell, that's the best thing Sting has done in decades.
It doesn't look like this at all
Manipulation leading to a romance and a cringe sex scene is not good anon.
Unlike the dyke romance, Jayce/Mel serves a purpose in the show. It helps convey the fact is more and more driven away from science to contrast with Viktor who is more and more dependent on science.
Nothing said is incorrect.
People do make stupid excuses for her because she is a cute skinny girl.
Thx for the actual answer.
Bruh they specifically race swapped Jayce because the story wasn't going to have him either be gay, dead, or an irredeemable villain. The only straight love interest in the whole series is interracial (and neither character white, see above). The main romantic subplot of the show is gay AND interracial. The strong muscular and sexually aggressive character is an old black lady. I could go on but my point was that S1 wasn't terminally woke. But I was worried it was setting up for S2 to just let loose with it.
Cait/Vi romance serves to drive an even bigger wedge between Vi and Jinx you goddamn retard.
Fuck I think you’re right. I really didn’t want them to lean this much into the time travel shit.
Okay, but she’s not a real person. There will always be people who go to crazy lengths to defend characters, but if you can seriously watch Arcane and not somewhat understand how much of a victim of her circumstances she is, there’s no helping you
writing that she “killed her brothers” as if it was a purposeful thing and not the accidental consequences of a desperate child living in a gang war zone is fucked
I have been saying this is POWDER for a while now, but nobody listens.
This is AU Powder from Ekko's crew.
all the best characters have barely any dialogue
fuck. i don't like what this implies about the writers
Bet your live in your parents basement
"Man, when Orianna wakes up she's going to love this fucking werewolf. I'm the best dad ever!"
Why does she have shimmer eyes then?
kek Jayce wasn’t race-swapped. His mom in season1 is called fucking Ximena and has the thickest accent possible. he’s clearly at the very least mixed with brown Latino and has the ability to tan like most mixed people do. he had olive undertones in his skin in season 1.
s1 literally lets an anarchist terrorist defending a gang-run ghetto be its protagonist. it has always been a show with left-leaning politics. in real life there are plenty of mixed people to the point where most censuses and shit don’t make sense anyway.
it's the fact that he is randomly way more complex then the single note you first expect him to be.
You need to stop with theses cringe as hell "chud" diss nigga. You're not on xitter.
My bf asked me today when we were rewatching act 1 why singed is actually making Warwick and what he thinks he’s doing for Orianna and I just laughed. It actually comes across like this in the show
They are just painted over
she liked teddy bears...
Where do you think you are retard? Of course we're loser. Still won't consoome woke trash. Simple as.
The main romantic subplot of the show is gay AND interracial.
Hapas are honorary white by default.
God, I hate that stupid bandage shirt
jobless behavior
log off and pick up a hobby that forces you to be outside at least thirty minutes a day
Define woke and define what a white person is
I hate the whole fit and hair
Looks like a background firelight character now
everybody who has read just a tiny bit of lol lore knows this
my bf
it’s so fucking ugly. i think her haircut looks okay on one of the shirts but the outfit is so clunky and makes her look like an idiot who got attacked by a bunch of kids with paint. I have no clue why the firelights would take her in even if they’re accepting silcos people now and ekkos in love with her, she killed so many of them
I have no enemies.
Everyone does though.
Only way I see Jinx dressing up like this is if she grew up with Vi.
a white person is indo-european but more precisely either celtic or germanic.
Friend, I think you have overdosed on screen time. Idk how you could think I was talking about Jayce S1 to S2...I was talking about the fucking game. In game Jayce was always a white man with blue eyes. They race swapped him for the show.
Not if they're all dead.
we’re on a thread about a female-led show that has about 3 relevant males and you think there are no biological women on here? it’s either this or people complaining about “women and trannies” taking over the threads every 3 posts, make up your minds retards
Kek this is exactly what annoys me. No reason for them to accept her anyway so it’s extra stupid.
isn't jayce indigenous? him and his mom were show to be eskimos back in season 1
I know they said this story is wrapped, but will they keep the same art style if they make another show? Id like to see some artistic continuity if were getting more stories instead of a whole new style.
not only does Jinx die, but she dies wearing this retarded-ass outfit and doesnt have long hair so we wont see the meme with her braids making a <3
so it’s about descent? what countries are included in that? and once it’s “tainted” is someone and their bloodline never white again? not to turn this into Anon Babble but I just genuinely wonder how people define this
this conversation is about the show and plenty of people on here insisted that season 1 Jayce was somehow white and that hobo season 2 Jayce is randomly brown kekekek. Caitlyn is race swapped too and I personally think both work but then again I wasn’t attached to league. is game Jayce really a decent character?
But everyone wants to be my enemy.
depends if it's Fortiche or not
is game Jayce really a decent character?
No, he's metroman but dumber
it’s not really made clear and I wish we got more background on where the hell they were coming from, especially since his dad clearly belonged to a house in Piltover. why were they away? where did they come from? why does his mom have a Hispanic accent and name? it’s so confusing but hey, we needed to see Maddie grab Caitlyn’s tits on their bed
Amanda Overton
it's over
Idk how the fuck anyone was arguing S1 Jayce was white. Pure copium it was obvious they race swapped him. Here is his base splash art used in League.
She looks like she's trying too hard
you bitch and moan more than a woman, go back to tiktok
Then I’m sorry, I know this isn’t based or whatever but I don’t give a fuck that they changed him. Viktor is still white and he’s sympathetic anyway.
Gay men like Jayce
Women like Viktor
Gymbros... not like this
So from the leaks we know 4 and 5 basically establish the sides of the conflict we'll get in 6.
And the trailer shots that weren't from those episodes seemed to be all about Ambessa leading some charge on Viktor's weird bubble dome thing and WW & Jinx are seen there fighting.
And we also know from League's icons on the PBE that Warwick is going to be "healed" by Viktor.
So here's my guess as to what'll happen to end off Act 2:
Jayce will show up all murder hobo and just accept the fuhrer Cait thing cause he says there's bigger issues
He'll show them how Viktor had been sending people to do stuff to the Hexgates, telling them they have to stop him
Ambessa will be on board just cause it could lead her to more powerful Arcane shit
Meanwhile Jinx & Vi will try to figure out what to do about Vander/Warwick
Someone will suggest this amazing healer in the poor part of town (Viktor)
They get there right as Ambessa is invading the area
Big ass fight scene with lots of chaos, Warwick fucked up and maybe runs off feral
Jayce will fail to kill Viktor and he'll escape with the help of Vi & Jinx, establishing that they're now a united Zaun force against Caitlyn's actions
Teaser end with Ekko & Heim getting out of the hexgates and saying some cryptic shit
the synopsis came out and they’re gonna make Athens the “evil empire” against Sparta and it’s a fucking high school AU kekek. if her writing doesn’t get enough hate after arcane hopefully people will see how shit it is when this movie comes out.
So...alternate universe shenanigans?
gays like Viktor too
This is it. She looks so much like Vi there.
You hate simps yet I've yet to see a single Jinx defender this time around, its just Caitlyn who's been getting all the talk. The show itself has done more effort to get you to like her than any fan.
Viktor and he'll escape with the help of Vi & Jinx
this is blatantly wrong, protag team: Ekko,Vi,Caitlyn,Jinx,Jayce,Heimer enemy team: Singed,Warwick,Ambessa,Viktor, this was shown 300 times in splash arts in wr in arcane merch and in league
it’s mostly ftms on twitter to be fair
viktor is fine as fuck and thoughtful. I like Jayce now too but there’s just something else about viktor. I think sky is a good representation of most women kekek
Brown Jayce >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> White Jayce
But if she's dressed with the shark thing then it's connected to Silco, as he was the reason she decided to go for the shark motif in the first place.
Jayce has Hispanic women on lockdown though
literally AO. thankfully the plot is already getting hate on twitter for being corny ahistorical fanfic au garbage
Still wonder how they’re gonna get Caitlyn onto the protag team
Amanda Overton
It's gonna be gay
Mm I’m a Hispanic woman and I prefer viktor but I also don’t know many Hispanics into arcane
Vi and jayce, also ambessa will be killing everyone in Piltover rn, ok jinx killed her mom but if she doesn't do anything ambessa might as well kill her dad
they were made for each other
Worst thing is Penelope is literally just Ulyss's goal in the Odyssey. She is not a hero by any mean.
But now of course she is Girlboss who need no man
Writers and artists gotta realize that women can have long, flowing hair and be badass and dangerous. Enough with this haircut to symbolize growth shit.
Idk if that's what's going on but I can't put it past them to not do it that way
Odysseus is a meanie and Penelope gets with a random self-insert OC while he’s away or however they choose to do it considering they’ll be high schoolers now
My mom's Hispanic friend has a big far crush on Jayce
turn bubbly crazy girl into le serious depressed girl
omg...this is the best written cartoon of all time
there’s just something else about viktor
he's shy and awkward. He's also speaks very softly and is very clever, no wonder he's a fan favorite
I think back in the day people admired how she was faithful the entire time (supposedly) but she was just a small character in someone else’s story. Even circe the witch was more believable as a protagonist in that one novel
Odysseus was an unfaithful cunt but nothing too bad for mythology standards
ftm artists punch above their weight, but they don't outnumber cis gays
hispanic women prefer white(r) men. Jayce is too brown for them.
2 options
1) Alternate universe stuff
2) Ekko saying "sometimes you have to leave a few things behind" influences her to cut her hair as a sign of leaving her past behind her
So thia confirms a bad ending for Jinx, right?
Caitlyn is the one leading the enforcers against Ambessa and Noxus. Why? Doesn't take a genius to know why
I see women gay for cait, men and vi
I see men gay for jayce and vik
I see barely any women gay for jinx
go check some viktor porn
99% chances he has tranny top scars
i've given up at this point
Wait... What if that's where Ambessa's ult comes from? She publicly executes Cait's dad knowing she is watching in order to get her to come out of hiding after episode 6.
Hair holds a lot of memories for women. I don’t know if it’s a scientifically proven thing, but it’s been a saying for a long time and I think it’s why a lot of women (and even some men, like zuko from avatar) cut their hair as a symbolic act in times where they are changing. I still don’t fucking like it. I can appreciate it elsewhere but the way they did it on jinx sucks. I wish she had a messy spiky bob like rapunzel in tangled
yeah, exactly. Dream guy honestly
All women (on average) prefer white men. There is lots of data on this. Only thing more universally coveted than white men is white women.
Jinx is too childlike and pitiable to sexualize for most normal people.
nobody will feel good after watching it
Jinx is either mindbroken and completely crazy post-Isha death or she is dead as well.
In a recent interview Amanda revealed that for the past 6 years they've had a fixed ending for Vi and Jinx's storyline and that it has never changed ever since.
Pic related is a very old concept art for Arcane.
Make of this what you will.
Lesbians aren't into manic pixie dream girl or harley quinn types like Jinx. It's mainly a archetype appealing to men. The only women who like Jinx are the BPD-esque "she's just like me!!" ones
Ambessa has no use for WW beyond securing Singed as her new Weapons Scientist
She flat out says they're going to hunt down (implies kill) VW with Caitlyn. Like hunting a wild boar or whatever, he's dead meat
not likely, from the scenes of act 3 it seems like caitlyn provides some kind of enforcer hideout for them, thats why Vi's gauntlets are black, she has enforcer armor and why caitlyn is with a different uniform. They will attack on surprise cause they can't go front-to-front
I swear whenever I try and find viktor art, nsfw or sfw, it’s almost always by ftms even if viktor isn’t trans in it. Maybe im just looking in the wrong places.
This would actually be so dark but great. Kind of hope they do it.
when will theses threads focus on the plot and not ship shit, gays, dykes, trannies and politics?
This is a show about dykes and politics, though
ship shit, gays, dykes, trannies and politics
that's literally all arcane is about
I keep forgetting about this and the ella quote. Didn’t Christian’s lying ass say the ending would be bittersweet? If jinx dies like this, it’s gonna be depressing and hopeless. It’s so fucking over.
Every character is gay (canon)
I still don’t fucking like it.
Got an audible chuckle out of me cuz I that was my exact reaction to your first few sentences.
mega sigh
your algo is your responsibility, I get none of that in my feed
why is a thread about a show that heavily features classism and dykes talking about politics and dykes?
Jinx dead in Piltover
Vi in enforcer uniform
the big final battle from the trailers is in Piltover with Vi in enforcer uniform
ftms on xitter project on viktor very hard, because he's not exactly hyper masculine like jayce. if you go look for artists who are actual gay men you will find some good stuff, but not much
Jinx is a psychotic terrorist, her redemption arc ought to end with her death.
he doesn't team up with ambessa he just fights against Vi
even Pinterest recommends me Jayvik shit when I’m trying to save art of Viktor alone, they’re just pushing it at this point. it’s so over for fans of viktor who think he’s straight
There's absolutely 0 chance for Viktor being straight kek
Not Amanda doing a watch party of ep 4 on Elijah's channel with Katy Townsend...she's doing damage control I'm sure.
yesss exactly. the gays need to catch the fuck up. it’s kind of crazy no one has told them that it’s fucked up to say a male character is actually a female because he’s dsiabled and weak and has been poisoned by classism since he was a child
Death by redemption is boring at this point, not subversive, and a dark message to send.
That also ignores the other characters who have committed atrocities.
Best ending for Jinx is death though.
And since Vi will have a happy ending with Cait that does make the ending bittersweet.
who gonna buy the $250 skin of a dead person?
NO WAYYYYYY. Bitch you bragged on Reddit about how you “stand by it making the story better” come on
Yup...kek I can't believe this. They will really try to make this salvageable...I hope Elijah acts like her true self because she would totally be devastated to see this shit let's hope she doesn't put on a facade.
the show is about politics, friendship, family, and romance (both dyke and straight)
Go watch paw patrol, that's more your speed
I <3 miscegenation
It's just obvious and misery bait/wank and nit my cup of tea. also . I don't believe that death by redemption is enough. Sometimes that character needs dedicate their lives to making life better for others in order to honor those they've slain.
Love how jayvikfags prefer Jayce to be a cheating homo to justify their ship
Sometimes that character needs dedicate their lives to making life better
you mean caitlyn and vi?
My theory - Jinx dies BUT not really.
Death is too good for her. Instead, the shimmer in her system bring her back to life as a sad facsimile, an insane, raving woman with little to no lucidity.
I'm really curious what Amanda's reaction will be to "that" scene.
killing off their most popular character
No way in hell
now i wanna see how she will justify vi getting cucked
I fucking hate Amanda so much. They’re gonna act all smug about it, just watch. Pretending it’s some higher intellectual form of writing when it’s cheap CW shit that wastes time.
Thank you. Completely agree. I have thought forever that they’re too pussy to let her live though.
& ay thanks fo apologizing 4 killing our local Tomboy n all that shit
supplies are low in zaun and the only other one is gay af
except this "sweet boy" fucking utterly obliterates his only other friend (the shows only one true ship)
You were supposed to destroy the arcane, not join them!
Did you read what I said?
Thats how we get to the completely insane LoL jinx who makes random sounds and just sounds retarded.
They think Jayce also loves Viktor but doesn't realise it / hasn't processed his feelings yet lol.
Exactly why I didn’t listen to the jayvikfags replying to my reply. Yes, Viktor is probably gay (although the hallucinations of Sky kind of gave off a certain vibe), but Jayce would never get with him like that. That man worships Mel and is the most hetero bitch alive
I hope Elijah will be truthful in her reaction and won't pretend to just be ok with it since Amanda is there.
I don't even ship him with Jayce, but come on
doesn't glance at a single women the entire show
only personal relationship with any emotional intensity is with Jayce
it was affection that held us together
he's a fag
Were they ever friends?
Yeah, I suppose.
I doubt it, but I also don’t watch her so who knows. Maybe she’ll keep her integrity.
ok ok you’re right. I think he likely was a closeted gay nerd even though I have the biggest crush on him. it’s over for us skyanons
Fujoshis are such fucking women-hating-women it's not even funny
You're either a child or a woman if you don't understand a platonic relationship between two male characters. There is nothing romantic about Jayce and Viktor. And Viktor doesn't display any interest in romance because he is on the verge on dying and his sole obsession is to prevent his body from rotting.
To Ashes and Blood
I know it was probably the point, but I wish we got to see viktor somewhat normally interact with people other than Jayce. This season is making me think that he could have developed an interest in sky but who knows. He was doomed since childhood to be a loner and to be sick
Skye was important.
She fucking MATTERED, you fucks.
Trace as practice. Idc what the naysayers say, if you're not super experienced it helps
go back to xitter
He is just like me fr
Do you think Skye not having her glasses the second time Viktor hallucinates her has meaning?
Like maybe the form keeps becoming slightly different each time as the Hexcore takes more agency over "Skye" in Viktor's mind till the vision is just a twisted visage of her and he's still following it?
All these song leaks and still no Fantastic leak
imagine the smell
Maybe she just forgot them in the lab
She fucking MATTERED
gigaKEK bitch didn't even get walked home
There is nothing romantic about Jayce and Viktor
It's clear as day that Viktor has homoerotic feelings for Jayce. Jayce is a straight boy though.
I gave up, self harmed, ate paper and cried
It's clear in your delusional fujo headcanon yes
didn't pay attention
I-it's only in small cracks
Watch the show before you whine, tourist.
No one's gonna talk about how this is the Spotify Canvas of the song??? It's so over
Caitlyn is the protagonist of the season, it is obvious that they will put her in
This show does give you the closest thing to the Hive World experience.
I’m ngl to me the no glasses and her putting her hand on her thigh seemed like a vision of sky kind of seducing him almost.
Doesn't she pause like 100 times a reaction to discuss what's happening and make observations? How the fuck is that going to work in a watch party? Or is she just not going to do an episode 4 video because of it?
Also how the holy hell does that chick get so many big cartoon creators on her channel?
Why would someone care
It is Vanderwick flashback song.
What is it about season 2 that made people who didn't care about jayvik before suddenly be interested in it?
And that scene in particular pulls at one's heartstrings. Jayce looks so frantic in his desperation not to lose Viktor.
It's VanderWick's song remembering Powder and Vi
I think a lot of people finally saw that Jayce is a caring and expressive guy. Jayce had been distant from Viktor and therefore from their Hextech dream (the original one, not how it got perverted by his political antics) and realized it after Viktor almost died leading him to be more emotional. Viktor was usually the one who seemed more invested in Jayce, now it’s the other way around.
viktor was naked and jayce was one second away from begging him to stay on his knees
Probably the very first episode where Jayce only breaks down when he sees how fucked Viktor is in the rubble and literally carries him to safety. Also the affection line and hug.
If the song is about Vanderwick, who is he singing this to?
hope you, I hope you
Never find someone to hold you like I held you
All I want is peace of mind, can I tell you
When you tell me that you love me guess it wasn't true
Women be watching war movies and thinking “look at them soldier hugging and carrying each-other around! They must all be gay!”
Well, relatable. Keep trying
why does everyone want fantastic to be leaked is it about caitvi or something
99% of humans are bi but strongly leaning towards straight or gay
These lyrics sound like they're from a scorned lover.
Everyone thinks it's the sex scene song or the leadup to it.
It's the most likely according to the placement in the soundtrack. Plus it's King Princess and she's famous for her lesbian songs.
Her episode 3 uncut reaction is twice as long as the actual episode. She had recorded for a half an hour by the time she was 8 MINUTES into the fucking episode.
k, corpse Jinx skin comin' right up
not to be confused with zombie slayer Jinx
Im not really sure what the glasses mean yet, especially cause we don't really know exactly what vision skye is to viktor, but if i had to guess, i think it's more a symbolic symbol of her passing. Her permanent death at the hands of Viktor. Skye will never again wear the glasses Viktor had a hand in breaking and so his vision skye won't have them.
Who has that one Caitler and Maddie webm
The tone very strongly hint at a romantic scene and the lyrics fit Cait/Vi perfectly, minus the real life stuff like American classics.
lel, sure sure
Thats just fag cope. Studies have shown men and lesbians have pretty hard set sexualities. But straight women are pretty rare.
viktor became super turbo gay
also weak
womens mad'bout weak broken turbo feminie gay who is still not at twink level
A few months ago a snippet of the song was published and someone made the connection that it must be the Fantastic song from the soundtrack. The lyrics very much imply they're from Caitlyns pov.
Can someone tell me what the context is of that Maddie and Caitlyn scene that had people saying it was Caitlyn dumping her?
Is this because women are objectively more beautiful than men?
If that were true gay men wouldn’t be hard set, so no.
They were just at the statue of the councilors who died, Cait looked at Maddie frowning, like a disappointed look on her face. And Maddie looked like a child who has just been scolded. I don’t think she was dumping Maddie.
Is this the same scene as the officially released HD screencap everyone is posting now where Caitler is in front of Maddie in a dark place outside? Gotcha. I wonder how they’ll actually split
why was she disappointed tho i don’t get that scene at all
That scene is so shit I hope ep 4 is miles better finished because it was so shit. Ep5 was really good but man ep 4 was just steaming hot garbage.
Keep in mind those studies are conducted by putting sensors on your genitalia and seeing how you react to different sexual imagery. So maybe women just get excited by more stuff, doesnt mean you have license to touch them.
that scene was not needed at all just like their forced romance for the sake of a drama and shock value
Ep4 prison mass slaughter scene is gonna go hard finished
FEVER 333 "Made in America"
"Jason sings/raps about American history in which the modern nation of the USA was built by the immigrants, slaves and people forcibly taken from their homelands. It’s a passionate indictment of the way white America suppresses historical truths through a racially tinted lens, and those racial tensions still exist today in society."
Little ironic that this is the person singing over the police brutality scene in ep3
I got it this way: Maddie wants Caitlyn to step down as Commander and withdraw Ambessa's troops from Piltover and reestablish the council. Caitlyn doesn't give a damn shit about what she says and furthermore authorizes Ambessa to make more arrests. When they are at Caitlyn's mother's memorial, Cait renews the strength that keeps the desire for revenge against Jinx and Maddie disapproves looking down resignedly as Caitlyn walks alone.
Caitlyn dumped her? Was there really something between the two? At least not from Caitlyn's side. Caitlyn is depressed as fuck and darker as ever blinded by revenge.
If you exclude blacks, east asians have the greatest genetic distance from whites of all the other races, so no.
The stark difference between Caitlyn running into Vi's arms and sobbing vs. Caitlyn putting on this hard tough front in front of Maddie
Wonder what will happen when Vi and Cait reunite
Can I do the right thing for the wrong reason?
Goes hard
Because someone here said we already heard the intro in the leaks
Oh im sorry, is YOUR pussy now living eternally in the mind of Jesus christ? Yea didn't think so.
His first Sky hallucination had glasses iirc.
is YOUR pussy now living eternally in the mind of Jesus christ?
is this why viktor lost his cock and balls? great another thing sky ruined
The song goes hard, absolutely
Because she literally blew her recommendation to leave Zaun alone
Yeah I think caitlyn really dgaf about anything but her revenge. We know she will get redeemed but I wonder how they will direct her path away from this revenge.
I didn’t get it either on my first watch. But, I suppose that it has to do with what Maddie was telling Caitlyn earlier in the episode, about giving the order to withdraw or whatever, but Cait doesn’t listen to her. I’m guessing Maddie can sense the coldness from her.
It did. The first one looked just like her. That's why it's weird the second one didn't have the glasses.
We'll have to see if the next one is different to see if there's actually a pattern to it though. And I don't think Viktor himself is in the 4th or 5th episodes going by the leaks.
Episode 6 will be the big tell on where things are going.
I know you hate to hear it but it's gonna be Vi. Vi is the person who grounds her and this is visualized when she's talking to Jayce. But a caitvi reconciliation won't be enough to redeem her in the eyes of Zaun so I guess she will do something more heroic against Noxus probably.
Yeah, I think this whole scene hints at her arc, in At first she's focused on her mother, causing her to be sad and lost, then she focuses on Jinx making her full of rage and irrational, and lastly she will focus on Vi, finding back her morals and her kinder self, closing her arc.
(nta, i was the one who originally asked for the context of the scene) damn. I really have no clue how they plan to redeem her. They know what they’re doing and they know Caitlyn is going extremely dark right now. To have them show that she’s too dark even for Maddie who will blindly cheer her on most of the time is crazy. There’s not enough time to redeem her.
Also, I really do think they had something. Caitlyn obviously isn’t in love with her, but she kept her around for quite some time. I don’t think it was a quiet hookup/fwb arrangement considering Maddie seemed surprised when Caitlyn tried to move out of her arms in the episode 4 scene post-sex, and some people even think they may be living together. Caitlyn is open about this relationship and isn’t embarrassed when Ambessa talks about it either.
Completely agree.
No i know. But it could be that Viktor has some level of conjuring control and had "her" take them off considering the glasses played such a big role to him in her being fully dead. That's why i said we don't really know what vision skye is. Is she entirely an outside force masquerading a useful face for control viktor? Or is viktor conjuring up the face of the one he wrong as a display for his thoughts, as a form of penance and a way to stay focused on what truly matters.
If it were for me I’d rather get Caitlyn Ambessa Singed Viktor vs Jinx Ekko Vi Jayce but I know it won’t happen
NTA but I think it’s mostly an outside force which is kind of disappointing, as it makes viktor a more passive figure in his transformation. I say this because it literally took him to the spot in Zaun where he “healed” Huck and everyone - the floor was literally glowing
this show finna be joker 2 of cartoon isn't it
What will she say….
Whose channel and with who?
probably took his asshole too, no Jayce butt sex allowed, and if viktor tries anything funny she'll take his fucking hands too.
aussieland? more like poopyland. amirite, fellas?
Katy Townsend is Maddie’s VA lmfao
I think Elijah is not so average fangirl on YouTube
I really don't know... I know that cardboard sex anon said that she would redeem herself with Vi twice: ep6 and 7. He said it was very satisfying.
At the beginning of ep6, Maddie herself goes to talk to Caitlyn and realizes that she wants Vi. He said something like that.
mfw jinx doesn't get with anyone in the end because she's a terrorist & extremist that needs to be shut down by our Boys (& Girls) in Blue
QUESTION: are there articles/blogs/forum analysis posts/behind the scenes videos/etc on how this show is made visually?
Bridging the rift on Youtube
For the anon who wanted the Silco cucked Vi and Jinx's father fanfic:
archiveofourown org/works/37226047
is it bad that I kinda like Jinx x Sevika?
caitlyn definitely moaned vi’s name when she and maddie were fucking
I just really don’t believe these “leakers”, I’m sorry. I want to but they make no sense. After being with Maddie for possibly a whole fucking year and not thinking of Vi at all (and not going to look for her or check on her), what could possibly make Maddie think Caitlyn secretly wanted Vi that whole time?
they have good enough chemistry that i see it working out
Caitlyn putting on this hard tough front in front of Maddie
Caitlyn has teary eyes in the statue scene
those women would be right lmao, the military is extremely homosexual
You know how many "straight" dicks I sucked off in the barracks while their wives and gf's were fucking jody back home? Too fucking many. I never once had to open up grindr, the straights kept me busy.
The military has always been this way, always will be. A lot more men are prison gay if not outright bisexual or gay than we like to admit.
And maddie looks away in shame. Caitlyn wasn't acting like the leader she was trying to prop up in her mind.
not thinking of Vi at all
In S1 she keeps reverberating Vi in her mind after the meeting with the council when they separated.
ep1 Caitlyn tells Jayce that every time she thinks about her mother/Jinx it leds her to Vi.
It's impossible for her not to think about Vi all this time.
if you're in deep enough to know this then you should also know to kill yourself. paying money to spy on queers and trannies means you're a self hating queer or tranny freak too.
Thank you, Anon!
I’m sure she has thought of her, but we haven’t seen it. She hasn’t shown it and I don’t get how Maddie could possibly come to that conclusion.
Jesus fucking Christ calm down. Paying money? It’s YouTube. Theyre a fan who follows another fan on YouTube. Go outside
Found this video for you:
Not any blogs, though
hextech jesus doesn't even have a cock now, what's he gonna do with hexcore ghost pussy? oh yeah, nothing
I’m sure she has thought of her, but we haven’t seen it. She hasn’t shown it and I don’t get how Maddie could possibly come to that conclusion.
I really hope ep6 explains this
Same here. If they don’t, I genuinely think that’s it for caitvi’s writing
not my cup of tea but after seeing fanart I get the appeal
larp alert
right it just doesn’t make sense because how would maddie know that caitlyn wants vi
ghost pussy
wouldn't have even mattered. spectral lips can't grip.
It's kinda unclear what state Viktor is in right now. He seems cold, unemotional, but also more intelligent. It could be a Doctor Manhantan situation where he's seeing the truths of the universe, science utterly broken and unlocked in his mind and piecing together things that we, the viewer, can't understand.
the closet is a terribly lonely place to be
Will you watch episode 6 immediately or will you rewatch 4 and 5?
Skimming only 5 then going straight to 6
i haven't looked at the leaks in any capacity cause i ain't utterly degenerate, but aren't they horrible quality? 90% of this show's enjoyment comes from the pretty moving pictures.
I really hope the writers tell the story they originally wanted to tell and didn’t feel the pressured to change it just to make the caitvi ship work
I'll watch them all in sequence because I want to see all the details that the leaks didn't show.
1 day and +5 hours until we know what happens in ep6
I won't be back here after tomorrow, I don't want these trolls to ruin act 3 for me.
I'll watch s1e1 through to s2e6, same way I did for act 1.
I'll skip to episode 6 because I want to know what happens to Viktor, and then I'll watch episodes 4 and 5.
fixed his growths
fixed his hairline
didn't fix his teeth
our lord works in mysterious ways
I think I’ll watch it like a normal person what’s the rush
I'll try to watch ep6 as quickly as possible.
Retards skim
Which writers? Bc at this point the story has changed hands and involved tons of people and Lee and linkes original script went through a 3 year rewrite process bc the first series of scripts they worked on 3 years wasn't well received by riot
Watch the vander/silco flashback in 5 and move to 6 after
So, remember those violets Caitlyn keeps seeing when she thinks of shooting Jinx? Vi has one of them in her head during the opening.
Anyone smart can help theorize?
how long is that flashback?
From where is this? This r the new EPS?
Rewatch. Are y'all retarded, or?
The hexcore healed her eyes.
Watching it with my little sis and bro-in-law, so I'll actually rewatch while pretending I don't know anything.
hes right you know
Reminder that enforcers aren't people.
i'll watch in order, because when episodes drop i watch them first before going online
Enforcers, council members, and gangbangers are not innocent civilians.
A petal was also on Jinx at the start of the fight in episode 3.
I think these are the represent the people in Caitlyn's mind. Or when she progresses in her arc maybe? I don't know.
Do you hide that you have seen the leaks? I have told everyone who watches the program with me that I have seen a large part of the leaks and there have not been any problems.
Like 3 minutes
person does bad things so i can't have empathy
retarded furries continue the streak. They want you to feel bad for her AND understand what she does is fucked up. How hard is that.
anything more complex than a disney villain makes their brains short circuit
New bread?
Wait to page 10
based, I can't wait to see the twink again
The flower from her mothers coffin
New thread
Was this from the opening credits of the first episodes. Or is this in all the openings?
It's a little hard to be interested in women when you're dying and coughing up pain. his look at Sky when the disease problem was resolved speaks volumes about how much he lusts after her. viktor is 100% straight.
Does the flashback say whether the drowning happens before or after the bridge?
I thought this too but then thought I was coping. I think it’s why she lays her hand on her thigh and looks almost seductive.
the only ones that are questionable is some of the Firelights but I have no idea how good their vetting policy is and if they have real bad shithead thugs in their ranks, and Cait's mom who even then was partially responsible for what's happening in Zaun.
stop bullying my egirl.
deleted already lmao
janny instantly deleted the thread because we're only on page 9
What the fuck.
It's questionable to defend yourself from people who are attacking you
more like because it was a fujoshill thread
The previous thread was a fujoshill thread though.
someone asked if it was in all the current episode OPs and I can confirm it is.
janny was sleeping clearly
if loving a cute terrorist is wrong, i dont want to be right
sevika lost her arm protecting silco
she's either dying to protect jinx or losing a leg
Why not the other arm?
Why does she have a bullet hole between her forehead? Did Caitlyn shot her???
Thank you for answering my question anon. So many damn details.
Oh shit. That would be a reason for Ekko to rewind time.
If this happens, they’re throwing the dirt on caitvi’s casket lmfao