i would do anything for her
I would do anything for her
The smile of a cum dumpster.
Ew, a Jew.
Same but for her mom
prove it, join the military and die for her country
Libby's made it perfectly clear the only military she supports is the Brighton Regiment of the Macoupin County people's militia.
The turtles will be free.
Fuck Israel and fuck argentina.
inb4 demon spergfest
what about kill yourself?
Speaking of 'fests. Hannukah starts on the 26th this year. I'm considering saving some turkey fat and using it as schmaltz.
turkey fat is pretty strongly flavored, it might make the dishes you make with it taste too much of turkey in a way that might be unpleasant.
I will not support either the Great Satan or Anicapistan
Isn'treal isn't a country so it's not even an option. I will die for Brighton.
But would you do THAT?
It's disappointing we never got a flashback episode to.... the incident
But would she do anything for (You)?
If you remind her of her dad
Anon Babble's Jew Girl and Antisemite Girl side-by-side.
How would this interaction end?
Isn't Hannukah just fake Christmas?
She puts her hands to your chest, her tiny digits like needles against your skin
"Convince the world it was 7 million deaths in WW2, and I'll do anything you want"
Generalplan Ost alone was like 27 million anon. fucking historylets
Read Maccabees. Even Jesus celebrated the Festival of Lights.
tfw no sephardic jew teen gf into getting bred and humiliated by a Nazi
The Maccabees are not canon.
Built for abandonment issues
Libby Stein-Torres, Jon Stewart and Ron Jeremy are all technically apart of the same group of people.
between her and molly who would be easier to emotionally manipulate
Has anyone drawn her and Ann Frank blowing their holes out with a huge double dildo?
I have
Kek Nice anon
Requesting her joining the US Army and fighting for America because she's a US citizen.
gr8 work
How would this interaction end?
Ugly Jew
The post it.
Libby when she reads news of the latest airstrike on Palestinian civilians
Imagine Libby twerking on gaza rubble and taking selfies
made for being verbally abused and emotionally tormented
wanting to hurt an adorable girl instead of petting her, smooching her and nuzzling her
she knows what she did
guilty of being a cutie patootie?
the incident
more like the thiccident