Janny Edition
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Janny Edition
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hes right you know
So why does the Arcane/Anomaly seem to react so strongly to the Shimmer?
Isha has a big booty
Thx to hexcore Viktor is straight
I hope the terrorist and false prophet interact in episode 6.
Jayce didn't lie when he said zaunites were dangerous.
Drowning happens after the bridge, and Silco is implied to be responsible for Vi and Powder's parents' death because he threw the molotov that started the riot.
Thinking about it, Viktor kinda look like a younger Silco.
hes a retard
and a furry, so retardx2
Jinx was taken in and raised by a drug kingpin immediately after losing her whole family at a very young age, and he proceeded to make her into a weapon.
This is the kind of retard who sees a timeskip and can't parse that years have happened between the last time you see a character and now.
Thanks for confirming that Silco has never done anything wrong in his life.
Cait's mom is 100% a valid target. She and the other councilors have more blood on their hands than any Zaunite we know.
The firelights are iffy because we know they're a mutual aid group that means well. But lets be real, recreational shimmer isn't any worse than alcohol. We'd look down on irl armed prohibitionists that attack truckers carrying cases of beer. And though the firelights don't use firearms, blunt instruments can absolutely permanently disable and kill people—Jinx can claim self-defense. Ekko and other firelights don't have ever to forgive her, but I can't hate her for it.
The next one will be the gay edition, lol.
Tyler Joseph from TØP sent in The Line to Arcane 3 days after he watched the scene they wanted him to write a song for
Who the fuck is janny?
Doesn't matter how bad shimmer is, that's a completely separate issue. If he wants to complain that Jinx is a drug lord's henchman that's fine, but as far as kill count, the only unjustified kill we're shown is Silco. And he might not consider that unjustified.
When does ekko use his zdrive? Ep6 or ep8?
It's mid desu
Silco is implied to be responsible for Vi and Powder's parents' death because he threw the molotov that started the riot.
Vander was out of his fucking mind.
In no world is a molotov an excuse to open fire and slaughter protestors. The frogs do it all the time in their protests, and the piggies there manage to handle it and other riot activities without massacring the people present. Full stop, Enforcers opened fire because they wanted to. Councilors get the blame for creating the situation, and Enforcers get the blame for having itchy trigger fingers.
Silco did nothing wrong.
isn't she also still canonically a minor at this point
The only innocent people she killed were the firelights and those were in combat against her. For once she is doing what needs to be done, instead of playing Silco's long game bullshit that only created self-serving drug lords who were only for the money and not the cause.
IIRC the timeskip was 7 years, and Powder definitely isn't 11 in Act 1.
I agree with you, but that's not how it's framed in the show. There's an emphasis on Silco's snarling, angry, violent~ face as he throws the molotov, and then he's shown standing over the bodies with an, "Oops, did I do that?" kind of expression.
The narration in Vander's letter gestures vaguely towards, "We both had dirt on our hands," but the visual storytelling of the flashback clearly places the moral culpability for their deaths on Silco for basically being a violent animal.
So, in short, it basically fucks the entire point of his backstory, which was that Vander's betrayal radicalised him towards violence, as well as making a bunch of other relationship/timeline stuff in S1 retroactively stupid as fuck.
Aw yeah jury duty cancelled and I can watch act 3 uninterrupted!
Hey Jinx you ready to go?
Almost let me just braid my hair
no one gives a shit or agrees with your incredibly simplistic world view. It's entirely uninteresting, and borderline full on psychosis. Despite what you're programming is telling you, the enforcers were people too, with families, loved ones, lives outside their uniforms. That doesn't make them great people, but actually considering that instead of viewing them as npc grunts to be dismembered makes you actually consider the ramification of 30 obliterated corpses.
NTA but I could’ve sworn that in season 1, Silco just *was* more violent and radical than Vander or they both were but it got to a point where it was implied Vander dipped out. Made worse since he saw Vi and Powder’s parents get killed on the bridge. The timeline is a little confusing actually now I’m confused
The stuff about silco being forgotten by the girls is fucking ridiculous and ruins everything though
You're not looking hard enough, there's plenty. Her main ship was with Lux for most of her lifespan as a character.
She's a child soldier, and we don't tend to say they deserve to die for what they did. In fact, with the right approach, reintegration efforts are fairly successful. It gets a little dicey when war crimes are involved, but the stuff that communities get angry about are mass rapes and executions of civilians. Jinx's war crimes are limited to executing wounded enemy combatants.
The undercity doesn't have the resources to do it of course, but irl she'd be a good candidate for rehabilitation and reintegration.
Explain how Convergence is canon when we see Singed in his Corin Reveck form AFTER Ekko gets the zero drive?
She's not a minor, she's 18 on the official league wiki and was 11 in Act 1.
I think you have to never be around children to think Powder is 9. Which for this board I guess that's a good thing.
Rito ruined Warwick's character design
All they had to do was keep the wolf look, can't even have that
the enforcers were people too
Yes? so? same the Chemtanks Vi killed. Realizing the Enforcers and the Piltover elite are the enemies of Zaun, doesn't strip them of the humanity. Yet they are still enemies, and they are there to enforce Piltover claim to the under city. If they don't like that role, they can allow Zaun to go independent.
Because is not canon?
in combat against her
the firelights that assaulted that shimmer ship had no intention of engaging in combat. They went there pretty much as pacifists. Immobilizing everyone and focusing only on the shimmer. Don't give me that "in combat" crap.
Can Viktor and Singed save this thing now the only other good character is dead?
Remember Me (Intro) is confirmed to be about Vanderwick
Can you find me
I'm not hiding
All my memories
Aren't mine, mine
Not me
Show yourself
Not me
Show yourself
We're all creatures
(Who we might be)
Find a mirror
See what I see
most of the women I see online self-insert as Jinx for emotional and sexual reasons, she's merely a vessel to live through not to lust after
I know it's not canon. My post was directed at 1 specific anon who argued that it was.
What made Vander dip out in S1 was the death of Vi and Powder's parents, and suddenly acquiring kids he's responsible for. The bridge attack is framed as being the thing that broke his spirit - and in S1, the bridge attack is entirely disconnected from his betrayal of Silco, for various reasons.
- The ages as depicted in the betrayal/bridge/Act 1 scenes don't make sense unless betrayal comes first; has been discussed ad nauseam. Even if this was 'a mistake' by the art department, in a series where every single detail and microexpression is painstakingly planned...
- Silco says, "I hated you, but you kept my respect. Until you made peace with them." Implies that Vander betrayed Silco, but Silco did not lose respect for Vander until some period of time later, when Vander finally gave up the fight. This makes perfect sense oif Vander betrayed Silco years earlier, but kept up the fight until the bridge attack broke his spirit. It makes absolutely no sense if Vander tried to murder Silco the day of the bridge and then immediately quit the cause to raise his new kids.
- All the obvious stupidity of Vi having no idea who Silco is, even though - as S2 has now decided - he was apparently around her whole life until she was a tween, meaning she would recognise him as she recognises Vander on the bridge, and then dipped out for five years (during which he ages about 25 years). Likewise Silco having presumably known Vi and Powder as Eileen and Connor's (Connell's?) children since birth, but somehow Vi is 'Vander's prodigy' in his mind, and Powder is, "Hello, little girl."
Setting fire to a ship, still is combat. Even if they didn't want to engage with it.
Powder was in fact 11 in Act 1 though. Amanda confirmed she's around 17 and 18 in Act 2
I also think she's around 17-18 because there's no way Ekko is younger than 15
Will the non-intro version be about Vanderwick too?
Absolutely zero chance Powder is 12 years old as pictured. Maybe as written, but a script is not a finished episode. The VA was 10 at the time Act 1 was recorded, and as a connosieur of tiny cuties I'd guess the age of Powder's model at around 6 or 7, but I'd have no problem believing that she's a stunted 9 year old, growing up in the slums.
Warwick looks like a buff Dracula
Seriously, why is no one talking about this?
Every other character gets a faithful adaptation but somehow Warwick can't have a wolf snout?
Then the normal version of Remember Me is about caitvi.
Anon, he is going to die and singed is going to resurrect him into his furry form.
I believe Amanda more because she worked directly with Linke and Yee so she would know the reasoning behind the ages and also because voice actors tend to have their own headcanons that sometimes really don't fit the show and story. Ella and Reed are good examples.
Seriously, why is no one talking about this?
Because it's not his final form
It's not his final form, bruh
Has this been confirmed yet?
That was one faggot who would die so his "leaks" become real, even though they sounded like bullshit from the first line.
Some, but for a lot of them she's a girl version of a sexyman bad girl that they clearly want to fuck.
Yea okay, i see what you're saying and i largely agree, my mistake. I wasn't being charitable enough with what you were referring to as "not innocent" and thought you were boiling things into the trite simplistic view of
pigs aren't people
dead cops good
Though i would say that piltover's position of opposition to Zaun doesn't really give Jinx carte blanche to murder them to her heart's content. The only reason i'd consider her attacks so far as "fair" against non-innocents is because in each of them there was some concrete meaningful goal she was after and working through opposition for and not just looking for senseless murder.
Eighteen year olds are not full adults yet, even if the law says they are for most things.
I've worked with them, I've served with them, and I take classes with them. They are not adults. They're capable of greater autonomy and responsibility than a sixteen year old, but they are not full adults.
Jinx deserves the chance to heal her trauma, reconnect with her community, and move on with her life.
yeah I was surprised when amanda gave the 11-12yo answer. I would've guessed 9 or 10 based on behavior and appearance.
I'd guess the age of Powder's model at around 6 or 7
I mean, keep not looking at children I guess. Anyway there's an official wiki with their declared ages you know.
TFT leaked multiverse
there's an official wiki
Bro it's Fandom. Shit there is made up all the fucking time. They literally had it written that Nafifi's dagger was destroyed, even though it's literally on her face. The wiki has zero affiliation with Riot. It is a fan project.
Have you been living under a rock? There's an official wiki now: wiki.leagueoflegends.com
God. I don’t understand what they’re going for, and why they ruined one of the best storylines in season 1. This may be one of the worst things about this season.
There are no real structure how a revolution is made or who is going to play a vital role in it, we analyze them on the advantage of an outsider in the future. You might think Jinx killing enforcers serve no purpose, but the act of defiance and getting away with it, is what inspire Zaunites to rebel, she is a symbol not a leader with "plans" or steps. People might not like it, but the true legitimacy behind sovereignty is the monopolization of violence, and Jinx is showing the undercity it's possible.
I've worked alongside a lot of 15-18 year olds, and there's many of them that I have a whole lot of respect for. I've met just as many or more retarded 30 year olds as I have retarded 16 year olds.
Just because Amanda decided she was 12 doesn't mean that's the way Fortiche drew her.
She and Vi are meant to have a 4 year age gap, as noted in the original scrip. It's on the wiki. Six year olds aren't that tall. Six is barely out of toddlerhood.
Man I miss the journal of justice. I can't keep up with this shit.
s2 been kind of mid so far, far below s1 but still watchable
4 is just out of toddlerhood, 6 is a tiny person. But that's at the very low end of what I'd guess for her. I have no problem accepting 9, but no shot she's 12. Vi looks 12-14 in act 1.
Cardboard anon said vanderwick wasn't his final form. I don't know about slasher tit anon wasn't here for his version of leaks.
Cardboard anon said vanderwick wasn't his final form
Wow that’s a pretty big leak. Surely we couldn’t have surmised this already.
Cardboard anon said vanderwick wasn't his final form
Terror can be a goal in and of itself. If violence is the only language the Pilties understand then that's what they'll get.
Vi looks 12
Anon... when's the last time you went outside?
Don’t understand all the dislike towards Maddie I think she’s pretty cool.
Again i don't really disagree that any kind of violence might be that final spark that ignites the Zaunites to rebel, and if they end up wining it'll have been a key step to being the victors writing history. But we can still examine that violence and determine whether we consider it "just" or not, like if that fighting was with innocents or valid non-innocents. And in all of Jinx's attacks i think you can make a clear argument that it was just. She was using necessary force against oppositional enemies in the pursuit of a meaningful political/tactical goal. But if Jinx was going around breaking into pilty houses and slitting the throats of every baby 2 years or younger, again maybe the Zaunites really dig that shit and it causes them to rise up, but i wouldn't consider it "just". And so pulling that extreme example back in, if she was just going around wandering the streets of piltover and killing random enforcers for the sake of killing them, again i wouldn't consider it just.
get outta here topsider scum.
Like what? Post them.
she dares stand between the beloved caitvi ship, so she must die.
Cait is for BJC.
Female puberty starts by 13, virgin retard
I was in high school with 16 year olds who looked like 21 year old models
Vi looks 12
Probably a couple of years later for malnourished sump rats, to be fair.
She's an angel
Kek. They are trolling hard with this one. Get the caitvi dykes all excited and shit and then the first 5 minutes you see Cuntlyn having just slept with Agent Orange.
Where is the anon who said that he was going to the premier today?
But if Jinx was going around breaking into pilty houses and slitting the throats of every baby 2
Have we seen her do that or say she wants to do that? then why are you concern about hypotheticals? Yeah sure, there are limits to everything, this is why i think what she did for Silco was her lowest point, and something she has to deal with Ekko and his group.
Im just saying as long Piltover claims ownership over Zaun, the armed forces they use to enforce it and their leadership is fair game.
kiramann's create ventilation system
kill one of their kin
gets gassed using the ventilation system
Based and justified
almost time
There's no preview for act 2, you dumbass
kys containment breaking personality fag
I care more about Jayce, Ekko and Heimerdinger story than the girls so far
right a wrong
experience one drop of the pain your people have inflicted on the others for decades
take it back
Pilties are never justified.
why is S2 shit? what changed? who wrote this?
The hexcore stole his dick, balls and anus. You can't procreate with him.
shota version is safe
I just want jinx to die by cait's hands. It's the only logical ending.
really though all characters in the show can die and or change to be different from their video game counterparts since the video game is really only a snap shot of the character in a point in time of their story but you know for a fact the show will just end with them being their exact video game counterpart with no further development because they're hacks
really sounds like an innocence lost kinda song, could apply to any or many characters. might even be some kind of mash-up montage
At this point people just come to these threads to repeat the same things like they're trying to plant a seed in peoples minds.
you're not immune to propaganda
god what a kino character
we didn't deserve him
Have we seen her do that or say she wants to do that? then why are you concern about hypotheticals?
holy fucking cock, fucking kill me.
Dude, It's a hypothetical, a fucking hypothetical, just engage with it, it's not gonna obliterate your soul. The point, was that there are things jinx could do that would lead to her success, to zaun's victory, to her getting everything she and everyone around her wants, but it would be utterly wrong for her to do those things. That she'd be utterly despicable as a character which was the whole point of if the enforcers are "innocent" or not. It's whether she has the justification or not to do what she does to them.
Im just saying as long Piltover claims ownership over Zaun, the armed forces they use to enforce it and their leadership is fair game.
And if you think, that's totally fair. But i think you'd be hard-pressed to justify Jinx going around killing random enforcers with no purpose, like the desk jocky enforcer, or the enforcers who act as glorified mall security for the shopping district, or Grayson, if she were alive.
jinx is a junkie whore
Killing enforcers is based
So the plan was vi kills jinx then the bombs go off to give piltover one last "fuck you" or "so you'll never forget me"
if jinx wasn't an anime character she would be a schizo junkie zombie in LA
*cough* gaaaaay!
It was both. She probably wanted to go out as a martyr.
Doesn't the shimmer plant normally grow in the real of a weird god or something like that?
Jinx going around killing random enforcers with no purpose
Reducing their numbers is a reasonable goal if they are enemies.
She was the sheriff and very willing to keep the status quo. This is not if someone is a decent person or not,
it only made it so it viktors body wouldn't reject the transformation, the core was already fucked up the moment it drank the blood
Reducing their numbers is a reasonable goal if they are enemies
Maybe now it's necessary. But for decades, enforcers have kept out of the lanes and the undercity's business. That is until jinx rattles the hornet nest by pissing them off. But again, if there's a purpose to it, like thinning the numbers to an upcoming onslaught, then i agree, you can make a case for it and it wouldn't be what i was referring to.
She was the sheriff and very willing to keep the status quo. This is not if someone is a decent person or not,
Grayson, with her deals with Vander, took the very volatile ever changing enforcer/zaun relationship and instituted the very status quo that kept enforcers out of the lanes and off the backs of zaunites. If anyone wouldn't be a good target it's her.
Girls are mostly done growing height-wise by 14-16, as in they rarely grow past these ages. And vi clearly has grown after the time skip
threatens to kill cait and a bunch of innocent kids
Caitvi sex when
That is until jinx rattles the hornet nest by pissing them off.
Yeah but Jinx acting outside Silco plans was the thing that actually moved board. If she stay quiet, Zaun would likely stay under Piltover but just with the Chembarons as the unofficial rulers of the place. That was the direction Silco was taken them.
I think she just wanted to go out full stop.
I still don't think she has any real ideological aspirations like Silco did, she might want to take piltover down with her, sure, but more out of spite than anything else.
Even in the previews, with her being the face of it, I still don't really see any revolutionary aspiration in her, yet, at least. At least not in the same way, say, Silco, Vander, or hell, even Ekko has.
they posted a video of it on twitter showing the child versions of characters then their current selves so it definitely is this. No clue what scene it’ll play over, then
writers viciously sink a yuri ship beloved by the worst kind of trannies
has to be one of my favourite tropes. certainly what passes for this fandom deserves its infliction
Why does Maddie call Caitlyn “commander” when they’re gassing Zaun?
I noticed this upon my rewatch today and just saw a tweet mentioning the same thing. I really don’t buy that she’s secretly evil but it is weird
Cause she was commander of her elite squad, but now she's a general.
Why are they so...big
Yes she calls Caitlyn Commander at the arcade after they did a sweep. Probably just has to do with her rank in the Enforcers.
No, Ambessa is general. Caitlyn calls her that when she tracks Ambessa down to Singed's lab.
It's all over the place. Ambessa isn't the General for Piltover, she's Noxian.
ah yes, youtube titles... best source for accurate lore info
in the act 2 trailer Ambessa still calls Caitlyn "commander" btw
It's even in the title of the soundtrack that's played during that scene.
Kind of embarrassed for Vi that not only is she getting kekked but the fandom completely stopped entertaining the idea of her being a top in bed, casting her as flat out bottom or ‘submissive dominant’ to Cait’s ‘bottom dominant’ at best.
And no I don’t think lesbians strictly ascribe to top/bottom like gayfags do (barring stones, etc.), this is just for funsies.
trannies ruined lesbians
when will demacia show up
do you think mels dad died by snu snu?
Will we ever get an explanation to jinx cloud tattoos?
For a teenager it’s quite a big thing to get a full body tattoo. What does it even mean to her? There hasn’t really been any representation of clouds in her personality.
it's just tattoos cause she grew up the daughter of a drug lord shotting up crack in his eye
Small desu
the popular theory is that theyre supposed to represent the blue smoke flare that vi gave her
oh well, he did his best
at least he braided her hair
I find the idea very cute and it makes me nostalgic for all the times my dad took care of my hair when I was a little kid with lirerally long-ass hair
How big are your boobs
Pit Fighter Vi skin has claws
VW nod? I also dislike her jacket featuring a Murk Wolf, the creature whose heart was ripped out by Singed to fuel VW, on her jacket. They already ticked off this game reference by showing an actual Mark Wolf in-show. It’s just a horrible coincide in-canon then.
Would you have preferred the cupcake jacket instead?
Slightly too big to be Jinx-accurate but below anyone else in the show, to keep it arcane-relevant.
Has anyone made a boob comparison chart for main characters based on concept art or something like that?
That would be worse by several magnitudes, yeah.
Jayce needs to be on it (ahead of Jinx)
The factory explosion obviously
She got a tattoo before the signal smoke
Ekko is canonically 19 in Arcane
Jinx is canonically 15-16 in Arcane
Jayce needs to be on it (ahead of Jinx)
Then they need to change the lines or Caitlyn and Ambessa were mocking each other. That or with Caitlyn being appoint grand martial, then Ambessa is appointed general since she has an army of Noxian soliders.
Isn't Ekko supposed to be younger than her, if anything? He's an actual child in the main game right, while she's at least a teenager there.
He's just short. Don't be rude.
For all we know Caitlyn is both General and Commander. It really depends how the ranking system works in that world.
Cait hard carried Act 1 desu
according to vague lore (and shit said by one VA) Powder was 9 while he was 11-12.
can't believe Ekko was robbing the cradle all along.
Her expression is very revealing. It’s also cute how her asymmetrical Cupid’s bow permanently gives her a slight look of disgust (mimicking curled lip). Some people sort of have a permanent frown or a smile depending on how their lips turn out, she has this.
Or maybe Zaun swamp ass air molecules stay fixed to her nose hairs
Yep, I hope the rest of her arc is done justice because her story in act 1 was A+.
That blows
Arcane never goes into any great detail about the political or economic systems that makes P/Z function because it doesn't really have the time. It's a show about how the trauma that comes from oppression effects people, not about those political systems themselves.
But with how otherwise sympathetic the writers are to the oppressed, it's jarring to see Silco framed here as to blame for the massacre. It's lib brained nonsense. The man threw a molotov. So what? That baby shit. The frogs do that before breakfast and no one is killed. A massacre is not a proportionate response to a molotov, it isn't even a proportionate response to a few enforcers being killed or injured. So why is the show acting like Silco personally shot his friends? The framing is downright disrespectful to the labor movement.
The US has some of the most violent labor history of the industrial world. Workers had the gall to ask for safer working conditions, for their unions to be recognized, for pay raises to bring their wages in line with the sector average. In response, owners hired militias to beat and shoot workers. They had police intimidate, harass, and murder strikers. Militias went in to strike camps and killed women and children along with workers. Coal mine owners hired private planes to drop bombs on strikers. Yes, workers fought back. Most with fists, some with tools. In individual battles they sometimes threw the first stone. But owners started the war.
So even if that molotov was thrown with the intent of turning a protest into a riot, that massacre was still not justified, those deaths are not on Silco. The fault lies squarely with those that let things get this bad. It's with those that benefit from and perpetuate structural oppression, environmental injustice, and economic injustice. It's with those who would rather strangle and beat your friends to death than pay their fair share for an honest day's work.
Send those Zaunites back. They don't belong up here send those zaunites back.
When new episodes?
You're going off of one anon's interpretation. Lets see the episode for ourselves fiirst.
Honest chances of Yuumi appearing in this thing ever?
he was apparently around her whole life until she was a tween, meaning she would recognise him as she recognises Vander on the bridge, and then dipped out for five years (during which he ages about 25 years). Likewise Silco having presumably known Vi and Powder as Eileen and Connor's (Connell's?) children since birth
He might've just have known them in passing via Vander's direct connection to them. I very much doubt that Silco was "around her whole life until she was a tween". If anything, Vander would probably do their best to keep the kids from ever seeing him.
Who else skippin straight to EP 6 because we already saw 4 and 5 back in august?
like 23-24 hours
1 minutes.
exactly 24 hours
for whatever reason, netflix is not releasing this show on fridays like they did EVERYTHING ELSE
is this god forsaken fucking show actually going for some sort of jesus allegory
I enjoyed it far too much, frankly
naw, imo act 2 is *the* WW arc, all 3 episodes feature him, and I think they kill him in 6 to be revived later. it's meant to be watched all at once to make it hit right, especially if they do kill him as the cliffhanger
you're doing yourself a disservice by skipping. leaks were what they were but tmrw you have all 3 at your fingertips, might as well watch them as intended
This. Also I hope they don’t go down the ‘Silco was too extreme so Vander turned his back on him route’, because it would make no sense. He literally says that he had to become a brute because the betrayal scarred him so deeply; it suggests Silco was a soft touch pre-betrayal and that ‘Vander wasn’t always a peace keeper’.
No because I'm not a huge faggot
Vi and powders family live in a shitshack in refugee camp miles away from the last drop
two honorary uncles run a cosy bar and are the leaders of zaun
Go for it retard. Even ep 1-3 had changes from what we originally saw so I would love the opportunity to clown anyone who references something that ends up getting changed
Which ep is THAT Maddie scene?
Episode 7
Lest is my dumb, tranny wife.
Dang, one more week
Them being that close to the girls’ parents doesn’t mske any fucking sense. This entire backstory which was something I saw fans BEG for was done so wrong it’s actually one of the worst parts of season2. Retroactively ruins season 1
They’re bullshitting you. It’s literally in the very next episode. Nothing from act 3 has leaked.
It lines up with an early version of the opening
It's funny this will never happen even though shippers desperately want it to
Noxus Mel is defo act 3 stuff.
they did, goofus.
Man that Vi pit fighter clip makes so much sense now.
They should've dressed Cait into whorish Zaun clothes for the webm related scene
That 2nd one is BONKERS
That said S1 caitlyn was already one of my favorite characters so I'm happy they're actually doing something with he character now.
Or at least her incognito/off-duty look from S1, if they don't want to make a whole new model for 5 seconds of footage.
I get that it's Vi's schizo fantasies, but clubbing in her cop gear just looks so funny.
My bad, I meant like full episodes. But yes, they fuckin leaked that
Caitlyn obsessively wears her cop uniform. When have we ever seen her in civilian clothes?
jinx will get redeemd and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about that
That will be the most shit writing desu
i mean you're watching shitcane
the bar of writing is below the ground
Wouldn't even if I could
but that's what i want
I’m dying to hear what recent media you think has good writing.
It probably considers the acolyte a masterpiece.
She has the most boring arc, she herself is boring
At this point I am 80% convinced Isha and Jinx are both dead between the comment by her VA that its a devastating ending and nobody will feel good after watching it, the old arcane concept art with Vi holding Jinx’s body, and Amandas comment that a thing that never changed in 6 years is the Vi and Jinx ending.
I've been very entertained and I thought her act 1 arc was well done.
If true then they're willing to risk angering a lot of LoL players who have never even seen arcane.
Vi will probably have memory loss and forget everybody but Caitlyn.
She alone carries Act 1.
Isn't the deal in LoL is that the characters are all picked out off of different time periods and various AUs anyways?
Shit like people dying shouldn't actually matter for the game right?
yea it doesn't, there's gods and characters from completely different eras in the game so of course anyone not from that era is dead or not even born yet
So you're saying that Arcane will be treated as another AU where Jinx is dead?
my bet is on Jinx becoming completely mindbroken and insane.
That's when isha dies though.
characters from different eras
No, not really. Every single character in the game literally exists simultaneously. Some might not be in the exact form/state they present in-game, but there is nothing like "Oh, this character died 500 years ago". They're all present. Which is dumb, yes.
Arcane is literally the only thing that is currently 100% canon in all of LoL lore because they deemed it to be. If she dies, it will be official canon that she is dead.
Looking forward to this more than watching the episode full HD tomorrow. Can't wait to see Amanda praising the Maddlyn scene and insisting on how it was absolutely necessary.
i see, so that's why season 2 is so shit
we got writers and cast doing reaction videos now? thats kinda wild
Having the Maddie VA there to watch the Maddlyn scene is kinda funny.
I hate women so fucking much it's unreal
Dont care about Cait/Vi, they are obviously getting an ending where they are alive and together
Dont care about Jinx and Isha, they are dead as fuck or Jinx is broken beyond recognition
Dont care about Jayce and Viktor anymore, wanted to see them split because of convictions but instead its some magical corruption shit
Ambessa is a boring villain
Kinda... dont give a shit about anyone anymore in stark contrast to S1
With this lineup of characters it makes me think that this song will play when Caitlyn finds out about who caused the explosion at the Kiramman apartment.
Why is some random loser on YouTube hosting this?
do you like men?
lets make the shittiest song ever created
what did they mean by this?
No I don't like 3DPD women
le dyck fan'girl'
how much do you like 3dpd men?
why do you like men so much more than women?
To be accurate, Vander did say the whole "that was never enough for you" so it should've been Silco saying they should be more extreme and Vander just deciding to kill him in a kneejerk reaction before Silco actually did anything. Leading to Silco doubling down on it after the betrayal.
Nop it's about Warwick, it'll probably play when he comes to his senses
"I love Vi, but what I love even more is warcrimes against Zaun" - Caitlyn Kiramman
How do you even remotely plausibly write Cait and Vi again, now that we know Cait is likely going to be the reason for Warwick fully sperging out?
It's simple, throw in a rushed reconciliation, a sex scene and fans will eat that shit up.
I will live in the moment where Cait is still a fascist dictator, because we all know she will "get better" soon and regret it all.
Wish we had a fascist Piltover and terrorist Zaun status-quo where you could blame both and neither side at the same time for what they are doing,
Yeah what the other anon said. They're all living in the present. Unless you're considering skins and such in which case maybe? But just try to move the story forward lmao. We're all stuck in the eternal present, where the apocalypse is just around the corner, always. The watchers could attack. Aurelion could send his constellations. The rune wars could start again. Mordekaiser could come back. But nothing ever happens.
We're all stuck in the eternal present
But nothing ever happens.
Which is why Arcane was so based and why making it canon was a huge mistake. There are 150+ champions in the game. To craft an overarching narrative with them all isn't feasible, especially with the slapdash lore and character design that applies to most of the champions. AU's like Arcane should've been embraced and encouraged. A writer should not have to inherently be conscious of what a trash eating mutant rat with a crossbow might be doing before they decide to make a story in LoL's world. Canon is fake and gay. People don't care about canonicity, they care about characters. Use which ever characters you need, tweak the setting however you need, and people will love the final result if it's done with care.
Amanda sure is proud of herself. Can't wait to see this shit.
I want to see Camille dominate Seraphine.
Go home, Seraphine
I’m scared of the Silco flashback.
I’m scared that the writers got shocked that we liked silco instead of thinking he was some bigoted male and that they are going to fuck up his backstory and force some chuddy behavior because MALE BAD!
every one of you dykes deserves the rope. amanda now gets to live stream copium because you stupid cunts kept dumping leaks everywhere. just stfu and leave
People like the ship. Get over it.
Stupid bitch. Why does she ruin everything? I've never seen an author commenting on his product during the broadcast. This is so incompetent
Ekko is the moral center of the show, Cait's dad is a sweetie, Vander is flawed but means well and is remembered fondly by his daughters
the writers think male good
I used to dislike Jayce because he was boring, but now that he has some genocidal purpose to delete all that is Hextech - I kind like him.
Especially because it inevitably ends in his suicide, as he would be the last remnant of the Arcane if he is to succeed.
What about Sevika?
nukes Piltover and Zaun
Heh, nothing personnel kid
I would like to see his big cock
huh, mossakino again he never fails it
i have a mighty need for isha art
Amanda will tell us: m.youtube.com
She really strikes me as a person who gets turned on by this
Jinx is my favorite and she will get the worst ending t_t
not watching your dyke shit
This is just trolling. What is wrong with Amanda?
Is this true that Silco's VA got seperated with his partner and even blacklisted after fuckin his fangirl? why every drama involved with him feels like some tranny's made up bs?
seething females
She loves drama you should know this by now she’s probably laughing at Caitvi shippers right now
This. She loves drama for the sake of drama. Nothing deep here
Prepare for the Melty of the century
the creators really want you to feel bad 'bout jinx
Higest order to brainrot
zamn thats brutal
Enforcers are less like actual police and more like what a certain group of people think police are.
Hell, the majority of them are either related to nobility or known someone who is of royal stock, hence them being allowed to to join.
Basically they're the Yakuza if it was white and ran by homosexuals.
People say Vi is the character the authors enjoy abusing the most, but with Isha dying and probably very bad end for Jinx one way or another, I would say she takes the crown. At least there is some reward in Vi’s future.
look at me! I'm le edgy!
they never depicted her as vulnerable victim, she's turbo retard, Jinx literally, she's egocentric, selfish, and schizophrenic, portrayed her as crazy catlady as she is, the only way you can take advantage of such a human being is turn back & run away, they're just implyig that psychopaths weren't born but surroundings drove them into this hell
She is my imaginary daughter.
She is perfect, did nothing wrong to anybody who didn’t deserve it and deserves a happy ending.
Every single character suffers except maybe Ekko and Heimer, that's why they're being used as comic relief to lighten the mood of S2.
back to hornyhell, silco
Hell, the majority of them are either related to nobility or known someone who is of royal stock
Don't think that's true. In most of the interactions between cait and other enforcers, they imply that she's an odd special case of a "higher" noble joining a lower's job.
jayce teases her for "not following her mother into a career befitting her station"
the enforcers on night shift roasting her for being a princess
marcus calls out that she's unruly and unresponsive to chain of command because she's noble
her mom has marcus fire her
It seems that piltie enforcers consist of the common working man of piltover, which is still higher born then an undercity dweller but only by a little.
If a woman could suck her own cock, Amanda would be one.
even heard that he sent his naked pic to fangirl but 0 proof, hates toward him is insane level
Nowhere near as bad as Jinx, at least once they kill her daughter off. Girl cant have one nice thing, and is about to die or get some ending worse than death like completely losing her mind.
Ironically, for all the show's condemnation of Silco's methods, he was the one who spent years playing the long game because he wanted to get Zaun into a place of sufficient parity where they could spook Piltover into negotiating, and *not* suicidally attack them and risk provoking an unwinnable war that would result in Zaun being pulverised. "I don't need to beat them. I just need to scare them," etc.
For all his, "The base violence necessary for change," talk, he's the one who on multiple occasions forgoes actual violence when he's satisfied that the fear of violence is sufficient in its place.
Unfortunately, when it comes to hearts and minds, a long game is rarely so inspiring as a direct (and very visible) attack. So ultimately, Jinx is the one whose direct violence inspires the undercity, and the violent retaliation against Zaun from topside is what helps solidifiy support behind her as a symbol.
Isha isn't gonna die.
Arcane doesn't shy away from children dying but killing off a child character that we grew attached to is overkill.
And it's just really bad writing if the intention is to have Jinx go full psycho again.
Me too, they’re about to blast a wonderfully grey anti-hero/villain to fit the silco bad vander good narrative
We can all agree tha ep 6 is opening with this music sequence yea?
ep6 opening will be about Jayce/Viktor
Silco did more for the undercity than ekko and vander ever did.
What if this is not from an episode opening but kind of a sendoff for both characters as if they are in a better place now
Perhaps, but most of Piltover is nobility in general, that's why it's an overtly extravagant city. The poor are shunted to Zaun and treated as if they're from a different city. So while rank and file enforcers aren't as high as Cait, they're miles above Vander and the miners. Like knights versus farmers I guess, with Caitlyn being the equivalent of a princess debasing herself by becoming a knight.
So once again they really are not gonna focus at all on Powder and Vander
Stop this nonsense. Neither of them is gonna die
Hopefully never. I dread this faggot actually being relevant.
at last I got muh strong female characters to fulfill my rape fantasy, anime girl bosses just doesn't feel same at all except kusanagi (1995)
Isha is 100% turbodead.
Jinx - I am not convinced. Either dead or completely deranged madwoman.
Where is this from? I’ve seen the thumbnail for remember me but I don’t remember these frames
No, but I'm excited for Singed scenes all the same.
Okay so Vander’s gotta be Vi’s dad
Dunno I got it from here
Hasn't Amanda's house burned to the ground yet?
Lets be retarded for amoment and assume that the leak of Ekko trying to save someone by rewinding time but failing is true and its Jinx.
I think it can be a very powerful moment if Isha's death causes Jinx to want to die, so her death is a heroic suicide to take down an enemy.
So no matter how hard Ekko tries, he cant save her from herself. She has chosen death.
Then we get this scene in the end with the two of them happy in cartoon world.
Isha is 100% turbodead
The writing is so bad. The kid shows up just to give Jinx some hope and then dies to make her lose her shit (again)?
It's true and no one can convince me otherwise.
Yea the entirety of piltover probably is made of "nobles" but even then, within piltover, there's like a nobility 2 cast system. You have princesses/basically royalty like Cait or mel, but then it seems you have "lower houses" like jayce's talis family, who while not as big a house like the Kirammans, seems to be still fairly high because of their "hammer business" that brought tools to the working man. They're still a step above. Basically, i don't think internally there's much of difference between piltover and a standard cast system of royals, nobles, commons except relative to the world outside piltover their all "highers" and they have homeless people in their basement.
Again, I completely agree with you. But we've known since S1 that the show was, in fact, lib brained nonsense and espoused a 'both sides' philosophy where Zaun committing violence was just as bad as Piltover committing violence. They have retconned this plot detail back into the story becaues they want to impress upon the viewer that everything bad that ever happened to Vi and Powder their whole lives can all be traced back to Silco, because Silco Bad, so that it makes a Cait redemption arc more palatable. Reminder that there's a strong theory going around that Loris was one of the enforcers on the bridge that day. If true, I guarantee that him looking out for and/or dying to save Vi will show Vi that even those enforcers that murdered her parents were just good dudes who felt real bad about it afterwards, and this will be used to justify Vi joining the enforcers so that good dudes like Loris will never again be forced to do mean things by criminal scum like Silco.
It's in the leaked episodes; you can watch for yourself.
Why? It's implied that up until Vander betrayed Silco, those two and Eileen were a trio of fast friends.
Too late. Again, it's literally in the leaked episodes. You can watch it for yourself. It even has Vander write a letter apologising to Silco for trying to murder him because he 'lost his head'. But of course, Silco was just so unreasonable and angry that he never came back to their secret hideout to read the letter.
What gets me is that this was WRITTEN OUT of S1 for a reason, and the story is far stronger for it. Why retcon it back in when it makes no sense with how the season was ultimately written? Oh, right. Amanda.
I called this shit in S1 - they made her too batshit and purposeless by the end of the season and wont know what to do with her in S2. She could be death with in a couple more episodes.
Something else I called back them - she needs to die or somehow else be removed from the plot by the end of the show. Otherwise it becomes retarded Tom and Jerry shit as she keeps evading the cops and doing a lil bit of insane terrorism. Just doesnt work with the tone of the show (which is now the canon for the setting)
So I think she and Isha re both done one way or another.
I will never not be mad that Isha isn't a shota. Jinx talking down to them in the first scene was stupid hot
I hated how we barely saw the ramifications of this bombing. It was barely addressed in Ambessa's speech either.
"That was never enough for you," only implies ambition, though; not a willingness to violence.
The entire parallel with Vi and Jinx rests on the crux that, while Powder and Silco were already a lil messed up (already experiencing psychological problems; already having risky ambitions), it was the undeserved betrayal/abandonment that radically changed their view of themselves, the world, and their place in it for the worse. That's the point of the tragedy; the repeating cycles of trauma with Piltover sitting at the top; the, 'what could have been', the, 'I am the monster you created'.
It doesn't work if you then turn around and go, "jk, Silco was just a piece of shit the whole time."
She had the kid with the gas mask on. Also it was a non-lethal attack. Caused a good handful of injuries at best.
another stylized in-episode music video
not afuckinggain.... i'm fed up
undeserved betrayal/abandonment
It was completely deserved.
You say that but season 1 unironically showed us Twitch.
It will after tomorrow.
Vander is just Wolverine
I dont like the “oh, the misery” depressionporn stuff.
I want to see some absolute scum with zero hesitations like Urgot and Camille, entirely driven by ideology and not by emotion.
vander's drama, fucking cheap & jeet soapdrama tier quality like edgerunner, wtf happened? they managed to make silcokino and this? I'm sincerely mad
Episode 6 will show us Jinx on OnlyFans
When she fakes her own death to avoid what's coming
add dyke character
your fanbase turns dyke
writing panders to dykes
many such cases
I meant PnZ characters but sure. She is very similar to Urgot. Which is why some people were speculating her bodyguard could end up becoming him in a retcon, Urgot comes from Noxus after all.
AU confirmed
Yes, that's exactly my point. A kid with a gas mask and a nonlethal citywide bombing is fucking lame, the implications of it poorly defined.
ESPECIALLY if it's supposed to be one last 'Fuck You' to Piltover before she dies.
where is it though?
only one can see the other it seems
ep3 is worse than ep4 desu
She isn't doing anything for ideology tho. She is another "oh the misery" character whinging about her family all the time. She just scowls more.
Ep4 has the jail piltiegore scene, so thats a win in my book.
member when Jinx showed her gun to Isha and then she started dancing like a Disney princess?
I meant for the caitvi fandom
She is obsessed with strength, power and control. Her family conflicts with these values, hence are the source of her weakness. Which is true for most characters in the show - family makes them weak and compromised.
how does this confirms any AU?
Jinx taking it like a champ.
Isha turned white
A cuckening is way, way worse than whatever happened on ep3
Literally, you have an image you can look at instead of making others look at it for you
Ep 3 is my favorite so far
using the filtration system to gas the Zaunites with “Can I do the right thing for the wrong reason” and police violence glorification montage in the background
trippy scenes with the science bros
domestic violence
Yep yep it does
Yeah, sorry, I don't buy it. I don't put "I blew up my whole career and went rogue to save muh family" in the same category as characters like Camille and Urgot.
Ambessa is at best obsessed with masking her insecurities about her daughter's safety with a presentation of strength. She isn't a true believer.
this slop gonna be joker2 of cartoon except joker2 was actually good & soul
Jinx sideboob is a miracle of the universe
the slow motion ruined it for me, and the kiss was shoehorned as fuck
How many hours till release?
it's a girl
She got a tattoo before the signal smoke
C'mon dummy, really. Vi gave her the smoke signal as a kid, she only lit it as an adult when she heard vi was potentially alive
With a barbed penis!
more like isha got penerated like doll jinx's 20inch futacock
you're perfectly fitting arcane and gaypride BDSM moods, finally
that is precisely the things i despise.
So Ekko's getting his time travel thing this season right? What's actually the limits of that, lore-wise? From the animated short I watched, he basically can just rewind with the caveat of retaining any damage he took in the "future".
I've only played the 2XKO demo, but is he gonna have access to shit like slowdown bombs, and the whole thing where he can leave "afterimages" and spatially rewind to them for mixups. And in LOL, I know his ult is similar to that where it remembers your movement for 4 seconds or something and blows up after rewinding or whatever
I'm wondering how the show's gonna portray the time powers. Is it gonna be more of an "localized" time travel thing where it only affects him or his immediate vicinity like in the games, or will he just be able to reverse time full stop. Are there even any downsides to doing so lore-wise? Like does it take anything out of him? what's stopping him from just infinitely rewinding as long as he doesn't take any serious damage?
who cares.
women's dramas.
the final model is the one shown in the League icon
Right, but the league icon still looks like a buff gargoyle. There's no wolf snout there, it's still terrible, and looks nothing like his in-game model.
This might be the worst, most stupid character design decision since Deadpool from X-Man Origins: Wolverine.
i know the leaks are prob fake but his 4 seconds limit sounds plausible,else he could be a walking plot device (in convergence he also has a 4 sec limit)
i've said that somewhere, i was partly joking though.
why so serious?
20 hours till act 2
dead thread
are all the dykes and fujos finally back on xitter and tumblr
stop trying to taint this sweet girl's image. she isn't your sex doll
In less than 24 hours the cuck scene will be out in 4K and there will be dozens of new Cuck Vi memes
I hope you girls(male) are ready
That's exactly what I meant, it's like a buff dracula or something.
There's no wolf at all, just a Cats movie version of Warwick. It's ridiculous.
"it starts to deform into that original Warwick form"
"Still, in Act 3, WW will look more like a wolf, though he still has those "arcane marks"
Why u ignore this?
Nonsense, he did new lines for season 2.
He did get together with a Jinx cosplayer, and got stalked by at least one other Jinx cosplayer.
i've been around such clothes on girls many many times: what you get is not only a side boob. it's the appeal. it's the game.
Fortiche are horribly betraying us.
they are dumb, his lol model got updated and he's still a fucking wolf, in LoR and WR he was added recently and he's a wolf, singed is going to inject blood from the wolf inside him and turn him into league WW
It's way easier to keep your voice role even if the VA becomes persona non grata, especially when they're not celebrities doing the voices, or if they're not celebrity VAs themselves. and if said role is a small one. Silco might've been main cast in S1, but he's gonna be in here for a scene at most.
They just need to not get involved in the marketing/hype cycle/
touch grass
He isn't in the marketing cycle because it would spoil he'll still have scenes, just like how in the earlier promotional material they didn't show Jayce/Mel/Viktor.
you're shy, or ugly?
or just ugly*
heh, so 'Silco's VA got seperated with his partner and fuckin his fangirl' part were true
i pity you then.
make money.
it'll be easier.
women love money.
material girls
He did get together with a Jinx cosplayer, and got stalked by at least one other Jinx cosplayer.
Art imitates life
I think you didn't understand it, I'm sorry.
wtf is happening?
You know how this ends
cyberpunk edgerunner is overrated af
It's way easier to keep your voice role even if the VA becomes persona non grata, especially when they're not celebrities doing the voices, or if they're not celebrity VAs themselves. and if said role is a small one. Silco might've been main cast in S1, but he's gonna be in here for a scene at most.
damn vicuck seething meme was true
Why u ignore this?
Because I have no reason to believe this after watching the leaked Act 2 episodes and seeing the league icon.
Yes, he "looks more like a wolf" with "arcane marks", but he isn't a wolf at all. More like a Cats movie wolf-man thing.
I'm sorry if it upsets you, but the reality is that both Riot and Fortiche messed up Warwick's character design very badly.
I havent seen the leaks but this is (2,3 than 1) correct
i'm guessing ekko gets his powers from the alien arcane orb thing
literally any fag with brain didn't like it
even for turbo animefag like me
this is Act 2 icon, he have act 3 icon too
higher than 1*
Ambessa kills Isha
Jinx loses it and leans into her shimmer powers
gets killed too
Sounds about right.
Used to be a caitvifag until this scene. Now I want Caitlyn to stay with Maddie and be miserable forever.
this isn't his final form you retard, in-game he is a wolf and that is the model which got updated, why would they update a model that doesn't even remotely resemble his character? this is a form to transition towards his final wolf form
Where can I find the Act 3 icon, anon?
I don't get it.
Why can Tara Strong have gangbangs at conventions with her ugly fat smelly neet fans, but when Jason Spisak gives these poor girls what they want and need it becomes an international incident?
She does? Jeez, I should visit one
It hasn’t leaked yet because only Act 2’s content leaked, the Act 3 patch is two weeks later
international incident
It's only 'internation incident' to landwhale femcel
He knew what he was doing, old man was asking for it
danny d tier shlong
I'm starting to hate him
Isha = ziggs no i will not elaborate
Christian literally said no ziggs in s2
Cringe. He would never meet Jinx then.
this is a form to transition towards his final wolf form
You keep saying this, but I'm not seeing it happening. Only if the transformation happens in a 10 second clip at the end of an episode and he doesn't show up anymore, but that's stupid.
Have you watched the unfinished leaked episodes, anon? There's not enough time to make him transform, and then have more lore/story content with his wolf form.
How many of you will apologize if any of the leakers were right? And how many of you will do it if none of them were?
They are doing a Joker 2, this Jinx is gonna die and she will have copycats. Thats why her personality is so different.
No leaker was legit cause no one has seen act 3
A scene at the end of episode 6 shows Singed modifying him. By Act 3, he’s already modified for the final battle. It’s not that big of a deal
Jynx is grooming a child into becoming a blue-haired lesbian
Vi is now a victim of domestic violent from her lesbian partner
Caitlyn is the new fuhrer of Piltover after committing domestic violence
Jayce slowly becoming an emo sad boy after his hextech boyfriend left
Heimerdinger is now acting like a submissive bottom all of a sudden
Ekko is just following the submissive bottom, still doesn't have any time powers
Warwick is just a naked dracula, domesticated with the power of love and friendship
Meanwhile, Viktor is now Zaun Jesus curing shimmer addicts with GLORIOUS EVOLUTION
Is Viktor really the only good character in this show? This man is absolutely based, but what the fuck happened to everyone else?
I really believe in cardboard sex anon
I am a cardboard anon acolyte.
I believe everyone has an OK ending except Isha (confirmed in his leak) and Jinx (implied) die.
What if the alternate universe is lol?
And I suppose that statement of yours is legitimate because...
Jayce is about to go A P E S H I T on some hexicans.
They've been trolling you. No one aside from some normalfags have seen act 3. And they're too far up in their asses to share any detailed leaks.
Have u played lol? it's a moba
man this song is really bad
Jayce preparing to visit Viktors camp
I don’t believe in the leakers, but obviously, there are people who have already seen Act 3.
Other than Silco he's most famous for voicing Vulpes Inculta from Fallout: New Vegas, another character with psychotic horny fangirls
They wouldn't end the show with redeemed Jinx, Caitlyn and evil Jayce right?
there are people who have already seen Act 3
Obviously, but none of those people would risk their jobs leaking the whole story two weeks before Act 3 releases.
this show felt like real chinese wrote it, they just slaughter people If there's a little justification for it, it goes very well with Akane's background unlike westerncuck's slop but there's still nothing you can do about it that gives you feeling it's written by bugmen
redeemed Jinx
I hope not, she doesn't deserve to be redeemed.
Ekko's VA would but he's a nigcel who actually did get cancelled and hasn't gotten any new work since Arcane
I doubt Jinx will be fine. Probably will go bonkers.
Jayce wont be “evil” but he will be an anti-villain.
Viktor helps and heals the weak and poor, doing good acts now, but his ways lead to the outcome Heimer warned of. Jayce has to do cruel acts now to prevent a worse future.
hasn't gotten any new work since Arcane
Sounds like Silco's VA
Noxus/Demacia Show next?
I believe his short story was that he can rewind a fair bit, but hardly change anything. For real time shenanigans you want Zilean.
get cancelled
Too many white characters, they'll never animate Demacia.
What did he do?
This too
I can also find gay fan art of Silco
will there be a season 3? seeing how rushed it is pretty sure they'll end arcane here and probably start a new league show set somewhere else
Started talking about the bible and Jesus, that's a big no-no.
Chris Pratt barely survived it.
He was doing voice work for LoR last year as Five Punch Pablo. What are you talking about?
Chuck will make a comeback and save zaun
I cant wait for the meltie this saturday
And next saturday when Isha dies and potentially Jinx too
Watching people online experiencing emotional pain is my favorite hobby
This is confirmed to be the last season. We'll probably get another league show
Easy make her the protagonist
Fuck. I hoped we wouldn't go into multiverse.
Now it's basically just 'we can do and spawn whatever we want'
I like how a few people calling you names on twitter is "barely surviving" something
Jesus, Maddie so cute
This handsome dilf nigga is making money behind the camera and fucking Jinx cosplayers and basically you're stupid
It should be their turn
still mad at silco this hard
damn this board is gold
don't care. Jinx is still having sex with Ekko
holy fucking based
Too furry, would scare away the normies. Same reason why Vanderwick is a thing, can't have a hot furry wolf character or the normies would freak out.
Arcane fans can barely handle Caitlyn now and you think they'd be able to handle Leona?
Last thing maddie see's before she dies
You will never be black.
Arcane fans can barely handle Caitlyn now and you think they'd be able to handle Leona?
Most likely. Garen x Katarina handles all the shipping shit, and then you have the family dramas from both sides. Could be nice.
Here's your new will they/won't they for the new show
Infinitely more kino than the current shit, but also a straight relationship, so they'll nuke it for no reason like they'll do with Mel and Jayce
His work dried up like a motherfucker and even his MCU character is on ice.
Hollyjews FUCKING HATE IT when you're outspoken about your faith in Christ
Nobody's asking them, they're diving in prepared or not
Yeah, I would be quite surprised if they don’t massacre Garen character
I mean it's already semi doomed when Garen finds out she killed Jarvan III
I only wonder why cardboard anon doesn't appear again after most people gradually believe him. It seems quite suspicious to me
Have you noticed who has also been suspiciously absent lately?
Mr Taco
Yeah where’s Sergio bro hasn’t shown up in a while
Then again, Garen and Katarina are the only ship in the game that's hyper confirmed. Even Cait and Vi is mostly just hints and teasing in comparison
Everyone was spamming him with only caitvi questions lol
Glad someone else agrees. Melodramatic chinkslop
I talked to him on discord actually.
His exgirlfriend found a new guy, between that and the vi cuck memes he said he just wants to stay away from the internet for a while.
They won
Sergio was /ourguy/ and you bullied him out of here.
Vi gets cucked
the mexican yuritard gets cucked
Life really does imitate art
Jinx should like and support Maddie since she could be an obstacle for caitvi, but maybe she's too crazy to stop to think about it
Era nuestro amigo, y mira como lo dejaron maldita sea
What do you mean? Didn't they retcon those comics? Like what is there left that's canon and not just the same teasing and implying.
It's full of potential for drama and angst, they would be dumb not to.
Is he Sergio? Man, you'll r crazies to do a doxing to him. Fuck
Jayce emo
Jayce is now a caveman with a magic hammer who hates hexniggers with all his soul
The card game has them arranging a date IIRC
Vi and Caitlyn get a happy ending together
Jinx loses the only other person that came in her life and she loves and either breaks completely or dies
Its not fair...
He looks so fucking mad
This, especially when the writing for Cait and Vi is ass and them getting together will make no sense
Best ending you mean
Isha has a death flag the size of Mount Everest, I can't think any of the core main cast will kill her. It's either going to be Maddie or Ambessa who does the deed which will drive Jinx insan(er).
hello 4channel, I'm le ebin shitty 3D animator, wanna be my friends?
*posts his twitter with his ugly spic mug*
This retard has no one to blame but himself
What did he see?
I'd be fucking mad too if my hextech boyfriend left to create a new cult.
Future timebomb
Jinx becomes a mom
These threads
Viktor doing Jesus shit
Viktor x Skye sex scene
I took a look at some of his retarded tweets, he's the mexican version of a commie.
You just know he's suicidal over Kamala losing.
I thought commies hated liberals
The folder named "powder"
Singed x Warwick scene.
Jayce learns it all started because of the sandwich
Jinx is incapable of having children now anon
No one doxed him, he linked his own Twitter account with his real name and face as his pfp
He could just ask to join
How can a guy be this naive?
The ending
Yuritards aren't exactly bright
nobody enjoyed a sandwich more than her in history
Will she get redemption or miseryporn ending?
How wholesome
He is
Jinx can regenerate her womb and pelvis due to her shimmer enhancement. She gets blown up by a grenade at point blank, and somehow she's still alive. Jinx is a not human anymore.
Will she get redemption
I hope not, it would mean everything happened in vain. It was all just temporary lesbian drama.
before dying???
What does Jinx mean here?
So they're releaseing songs a few days before the act drops. What songs of Act 3 will be released before the last act drop you think?
Does this guy have a stand? He's looks like a JoJo character, just needs a gayer outfit.
vi goes full amnesia and forget 'bout everything
jinx said "You think i'm crazy? You should see my sister!"
"She's such a loser, always ready to cry! Ta-ta-ta-taa!"
"Vi? Stands for stupid!" in game
K-melo drama kino incoming
Vi makes shit choices on the regular
cant make up her mind and breaks promises
awarded with a girlfriend and happy ending
Betting my money on The Line
This dude must get so much jinxer pussy having known and gotten bullied by the real one
Jinx would be happy for Vi
Jinx will get Lux gf next season fear not. Death fake out with Vi to save her and zaun from piltover revenge
lesbian lux is still canon right?
she has a good heart
wdym? I'm not familiar with wider LoL lore, explain?
lesbian lux is still canon right?
It has literally never been canon.
The only person she arguably shows interest in is Sylas and she hates him now.
She was supposed to get married to Jarvan IV for political reasons, but no love there.
Jinx kills 3/4 of her family
is immediately rewarded with a new daddy
Vi goes to prison for 7 years receiving constant beatings
wants her sister back but sister is with the guy who killed their family
I dunno, I guess Jinx brought it on herself?
She was a young child, Vander and Vi are responsible for what happened that night.
X is responsible for Y so my fav is innocent
cope harder
your partner risks killing a child
hits you
becomes a fascist dictator against your people
uses chemical weapons against your people
sleeps with a young subordinate (problematic power dynamic!)
comes back and says sorry
all is forgiven
Why do women love toxic relationships so much?
You think Vi saw Cait trying to bury her emotions here?
Wasn't Vi like 13 when this happened
Oh yeah, Viktor is 100% getting raped
timebomb canon
She is beating grown men so I think she is more like 15-16
Powder is like 12-ish
Powder is like 12-ish
She was 7. Vi was 12 or 13
Lesbians having a falling out because of religious differences
hell nah, vi is fucking retarded & built for ryona & facialabuse & teenfidelity & roccosiffredi & hookuphotshot & helplessteens
So why isn't tranny janny permabanning the chinkcel spsmming cuckshit?
Too kino for the modern writer. If it isn't misery-porn then it isn't ''cool''
That sounds boring, whats there to handle?
Lucky Ekko
Janny don't ban his discord pals
You tho? Wait 15 minutes before making a post
i have to congratulate you, this is the most retarded take i've ever seen, and i've been here since Post/pre bridge.
Timebomb is fucking disgusting
What do you think Anon Babblemodulator is
Religious characters are not popular these days, if caitvi caused all this drama imagine how worse it will be if it's about religions.
The parent of a child being responsible for their actions is retarded
I'll give 3 bitcoins to whoever doxes this cuckspammer
I'll throw in an additional one if he really is asian
Then I guess Ekko is responsible for all the shit that went down cause he's the one who gave Jayce's lab's location away.
Thoughts on police brutality?
"muh she was only 10~12 some sheet!!!!"
Zaun is literally Victorian Era England
Fr, I have to assume it's weiros who wanna fuck Jinx projecting
It's all fucking Ekko's fault for giving Vi the location of Jayce's house
At what time is Act 2 releasing? Is it 12am PT, same as Act 1?
actually it's jayces fault for going to the seedy underbelly full of scammers and being careless with what he says
It's Ryze fault
Ekko is not responsible for Vi. he is neither her parent nor her older sibling nor her gang leader.
Vi wasnt 12 either, she is 14-16 at minimum.
Ah, that's them planting the seeds for when Vi becomes police brutality herself, aka the Piltover enforcer
Let's execute Ekko and forgive everyone else
This, the council archives mention she was around 17 when she got arrested. She wasn't a kid.
Ekkosissies..................why don't we get any respect?
The boy savior will save Jinx
Damn, you rattled those off the top of your head like it was nothing
Your fave is kind of boring and the only ship involving him is stupid
Why isn't tranny janny permabanning the chinkcel cuckspammer?
vander's drama, fucking cheap & jeet soapdrama tier quality like edgerunner, wtf happened? they managed to make silcokino and this? I'm sincerely mad
It's been known for at least 5 years that anyone who spams that shit on Anon Babble is some variety of disgenic asian virgin
We have one like too in /f1/
Jannies never touch them, what a wacky coincidence
People are losing their minds over Caitlyn so they won’t be able to handle that story because Leona is a fascist too
Based. Though I hoped that Cait would actually shoot someone dead.
If Isha is just a random street kid, why does she have nice embroidery on her vest AND being chased specifically by one of the chembaron's goons? Does she have connections?
Move on loser. I waited YEARS for Warwickkino
Ethnic Cleansing
Why isn't tranny janny permabanning the chinkcel cuckspammer?
Wish that were me
vicucks still mad at dilf silco va only because he picked younger fan
who's taking aisha away in the preview?
Handsome Sevika
they pretend they're ekkofans(no such a thing exists) and start cuckspamming
You brought Maddie upon yourselves, yuritards
are the asians in the room with us right now?
Lunari scum had it coming
Ni hao, chinkcel
Say hi to your sister's white boyfriend from us
Timebomb canon
Lol. People have felt sympathy for Jinx since season 1. I’ve actually never seen a real genuine Jinx hater. Retard
Why isn't tranny janny permabanning the chinkcel cuckspammer?
Offer is still standinh
no premiere for act 2 i guess
living his dream with electra complex egirl daughterfu
made success as film producer, programmer, va
taking role in every aaa capeshit slop last 3 years
has danny-d tier shlong
even god can't stop him
How dies she die?
either ep 6 or ep 8
Jason if he olympic athlete
Too kino
No, ignoring character arcs for the sake of redeeming everyone and giving them a happy ever after is, actually, not kino
It would feel dissatisfying and tonally inappropriate compared to the rest of the show.
Jinx has to get a terrible ending (dead/broken)
Vi will get a bittersweet ending (sister dead/broken, but at least she has Cait)
Thats what this has all been building to.
damn shes ugly
inb4 Jynx accidentally explodes her just like she did to her entire family in season 1.
That'd be too based.
My bet is they pull an Edgerunners
Ambessa kills her, Jinx does crazy, Ambessa kills her too.
add a new random kid with 0 background and lines
I am supposed to feel sad it died
Such garbage writing.
0 lines
shes a mute
you're retarded
redeeming everyone and giving them a happy ever after
he doesn't know about the leaked hug scene
Anon... I have some very bad news for you.
Some edit out the FRANCE into ZAUN and givr him Silco's eye
its a race to the bottom in these threads, just waiting to see who can say the most presumptious most retarded shit before the next episode drops
the leaked hug scene
in episode 5
Its so over for you optimism cucks.
Police brutality doesn't exist. Police is violence is legitimate
Gee, I wonder what will happen to this happy family next?
Arcane in detail
literrate ESL filipino, not reading
Cringe happy ever after hug scene with Warwick, Vi and Jynx
What in the flying fuck is this?
And Isha
I am sure it will all be fine!
Emotional bait so you are sad when it all goes to shit.
KINO. I shed happy tears!
Is act 2 out yet in Au/NZ?
yuritards cuckspamming, plotting to kill Isha, getting the ick from a family reunion
I'm glad Vi is getting cucked, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving fanbase
remember me starts playing at start of ep 6
vw starts to lose his mind
is that it?
If they make a show based on Targon it will be a gay melodrama again, only this Chad and Taric could carry the show
You just know Jinx's blood will rile WW up
That Warwick model
What did they do to my wolf boy? WHERE IS THE WOLF?
Hard to show emotions with wolf face without it looking like a goofy Zootopia spinoff.
He's not fully transformer yet
Well, a few months have passed, so I can say with certainty that the hug scene, no matter how cringey it is, is a pretty sentimental scene, plus the song "What have they done to us" I just cry
its not his final form you fucking retards
happy reunion in act 2
sad ending in act 3
Didn't you learn anything from season 1? They would have had a bigger chance for a happy ending if act 2 was sad.
If what some anons speculated is correct, with his super regen, is likely he will get killed and recover more deranged and more wolflike
In this frame, I wonder wtf did Ambessa do. I'm betting that's ep 6, shortly after the trailer footage of Ambessa and the Noxian soldiers, she's setting shit on fire for sure.
I'm pretty sure this will debunk slash tit leaker, because it does look like Ambessa goes in ready, whereas that anon said it was just Ambessa, Singed and Caitlyn and they fuck off after seeing WW is a lost cause.
Isha doesn't belong there
Fortiche can't animate wolf faces to show emotions
This is why you should hire furry animators for this type of character
Jinx spends the entirity of act 1 trying to kill herself. Now Isha made her want to live. She's either going to kill Isha on accident then go back to square 1, OR Jinx dies after finding a reason to live.
At first I found it cringe but now I like it.
You can, it will just look goofy and retarded for a serious character.
Heimer works because he is a goofball.
did he though? i don't even remember him mentioning the fight, he said that WW went berserk and cut Vi open, Caitlyn didn't fuck off cause of WW but to heal Vi and he never mentioned ambessa or singed fucking off, i believe that was another '''''''leaker'''''''
This show is anti-LGBT propaganda
Grandpa finally meets his granddaughter.
Didn't this shield bro also fuck off at some point? Wonder if he'll make a reappearance, I liked him
Vi became an alcoholic and drove him away bit by bit, we will probably see him again
he's faggot who fucks fish tho
So he fucked off when Caitlyn became a dictator, he fucked off when Vi became too toxic. Bro just wanted to chill and have fun. Is he a Zaunite, a Piltie or is he Graves?
caitler arc was too kino for this world guys, she's gonna crying like lil faggot arc 2, I can feel it
He looks like a Zaunite who climbed up but didnt like it.
He just wants a normal life and seems like a naturally protective kinda guy.
I told you faggots THREE YEARS AGO
Work towards getting in the pants of someone at Fortiche or RIOT so you can tell us what happens.
And all of you failed.
Vi's whole thing is having her guard down and facetanking hits
Lloris is all about absolute defense
Yup, Vi is going straight
I don't think Warwick needed to display emotions, this cringe hug scene was completely unnecessary.
In-game he doesn't even remember his past properly, he lost his memories after Singed's experiments. We should have gotten a feral Warwick who can't remember shit, then both Vi and Jynx know it's Vander but can't do anything to help.
Instead we got a happy ever after family reunion hug scene with the feral werewolf who, in the lore, can't smell blood without wanting to murder everyone around him.
Caitlyn Eilish
They should really make an "Enforcer Braum" skin where it's just literally Loris.
It'd actually be a pretty different skin compared to his others and could have some nice spell effects.
No. Vi is the protector and for the first time she has someone who protects her instead. KINO ENDGAME
but the hecking gamerino
Vi git cucked lmao
is that guy young braum or something, what's he doing in pilltover
Instead we got a happy ever after family reunion hug scene with the feral werewolf who, in the lore, can't smell blood without wanting to murder everyone around him.
Yeah I am sure its a happy ever after LMFAO
If Vi fans weren’t so biphobic they would be rooting for Vi and Shield bro together
Reminder that the other ending if you choose wrong is Jinx blowing up a place and killing a bunch of innocent people while Vi watches helplessly.
He is just a dude
Piltover allies with Zaun to fight Noxus
Jinx leads Zaun into the battle
Jinx is going to become the next Vander
Jinx dies, maybe protecting Isha and/or Vi
I root for ViLoris superiority
Ignoring all in-game lore and then writing a craptastic lesbian porno with some side stories
Ah, so that's what happened to the writing of this show.
Exploit the thread, we have to get to page 10
Uuuhm... it was Vi's fault?
Jinx asked Bunny or Boom and Vi didnt want the bunny?
Why is Vi so retarded, LMAO!
Interesting how both Jinx and Caitlyn begin this season burying a parent they both feel partially responsible for killing
But Jinx killed Silco
New thread
Jinx killed Silco and feels responsible (obviously). Cait didn't kill Jinx which lead to Jinx killing her mom. She feels responsible for her mother's death
I root for them, Caitler belongs to Maddie
I dont know french and engrish
I already am.