Why didn't Evil Stepmom offer herself to the prince?

Cinderella not flicking her bean

The artist had one job

No old woman has an ass like that

Other than Dr. Orpheus's ex-wife.

Because she would have won far too easily.

She's the second fairest of them all.

You haven't seen many old women

Because she's either married or widower with two children and a stepdaughter already? And in those times it was normal. for older mentorary younger women not the other way around.

You remember the part where the King is showing all this girls to the prince and he is bored? wouldn't it be funny if it was because he likes old women?

Why didn't he pick both?

Why is Cuckqeanery so based when cuckery is so cringe?

Because you're a self-inserter

Not mind breaking the princess and offering yourself and her to the prince

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What the evil stepmom should have done was as soon as the dad died higher new extremely poor Maids who could not say no to her about anythingTtake each of the maid one by one into a private dungeon in training them to be her S&M subordinates who obey her every word.And at the exact birthday of the her daughters yes both her actual daughters and her stepdaughter Cinderella use the Maids to take each of them one by one to The Sex Dungeon training all three of them to be her submissive sex slaves and use a portrait of the prince saying he will be the only man to ever touch them and they will help their mommy achieve him as their new Daddy . On the day of the ball the evil stepmom will have a scheme to get the prince to open the door to the special bondage room and we'll see the sight of the naked maids and daughters and the mom was stepped out from behind the wall of the door and say you want to take them all don't you.


...have you?

Calm down Dr. Franklin.

seemingly white

hooked nose


You’re thinking of Snow White

She's nobility; they wouldn't let Jews be nobility in a Christian kingdom.Also impliances Jewish by saying seemingly white she definitely white and if she was Jewish that would not changed her from being white.

Nobody mentioned jews schizo, gtfo

jews are not part of nobility.

Have you seen the english royal family, post princess Diana assassination?

See >


seemingly white

hooked nose


Meds, now.

You think a few people of color( noticeably including people who deliberately lef from the Royal Family) means Medieval Times would have allowed Jews into the nobility and possibly marry into the Royal Family? You don't know how easy on a dime pilgrims and mass murder and religious backpages happen back then do you?Fun fact Europeans used to kill each other for being the wrong kind of Christian in religious wars back then all the time.

No it was crazy as day that guy was implying she was implied to be Jewish from that and he also did the aggression of saying seemingly white when it was clear get everyone in the family was a white person but implying if she was Jewish that means she wasn't actually whites.

Asian hag does

My mom does

Ever heard of the concept of a silver fox? it's an old person who despite being in the later stages of life is quite attractive looking I believe in Archer the protagonist mom was described as such on a few occasions.

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muh microaggressions!


Cinderella > Sleeping Beauty

Aurora hardly counts as a main character.

you got a source, brother?

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I we're not call it a microaggressive when that was clearly the person's intent and the deliberately use in pseudo history to imply something that most people would tell you is not how it works.

pseudo history

It's pretty well documented anon.

It's well documented that Jews can't be white because of magical reasons on Facebook that some people claiming to be Jewish say they considered there jewishness to mean they magically can't be white people also?

Japan makes the best mature porn

But they never get any women that are going grey

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Is this the hag thread?

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Ask bibi to free Palestine.

>Japan makes the best mature porn

lol no, japan porn is generally cringe. Unnatural moaning, slurping sounds and bushes kill my boner quick.

No one was talking about Palestine or even the Middle East and no single Israeli is capable of free and Palestine because Palestine's biggest enemy to freedom in Israel's entire history has been the desire to try and Destroy Israel more than the owners out to be free.

Go watch the anime discipline .

I dunno what you retards are arguing about but this whole recurring topic came up because some jews and internet liberals decided that the “Evil Stepmother” is an anti-semitic trope, especially when they’re portrayed with a vaguely jewish appearance (witches, hooked noses, black hair, curly hair etc.) That doesnt mean that disney actually intended any of them to be jewish. Some people just thought that “old crone steals blonde beauty’s freedom/life/happiness” is anti-semitic


I never heard of The Stereotype and I'm pretty sure a lot of these old fairy tales with evil stepparents who originally actual parents being evil to the children until the brothers Grim change them in the book they made. And I'm serious two brothers we made a bunch of old stories into a book and they were both had the last name Grimm.Which is who the principal and his brother and Ever After High was based on,

I never heard of The Stereotype

NTA but he's right, it's something the noses can be very sensitive about at times.
Google 'Blood Libel' and give it a schnozzing.

She knows her cunt is dried up and worthless. Which is fine since she can just mooch off of whichever one of her ugly daughters marries the prince. And then she can groom her grandkids to continue the bloodline.

Yuuka Sawachi

I seen Cinderella and I know what the blood label means and you're doing acts of progressing the nose thing I know about.And just have to this day good reason to be concerned about the blood rival because people do still use that as an accusation to justify committing violence and do commit violence against Jews to this day wow invoking the blood level to justify acts against them. Even though it's Origins, was anti-christian to begin with and never made any sense if you actually knew Judaism.

We are in the hag era

And I'm serious two brothers we made a bunch of old stories into a book and they were both had the last name Grimm.

Yeah, Jacob and Wilhelm.
They were big into the German Unification movement and had a distinct Prussian and anti-catholic bias.
References to priests were purged out of several stories.

Reminder that evil stepmother is BURNING IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY and that Cinderella is in heaven with her prince. There are consequences to your actions and op is gay and must ask for forgiveness for shilling evil.

German Unification movemen

distinct Prussian

anti-catholic bias

This is sounding like it was not even half as old as I thought it was. Was this during the time of Bismarck( the Foreign Affairs man) making modern Germany?

Also I'd like to point out that the most famous version of Cinderella comes from a French writer, Charles Perrault.

Yeah, 1812, right when the German Nationalist movement got started in earnest.
Which isn't to say those stories didn't exist before the Brothers wrote them down.

Which isn't to say those stories didn't exist before the Brothers wrote them down.

I knew that. I believe I previously mentioned before step dad and step mom in a bunch of these stories were not originally stepparents at all but actual parents.

See >I'm pretty sure a lot of these old fairy tales with evil stepparents who originally actual parents being evil to the children until the brothers Grim change them in the book they made

Yeah they didn't want to encourage children going against their parents, so step parents was a compromise.
There is a distinct pro authority bent to the Grimm versions.

posts a webm with zero (0) shots of her ass

Nice try anon


Interesting post.

every board is suddenly into hags
