So true!

So true!

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Very Andrew Dobson coded. But life does suck

Honestly, what's bad about this? You get to ignore culture war bullshit and Anon Babble stuff so you can enjoy some entertainment? Not saying all the series in the OP are good, but the idea is fine, I never got the hate for this image

Nigga made this comic because he's upset that the Orange Man won

If you trust that fuck Starscream then you deserve absolutely everything coming your way.

Did anyone make an edit where he's heading into the same toxic suffering upon turning to fiction?


i'm howling at the moon... oh fuck
It has the same vibe as this. Enjoying pop culture is fine, but once you make it apart of your identity and you become completely out-of-touch with the real world, that's when you become a laughable manchild.

Fiction does not require you indulge in baby stuff.

I think he's being very reductive by sorting everything into fiction vs non-fiction.
Many non-fictional topics can be interesting to engage in, like classical or medieval history or animal nature documentaries. That stuff is usually pretty free of modern influence for the most part. Although I'm sure a pussy like this artist would find something to complain about with those topics too, not to mention he seems to be into some faggy fandoms, judging from the last panel, anyways.

Yeh that's fair enough. People obsessed with media and entertainment are really pathetic and unhealthy, though I can't act like I don't prefer it over the real world in a lot of situations

Did he on purpose choose the most normalfag ass options out there?

Modern Star Wars


Steven Universe

You know it might be one thing if he had taste that wasn't garbage.

Escapism via modern pop culture is impossible

Zim is good though

Being a fat manchild into cartoons is bad, you should be a fat manchild who takes himself seriously and thinks he's above entertainment and escapism while still failing at life and having nothing to enjoy

This guy literally lit all his video games on fire after the internet made fun of him, which is retarded and cringe in the exact opposite direction

Is that a bowling shirt worn open? So this dude is like 43 dressing like he did in 1998?

I lucked out and got stuck at flannel and khakis. I couldn't imagine getting stuck at skinny jeans or chain wallets.

That anger on the left pretty much describes fandom nowadays too.

something something Eltingville something

Do the children in Gaza or Ukraine do thos when they're getting bombed or it's just white people from rich and safe countries?

Well Anon Babble?

Is this thing now male or female ?

Yes. That's why I voted Trump.

Caring what a diaper fag tranny has to say

I have nothing to say to freaks nor should you give them any kind of attention they seek.

The children hug plushies like Squishmallows for comfort.

My new favorite game to play on current Anon Babble is when I see a post with 40k likes make the rounds on Twitter, and then I wait to see if someone posts the image from that tweet on either here or Anon Babble.

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The tranny(on the right) is right, what about it
Didn't even know this comic was still going

This comic is old and probably got posted here hundreds of times already
But yeah OP probably saw it reposted again on twitter or reddit

I look forward to 4 years of weak man babies hiding in their star wars pillow forts while the first actual leader this nation has known in decades removes all the garbage out of the education system, regulates the fuck out of Google, removes all the worthless public servants, sends millions of non Americans back home and makes eggs and gas cheaper

This fag's still around?

I did but it's buried in my mountain of old menes

starscream made cookies

Don't eat that shit nigga they're most likely poisoned

This comic is old

Its election news, its what, a week old at most?

This! Just like last time!

This artist is a diaper fur pedophile. All his opinions are moot, and people like him in the culture war hurt the case for protecting LGBTQ+ people for being deviants that cannot shut the fuck up about their mental illness being a personality trait.

There he goes, talking about the eggs again.

once you realize 100% of all culture war threads are taken directly from twitter, you'll realize how badly we've been infiltrated.

regulates the fuck out of Google

regulating AI with JD Vance as his VP

Holy shit you stupid fucking faggot. I cannot wait for faggots like you to die to the measles.

Peak delusion, it's going to be another 4 years of paying favors to the people that shilled him.
Just like last time.

No refunds btw

Not even that, just fuck me fandom is even an awful fucking word. Pop culture is fought over more than politics. Seriously. Insult someone's ship or interpretation of something and they'd kill you. Speaking to people about ATLA fandom and they all knew the same autist because there was one online autist who'd go mental if you insulted Azula. Because this person was so insistent on Azula needing to be redeemed.

Anyone who says that pop culture is a part of their identity or personality is to me a faggot. People defend fandom because of their passion or whatever but it isn't that, it's obsession.

Normal politics is more relaxing than trying to talk to these fanatics.

Ukraine is a literal reddit country so I guess yes

They probably don't have the brain capacity to understand they're in danger.

It's like 8 years old dude. It's from last time he won.

"Heh. I only enjoy CSI and Law & Order like muh granddad. Nothin personell kid!"

"Lel I dink poison 2 watch u die!"

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This guy is Gen-X, right? Why does he watch Steven Universe?

Wasn't it a campaign of pro-abortion too?

kill yourself you actual subhuman. your kind will never be welcome here.

based, you can stay here. you are welcome, fren

He threatened to remove the protections keeping them from getting sued over copywriting infractions meaning every clip uploaded to YouTube with over five seconds of copyrighted material could be a lawsuit that includes video and music

That's how it works, he is not running for a third term and he has control of Congress there is literally no reason not to go all out
We got ceos bending over backwards for him already, bezos and his minions went quiet before the elections and was the first to congratulate him and no wonder, tariffs can open him a new asshole


n-no see I KNOW he's been paying favors to billionaires by giving them government positions

b-but he's actually controlling them!!!

war with Iran? j-just what I wanted!!


t-trust the plan

No refunds btw

How dare you make fun of me for being a pathetic loser, I'll show you by trying to humiliate you calling you names

Nah bro, you are getting real sad now, I'm not even bothering reading your post go to bed

Nobody called you any names lol
They called you delusional



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the party of billionaires and corporations telling you they'll drain the swamp

and the scorpion said

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Well that's rich coming from someone who supported a party who weekend at Bernie's the entire country for 4 years
You lost all ground to call other people out pal

She blew through a billion dollars in three months, can you explain that?

empty response

no rebuttal

no argument

just a no u

Nah bro, you are getting real sad now, I'm not even bothering reading your post go to bed

Dont forget 20 million in debt

Honestly, what's bad about this?

He puts oil in them.

I guess she wasn't saving it so she could give those billionaires cabinet positions like Orange Man was

I'm going to explain things to you, you get to have as many arguments as you want but we won and
Is going to take that away so you can try to gaslight me about the last four years and cry and scream all you want but I get to carry the high ground now not you so I don't even have to bother anymore I just point at you, Shane my head and laugh and tell you that you dominated every branch of government and had the support of banks and corporations and you lost it all, all by yourselves and you have nothing

another empty reply

still no argument

atil no refutation

only the pathetic crying of a dying animal that realizes it's been tricked



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Pinky + Brain




Ultra Magnus (He's the one making cookies)

The Eds

Ruby Rose



watching republicans come to terms with the fact that they've made their country a rich redditor playground this week has been quite a trip

this is really fucking funny

post five examples

>Ruby Rose

You can't be serious my guy.


Why not? She'd be fun to hang around and watching her get into an eating contest with Garfield would be great.

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allright, ill give you one argument out of pity but thats it. You claim my party lied to me even tho they have been in power for 0 days after getting elected while your party literally lied about the polls to the point its not even funny anymore yet im the one who should feel betrayed? add to that the fact that they hid the president and lied about his health leading to a situation were you couldnt possibly win an election, lied about inflation which has been confirmed by numerous people just taking pictures of their groceries recieves, lied about crime, lied about immigration, lied about censorship, lied about foreign intervention and foreign spending, lied about state corruption and lied about violating human rights. I see no way the democrat party could be more trustworthy than republicans
thats it, you got one argument, enjoy it

y-yeah I was rugpulled again

b-but THE POLLS!!!

Lmfao holy shit

Sorry you're gullible lil bro
Enjoy the billionaire oligarchy and war with Iran that you voted on an "America First" platform.

No refunds btw

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don't even bother trying to argue with him if he's already resorted to "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LEFT??" he's in deep denial

i dont even know what that picture is supposed to repreesent
you got your argument, if i had to vote based on trust alone i would pick republicans any day
you can go away now
even if you end up being ruled by oligarchy and war thats exactly what has been going on for the last 4 years so why do you care? werent you happy with that? what changed in a couple of days?

the guy you voted in literally just appointed two fox news reporters and a russian shill into his cabinet
you're a gullible retard that voted against his own interests because you wanted to own the other side

it shows how huge the right wing propaganda machine is compared to the left wing one. the circles are influencers

a Anon Babble thread turns into a Anon Babble thread again

And another one bites the dust!



the strawman I created of you LOVES billionaires so you should be okay with me sucking down billionaire cock after I voted them in


Then why the fuck is it listed under names of people instead of platform? And what is it based on? Users and viewers? And why aren't numbers being shown? What a retarded picture for stupid people

I can't make sense of this diagram so that means it doesn't count

I didn't say it doesn't count I said it's retarded, it's the worst possible way to convey the information like I still don't even know what they are counting, how they are counting it or how many people we are talking about

yeah this artist got outed tracing pictures of actual toddlers for diaper art
it got buried pretty thoroughly cause this was right before kiwifarms went under

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Trump said he will get rid of online moderation so it's just a matter of time

Which is weird, as Trump will still be memed into the media more then any other canidate.

Isn't this artist that is friends with the Kyle pedo

People have short memories, so here's a reminder: The left was 100% OK with pre-Musk Twitter allowing ISIS propaganda. Not individual users, mind you. The organization itself. They had a Twitter account where they posted, among other things, videos of executions they perpetrated.

Post proof

you seem to have no memory at all because twitter now has videos of ukrainian soldiers and palestinian children getting drone bombed

you have been brainwashed

They allowed Isis and other groups on twitter as a matter of principle because they had "if it's important to politics" situation. It isn't the same as to say they allowed loads of outright propaganda.

One glance at Colin Allred's Wikipedia page will tell you that he's an abortion-accepting, vaxx-maxxed, Israel-supporting, gun-banning, border-opening, LGBT-loving true believer.

Yeah, definitely the kind of guy to be lumped in with Republicans.

don't really care whether or not ol' trumpie is signing off on a war with the middle east over a bit of oil as long as it revitalizes our economy. the money isn't squandered on slava ukranini rats, so that's a win for the american people.

kamala was planning to tax for capital gains and sink our economy to the lowest of the country's history. i'm glad she lost, lol.

Yeah getting in a war with Iran will really help lower gas prices

Holy fuck you're retarded

Kinda. Since I lost my job I've gotten back into reading a lot of fantasy novels. And I'd like to say that it's research and not escapism but it's totally escapism.

This reads like Dobson.

You guys know you can just say "yes that was bad, but..." right? You've let yourselves be convinced into supporting ISIS. You can not claim to be moral people.

Wait, he's making eggs cheaper? FUCK YEAH.

You're the one going "BUT WHATABOUT," you pedantic little twerp

I am in favor of nuking NK, Choina, Russia AND Iran.
God bless the USA and God bless my Raytheon stocks.

traced a photo of a toddler in a diaper

"I made some diaperfur art. I have a kink [...]"

"The 5 diaperfur images I posted a few months back [...] were in no way sexual or meant to be sexualized and do not represent any children"

what the fuck did she mean by this
she has a "non-sexual kink" and traced photos of toddlers to draw adult characters which happen to have the proportions of children?

yep, worked in 2016

plus, we were going to war anyway if we went with the indian chick who takes after Hillary "Bomb Russia" Clinton. at least we'll be able to salvage some oil/gas from this fight against weak brown insurgents, russia is broke af and far too hard to invade. Fuck the dems, have a nice day.

You niggers compare anything on the right to events from 90 years ago. It's fair game to remind you of the shit you said 9 years ago. And why is it so hard for you to say ISIS was bad?




b-but at least we aren't fighting russia

holy fuck you're dumber than I thought

You aren't doing anything but deflecting and projecting.
It's pathetic to see that you've run out of arguments so quickly.

i don't get it
they're both reacting the same way because...?

The guy on the left voted for him and hoped that his dream would happen, but instead got a country ruled by California tech oligarchs
The woman on the right is simply afraid orange man is the new hitler

you're a gullible retard that voted against his own interests

what are my interests?

Give me more of your funniest election reaction web comics.

So they're both retards for being scared, got it.