Here's your new Green Lantern Corps ongoing

Here's your new Green Lantern Corps ongoing

Just make a brown lantern corps at this point

What's their emotion?

Low IQ aggression aka chimp out

That ship

They bringing Aya into canon?

Human Green Lanterns

Literally don't give a shit, make cool alien members if you want my interest


I remember when Simon was missing and people thought he was the dead GL in Heroes in Crisis. Is this the first time he's been shown?

We already have Guy and Jessica for that.

There's no way Guy wouldn't make a few racist jokes around them in fact he'd definitely try to smack the chick lanterns in the ass as well.

Why do they keep trying to push teen lantern? Like I get pushing Jo even if her character sucks ass but at least I get it but literally no one likes the Bendis OC

some brave editor needs to kill off simon, keli and jo
wouldn't be opposed to any of the others dying either (except /our/guy)

Look at what Americans allow to be done to their culture.

Hal GL


Absolute GL

First time they’ve had more than two ongoings since before Johns left

Miss those days

Oh looked a cover actually has Simon on it for once.

Hispanic, Arabic, Indigenous Andean (Peruvian)

All portrayed indistinguishable from the blacks.

Do they still all conveniently live in the US, or are they actually spreading them out across the globe now?


Who in that picture is Peruvian? I know that little girl from Bendis' YJ is from Bolivia.

Nobody cares about the other countries. America is the center of the universe.

I remembered wrong. But she's still Indigenous Andean, they can be Bolivian, Peruvian, or northern Chilean.

I haven't read almost anything DC in years, but I recall only the Bolivian kid is actually from there. Jessica and Simon (and Kyle!) despite their heritage are from the US.

It's funny that in these "diverse" times the writers are still doing that shit.

Alex Jones getting fucked really set the freaks off today look at all the seething

The back row adds nothing to the table and should be killed off

IMG_5420.jpg - 310x124, 19.06K

I'm loving this current Green Lantern run. I'll buy this.

just rename them the brown lanterns


I don't even know who they are except for Baz.

He's popped up as background filler in Adams's run

I don't remember them saying she was andean? Then again I haven't read any of green lantern since Thorne's tun started so you could tell me anything and I would have no way of knowing if you're telling the truth or not.

nah, Jess is better with Baz

I'm next to positive they already did tho.

Thank you for saying this.

Jo should be her own thing in a Black Label/Vertigo/Elseworlds (whatever!) Far Sector. that's kind of the point.

Rebirth was like the peak saturation of Earth Lanterns: Jess & Simon on Earth, Hal leading John, Guy, Kyle, Kilowog in the Corps

Bendis' Teen Lantern sucks.
Thorne really fucked things over trying to make Jo, Teen, Simon and John the center of it all. Would it be bad to relaunch "Green Lantern: Mosaic" as some kind of diversity containment book with Jess, Simon, Jo and Teen?

Save Guy for a JLI relaunch
Make GL the Earth book with Hal & John, prepare for movie synergy
Attempt a GL Corps book - set in space - with Kyle, Kilowog, and some other notable alien Lanterns. If you need to get gimmick give some DC Cosmic character a lantern ring for awhile. Like idk Supergirl or Hawkgirl have a short stint as a Lantern for awhile for "reasons". Book is about Corps getting involved with Rann, Thanagarians, Omega Men, the usual

black guy that makes guns

I'm So Smart I Hacked The Metaphysical. How? Fuck You, That's How.

san fran black girl hipster hair

angry spastic-leg black woman

John, Kyle, and Guy

I get the last three but what the fuck are the rest for? You know what, never mind. I already know I'm not going to waste my money on this.

Mega Based!!!

No. He was always in Geoffrey Thorne’s John Stewart GL series.

That is unironically the goal, they're just not being super aggressive so it gets noticed

Because she’s
1. The only non-America. earth GL
2. More earth females are needed
3. Brings a new teen perspective into the Corps, not seen since Arisia was a teen (before she was artificial aged up and groomed to be Hal’s cum dumpster)

Jo would sit on his face and aggressively call him a nasty white man for eating her ass while whimpering about how she's a lesbian

Absolute GL is Jo written by Al Ewing which is the main reason I'm not reading it.

Leader: John Stewart
Lancer: Guy Gardner
Teen sidekick: Keli

So who’s the following:
Big guy?
Smart Guy?
The Heart?
The Sixth Ranger?

Jessica Cruz is Latina not black.
Simon Baz is Lebanese not black.
Keli Quintela (teen lantern) is Bolivian not black.

I think you’re just a racist asshole.

Guy Gardner looks like he's about to say a racial slur

More earth females are needed

we already have two?!

I agree and I do like him more than John but they would never get rid of John

I want to see a “Karen” complain that there aren’t any white women Green Lanterns.

Keli is afro-bolivian, which I looked up and is a legit thing as in whatever slaves lived in Bolvia managed to keep their african identity.

Taking bets on who will Jessica Cruz sleep with.
Her friend Simon?

I hope it's Jo.

You're the one trying to gatekeep what is and isn't black, you fucking bigot.

I recently learned about the druze and now I want them to make Simon one.

Probably because I’m black.
So if you want to gatekeep Hal and Guy, go ahead.

Me too.