Atone Edition
Previous thread:
Atone Edition
Previous thread:
no dyke allowed. Jilco art tolerated edition
NGL, Jinx almost certainly dying really made me not care that much about the show. Just wanna see her get better ever since first arc of S1.
Silco's VA blacklisted because he fucked one(possibly more) fan and that's a big no-no in VA circles
his character is still integral to the plot
Summary of the madness of the previous thread:
-Eileen and Cardboard seem to be doing well at different points.
-We don't know anything about act 3 -Some anons in a few hours will be able to see ep6
-Jinx's death?
let the trannies seethe
Jinx won't die you idiots. How many times Riot has to tell you that Arcane is canon to LoL lore. They even updated LoL Jinx bio intro already.
She dies
Wait what? they'll se ep 6 today?
caitler is so lucky she's gonna tap that
So when is the act 2 pre-premier someone mentioned two threads ago? Tomorrow? What time?
I dont find her attractive for some reason
Liked the pink hair LoL version way more
i think its today right?
bc this version is for the girls
Impregnate. Now.
This isnt real btw
in my arms tonight
-Some anons in a few hours will be able to see ep6
tomorrow, right?
Black hair looks good on her. The red always took me out of it
There's no Act 2 premier
hope they will tell us about vi and jinx's mother and her name
act 3 next week not act 2
dont be a fool
The people who went to Act 1 premier said they received an invitation for Act 2
shoots you so you'll stop wanting to have sex with her
it does the opposite
Every single champ is better in Arcane than in the game, in character and design.
This is objectively true.
True except for Vi who is more feminine in game. In Arcane she looks the most sterotype dyke you can find on twitter
game Vi
looks disgusting
Arcane Vi
cute, adorable, HOT
who said that and where
Arcane vi looks like a man with dyed hair. I don't know why we should listen to you dykes about what feminine is supposed to be
speak on it anon game Vi is atrocious Arcane Vi is PEAK
Why would he be blacklisted? Is that really that bad?
Arcane vi looks like a man with dyed hair.
if dykes like women then why do they like this?
Dude's just semi-retired, he even recorded new lines for season 2
He just keeps his public appereances to a minimum because of the stalking incident
He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega
viktor footjob
How did the blood end up in that place if it was supposed to fall on the dome?
Did papa made that scar on her chest?
I swear Vi is just too hot for Caitlyn
yes and her bandages will come off and we see her tit
so caitlyn will see her tit before they even fuck in the next ep
because of the stalking incident
the what?
because girls would know better
and then she fucks maddie of all people. kek.
You incels are desperate, she looks like Rhea Ripley who isn't cute either
Spit on the traitor
maddie deserves death for fucking caitlyn's pussy before vi
I searched up who that was and HOLY SMOKES SHE HOOOOT
So they did show us part of act 3
Might be true but together they are the most hot power couple in all Runaterra.
Senna x Lucian? Xayah x Rakan?? Pff they don't stand a chance
I'd rather inhale her noxious fumes
finally has purpose in her life
wants to help her people and adoptive daughter
makes amends with Vi
makes amends with Ekko
things finally looking up
her daughter dies
she dies
My prediction for Jinx’s fate, fitting S1s misery porn.
I have nothing against Maddie but kek
I know Caitlyn can do better than THAT
is this official? cause hot damn Caitlyn's hair got long
I want a chicken tendy sub... the only part I miss about living in Florida.
Nah, it'll be Vi
The only legit leaker confirmed it
Vi and Cait both live according to every “leaker” with some hint of legitimacy and they end up together
i mean, Vi with enforcer armor and enforcer gloves can't possibly be in act 2
Those were yuricucks writing bad fanfiction
The one good leaker said Vi and Ambessa end up killing each other
The other way around
Don't know if it's official but those pictures are from merch we were not supposed to see yet.. they deleted the site a couple of hours later.
that leaker got debunked yesterday when discussingfilm released act 2 review btw, the same leaker who mentioned renata glasc
There was a leaker who said they didn't end up together. It would be horrible if it ended like this, but that leaker had one or another legitimate argument
Discussing Film doesn't do reviews, the just cover news
And they haven't mentioned Arcane once
Jinx should die
Cait and Vi should end up as colleagues with complicated past
Vi should hate her job but has no choice but oppress her own people because of how much of a mess Zaun is without a unifying symbol like Jinx or manager like Silco.
Caitlyn would never blush while kissing Maddie. She is heartless and cheats on her
they did :
they mention that Caitlyn/jinx/vi interact in act 2, same leaker said they dont.
I dont want Isha to die bros.
To be honest, it's kind of frustrating how they keep spinning their wheels. It's been TWO FUCKING SEASONS, and they still cannot stop Jinx.
She just keeps constantly fucking up everything, and nothing ever seems to slow her down. I'm actually more interesting in Jayce's plot than Caitlyn's.
I want caitler to cheat on me
fitting S1s misery porn
Ella already confirmed that Jinx endon is just 5/10 sad so no misery porn this time
Didn't this dumb whore legit break her skull in a fake fight with an actually cute girl?
Talk about KWAB, she really is just like Vi
Do Arcane characters even blush?
Looks like she's going through a goth phase
cheats on her
I gotta ask
Is Ekko actually even relevant? His group has effectively been a non-factor, other than that one time they blew up a shimmer shipment
He's been completely irrelevant in S2 so far
No thank god. Thats not the French style
Who is Ella?
Where did she say that?
I need the misery. I need s1 to feel nostalgically optimistic
His only job will be amplifying the misery of Jinx’s death, going back in time but never able to save her. Thats what I got from that one leaker. He didnt say its Jinx, but every other character was accounted for in the leak.
Was "Wasteland" leaked?
loses her gf
but reconciles with her sister
I like caitvi but this is not a bad ending bros
*Vi's death
Caitlyn's omega is hot
Ella is Jinx's voice actor. She said that in a convention last month.
In ep6.
So with act2 breathing in our necks.. are u guys jumping straight to six or u gonna watch it like normal people?
Rhea is cute as fuck you actual homosexual
It's a shit token character WE WUZ ARCANE N SHIET
if i had a quarter for every time a character played by Ella Purnell in a show based on a video game franchise lost a finger and gets a prosthetic one, i'd have two quarters, which isn't a lot but it sure is weird its happened twice
jumping straight to six i can't wait any longer and i also need to know if leakers were right
Speaking of KWAB, did you know Kevin Nash auditioned to be in the second season of Arcane and they turned down his ass?
I'm watching everything, can't wait for Singed scenes.
I love Caitvi and i know they well end up together.
But i also really like Vi/Jinx relationship i know their final scene together will break me
You could make a pretty good Cuck Vi meme with this image
the ugly girl with the tattoos is Cait
the ginger is maddie
the roidfreak with the flowers is Vi
He’d have made for a great male Vi
amerimutt wine
he deserves his fate
Have to watch it like a normie cuz i invited a friend.. fuck me
Doesnt mean anything. A peaceful death is a relatively good ending for her.
Nothing the people that worked on this mean anything guys, I'll die with my headcanon
Ok, I mean if it makes you happy
jinx dead?
won't happen.
the one dying is I'm a Dingus.
”I actually just went back into the studio to complete some ADR [automated dialog replacement] for the season 2 finale – and I cried. So, I think other people will cry, too. It's devastating, and nobody will feel good after watching it."
Ella, Jinx VA
What are we expecting?
I used to think Vi would be the top but this season convinced me otherwise
jumping to 6 lol
male Vi
wrong i.p. bro
also one letter too many
(its funny how she looks similar)
Total dyke death
Isha death
Watching like normal..the leaked eps were absolute dogshit
What would Dky say and think about Viktor becoming Jesus?
ep4 was marvel gag tier but WW is kino
ep5 was good
I will watch everything normally in sequence
act 2 was not fully complete in the leaks
so the premiere act 2 is bullshit right?
Jumping to 6 and clicking through the senes
And when act 3 is out - same with ep 9
Same way I read books
Jayce and Viktor being work obsessed friends and then going separate ways
women and "women" on Twitter make it a sexual thing
Why can't any kind of the relationship other than sexual exist with these porn addicted freaks?
Straight to 6 to get it off my system. Also bc i don't want spoilers and want to be in the sm right away to see if the shit storm will ever come?
why are zoomers like this?
pretty much
In order. I'm watching with my girlfriend and she hasn't seen any of the leaks
tfw 39 hours left
Why there's so many songs this season
Watch enough of ep4 to confirm the cuck scene is still there, then jump to ep6
Then watch all three of them again
my girlfriend
get the fuck out of Anon Babble you normie
There is act 2 premiere in cinema in many countries
In order transmitting it for some people and friends. But I will do my best to see 6 as quickly as I can.
We already know what happens in ep6 so watch everything in order!
what happens in it?
yeah bro sure
What? I dont know what happens in ep6.
we don't know what happens in ep6 only 5 episodes were leaked
Tell me all of your act 2 predictions and I'll make it into a binge board for Saturday.
Some fortiche animators also ship jayvik, it's not just perverted women. This happens with every show though, it's better to just ignore them.
Dont care about “experiencing the narrative” or whatever. I cant even pay attention unless I know what happens because my head is too busy speculating. And I get impatient and start skipping theough scenes. Best to just know the end so I am chill.
yes, you know, you just don't want to accept it
it's already been leaked here
that's all I'll say
we only know vi, caitlyn and jinx will team up in ep 6
Lloris recues the sisters from Ambessa/Cait
they ship it as a meme
2 days until the retard leakers get debunked and I can't wait for it
Kek no way they are going to remove that scene. Amanda said that we will hate Maddie but she is wrong because i don't hate her. I hate Caitlyn for using the poor girl
Come on spill it out, Vi tity fake. The closest we've gotten from a leak was viktor autist who said that he watched a 50 sec footage of caitlyn and Vi talking in her house and thats it
leakers were making that shit up
will they untroon it in act II?
I did the same thing as you. But this time I will apply it only for this act 2, I need what happens after EP5, I have been waiting for this moment for 3 months
If any of the leakers gets proven right next week then that pretty much means we know how it will end no? I kinda wish I hadn't read any of that shit
Jayce and Vik not frens.
Jinx and Isha ded
Vi hates being a cop but has nowhere else to go
Warwick loses his mind completely
These are my outcome guesses
vi's apartment or caitlyn's big ass mansion?
not really. ep6 is very predictable so this doesn't mean shit
nah she was right i hate that skank she dipped in the wrong pussy
I saw at least 3 different versions of how leakers described ep 6. I think we will be able to distinguish fake from real.
I'm tired of these anons.
Claims to have seen the whole thing (act2) but then they don't wanna talk about it. Geeee
i'm hesitating
it's a dilemmae
since 205 whistling Jinx + mirror Jinx is the best scene out the 5 ep we've had.
i'd probably go straight to 206 though.
vi's apartment, that guy sounded legit and he said that he could barely hear anything because however shown the clip was his boss and he claimed that the type of animation shown in arcane was dogshit. So he showed a 50 sec low quality clip of them talking in vi's apartment
I want to be like you. You're a chad, truly
caitlyn deserves the rope
I hate Caitlyn for using the poor girl
best scene out of 5ep
you're so horribly wrong
Viktor - Jayce argument/fight
Jinx does something somewhere
Ekko might end up in an alt world for a bit because we don't see him in the room after the core freakout scene
I'll only make predictions for ep 6
Jinx, Vi and Isha take WW to Viktor to heal him
Viktor heals him and Vander the man comes back
Ambessa/Cait find WW at Viktors base
huge battle ensues
Cait shoots a bunch of holes through Vanderwick triggering the full WW transformation
WW attacks Jinx (cause she's bleeding through her nose)
Vi gets in the way but WW slashes Vi right across the chest
Isha lives
WW is succesfully captured by Ambessa
episode ends not knowing if Vi lives or dies
so cardboard sex anon is legit?
thank god you're not the writer
no one knows, he could be because its just them talking
Act1 Vi ends crying in the floor
Act2 Vi ends almost dead
Act3 Vi finally dead
no cardboard sex anon is trolling and you all fell for it
Viktor sides with Piltover&Noxus
Vi's season that's for sure
Yes please
but does she get to you know before....
caitvi sex when?
Watching like a normie. Need to see the final rendering of the art.
who cares
never caitvi don't have a sex scene
ep7 24:38
what's this supposed to show here
Jinx discovers pic related on a street corner in Zaun and her fate is forever changed...
Show me Vi titties, and I be happy man.
nice try Chuck!
its the retard who says that because maddie is besides caitlyn, then caitlyn is fighting for noxus and that she and Vi can't be together
Episode 8
womyn drama
that's no kino
wake up your sister by blowing into her ear after your last interaction was the 2 of you trying to murder each other
What is happening here?
That Maddie is still there.. i guess?? I hope she dies i will celebrate if that happens
i' won't argue with an incel.
i won't argue with a speedwatcher.
where do you think you are exactly?
That le evil Ambessa finally revealed her true colors and now she's killing enforcers
Ambessa is using her ultimate skill to kill a lot of enforcers.
Ambessa is a badass bitch
ambessa is attacking Piltover and killing enforcers, wyd
Thats her Q not ult. Her ult's called public execution and she'll use it to kill Vi
Unbelievably based and mentally-ill pilled
let me see:...
trannies, gays, hysterical dykes with dicks....
Why does she have claws on her shoes? Are they supposed to be paws?
the cute black girl returns and reveals to cait the attack on the memorial was a falseflag by her mother
piltover turns on noxus
everything goes to shit
She is such a disappointing vilain after Silco it's not even funny
Oh.. but more important will she die a virgin?
The only leaker I trust
No she has a threesome with Kindred right before she dies
Check out what the wife just sent me
Holy shit the animation in season 2 is so good. What did they change? It almost looks real
jayce killing salo
Saw it for the first time and even in those shitty raws it looks kino
Can't wait for ep 5
interesting take.
btw, did PDD baby-oil this girl too?
who tf?
the gays will like episode 8
Jayvik episode??!
Alex Yee confirmed that success of Silco is just an accident. They thought people wouldn't like it, but they wrote whole script and now we have mediocre cliche villain. This is probably what we deserve - Silicon was too good for the character
Isha is such a cheap fucking plot device.
I hope at least she lives and Jinx dies, because if she dies for the sake of drama I am gonna groan. At least this way its a bit parallel to previous parent figures dying.
She will never be Powder, I dont feel emotionally attached.
absolutely love this look for vi she should be emo and miserable forever
Where are the download links my friends?
Practice makes perfect. They simply know what they’re doing now.
What did they change?
Budget buff
she's going to die that is pretty much obvious jinx ain't going to have a happy ending with her
I hope at least she lives and Jinx dies
You know damn well this isn’t happening
Is Isha gonna die? Yes or no?
Yuricucks and late term abortions
Name a more iconic duo
She's a villain, Silco is an anti-villain. I would even say the best ever created.
I hope Jinx dies instead. Or has to abandon her or something.
Its just too boring for her to die.
Let me cope
Will Riot continue to work with Fortiche for future shows? I'm scared that they'll pick a cheaper animation studio and it won't match the quality of Arcane. Fortiche is already doing their own movie now
Alex Yee confirmed that success of Silco is just an accident. They thought people wouldn't like it,
That leaker is right.. as a gay person i like the kiss and all that shit but it wasnt enough for me because what about talking about feelings ?
We kiss.. now we continue with the mission killing your sister :)
There isn't any, wait until Saturday
She's a villain, Silco is an anti-villain. I would even say the best ever created.
Jayce has potential as an anti-villain if he goes on a hextech genocide crusade to prevent the end of the world.
But he will never beat Silco ofc, he felt so real to anyone from a country that went through a revolution.
They're trying to make her a gray villain with the "muh family" bullshit but this just doesn't work
Nop she lives
The next main show will be Fortiche, they invested a lot in the studio in 2022. But we'll probably get spinoff series by literal who studios
Silco was also a cliche villain in act 1 lol. Ambessa is far more interesting than him with her monologue from episode 3 alone
as a caitvifag i agree i'm not satisfied and need more than that.... talking about feelings then it leads to sex scene
it was q&a on reddit, maybe 1 year after s1 final
That's not what he meant by what he said. That said Silco was definitely too good of a character. Unreal aura for a character that had barely 1 hour worth of screentime.
She was literally made as a plot device to bring Jinx back to some normalcy and then make her unhinged again. She has no other purpose.
If she dies - its too obvious and cheap
If she and Jinx live - its too corny and happy
If Jinx dies - OK I guess, parallel to Vander and Silco
If both die - Miseryporn, I will watch women on youtube cry about it
you just know Vi is gonna run back to Cait like a loyal pup. Cait will be dismissive and treat her like trash
what the fuck are you smoking. He was only a cliche villain in episode 1 and 2.
He also confirmed he'll have more than one flashback
Ambessa is far more interesting than him with her monologue from episode 3 alone
lmao even
Even a single 2 second dialogue from Silco has more character than Ambessa's entire MV.
Here's your you
He was only a cliche villain in episode 1 and 2.
I was going to disagree about ep 2 due to his power monologue but yeah come to think of it, it was pretty cliche. He killed it with the way he said it though.
2h of the most boring dyke character nobody likes except trannies and reddit teenage girls
and people wonder why quality dropped
I'm pretty sure they only made her to try and redeem Jinx. That being saving all the Zaunites from prison and fighting Warwick
Can someone make one of these for S2?
Just show tits, and then Riot needs to make a tits out skin for Vi and Cait.
I'm starting to think that crazy russian chick will be right in the end
Vander caused the riot and covered it up by selling out Silco
flip this left clouded Jinx you pleb.
Literally no League roster character is going to die in the series. lol
If Jinx is evil, why Mom-shaped?
ok, they didn't see it coming.
they've been able to write it, that said.
what a great character.
He just wanted to grill with his cute daughter in a free Zaun
fucking annoying nigger Ambessa got too much time.
we need a little more Jinx silliness, can't believe I'm saying it. i commend them from refraining from making her "le quirky girl who does crime" but they can get away with it now after all the mass shooter-schizo vibes from season 1.
holy fucking shit this is sad
this is fake as fuck
Can't wait for Arcane to reveal Tristana so Dantes (not me) will have endless fap material.
Maddie is Caitlyn’s spotter in Act 3
Just like the cardboard leaks
wow i didn't even think of that.
Best found family 2024
This was not in the leaks was it?
So this confirms Silco was a selfish bastard that never really cared about Zaun. He only wanted to cure his Napoleon complex by being acknowledged as a ruler by daddy Piltover and then would leave the city to rot with no plan.
Good to know.
So this confirms Silco was a selfish bastard that never really cared about Zaun. He only wanted to cure his Napoleon complex by being acknowledged as a ruler by daddy Piltover and then would leave the city to rot with no plan.
Good to know.
1h of Silco flashbacks
It must be tough navigating life with reading comprehension this bad.
Seems like they added the Kiramman name to Caitlyn's bio it wasn’t there before
Yes I'm thinking based
Short attention spans, ADHD and SM like TikTok and Vine
Obviously no
Get hyped
Holy kino
Even with everything going on, I appreciate the glimpses of tit they show.
one thing is for certain: cops, when they're against crowds, shoot at leaders in priority.
therefore, Vander not being targeted is a big flag on him cucking someone.
now, we know he has a deal with Grayson...
Just give me young Silco cucking Vi and Jinx's dad and I'll gulp down whatever yurifaggotry they've got for the next 6 episodes.
Vi and Jinx are Silco's
Holy kino!
This is the truth
Vander caused the riot and covered it up by selling out Silco
From the dialogue it has to be something similar. Silco specifically says "The only way to defeat a superior enemy is to become what they fear" meaning he did not become whatever Vander "feared" until after Vander chose to betray him.
or high IQ, i'd say.
time for you to think out the box, or die.
has a panic attack when applying for a job
If she dies - its too obvious and cheap
other 3 will never happen
no fucking way.
the fucking 205 cuks flashback is the worst part of the show so far.
Vi and Jinx aren't twins. So it's just be Jinx.
I read the ao3 fanfic with that plot
and liked it
wait why does it sound like caitlyn and jinx are having interactions without vi involved does any of the leaks support this?
Yeah, but some details are very specific. Like Eileen and the tit slash, those are quite specific. Same with the WW and Viktor, and the way Ambessa and Caitlyn part ways.
The series ends with all main characters dead or dying. The arcane is spreading, Ambessa has killed Vi and Jinx, Cait is a dictator fighting the very person whose puppet she is.
At this moment, Ekko realises what he must do. He overloads the Z drive with all the latent arcane energy and goes way back in time. He changes the timeline so Silco wins, and everything goes just right.
can't wait to see milf eileen in full hd
yes the ones where Vi is dying and Cait and Jinx have some time to talk.
Jayce sees a problem
Hits it with a hammer
Why is my sweet himbo like this all the time?
dad silco flashbacks
Notice how Maddie goes straight to playing with her nipple
AU shit confirmed
Explain what is the real deep hidden meaning of "I don't think he had a plan after the Nation of Zaun" then.
I'll wait
Yup, Vander saved his own skin by selling out Silco
I want to keep Lest caged and "caged"
Slutty fucking cat
am I thinking too much or is that actually forshadowing of caith gasing zaunites?
Vanderbros...................are we the baddies?
enough about the dead guy
no no, caitlyn fucks her later cause she *does* see her tit early
Fuck why she looks hot even here
I took it to mean that eventually having legitimized power would become more of a shackle to him, between difficulty keeping up the peace with glorified mob bosses (chem barons) and his own (former) criminal empire, and that's on top of needing to do things like establish trade with other nations, diplomacy, handle piltover as a separate nation rather than essentially a regional governer. It's more so the case that he didn't truly understand what he wanted or what it meant for Zaun to become a nation. Essentially, he wanted Zaunite independence but didn't think too deeply into what they would be doing with that independence
that crazy russian chick
Jinx is Russian?
It was a trial version apparently. nothing out of this world
long time proven right
Not millennial writers retroactively changing a previous plot narrative to make white man bad(der)
Jinx and Vi are French.
So this confirms Silco was a selfish bastard that never really cared about Zaun.
"By their fruit you shall know them." Don't need to be religious to see that.
203 fight: rare one blue eye.
I mean, this is also Amanda, who invited herself to that AMA, and whose takes on anything but CaitVi are legendarily bad.
christ watching tv like it's porn, skipping to anything interesting or straight to the money shot
tbf it's basically the same thing, entertainment to make people zombies
hello normie
Anyone have that one Caitler screenshot?
is she the head writer or something?
I have her RWD(ungeon)S
I think a rewatch is worth it considering how incomplete the scenes were, I can bet WW's introduction is going to be eye candy in the complete scene
no they aren't
Was in charge of writing CaitVi for S1, promoted to co-producer for S2. Only need to read her injecting herself into the other writers' AMAs to see how much her read on Silco and the overall themes of S1 diverges from the other writers'. She only really cares about interpersonal drama, and can't truly conceive of someone legitimately believing in something larger than themselves.
Makes sense, I suppose that's part of the tone shift in S2 as well although there's still some plots focusing on bigger pictures
Wtf is going on even Silco’s quipping now
i wonder if they wrote the whole story, then started making the show. or if they finished s1 script, produced it, then worked on s2 script.
Fucking lest, that trans cat
This one’s good but I meant the one with maddie
Anybody played the League launcher Jinx game? I think it's called "Jinx fixes EVERYTHING"
It's about how she build the new arm.
So leave the city to rot with no plan
Does everything in your life revolves around obsessing over the color of your skin?
given a clear, static 27 entire seconds to aim this shot
did not go for Jinx's head
Says the yuritard
You lost, get over it
It’s all the faggots coming from xitter
No, I think that's a misrepresentation of his character. It's more like he would try his hardest but it wouldn't be something that he can fix alone. Essentially the scope of the problem would be bigger than the scope of his plan
You're talking to someone arguing in super bad faith. Just ignore his bait.
what, you all speedwatch? who tf does that?
She still has a completely feminine frame. Even aside from her generous hips, look at these slim shoulders. She’s just genetically gifted when it comes to muscle growth.
She expected Vi to do all the work for her. Kill her own sister and gain access to the pussy. It's Piltover style, like with the Grey
Caitlyn has nice cupcakes, no shit Vi is down bad. Isn't there a S1 gif of Vi staring at Cait's tits as well? I think it's in ep 7 in the firelight tree area.
He was a chill dude
Vander's betrayal made him a monster
Constitution maxed femcel
I guess that's true, just seems like a shame to assume Silco is willingly incompetent
Since act1 drop these threads are full of twtfags
"I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them. I burn my decency for someone else’s future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see."
Whatever gnarly river infection fucked up his eye in the first place has been steadily getting worse over the timeskip, and that's with daily shimmer maintenance. It was going to kill him eventually; probably sooner rather than later. I don't think Silco envisions a future for Zaun that has him in it.
As Silco sees it, his job is to drag Zaun kicking and screaming over the finish line to freedom. Whatever kind of nation Zaun wants to be after that, that's up to the sons and daughters of Zaun to decide.
Anyone saying Vi looks like a man is huge troll.
Also, is it gay to find women hot, fellas?
It's pathetic to simp for dykes, fictional or otherwise, yes
Maddie is pretty cute don’t understand all the hate.
It's more since the leaks. Zoomie trannies were forbidden to talk about it on their xitter safespace and leaks linked pointed here. They never left but you can just tell who is who in this very thread.
The wording especially.
Cait was supposed to lose her virginity to Vi
get ready for sat
jayce rapes viktor and, not satisfied, goes back in time to properly rape shota viktor too. singed just watches
sinks your ship
Trannies lashing out at cute girls, same as always
They're seething dykes. Also babies first NTR
lol, cope and seethe, faggot. Me and my musclemommy will have strong children carnivores. You will have frail, flabby leafginas.
Cait has always been sexually active even in part 1 but yeah no peepee no broken hymen i guess
You've never stepped foot in a gym and you're still a virgin
VW gave his daughter a mastectomy
Based Vander caring for his kid’s health beyond death twice over. The cancer rates of Zaun are high and the breasts are especially susceptible to abnormal cell division. An ounce (or a few hundred grams) of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Yes, I’m excited for the next two acts of the game, it’s a neat little way to explore the world of Arcane and pick up a few little Easter eggs
I'm convinced this manga is what killed by soul in my 20s and why I'm dead inside since then
Because it looks like she can grab and lift you up, give you a kiss and never let you go forever
Anons who will see the preview, what time is the event?
When you really think about it, guys who lust after lesbians voluntarily walk into the friendzone
So sad, so much suffering
They can always troon out and join in
shut the fuck up and bend over viktor
turning prison gay out of loneliness and desperation
trannying out and becoming a "transbian" out of loneliness and desperation
So sad, so much suffering
Not anon projecting
true looks like a dude acts like a dude and written like a dude
Can Viktor cure them? what would he cure? Their mental illness or the mismatch in their bodies?
Guys who are vocally into musclegirls always fit this bill
Okay, before act 2 drops, who are you going with?
a) Cardboard sex anon
b) Slash tit / Eileen anon
c) I have my own theories (share)
d) None of those,
What preview?
I want Isha to give Jinx a kiss
whether you’re a man or woman isn’t inherent and is instead subjectively determined by how you act
OK sissy.
None, ep6 will be the Jayce episode
B. attempted mastectomy
there's no preview
Tomorrow some of our loved ones will go to see a preview of act 2.
a) Cardboard sex anon
my hero
why would a preview be tomorrow?
some of our loved ones
Not sure why that got me.
Slash tit / Eileen anon
This one is the original
b) slash tit anon
is there actual proof there will be a preview tomorrow?
Jayce Episode backstory
Vander slightly regains sanity, gives more Silco backstory
Mel reunites with mother and we learn stuff about Mel
Climax of the season is Victor/Jayce confrontation to mirror the CaitlerVi/Jinx confrontation in Act 1
Last minute twist has Ambessa crashing the party in search of Victor's hexcore to fight black lotus
my favorite
nation of Zaun was an impossible pipedream
literally canon in League
Unironically what did he mean by this
who the fuck cares, just wait for release it's just a single day
i’m stating facts fucking tourist she’s written like a dude
Caitvi sex when
nice couple I rike it
i want to see maddie get cucked
Jinx rape when?
You noticed how Maddie is always staring at Cait when she can, right?
i want to see maddie get cucked
Ep8 geez
She is staring at her can
Alright Vi
I think they should have sex in every single eps
Vi is getting off on being cucked
He might have to mercy kill them
why does maddie always follow caitler? is she a stalker
Gay lesbian sex with Jinx
You know hymens can break in ways that aren't related to sex, right?
Would you not follow Caitler knowing she was up for grabs, faggot.
she is a simp? And a lapdog
Caith like the shower head a little bit too much
But this just confirms how selfish he was. Because if he cared about Zaun, he wouldn't leave them on their luck once he reached the finish line. He would at the very least, leave a functional leadership for the to survive. At the very least organize elections. Something. It's like a guide taking a group of people to the top of a mountain and then fucking off and telling them good luck finding a way down.
Still better than being "totally not a man" Vi.
She’s not always following her in episode 5 we don’t see her with Caitlyn
In less than 10 days the sex scene will be all over the internet. Enjoy the calm while we can
Lapdog is Vi tho. Maddie is just a simp
zoomerinas would simp for him if he was 10% hotter
Given Cait's from a noble family I wouldn't be surprised if she ever broke her hymen through horseback riding. It's a common activity for the rich and royal.
To be fair to the deranged terminally incel yuricucks when my best friend, a normie and doctor to boot, watched their first scene together post-timeskip his reaction was:
oh my god, he's fucking her now
Enjoying the Vi being a cuck bit until dykes start being annoying with ep9
horseback riding
Fortiche were shipping them so it's canon
I always thought that was kind of weird scene. I look forward to seeing it in good quality. Because I had no idea what they were trying to say with that scene.
horseback riding
Cait looks like a specter.
Arcanetwt will be so annoying
caitlyn isn't enjoying being caitler
maddie doesn't approve that as well
The AU bs
Cardboard sex
enough about the fucking dykes
where is she?
Two women have sex
Anons seethe
Just tell us you like to fuck men and be done with it.
Everyone who has confirmed seen the whole season says their favorite episode was 7 and there's a "big surprise" in episode 7, what the fuck is it?
Sorry thought my typo made this post incomprehensible.
Everyone who has confirmed seen the whole season says their favorite episode was 7
I'm a lesbian and I'm fucking dreading it because caitvi is one of the most shit ships I've ever seen. Can't believe one is a facist cop and people are still begging for it.
Caitvi sex
I'm a lesbian
Sex in cardboard apartment
Emmy or Molly
No one cares
For real. I remember some clickbait slop going around with pictures of Oriana. My question is though—with all the dictator Cait stuff, why wasn't pic rel put there instead?
What do you mean by that. Cait just had her talk with Ambessa. This was her wanting to still go forward. Maddie was just looking away. While Cait just looked at her with some sort of desire for help or reassurance? And why did Maddie not give that. She was all over her during bed. Really someone explain this to me
Noticed how the yuritards shifted their narrative and moved the goalpost from ep6 to act3
They're getting desperate
Jinsha is based right?
What about yang and blake from RWBY?
I miss Silco.
This, she's like the most eligible bachelorette in Piltover right now. Hot, single, rich and with the most important job in the city? Plus she's a beast in bed.
Hell yeah.
Maybe there's already too many characters in the show and not enough time to set up camillle's character up.
too many characters
introduce 3 literal who squad members, 2 of them never speak or even have a name
Will the cardboard absorb their juices?
I want it so bad
Caitlyn isn't sure that this is the right call, she's doing it because she doesn't know what to do, her looking for reassurance is wanting someone to tell her this is the right choice because she isn''t sure herself. Maddie isn't a fucking psycho, she likes caitlyn sure but caitlyn was cold af to her despite what everyone says here. Maddie, just like Vi, didn't seem to like cait when she goes to her darker path.
You're legit retarded, aren't you?
During the cuck scene the cute redhead was telling Catherine to descalate the situation, do away with martial law and reinstate the council but she was having none of it.
I wish i was born a dude so I could have had a cock to fuck girls with.
No idea what you're talking about
Wouldn't they root for ep6 more? Since they reconcile in that episode. All they do in act 3 is get separated from fighting a war against noxus with cait in the back sniping with maddie while vi is in the front lines.
If they dropped the Cait dictator shit and just stuck with Vi and Cait hunting WW, they could have easily shoehorned Camille as an "intensive measures" iron-fist character.
As it is now, the Cait as a dictator plot is just eyeroll inducing slop. If they wanted to keep the whole Vi and Cait drifting apart shtick, just have Vi disagree with Camille's antics and Cait agree with them. Boom.
I don’t get Maddie first she was supporting Martial law tells Caitlyn Noxians are there to keep them safe? and then tells her that Caitlyn could call the whole thing off if she wants because she’s the leader was it? then tells her to think about they talked about in the morning or something I don’t remember anyway I don’t get it
Jinsha Jinx and Isha
Reminds me of election night
here's how kamala can still win
black outfits are in act 3
S2 characters ranking just dropped
Uncle leaker anon.
Ekko debuts his fashion line?
Thanks! I really wonder what the point is of the whole Maddie and Cait thing. Maddie is pretty nice, she gives good advice and cares about Cait. But Cait does not listen to her, but she will listen to Vi? Dunno. Its a weird romance if you ask me. Vi and Cait that is.
Among all the Anons that was the worst
EP6 SPOILERS Ambessa kills isha claming “a wolf shows no mercy” and ekko rewinds time to save her
Zain will become a nation by the end of Season 2. It's pretty obvious. But no thanks to Silco who couldn't achieve in seven years what Jinx did in a few months which is join the lanes together.
Coping through degeneracy paralleling alcoholic Vi.
So Ekko appears out of nowhere?
I am a sucker for lawful evil characters, really wish Camille was in.
Also kinda disappointed they are moving Jinx from chaotic evil right to chaotic good for some reason.
He said the fight will happen in ep6, which has been confirmed now, so.
Nope. Thats EP8, and its not Isha but jinx and he cant save her no matter what he tried.
Sauce: cardboard-sama
So will cardboard sex
Every crazy girl has to be Harley Quinn with 0 exceptions. Can't have women be held accountable for their actions, after all!
I do feel romance with a new person for... one year? Is a bit different than Vi drinking and being sad. Dunno.
Discount ViPowder, could imagine Jinx continuing the cycle of abuse though
Ambessa doesn't kill kids for the fun of it, that's not who she is. The only reason she beheaded that one girl in s1 is because she's was the heir of the overthrown regime. Isha means nothing to her and she only pretends to care about Jinx so Caitlyn has something to be distracted by.
Even Caitlyn just did a lil fascism and dv, WHOOPSIE!
design vi champion
that could also be, vi as the champion, appears in ep 9
In a 1/10 scale, how much will they enjoy the sex? Will they both orgasm? Think they're gonna have a healthy sex life moving on?
Yeah, Maddie's flip flopping doesn't make sense to me. Either it was intentional or shoddy writing.
fascism is le bad
where the fuck do you think you are?
In a board full of grown retards watching cartoons who wouldnt survive in a fascist system, bozo
A woman doesn't orgasm while having sex another woman, now matter how much they're trying to shove it on slopflix
Maybe she really is a spy? But we do see her in act 3 working with Cait
"Can I do the right thing,
for the wrong reason"
Well, they can justify that she is just a granny currently, if Piltover political hitman was active, it is unlikely things would have escalated like this, I guess Renata story would need some changes
maybe she will switch sides
she's prob just a really shy person that doesn't like confrontation, Vi on the other hand (besides being a fucking simp) can stand for herself much more than her. That is prob why caitlyn will much likely listen to her than maddie
Great. Maddie will change sides because she loves Cait so much. Amanda really is writing some sort of self-insert stuff here.
Did they even show this outfit? that could VERY WELL be league Vi in ep. 9
Why were theses threads so much better during s1?
A woman won't orgasm just because you insert your micropenis in her. One day when hell freezes over and you have sex you'll know that.
He's right tho, half of them cheat on each with men
It's also why their domestic violence is so high
Is it bad that i'm making friends with my demons?
I mean, with a full out war on the horizon, outside influence, and WW + Jinx running around, you'd think this would have been the best arc to reveal Camille.
Cuz we had AG-general on tv
It's just non ending shipping faggotry now. Pedos vs coalburners vs dykes vs homosexual faggots vs actual degenerates. It's a never ending stream of cringe.
Anon Babble threads > Anon Babble threads >> /lolg/ >>> Anon Babble threads
How can you pieces of chud shit defend Anon Babble threads when they are responsible for shit like this?
Jinx has a deathwish and nothing to live for
finds something to live for
loses it and dies
Please let this be her arc this season, I need to see grown people be sad about cartoon characters
Anon Babble threads>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> threads > Anon Babble threads >> /lolg/ >>> Anon Babble threads
These threads were better before act 1 released idk what happened since then
holy based
implying women orgasm with men
The DV meme is debunked, it's not real.
To be fair, anon, Caitvi seems to be a big plot point in S2. The whole pitfighter Vi happens because she doesn't take the breakup very well. And even almost a full year later she's still pining for Cait.
Why did he do it?
Anon Babble
Oh yes, the dead board where you get banned for admitting you're a guy when 99.99% of the board is guys
They weren't really, actually I feel like Arcane was barely discussed on Anon Babble especially after s1. During s1 threads were mostly Jinx waifufagging.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your girlfriend(roomate) visiting her ex boyfriend frequently, sister
is it confirmed the time skip is one year?
Yeah, even if just as a granny that lacks the hextech upgrades, it would have been nice to see her there
When the Millennial writer's life is so uninteresting and meaningless, they have to put self-insert shit into everything they write so they can feel like they're putting in some "deep message" besides "LOOK AT ME! I'M THE HERO, DADDY!!"
zoomer writing
scibidi toilet
not better
half of dykes get black eyes from the butch womanlet they settled for because of their unresolved daddy issues
That's messed up
What you're not getting is what tips the statistics is the bisexual and ex-straight women also including their experiences with men. It was a question that asked if you've ever experienced domestic violence, not if your girlfriend is currently beating you. Yes if you ask a bunch of women if they've ever experienced domestic violence most of them are going to say yes.
Looked her up on social media. She is a dog mum. Big red flag right there. Single too it seems
ex-straight women
Why are protecting abusers on the internet?
Why are you minimizing the victims?
It was the terminal stage, the third month of ag. We started going crazy, there was nothing left to discuss
For joke
good riddance
I never said it was, you illiterate. I'm just saying millenial writing is straight trash.
Champions can't die
This. But of course bigot troll shitposters will be bigot troll shitposters no matter how many facts you throw at them especially on 4chins.
Why? Summoner's Rift is not canon. Its just snapshots of characters.
This. No idea where those brainlets are coming from.
Murder Granny can only really be capable in hightech piltover, Arcane is relatively low tech until jayce
None of the champions are canonically dead, you dipshit.
The whole snapshots is a canon that was already retconned almost a decade ago. Get with times gramps.
None of the champions are canonically dead
Once they cross the line once, nobody is safe. And I think Jinx is that line.
Looking at this it was only natural for Cait to hit Vi
Kudos to Fortiche for not shying away from this very real and overlooked problem
I am not talking about summoners. I am talking about the current state of the game - none of it is canon. The canon are the stories told with these characters. Some of them being dead in the story changes nothing in terms of the rift.
None of the champions are dead on League timeline idiot. League timeline is many years after Arcane.
yuricucks run damage control for this
Yeah but you're insane if you think they won't want to keep milking Jinx fans. They can't do that if she's dead in the show that made her even more popular.
And Jinx and Vi hit each other. What exactly is your point?
There's Cait lighting a candle at killed councilors statue in ep4, so it must be anniversary of Jinx attack on the council. Act1 took some weeks, so the time jump is somewhere between 8-10 months
Arcane is the canon. I she dies in Arcane, she is not part of future events.
There is not "league timeline" that would contradict her death.
They will keep the milking going with AU skins like they have been for years
kek if this was true and it didn't matter, then the champions should die as their league selves. After all a snapshot had to be made while they were alive.
Not to mention League isn't the only game that circles around canonical lore.
I wanna sniff her sweaty armpits
hate the patriarchy so much you gaslight yourself into believing woman are attractive
end up as an abuse victim
Arcane isn't the canon retard. You idiots are out in two weeks. League players will remain here for more years.
Fuck now I understand why Anon Babble fucking hates you idiots.
2012 + 12
I am forgotten
b) Slash tit / Eileen anon
There is literally 0 precedence for this in League, and they just released Ambessa as a champ in one of the recent updates. lol, quit shilling bullshit.
Ekko can't forgive Jinx for all the things she's done
But he still can't get over his childhood crush on Powder
Isha is like a miniature Jinx but without all of the baggage of her family and Silco
If you stop for a moment and think about it you'll realize that this is the real timebomb ship, Jinx herself and Ekko never could have worked out.
Arcane is part of the canon since october 2023. And I'm pretty sure I was on Anon Babble when you were still in middle school.
Anon you’re seething…
Arcane literally is the canon, it decides the state of these characters and how their stories go. Everything else is retconned.
the champions should die as their league selves
Or league will get updated with the new, canon versions of the characters (Viktor is overgoing a rework as we speak)
Not to mention League isn't the only game that circles around canonical lore.
LoR can be a source of lore, but it has no contradictions with Arcane. Its big plot points are canon, but the interactions bwteen the characters are "what-ifs"
There is literally 0 precedence for this in League
Yes, that what "yet" means
Are Vi and Jinx lovers? No.
When he's not being forgotten then he's being shat on
Arcane literally is the canon, they're currently changing the game lore to match it.
bbctranny outs himself as a pedophile
Every time
New thread do we spin this one?
Yes watch ep 5 again
2XKO is canon
You mean you think she’s a spy who accidentally fell for Caitlyn? kek
Question for LOL players, is there an actual ongoing timeline of events in league? I know characters have their backgrounds and stuff, but I mean it more like, do things happen in the games that keep feeding the lore?
Ex. Ambessa kills/hurts someone in LOL and the LOL character literally dies or is off-service while they 'recover'
Or, if there's a Christmas event in which, idk, Jinx becomes Santa her bio will mention it. Stuff like that.
Or is the lore always static and doesn't really add or change things (setting arcane aside)?
You must live under a rock Arcane is the new canon they already started making changes to the champions bios these past few days
Does that mean we’ll see Lux….
It's Overwatch or The Simpsons
Nothing ever changes
There is literally 0 precedence for this in League, and they just released Ambessa as a champ in one of the recent updates. lol, quit shilling bullshit.
I'm gonna keep replying with this until you shut the fuck up with your bullshit. Can't wait for S2 to blow by and none of the League champs went anywhere. lol
Got a link?
Didn't Jhin kill Vi once..?
Didn't Maggie shoot Mr Burns once?
They'll retcon things to fit in new champions (IIRC, WW was in the game at release, then Caitlyn, Vi, and Jinx were added in that order over the course of a handful of years with lots of other champs in between, and the voice lines between them were added later), or if they go back and realize that they had too much fun early on (Mordekaiser is a prime example) but there's not any proper story progression per se. The closest thing the franchise has had to a proper canon prior to Arcane is the card game.