Pendleton Ward is back!

Pendleton Ward is back!

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Damn, sounds boring.

Sounds cool to me

They look like 'jak caricatures. Distilled soγ slop.

As long as the wife is black. Seems like a show like this by these creators would be just what's needed to get more prime gilf pussy out of fanart.

Sounds boring & too squeaky clean. Summer Camp Island is the last thing I think of when it comes to entertaining cartoons.

yeah, and it sounds like that lame root beer guy shit too. But I'll still watch it obviously

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Does any one remember that rolling stones article about ward where the interviewer spend most of the time describing Wards messy depressing apartment?

Who cares?

Send please

Adventure Time was his only good idea he will ever have

Only good thing he ever did was Adventure Time. Fuck this guy. He shouldn't even make adult shows.

When the world's cutest retired couple turns detective, they put the aww in hawwmicide.

Jesus Christ.

Holy fuck I hate this fat autistic nigga so much it's unreal

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Why is Ralph a vampire now?

Longhouse cartoons

Pen Ward goes directly to Williams Street to make his next show

not Cartoon Network Studios

Damn, the studio really is dead

They look like sex pests.

(Adventure Time

Ah, they are.




100% guarantee this dude is a pedo. Adventure time was a shit show and patient zero of dudeee the lore

Only good thing he ever did was Adventure Time

Shugar did it, actually.

Mystery Cuddlers

Sounds like a euphemism for something people in the entertainment industry do until it gets discovered and ruins the decades-long reputations of entire networks of people.


Any body above the age of 8 who watches this should just kill themself

They are only making a show together because they both have "pen" in their name.

This sounds like the most unbearable, low test cartoon ever made that will only be enjoyed by millennials with beards and glasses

Total Millennial Death

I think the lady who voiced Treetrunks abused Pen as a kid. It would explain those creepy pictures they took together.

Penn Ward fumbled Jessica Diccico by playing animal crossing new leaf at a Beyonce Concert


Isabelle is best girl
they should add marriage for the next Animal Crossing on the Switch 2

anon.... CNS has made shows for Adult Swim before

How long til Pen can’t handle the pressure and leaves the show?

I dunno about anyone else but I thought Flapjack was hilarious

He needs to grow out the beard if that's how he looks without it.

sounds like californian quirk chungus-ing at its finest, no thanks.

by the man who let adventure time be mutilated!

thats how they market things?

"mystery cuddler" sounds like something a pedophile would call himself

Rebecca Sugar set him up with Jessica in exchange for letting her ship PB and Marceline, nothing can convince me otherwise

Let not this stigmatize mysteries deserving to be cuddled, however