Rejected designs thread

Rejected designs thread

this design is better

who's this


oh god he would have been a tumblr sexyman if he looked like this
also did they change him because blue skin + leather outfit = too similar to Megamind

He looks too much like a villain. In hindsight it would've been a nice subversion

Damn, I like this one. Should have kept it

it makes him look like Snape


Count Dooku lookin fresh.


For good reason too i hope, looks way too similar to hitler.

I've seen the concept drawings but never this render. Is this real production stuff or fanart based on the concept art?

It's a shame they didn't stick with this aesthetic. The Hotel Transylvania movies are offensively ugly because of Craig's retarded obsession with nostalgia for an era of cartooning that never existed.


surprisingly book accurate

Sorry, I often mix up Craig and Genndy for some reason.

Bruno originally looked more like a large hobo which I felt was a missed opportunity for someone everyone is supposed to be afraid of but turns out to be harmless.

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No idea, it might be. There are other renders based on the same design by Annette Marnat for Drac, this one by that I know for sure was by someone who worked on the movie. In the process of digging for concept art I even found an older for Johnny hidden in a storyboard of all places posted on someone's website and older concept with the same character art. Really neat stuff.

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That would've been so funny though. Imagine hordes of tumblr blogs with women trying to keep their Gru-posting as minion-free as possible and "ironic" sexy minion blogs


I like Genndy for the most part but I'm going to have to say I agree. I believe he wanted leave his mark as a director on the movie especially one that had already gone through multiple directors. He even expressed as such in an interview and even an artist who worked on the movie shared similar sentiments about its development over the years... which was a lot. There's concept art dating back to 2004 for this movie with Mavis styled as a 20's flapper.
The only way the movie would stuck with the aesthetic you're referring to probably would've been when the movie was still under the direction of Jill Culton in 2008 when a lot of similarly styled concept art was produced.

Adolf gruler would've been heilarious

This makes me pissed we did not get this. The voice would have been a perfect.

Bionicle heads for the first movie proposals. In the end, they decided not to show their true faces at all.

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For the best, really.