The trailer for Monkey wrench season 4

Found on my youtube recommendations, It’s coming alright.

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Nobody cares
A certain plant's name whose leaves are used in cooking goes into the Options field

looks mildly interesting


called MONKEY wrench

isn’t about plumbers

Good animation terrible main character.

Good animation is pretty much the ONLY thing Monkey Wrench has going for it. Even the character designs are lacking and unremarkable. Zeurel really should've collaborated with more people before kicking off the series.


Stop bumping your shitty thread

Are they even monkeys? They look like weird beetles or something.

Kek, i think it’s zeurel trying to drum up some interest in his dumpster fire of a series


When is the next Joel animation, Zeurel?

I'm legit curious. What would YOU have done to make Monkey Wrench work?

It's clear Zaurel does have talent, but really needs more people to bounce off to rather than just have infinite freedom which also means he gets no feedback on whatever works or doesn't.

I don't think the cocnept as a whole is bad, just clearly suffers from that issue of the author holding his draft in such a hard regard that he refuses to trim or change anything because it's so perfect on its eyes but dull for the audience.

What'd you have done to make the show works without going with the easy "just scrap the whole thing lol"?

Make them Monkeys first off and give them snappy/memorable names. Have it be a hiest/odd job show with episodic stories where they need to scrape together cash. 11 minute maximum run time for each episode.

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1. Make the characters monkeys/apes

2. Get better voices for the main characters

3. More funny writing. Maybe some more slapstick.

4. Give the characters a funny boss to bounce off like Futurama and Smiling Firends.

Does the name Monkey Wrench really is such a turn off to people? Like, that's an actual real tool name (which granted, still has no sense being the show's name either) but out of everything wrong with the show, "No, the name has monkey in it so I want primates" wasn't one that was expecting to hear.

which granted, still has no sense being the show's name either

Yes exactly, it's utterly unrelated with the actual show.

flop show lol

Monkey Wrench? Hm, maybe it's about a monkey, monkeys are kinda cool

Oh, there are no monkeys, fuck this

Also I'm sure people would rather have a monkey protag than whatever Earthworm Jim ripoff thing the actual protag is supposed to be. Gotta think about your potential audience if you're not making something purely out of self-satisfaction.

Ultimately I think the handling of the show itself is the problem, less about the show itself

randomly moves it from his main animation channel to its own (for context zeurel's account has 505k subs, monkey wrenches account is only 137k subs. He LITERALLY cleaved off 350k+ potential viewers, its actually mind boggling)

is still desperately clinging to the outdated time frame of cable TV shows, no one is watching 26+ minute animations on youtube

acts like an idiot on social media attacking the fanbase

not using youtube shorts well enough to get the scrollers who are never going to sit down and watch a longer video. Monkey wrench only has 7 shorts on it's account

Oh, that is right. You like Monkey Wrench in your sweet dream too! Amazing!

Oh boy, I'm so excited for anons to get overly pissy about this show like it is the worst sin indie animation has ever put online just because people have a parasocial relationship with the creator.
I'm so excited for everyone to randomly become knowledgable about the steps of good writing, characterization and marketing out of the blue just for this show in particular, not for any other show like it.
Soooo excited.

I would not watch the show with characters that look like this.

You talk like a bitch. Stick to twitter.

You cared enough to post a reply about this topic. Certainly you have some mental investment in Monkey Wrench. Otherwise, you would've simply ignored the topic and went on with your day.
But that's not what you did, is it anon?

You get offended easily, stick to bluesky

aren't those the same group of people?

One says "YOU'RE FUCKIN' BLUE" and the other says "YOU'RE FUCKING RED"
So the same, but functionally different

like the other anon said, stick to twitter

I don't use social media at all
Regrettably I'm not retarded enough for it.

Not that anon retard.

Fuck off with your politics shit. As much as you cry about politics being in modern cartoons, you either ignore the ones that don't, or you bring them up out of nowhere like right now.
Shut the fuck up.

Of course not, stop hallucinating posts schizo

Why can't indie animations get the dialogue or voice acting right? It's just so amateur sounding.

Still caring I see. I'll call you Carey.

vargskelethor joel voices a character

ok fine maybe i will check this series out

i like this show

I enjoy giving the show a watch whenever an ep shows up eventually. Not much else to say about it in particular.

zeurel's account has 505k subs, monkey wrenches account is only 137k subs

Holy shit that is insane.
Monkey wrench's great but holy shit does this dude not know how to market jack shit let alone something of real quality.
He should be emailing review channels of small and mid size offering interviews and shit that they'll accept to get their viewers. Put adds up on sites to actually show it exists and for FREE. I swear there are so many ways literally anyone in the world even fucking Joe schmo from Tanzania could instantly know what to do

Oh I have this animated series? Well here's what I'll do to advertis-

One thing I'd change is the constant merch frenzies. It really drives a feeling of depressing "this isn't sustainable" rather than "HYPE HYPE HYPE". Nobody wants to see something cool slowly die off, your vibes are killing people man
Tho I did excpect something monkey related I didn't care or get bothered when it was sci-fi. Idk like maybe it's a skill issue or something

Or monkeys.

add a straightman female character to put that ugly guy in check. Make the bigger guy a bit more goofy.