Why do they think it's okay to take an established heterosexual character and turn them gay as if it's nothing?

Why do they think it's okay to take an established heterosexual character and turn them gay as if it's nothing?

grifter thread

Why did they think this show didn't look dated the minute it was rendered? It's so fucking ugly holy shit.

It ruins the joke that Betty is Butch and Howard is fay.

gays good straight bad

gays wouldn't even exist if not for straight people

Because the LGBT community needs something out of these shows, but the writers are not creative enough to just introduce a new character or two.

Because the LGBT community needs something out of these shows


Klasky and Csupo are Jewish. Not that hard to figure out.

They would hurt themselves otherwise

It's box ticking. Gays don't care. Bisexual women are the only ones keeping up the pretense.

This reboot is already cancele and gone, you are beating a dead horse. Also, the jewish grandparents were changed because their original counterparts were considered "antisemitic" or something.

the LGBT community needs something


because any female character who is not traditionally feminine must be a dyke, don't you know? i just found it weird that howard was never even mentioned once, even in passing.

you are beating a dead horse

good, I'll keep beating

oh noooo, we don’t want that


Airbagged thread


amazing thread anon

May 27, 2021

Who cares anymore?

you are NOT allowed to talk about old shit, faggot

btw, concerning the climax in A Goofy Movie (1995), who was in the wrong?

oh no no you see. its ugly on purpose. its a style. you dknt like it because you have bad taste. another symptom of having bad taste is liking intact families.

yes lets capitulate to self abusers. because we've finally admitted that's who they are.


latest episode of Rugshits

Betty is having a big Gay Party for being a big Gay

Betty twerks in delight, in front of the babies, and the babies twerk too

'Ooh I gotta post this on TikTok! Hit or miss~'

Howard walks in

everyone at the party starts snarling and screeching and pointing at him


'P-please Betty, I just want to see my kids, I-'

Stu Pickles rushes at him and strangles Howard, lifting him up against the wall

'This was a safe space for womyn and POCs, you fucking Nazi! I won't have you tainting this queen's Big Gay Party with your d-d-d-d-d-DICK!

'S-Stu! You have a penis too!'

'Oh do I?'

Stu rips his pants off, revealing his torch-burned crotch, his nuts and cock burned away

'I have been ultra circumcised, Howard' says Stu as he shakes his healthy butt, 'I am now 100% kosher, and my Wife fucks my ass to remind me of the six million! Really, Howard, you should have been more woke before you came in here!'

'Take his dick!' cries Betty, 'Please the Gay Queendom!'

'Take his dick!' chants the she-crowd, 'Take his dick!'

a graphic display of complete nullification is performed as Howard's penis is sliced and diced and chomped off as he screams and gurgles, and the chants of BLACK LIVES MATTER and QUEER ANARCHY blast over the bass boosted Hava Nagila

Howard is then stabbed against the wall, and the Big Gay Party then has all the characters throw cleavers and knives at Howard's body, long since shed of life

his entrails are wrapped around the necks of the white babies and strangles them, as Big Gay Betty dumps fat shits on the Bible and the Constitution, as is traditional at Big Gay Parties

then the barn animals are brought in

horses fucking sheep fucking queers, and they scream

shots of 9/11 happening and Blacked Porn plays, and the words 'White Man you Deserve This' and 'Remove your Penis Immediately' are flashed in Red over the chaotic footage

the credits are just animal screams

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Coastal elites were tricked into thinking everyone is interchangeable fluid

the post that destroyed Anon Babble

Because its stunning and brave. They could've added a new character like a baby sitter that's gay but that would be too hard for them... I'm surprised they didn't make one of the babies gay.

why do they think it's okay

Because IPs make changes and it's been okay.

as if it's nothing

How can they help you feel as if it's something? Release an apology? Reparations to Phil and Lil's mom's fan community even though no one gives a shit enough to use her name?

Why not?

they changed the grandparents

me thinkin "naw man"

look it up


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...why did my friends and I all assume that Phil and Lil's mom was a lesbian back in the 90s?

What the hell? The grandparents were hilarious, this is a dumb change

there was a thread about it earlier so obviously we're going to have to listen to people whine about it for a week straight now despite being cancelled.

haha and then what

Gays absolutely care, why else do you think OP is bitching about it? Gay men are some of the most annoying people on Anon Babble when it comes to representation because they know how homophobic straight people are to them, and they're salty about it.

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A particularly dumb change since one of the co-creators is Jewish herself.

large brawny woman with a huge female symbol on her shirt that also has similarly brawny female friends

She's basically Rosie O'Donnell if she was physically strong. I thought she was at least bisexual but there are women who are straight who look and act like her, only problem is that their husbands aren't as scrawny and effeminate as Howard, they're usually brawny guys themselves.


but it's a reboot

Howard was a nothing character. I can't think of any personality trait he has other than meek. Was there even an episode about him? I feel like every adult got at least one.

I saw that UE video too. Not everyone who has misgivings about media trends is a grifter; the grifters are the ones profiting from disingenuous versions of those views. Then you get those guys who profit from their own genuinely-held opinions and never realize they've just turned into massive weirdos...

Wow they Howard dirty, fuck this shit show.

homosexuality is objectively bad

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Turns the feminist parody into a lesbian


lesbian single mom

how does a lesbian get pregnant?

Sex with a woman(man).

Sperm bank

Grandpa looks like Patrick Stewart a bit to me.

Also who cares OP this reboot is already canned.

Source: Anon Babble posts

Loving every laugh.

did they actually turn her lesbian? I never watched the reboot and have no intention of watching it.

they look like they're melting on top

Tommy grows up to bang his aging mom