Why does every fucking indie show have plushies?

Why does every fucking indie show have plushies?

Don't forget the fucking keychains

They're the new age Funko Pops, just as soulless and easy to sell.

animation is expensive

it's for children

waiting for Lila to come

I can't take it!

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Why do indie shows need money

Autistic children buy them

Why did every cartoon in the 80s have action figures?

Why did you go out and buy them all?

Plushie companies mass-produce them for dirt cheap and handle the distribution, your actual profit is pathetic relative to the unit cost but it's basically free money.
I think you don't even have to design the plushie itself, Makeship just has an army of interns do it.

The question is why does it fucking work, I might buy the Pomni one to a kid if I ever have to give them something but who the fuck is buying a Stolas plush, imagine going to some guy's house to get brutally sodomized and this fucking owl looks at you from a shelf the whole time.

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Millenial "men" still but Funko Pop like candy

imagine going to some guy's house to get brutally sodomized and this fucking owl looks at you from a shelf the whole time.

I don't see what's the problem anon that seems entirely fitting.

Its mostly women and weebs


you can crank them out with chinese slave labor.
Trump's putting a stop to that, based tariffs.

imagine going to some guy's house to get brutally sodomized and this fucking owl looks at you from a shelf the whole time.

Why are you describing Helluva Boss's plot so quickly?

Easy to make, stupid fumo meme.

animation costs a lot of money

Who's on the left? Is the box also something?

Gotta make their money while the IP is hot.
What always gets me is that no one cares all these toys and plushes are made with slave labor in China or other places. People always campaign for that type of stuff to end, but then go around and by this shit. I hope their child enjoys their toy made by another child that is doomed forever.

They need some way to make money, and cute marketable plushies are always in demand.

Who's on the left?

Character from SrPelo's Spooky Month.

Shhh, no one tell em.

made with slave labor in China or other places

What isn't?

BFDI back in 2012 never had any plushies. And those people making the same animation as the Walter Files aren’t pushing out any ugly as shit plushies.

BFDI was a hobby project by literal children (one of whom is now coding YouTuber carykh, fun fact).

There are a multitude of plush-design services that will allow you to make some modest but useful profit selling them to your fans when you can't directly monetize the show itself.

Pomni is clearly the best.

I'm more surprised as to HOW they all have plushies. I imagine you can't just get your own custom plushy line made that easily. Are these shows getting that much money that fast?

Wish fulfillment. Back in the day, we would have to wait ages for any form of merch from cartoons, or when we did get any they'd be "rigby figure" level garbage. Having the creators have a more direct hand in that aspect is great imo.

I keked

I imagine you can't just get your own custom plushy line made that easily.

It is anon. It's a matter of having a pattern that can be cut these days. Plenty of services willing to provide that even to one person projects

Now I'm curious... can you just make a plushie line and not have it be attached to any project? Just sell cute and cuddly collectable toys?

At least half of everything we use now was made by Asian slaves, you can't escape it

literal kids created an entire genre

Fuck my life

No top owns a plush.

I'm not a slave, why should I care?

You could do it too if you weren’t lazy. Object shows aren’t exactly a very high bar

Many such cases. Old shockwave cartoons used to get plushies too.