What boring fucking characters.
What boring fucking characters.
It's true that Seven has more to do with the Injustice Society, but the twist is that they're corporate cucks. I also saw a bit of 80s JLA
Superman but evil has always been a boring idea. Superman is fun because he has power and chooses to do good.
The Boys and Invincible were made over a decade ago you idiot
It's only somewhat recently are they adapted
a decade
The Boys is 18 years old and Invincible 21
lists comics over a decade old
So it’s cool if I cum on the books then?
This. I never thought this was a hard concept to understand, but so many Anons these days struggle with it.
Oh i'm sorry were normies into them when they came out?
Perhaps you sbould up your reading comprehension you brown eyed freak.
You asked why creators are ripping him off
That happened 20 years ago
Whatever, niglet.
Yes, over a decade
They made a movie refuting this stupid idea.
It depicts the pushers of it as a tranny, a whore, a chink alcoholic, and an obese brown.
It ends with Superman bitchslapping the tranny untill it cries and pisses its pants.
It's just a shitty adaptation of a comic made 11 years earlier, casual
Nah it was a pimp slap
Those characters are older than you
But most people like Superman but evil. And think vanilla Superman's the boring one.
but so many Anons these days struggle with it.
People think Superman's lame as fuck outside the site, dude.
Omniman is a ripoff of Ultraman
If you're gonna say retarded shit at least know what you're talking about so you don't embarrass yourself
appealing to the tribe
Lol you're a woman
Neither of those are super powered mob bosses
Dumb cunt.
Tiktoks of Superman being good were unironically a trend some months ago.
How is something ironically a trend?
Happens all the time.
The logical conclusion to the strength of Superman is total world domination. No matter how simple, he will always be more interesting of a character acting against that.
good message, terrible execution.
the elite is presented killing a dog for no reason, because they are bad, very bad.
superman are not doing anything against terrorism for some reason.
Lois agrees with killing the terrorists.
the elite is presented killing a dog for no reason
Killing a shitbull is always a good reason
I like the idea behind Homelander: What if Superman was not loved? It's deeper than "Superman but mean."
TLDR on this comic
IMAGE BTFO the industry and calls for more rights for creatives
the bubble bursts and the whole industry suffers the results, especially the indies who ended up closing down
There are still some remnants of the IMAGE era and one of these was Top COW which publishes Stormwatch
DC buys TOP cow and starts publishing a rebranded Stormwatch authority
DC decides to be hypocritical, again (Kingdom Come), and comes up with this story
This comic was a hit piece on other creatives. With the exception of Millar none of the writers were ''edgy and stuff'' people loved Morrison JLA but his Authority ''is le bad'' because ''superman doesnt kill'' BS
Why have a blue U on a blue suit? Should have been red.
You're wrong on several points. Stormwatch was published by Wildstorm, not Top Cow, and DC bought Wildstorm 3 years before Manchester Black was created. He wasn't part of the Authority until Morrison's Superman and the Authority book from a few years ago, he was originally part of a team called "The Elite." I don't really understand how you think DC is being hypocritical here, "Old Hero vs. Edgy New Hero" has been a trope since the early 90s, that was the entirety of both Knight fall and Death and Return of Superman.
What does the U stand for?
They wanted to be competitive with Marvel and Image
Same shit
Only Kingdom Come criticizes Image
I thought Death of Superman had something to do with Lois & Clark, didn't they want the weddings to sync up?
Ultra from Ultraman
What's the difference?
Knightfall is 100 percent a critique of "modern" edgy 90s superheroes.
Where's his lightbulb eyes?
DOS was an editorial joint effort to make one of those end of the world events that Marvel excelled at. Not only did they attract millions of non-readers to watch the death of the studio's most recognizable character, but they also rode the momentum built up by the character's death to spawn new titles. Knightfall may have had good intentions but it was undoubtedly DC trying to make Batman Edgy. They later had success with Cataclysm, which spanned the rest of the decade and made room for new titles.
which side of the hand is used.
the most nuanced option is Superman, but sometimes he uses his power to be be petty and evil
Knightfall may have had good intentions but it was undoubtedly DC trying to make Batman Edgy
Jfc no, it isn't. Have you not actually read knightfall? It's all about how edgy batman is a fucking terrible idea. That is the entire thesis of the run. Bruce *literally* bears Jean Paul by forcing him to take off his over designed edgy armor and making him come into the light. It is in no way subtle.
evil superman is such a loathed concept because its such a cheap way to write a villain, not because ultraman was particularly interesting himself
he wasn't even interesting when he was first created, there's a reason he was used incredibly sparingly
Wanted revenge for his homeworld being destroyed by humans (actually a lie)
Why are normies ripping him off nowadays?
Drawn Together was the closest thing Normies had to a cartoon.
Go back to twitter, niggerfaggot