Just decided to rewatch this movie cause I used to watch it all the time as a kid...

Just decided to rewatch this movie cause I used to watch it all the time as a kid. And yeah it is pretty bad in a lot of places but I still found it to be a pretty funny to watch. I especially love this fat retard and his obsession with pop songs, funniest character.

Wait, WTF?

certified Anon Babble thread

The elementary school boys they focus tested with found this to be satisfying and deserved.
If the target audience liked it than I don't see any real problem with it.

She got what she deserved for daring to bully Master Runt Of The Litter

The "I will survive" scene is pure kineaux

For me it was the vending machine scene. I get chills everytime because it shows how powerful Master Runt truly is. He is only holding back from the others because he is merciful.

Surprised nobody has drawn adult Runt and adult Foxy Loxy being a couple ngl

That scene is interesting because it's payoff from a deleted scene that ended up getting snubbed for the dodgeball scene.

funniest character

Fish better.

Wow why did they remove that? It fits so well. Like the reason Runt uses the vending machine is to get Little the soda to fly in order for them to rescue Fish. Runt utilizing what Fish taught him to save Fish would have been pretty neat

God damn, this actually makes me sad. A deleted scene that actually makes sense to keep in for once.

So was she brainwashed or was she larping because she secretly enjoyed it?

The entire story behind the Chicken Little movie's creation is just a train wreck that shows that CEOs who know nothing film making shouldnt mess with film projects that are already finished for the most part. Like every version of this film before the final product seems way better than the released film

The Joe Swanson Alien said her brain was scrambled due to a teleportation error or whatever and that they could fix it. Master Runt shows his power level by telling the alien not to fix her brain so she can remain a retarded and dipsy belle.

I love it when pathetic loser characters have over the top cool names that have shit like "Master" in them. Master Shake is the only other example I can think of rn. I just find it funny due to how oxymoronic it is.

We will never ever see the movie staring Henny Penny

Yeah, a lot weirder parts of the movie stems from the amount of important scrapped scenes, like the whole thing with Buck could have been alleviated if they kept any of his scrapped scenes, which all show that he's trying his hardest to be a good parent and dealing with the public ire.
The entirety of the cafeteria scene actually shows the buil-dup to the romance with Abby, so the whole thing wouldn't have come out of left field.

Sorry unc, but C-little is a certified hood classic from where's I'm from

Sorry we're not retarded 'toon autists who mald over hecking mean characters characters.

Two sides of the same coin

I stand by the idea that Chicken himself is a great character in a terrible movie. Also he carried me through the final Cavern of Rememberance fights in KHII so suck it

I'm surprised we've never gotten a bimbo'd/stepfordized version of this Foxy to match her real self's fate.

It was never revisionism for me, Chicken Little is unironically a great movie, most people are wrong about it.

I hate bimbo bullshit so much because it infects what I like so much.
I just want pretty girls in pretty dresses, none of that hypersexualized slut bullshit.

So why exactly did Meet the Robinsons bomb at the box office while Chicken Little and Bolt were hits?

Anon Babble is the other way

Bimbo is an umbrella term for a lot of different beauty and behavior modifications and there is no real set template for what is bimbo so even bimbo fans will often find content for it they hate because of the artist's own personal take on it. You can have happy bubbly virgin bimbo just as easily as sex starved slut bimbo but it's all in what the artist's choice for what to deliver.

Personally I hate when bimbo is always blonde hair, all hair colors change to blonde, as well as bimbos that are so slim they're nearly bones. Gaunt drug addict looking bimbos with cheesy fake blonde hair are the worst.
Gimme plump ditzy bimbos with big hair of any color and just the right hint of flirty without being desperate cock whores.

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I hate bimboes that look like bimboes

The whole fetish is based on a parody of American beauty standards of the 1980s, which means voluminous bleach-blonde hair and dark tans as exemplified with Baywatch.

Cute animals sell

Bimbo is an umbrella term for a lot of different beauty and behavior modifications and there is no real set template for what is bimbo so even bimbo fans will often find content for it they hate because of the artist's own personal take on it.

My problem is that like 99% of it falls under the same umbrella of "oversexualized trashy cockhungry slut" and I fucking hate that.
A girl turning dumb? Good.
A girl turning girly and feminine? Great!
A girl turning into a trashy slut with oversexualized proportions? That's what I hate, and it just so happens to be the most common thing, to the point that I can't even find anything that just has the first two, there's always this.
Like said, there is an actual definition of bimbos, and I hate it, it's even worse for me because it makes finding girls JUST turning dumb or JUST turning girly almost impossible, it's almost always super exaggerated trashy bimbo shit.


99% of artists are either phoning it in so they go for the obvious tropes or they just want easy targets with over sexed nymphomaniacs.
I've always felt like the seed of the bimbo aesthetic grew far beyond that narrow definition. Hence why I called bimbo and umbrella, because a lot of things classify as bimbo and some of it is decently removed from the description you gave.
Dumb and beautiful girls are just as much bimbos as triple layer make-up covered fuck dolls


Honestly wish they did more with the whole "freind group of reject losers who are underdogs" thing instead of the alien plot. All of their names are basically puns on why they are social outcasts and we should honestly have seen more of that.

Well yeah, that's more in line with what they wrote and started making.
Ya know, before the studio exec saw some show or something about aliens and made it a point to go visit one of the studios making a movie for them just so he could say:

"Everything I see so far is terrible, lets start at the beginning and try something like... I don't know... Aliens... just off the top of my head, ok it's settled, you need to make the movie about aliens!"

Fucking based.

I'm trans btw

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