This was one of the best things that ever aired on Adult Swim and is severely underrated.
This was one of the best things that ever aired on Adult Swim and is severely underrated
I hope he smacks that kid
He sure talks like someone who could swing both ways
Agreed, but I'm also glad it ended when it did. By S3 it was already starting to slump a decent bit, so it was good that by S4 they bowed out (although IIRC it was actually more like it was quietly canceled or something, like people had to find out on twitter sort of deal)
i got bored with voice acting
imma punch out god and retire
Norm was dying.
I watched like four eps and I don't get it. I know it's trying to ape the mystery shows of the 60s and 70s but every ep seemed to be over out of nowhere because it was what, ten minutes per ep?
It’s like a spiritual successor to aqua teen hunger force, its humor is just the irreverence of Mike Tyson to the absurdity around him. None of the stories matter but I think it does a decent job explaining everything about how they met up by the end, but it was good that it had such a short run
I got tired of it after a while, but that's really on me. It was a surprisingly good show and I'm surprised this team hasn't really done anything else, that I know of.
I didn’t even know he was sick
Yeah, he and Gottfried kept their terminal illnesses secret because they wanted to go out making people laugh rather than cry. I think Gottfried announced he was months away from dying by making a joke about it that nobody thought was serious
You're a bi guy
A lot of people keep it quiet because they want to keep working. It's one of the things that people who take early retirement because of terminal illness frequently complain about: you're just alive, with nothing to do but think about how you're gonna die. But you don't have a firm date and estimates can be way off (because the average life expectancy covers a broad range of values), so you're just sat there at home with nothing to do but die and be depressed. If you've got enough saved to have some fun that's one thing, but often with these kinds of illness you're either medicated for pain or medicated to control other symptoms (or give you a potential extra stretch with your loved ones). Meantime your friends and colleagues stop coming over, stop calling. Those who do tend to want to make it about them, or talk about death or grief or whatever, not what a lovely day it is and how you're getting on with every day stuff. They'll tell you they were worried when you suddenly dropped all that weight but you're looking better (because they don't know that you're retaining fluid because of illness/medication), they'll bring booze and try to make it a little party because they haven't understood about the medication situation. Nobody trains them to know what to do so, despite being adults, they flounder about like idiots, and you end up wishing they hadn't come over at all. The good friends know better but they're few in number for most people.
So you just don't tell anybody.
Sounds like you shouldn't take the meds, then.
i knew how popular norm was, but i didnt know how beloved he was. his death really fucked up bob saget
Beef Is Succulent, Enticing, X-Rated(in terms of deliciousness), Unbelievably Appetizing, and Luscious.
It's also the rare show where the "main character" is my favorite. I love them all, I love Norm but Tyson is just so batshit funny in this show. Punch him for me, Mike.
About to see the fight at a cousin's house
you're dying either way, you want to live with terminal cancer without morphine that's up to you
Pigeon: Hey, were you scared?
Marquess: When the tree came to life?
Pigeon: Oh, no, earlier. When Mike almost beat the shit out of you. I mean, that was crazy. You know, he fucking can kill you? He could kill all of us! I think sometimes we forget that that's Mike Tyson.
Mike: HEY! Let's pick up the motherfuckin' pace back there!
Pigeon: OK! Movin' on!
Marquess: Sorry, Micheal!
Cancelled after four seasons
Never gonna get anymore because RIP Norm
fuck, man
what if they rebooted it with Zach Hadel playing pigeon or a similar character
It was probably cancelled because Norm couldn't do it anymore.
I need a webm of pigeon shooting the gun.
Bob saget died too sadly, we lost our dirty work.
No have Colin Quinn play a new pigeon.
Yung Hee was hot.
Mike was losing energy/interest, about half of season 4 he just sounded like he was reading the lines from bed. it's okay that it ended, and it would have anyway because Norm fought cancer to a draw.
i would definitely tell everyone. there's a celebrity recently who said he has cancer, i forget who..
the same team needs to make a new show
get a new washed-up celebrity, parody a different genre of hanna-barbera shows, and get weird with it.
and yeah have zach hadel in there.
Kek, nice
Someone pointed out recently that based on the interviews he's given of late, it's very likely Mike is actually exactly like his cartoon persona and he just ad-libbed a lot of his lines.
I wonder how many astronauts he's killed in real life.
oh yeah they totally let him just say whatever, and wrote down the kind of shit he would say. he did not have to act at all. In fact the only time it ever felt like he was acting was when he was a ghost and he's like "look how white we are. shit, now i gotta sound white. "hey guys who wants to come with me to the car wash. I have a subaru." oh shit i sound so white!"
Lemme ask you something: you jackin' off yet?
Because if you are it's weird. Nobody does it, you're the only one.
i love how that came right after he was nice and supportive to the fat girl
well, i was a fat kid.
I love Mike Tyson but I have no hope he's gonna beat Jake Paul
Yep just about all the good stand up comics are gone
Norm still hanging around the Pearly Gates annoying Saint Peter wondering "Why hasn't OJ shown up yet?, I mean his wifes killer is finally dead. You'd think he'd be up here by now."
forget who.
James Van Der Beek. He was very good on that show where he played Diplo and absolutely hilarious playing a fictionalised version of himself in Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23. Ass cancer, too which, iinm, is untreatable.
I hope he finds just a touch of that old spark and lands that old school punch and just one rounds Paul cringy ass.
Yea the methods are not too clear on taking care of it. Cutting out colon only goes so far and it makes other thing kinda hellish.
hm wasn't him. so that sucks, we'll lose him AND whoever i'm thinking of
fucking ass cancer. you took batman from us.
we just need to fucking work on microengineering and DNA augmentation. there is flat-out no other way to make a dent in cancer.
I hope the ghost of the marquess of queensbury shows up and puts a stop to things
who has jim rash's number?
we flat out make dents in all kinds of cancers every year, and both survival rates and quality of life for those additional years are way, way up decade on decade
stop thinking you'd be better off living on radioactive CO2 swaddled Mars with the techbros as a slave, you fucking idiot
read some actual books, go back to school, stop giving a shit about your own very strong feelings
fuck off
i feel like you've had a lot of conversations with other people that are bleeding into this one. I am not those guys, buddeh.
I'm just saying people keep fucking getting it. like, literally everyone gets cancer, they just don't all die of it.
Or to shorten it, BISEXUAL
Sorry meant for
They're both making bank either way. Of course I'm hoping Tyson breaks his contract and kills Paul, but that's just a fantasy that's selling the tickets.
you fuck off
Tyson, running late for the fight, drives his van through the entrance and into the ring
accidentally runs over and kills Paul
Aw man, another fender bender?
God damn this show was good
I know they want Mike to look fearsome and all, but wouldnt it be great if his entourage were actors to look like his Mike Tyson Mysteries friends.
Would they have worked in Mike's ass shot too?
I can see them rigging it in his favor, but yeah, he's too old.
Mike is gonna win. Fuck ya'll.
Someone in the last thread mentioned something about how they really hope Mike fucks up Paul because of how shitty they've been.
I'm normally far from the person who would agree with that sentiment. Normally I might find such a thing deplorable. But I kinda agree. And with that said, I can't help but wonder why seeing something bad happen to someone we think is bad sometimes feels better than seeing something good happen to someone we see as good. Not getting my hopes up either way but food for thought.
Anyway this series was so phenomenally good. Really feels like it is every bit a part of "classic" Adult Swim as you can get.
You good, nonny?