Arcane: Caitvi EP6 Edition

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I need flashbacks
flashbacks of silco raising jinx



You're in luck


Vi and Jinx are fighting in their old house, when suddenly the area is flooded with red fog

Suddenly, a figure with a single green eye appears from the door

sounded: welcome, Minions.... i have a new..... Champion for you to play with.......

singing:Warwick..... Lock In.

warnder:rgh..... i can feel..... the Blood Hunt

huck: Zaun r-really is the League of Legends

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So far this season is a lot worse

Don't think we'll get Silco raising Jinx, but we at least get Silco and Vander being bros in an Episode 5 flashback.

I need to see him get destroyed. Men in pain is such delicious content.


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jinx will make fun of her for being a virgin and when she finds out caitler got some ginger pussy

Enough of leaker wars, the important question here is which leaker sex scenes is better:

a) Eileen/tit slash saying Cait fingers Vi and Vi clings to her for dear life

b) Carboard anon sex saying Caitvi fuck on Vi's filthy apartment and roll around a couple times and then snuggle

I will take whatever scraps I'm given, I just want to see best boy again

What did Cardboard say happens in E6?
What did Eileen say happens in E6?

We need to test their legitimacy in a few hours and we will basically know the ending if anyone guessed with any specificity

a is the indisputable best answer

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I wonder if he's going to try to go solo or if he's going to approach Cait & Ambessa at the start of episode 6 and go "WE NEED TO MURDER VIKTOR"

The release of EP 4-6 is paused until we can figure out what the fuck is wrong with women who draw Viktor fanart

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the second one is most likely to happen the first one is too explicit they wouldn’t show cait fingering vi

Caitvi reconciles tonight.

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daddy issues vs mommy issues

Don't forget to order pizza tomorrow.

*Vi gets cucked tonight

Stuffed with what?

What's wrong with them: too based.

Carboard anon sex

most likely to happen

Piltie lies

The issue is that they aren't productive enough. I need their manager to crack the whip and get the chicks in the fanart sweatshop mines to work faster.

They’re trannies

god i want to cum all over his tummy. he's so handsome

I wish ambessa would stuff my crust


aisha dies in ep 8 not 6

Caitlyn remembers Vi and cries

Viktor's place gets invaded

some ekko shit i guess?


WW remembers her and attacks vi

tity slash

cait gives up fighting to help her so they both out of the fight

slow-mo action sequence

chill out, zwag

He's brown but not brown enough to be fetishized

Cardboard anon said Cait is the big spoon so b all the way

Thanks anon, someone pin this or something. The slow-mo action sequence has kinda been confirmed by a reviewer I think.

Morally upstanding straight white male who fucks black girls

Notice how all the retarded fanart and maymays posted here make him le quirky gay with Viktor

Viktor's place gets invaded

Is that a fair thing to give them credit for? We literally see that in the preview we got last weekend.

slow-mo action sequence

This also feels pretty vague and already fits the Jinx vs Rictus bit in the preview.

thats why people started to believe him, he also talked about Vi's scar before her new outfit but shit like "maddie becomes part of the council" is so fucking stupid.

I don't think he wants Cait to see him rape Viktor

he said that before the sneak peaks, but yes its vague

I want Jayce to hook with Vi just to see a fujo/tranny meltdown. It'll be worse than the elections

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he has no rizz
you wouldnt get it

Morally upstanding? He has no principles and goes along with whatever other people tell him for most of S1

Jayce hooking up with Mel already did that in S1

There's a chance some shit got lost in the translation, maybe Maddie works for the council but is not a member or shit like that. But who knows.

The fact they mentioned the tit slash and a week after we got official art with that makes me think they might know something fr.

It would explain why Ambessa's forces are invading Viktor's camp in the preview though. Jayce showed up disheveled and crazy and Cait probably worried about him while Ambessa just felt this was a good excuse to go in hard.

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Yuricucks(literally lmao) hate him because of this meme

how much did Riot pay?

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maddie fucked her way to the top there’s no other explanation for this

Only from the fujos. The trannies still had Cait/Vi

ngl but is caitlyn even there? it seems like viktor's place is invaded 100% by noxians, also Vi doesn't seem to be there as well

Cait fingers Vi and Vi clings to her for dear life

this some fanfic molestation sleep creep bs right here

I think people ship him and Viktor because they care for each other but alright

Act 2 Logo

didn’t cardboard anon also said vi gets seriously injured?


yeah, i forgot about that

Also who the fuck thinks Cait tops

ftms go for jayvik, mtfs go for caitvi

ACK-shually it's because

Shut up

kek that's pretty good. Would go hard with a voice AI of jayce

pillow princess if I ever saw one

no, this season is such a drop in quality from s1 there's no way you can say it's anything but 7/10 at best so far

Stuff your crust for Free

Oh it’s Free. I thought you said Vi

What the fuck did they meant by this

this is all acts right?

Gold makeup only works well on darker skin

Sevika and Caitlyn will meet again

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honestly, accurate tomatometer for once. Considering that Arcane has nearly no competition in terms of western animation and has somewhat of a progressive message with some hot lesbian chicks in it (and maddie) really makes sense it would hit with critics

Are Jinx's overgrown nails meant to indicate how much time passed between Acts 1 & 2?
Or were they always that long and she just didn't paint them well?

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isn't this act 1?

I doubt it'll be in a fight though

Yeah, I don't think Caitlyn's there. Ambessa's hold on Cait is holding on by a thread as of ep5 since Cait followed her to Singed's lab. Ambessa probably found a way to get Cait off her back before invading Vik's camp.

Fortunately, reviewers (not bullshit "leakers") who have seen acts 1 and 2 completed and in their entirety acknowledge that act 1 is ass and say it gets back on track in act 2.

green and blue are well painted though, probably more indicative of 2nd

I saw this and I started laughing so what if she has tears in her eyes that doesn’t erase her crimes kek

it gets back on track in act2

when vi gets cucked

Cardboard EP6 claims:

-Before the scene, there's a reconciliation scene (quite beautiful) in episode 6 that ends with Cait, Jinx, and Vi united (at least for the upcoming battle), but that's from Act 2.

Leakeranon does Cait apologize to Vi for hitting her in the gut

-Yes, she apologizes in episode 6 along with a big reconciliation. Also, she still doesn't accept Jinx, but she agrees to work with her for the final battle

Are there any moments of cait thinking/missing vi like how vi hallucinated cait?

-In episode 6, before reuniting with her. She doesn't hallucinate, but she remembers her and cries

ep. 6 ambessa prob kills him and singed takes his body, that icon its probably a transition look towards final warwick

-Not exactly, the head stays in place, but when more of the two-headed wolf is injected, it starts to deform into that original Warwick form

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Vi deserves nothing but suffering. Caitvi simping is half the reason act 1 has been so bad.

Another day closer to Married Caitvi.

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you mean PEAK

-Before the scene, there's a reconciliation scene

what the fuck does he mean? what scene?

my girlboss feel bad about killing the poors, I don't get why you guys hate her so much

If you think S2 act 1 has been good, I don't even know what to tell you, apart from maybe kys.

All Vi ever does is suffer, idk anon

10 hours until we find out that Vi is Vander's bio child

Cupcake and her puppy soon

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All Vi ever does is assault and rat on her little sister.

Yes I'm all here for it


Caitlyn is gonna gas everyone again


what scene?

sex scene ep7

2 times reconciliation = ep6 and ep7

wait this isn't act 1?

sex in ep 7

Eileen leaker sounds more legit tb h

I really hope they don't do this, it would completely undermine the storytelling in S1.

She's dumb, not a jerk. She's dumb of ass but pure of heart.

Just look at those eyebrows.


Viktor will be completely justified in anything he does no matter what

Would be funny if they fucked first and reconciled later

It's real

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Not a jerk

Beats a crying little girl

Pick one.

She's Silco's actually, they spelled it out for you in the flashback

actually I'm Bozo 1, Vander is Bozo 2

Breaking up with his lab partner was mean

Who are these niggas and why did Silco dress like them?

She cant believe her own family is responsible for allowing the ziggers to breathe and, after regaining composure, started working to resolve this issue.

Who are these niggas

who knows

why did Silco dress like them?

because they're Anon Babble

Piltover aristocracy. Silco dresses like them because he's Zaun aristocracy.

Looks like they might belong to chubby's clan.

This is correct

You know the only Arcane leaker I believe is this one. They were just randomly commenting on an Arcane discussion and hardly cared about Arcane outside of that (I know cause I've been stalking their profile)

there is something about cardboard which doesn't make much sense, they can't go back to piltover and plan their attack just from zaun, so how the fuck does caitlyn change clothes and Vi get those gauntlets (which is 100% enforcer design) from zaun? how did Vi get a enforcer armor from zaun?

fucking AU is real

She was a little girl too and they were both traumatised

The reviewers have seen more than we have.

They sent out act 2 to reviewers since most of it leaked already. No one gets to see act 3 until it airs because they don't want more leaks.

Doesnt say anything particularly interesting we didn’t know already

caitvi 2 times reconciliation
sooo cardboard sex anon is legit?

He said "love" in the Spanish dub. Gay (Spanish) Viktor real

are you retarded? he considers act 1 a reconciliation, the second one happens in act 2 or 3 he doesn't make it clear

Act 1 reconciliation? Was there even one

Vi is most likely dying tomorrow how do we feel Vibros

She was old enough to know that beating crying little girls is bad

Trauma is not an excuse for beating crying little girls, at best it's an explanation for why she's a jerk

The little girl in question killed 3 people. Neither of them are bad people, just fucked up situationally.

Good cause she's not permanently dying duh. This probably leads to caitlyn and Vi reconciling too

If cardboard is right, Jinx is almost certainly dead then. We know someone important , who isnt Isha, dies and his 4 seconds arent enough to save her. And we know its not Vi, Cait, Jayce, Viktor, Heimer

he considers act 1 a reconciliation

there is no reconciliation in act 1

Also not an excuse for beating a crying little girl.

According to this logic everyone in the show is an irredeemable jerk. Which I mean it's an opinion that you can have. But I don't subscribe to that view of morality.

i need some jinx kino

There is. It's after Vi saves Caitlyn from the chemtank then Caitlyn reaches down to pick up Vi. It's rushed and average

They’ll be on good terms

Answers literally none of the questions

It's a larp.

actually genuinely unironically unequivocally holy mother of bvsed @ that webm god damn

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this wholesome AU is canon

Could you imagine?

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All of the show characters have beaten crying little girls? No, I'm pretty sure Vi is the only one. That includes the thug chasing Powder in s1e1.

I am hearing his voice while reading it

Does Elijah lurk here? She said Vi is a puppy in her episode 3 video

Name one major character who isn't a jerk

There is no cardboard. Shut the fuck up about the cardboard.

How do all the normies and lesbos who ended up here after the leaks feel about the regular use of racial slurs, praise for Caitler and general unhinged behavior?

Obviously, who do you think keeps shilling her watch party with amanduh and maddie?


All anon boards are like this, the vibes here are not unique

An ass to everyone except his besties (Jinx)

Let's say the next show focuses on Noxus and from there connects to all the places Noxus fights
Who would you focus it on and what subplots would you include?

vi "saved" by silco and powder thrown in stillwater to be raped by the warden&prison guard.

Powder would not survive a month.

After the intial shock wares off, its not that bad. It's actually been nice here.

Saying mean things to Sevika when she fucks up and then blames it on his daughter is not comparable to beating a crying little girl.

IF there is a next show it wont be be the same people who did arcane, this is the last season of arcane.
Arcane s1&2 was expensive as fuck to make apparently.

shota jayce having STEAMY HOT GAY SEX (underage) with adult viktor

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It’s repulsive and I hate all of you.

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He was experiencing existential horror, give him a break

episode 6 that ends with Cait, Jinx, and Vi united

yeah, sorry I killed your mother

Do "leakers" not even engage their brains before peddling this shit?

He ordered his cop attack dog to kill a fourteen year old child

People who think either Viktor or Cait are tops need to be banned for life

It clearly states Cait hasnt forgiven Jinx

Surely most people who don't normally use this site but have been on the internet for a while have a general idea what to expect here

There will be more seasons with the same writers and animators but a new story with different characters. Riot has money to blow, and future seasons will be cheaper. S1 was expensive because it was all done by hand, S2 was expensive because half the time spent making it was in developing systems to automate stuff and make it faster to produce more content in the future.

Jinx is almost certainly dead then.

Another fakeout death? I doubt it

viktor will always be a bottom, even for a shota. It's in his blood to bend over and spread his cheeks apart

so jinx needs a motivation to hate and actually join the fight against ambessa, either : Aisha dies or ww dies

Anon are you new? People have been calling Vi puppy for years now

You think that tiny ginger is topping her?

No he didn't, he asked Marcus what happened to Vi and Marcus told him she was dead. Silco wanted to blackmail Vi into fighting for him once he saw how she could fight and Vander was dead.

Nah, she is going to do it for silco.

Everyone's going either or, why not both? Hell, with Linke's comment and her scar she'll probably think Vi is dead too.

Short tops are love, short tops are life

Who the fuck is praising Caitler

and she would do that by killing ambessa? the one threat against piltover? its fucking personal.

I feel bad for the inevitable abuse the writers will get for Maddie

Vi was obviously the bottem with cait, so does that mean if the ginger can top cait, she could top vi to?

Twitter himejoshis

Why is the writing so shit this season?
I think people will drop the show after the mine scene because it's very very bad writing. Like wtf.

He has no dick, what's he gonna fuck with?

They share a wand vibrator or something. There's no way either of them tops

Noxus wants piltover&hextech, and zaun is a bump in the road they will genocide to get to it.

I upped my medication since Trump stole the election so I'm pretty numb to all of this, the Vi cuck memes barely phase me anymore
I'll leave Anon Babble once all acts drop

Ambessa isn't Noxus, she's in exile. She wants hextech so she can retake Noxus, presumably from Swain.

He's not doing the fucking in that fanart
Power bottom Viktor real

I'll leave Anon Babble once all acts drop

thank god

Literally just saw this on my TL then came to check on the thread and it's posted here. What the hell

WW remembers her and attacks vi

more specifically *VW mistakes Caitlyn for Eileen*, Vitty anon was very specific about that

Cardboard anon's Ekko is 4-seconds limited z-drive, he doesn't get z-drive from his AU self but meeting himself is important to the plot

xitter tourists gonna xitter, wow

I don't think he has a hole anymore either

Literally wtf is Jayce even doing if he doesn't use whatever is going on with Viktor as an opportunity to have his way with him

You think arcane magic is smart enough to regenerate his body to be functional but not smart enough to give him a pussy?

Because jayce is in to black pussy?
You should try it.

how is he gonna shit

Where the fuck did that cloak even come from?

The hexcore gave viktor a purple pussy

why give him a pussy when he can just have his asshole. He must still feel the wonders on a having his prostate played with don't take that from him

I'm not opposed to it personally, although I prefer white girls desu

The logistics of gay sex are so goofy
I can't believe socially retarded women think this is hot

Sadly he's straight

Mel is white.



Storytimes haven't been a thing for over 5 years

BJs, HJs, frotting, anal
Straight couples can do all of those

Comic related discussion still happens retard

Yeah S2 is garbage sadly

I'll leave Anon Babble once all acts drop

You're here forever now, I'm afraid.






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penis in ass hot, simple as

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socially retarded women

You said it yourself

I personally think pussy is the hotter choice of set of genitals you can have, but anal is good too.

you're still a newfag

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I don't know, I ended up getting used to all of you damn brainless anons LMAO, although I must admit that at first you seemed strange to me, now I feel like a family who has survived these 3 months.

I will stay here for one or two weeks after the end, this place has been my recurring place for the last half of the year, getting out of the habit will be difficult, even though staying until they banish us to trash/ is in my options too

Brother what the hell do blacks look like where you live?

Por que no los dos?
Clit stimulation through the vag, prostate through the the ass. The best of both worlds

Men sexually submitting is hot

Thought after 2009 it was classfied as Cancer.

No it doesn't beyond Paulposting, maybe we should make Maddieposting a thing

the whole point of a gay ship is anal sex anon pussy is for the weak and trannies

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I hope moot jumped on Finasteride

True, first came here just to schizo about a different piece of media several years ago and never truly left. The risk should be understood.

Is Viktor older than Jayce?

Sex scene will look like this

maddie and jinx should have sex

Viktor deserves better than being a troon

You ever seen a french darkie? They have europa features with just dark skin. Quite beautiful. Much like a deer with melatonin over load.

I like pussy because I prefer women, so imagining fictional guys with a pussy also does it for me

Seem like. Viktor was a grad student or postdoc while Jayce was still in undergrad

We do not know, I think they were basically the same age originally but Viktor's age hasn't been specified in arcane

That's hot. Mouth on the clit, fingers in the ass like god intended

playing telephone game 2 persons removed and we might as well make it up ourselves

"Vi is injured across the chest" morphs into "Vi is slashed open by Vanderwick, her bandage top come completely off and we see her whole ass tittie."

sure went to turkey with the Hiro money

It's not a tranny if the pussy was magically bestowed on a man

Can anyone make Warwick x Ambessa fan art? It would really make me laugh to see them.

Just waiting for Fortnite to show what else they're gonna add in the new bundle. We're getting Ekko and Enforcer Vi, but dammit if we don't get Jinx's new look that'd be such a missed opportunity

Who's topping

Counts as troon shit

fuses with the hexcore

it takes your cock and balls and gives you a pussy instead

no wonder viktor is depressed......

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act 3 cait || act 3 vi

I hope we get fanart of Ambessa with a massive glowing wet dildo

you are boring and lack imagination

She has caucasian traits with black skin.

There's a reason fujos are pariahs

Ambessa with a strap is 90% of her fanart.

Fellow cuntboy connoisseur, not many people understand the delicacy that is slapping a cunt on a boy in fiction with no explanation whatsoever

I guess WW after EP4

Is it gay if I find Ambessa hot

think these are the wine merchants house, mercantile clan that were shipping goods across Runeterra w/ Hexgates

Yes if you're a woman

only if you're a women

hug in the Kiramman hallway ig? and kiss in the shit-infested sewer, how romantic

I'm gay and I dont think she is hot
Vi is hot as fuck!

The unhinged doesn’t phase me but it is tough to get which ones are serious versus trolls versus both. Sometimes even I get off my pc high horse. It’s not bad to be unhinged. Some threads I just ignore. The best change was that troll being banned. He was dominating everything and it was just boring and brought down the whole thread. Now I feel more groups take turns at the unhinged. Way more balanced. A little crazy for everyone

Which troll?

You racists always say this when a person doesn't have subsaharan african features. There are multiple african races you know.

Sevika is moderately important? those were my guesses, Sevika and Isha, neither have the LoL plot armor than Jinx does

If they do have the balls to kill Jinx then what another anon said still stands, something like "hope they don't try to cheat their way out of it cause it was a bold decision"

honestly makes no sense to me if they got a MMO coming out, they'd love to have Jinx in it so idk where that decision would be approved, to kill her off before the MMO

Arcane onlies wouldn't be able to handle them


everyone who isn't a brainrot dyke shipfag must be a troll

Ah, yeah fair enough

stop being a nigger

If they have a problem with Cait now they would lose their minds over Riven



Excuse me?

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Anon Babble made a meme out of the gay sex scene in The Last of Us because it looks just so fucking retarded

I mean they are kind of boring, especially Garen

Targon's really lacking in terms of a larger storyline honestly. Most of their stuff is just in the past or more about individuals becoming aspects and then going elsewhere. The Lunari/Solari conflict is all they really got.
Pretty much every other region besides Bandle City has more meat to go off of for a dramatic story.

if we get jayce and viktor homoerotic fight scene i'm drawing shota viktor getting buttfucked by jayce
if we get something even gayer i will also draw some child marriage and shota molestation

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Fujos are just like yuritards, selfinserting into a fag couple because [mental illness]

this is just missionary and indistinguishable from the million other generic sex scenes?

Timmy Dogood's sister is a w*zard and then he falls in love with a noxian assassin

He's going to have some shit to try and figure out.

when will theses threads actually aknowledge the poor quality of the writing so far?

so basically Jayce is Bill Gates but with a hammer instead of vaccines and GMO mosquitoes

I just like pussy on men, I'm not picky about how it gets there

they have been

We've been saying for a week that act 1 has shit writing and shit music. Just wait 8 hours.

Jarvan, you are my Prince and the future King I have sworn to protect, not only that but you are my battle brother and my best friend and I would lay down my life to protect you.

But I swear to Demacia and in your father's name, if I must hear you bitch about sweet dragon pussy one more fucking time, I'm gonna throw you of this balcony

Leona "Total Mooniggers Death" Radiant Dawn aspect of the sun

Leona "The only good moonigger is a dead moonigger" Radiant Dawn aspect of the sun

Leona "you are one of the good ones Diana" Radiant Dawn aspect of the sun

We've been saying for a week

for months!

Aside from the animation, S1 isn't god's gift to mankind

implying act 2 is different

"what's wrong with my pants??"

Caitvi reconciliation

Jinx and Caitlyn ceasefire

Isha lives

Caitlyn yearns for Vi

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That’s funny and based, actually
I appreciate Jinx being a bit more like LoL jinx.

most boring shit ever?

isha lives

Anon... .

If cardboard is right, Jinx dies and so does Isha
We will know tomorrow

isha should have sex with SOMEONE

Isha is the most embarrassingly obvious plot device to break Jinx again I have ever seen.


Cardboard didn’t say jinx dies, just isha

Anon Babble with jinx

Tonight I celebrate my faggot ship. Next week they’ll make love and the show will end with them being married. Life is good.

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What about Path of Radiance Aspect of the Sun?

This, leaked stuff shows jinx most likely survives whatever happens and leaves piltover&zuan on a zeplin after everybody thinks she is dead.

He heavily implied it.
Ekko tries to save an important , but 4 sec is not enough.
Its not Vi, Cait, Jayce, Vik or Heimer
Isha dies elsewhere
Jinx not mentioned past going super shimmer to avenge her.

miss me yet?

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Thats AU jinx, she has no cloud tattoos on her arms.

We keep winning I tell ya

*puts a hole in you*

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Silco would have seen from a mile away that noxus/embase was moving in on piltover.

Why do you keep doing the blackout text?

At that point, Jayce is shaping up to be my favorite. He seems so full of purpose and determination after he returns.


Where the fuck is the vi ryona

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I hate spoiler fags.

I’m actually with them on that. Isha doesn’t die and it’s left at that.. I still stan the Isha-Janna theory. It’ll pan out, you’ll see

for you to read obviously

blackout text

Man this is hot

is it gay if I find Ambessa a good character this season
I thought she came out of nowhere for DEI purposes in S1 but she's surprisingly compelling in this one

Close enough to the leaks actually

You’re in the wrong thread then (and website at that..) Are you the Reddit mod? They would do something like this

How much is left

I upped my medication since Trump stole the election

stole the election


lol lmao he can’t stop winning

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8 hours 8 minutes

You cant stop me.

she is OK but I find the "muh family motive" extremely lazy to try to depict her as a grey character

8h 7 min

I skip every single one of their posts usually.. too much work and unnecessary, we’re spoiler central over here.

blackout text


How do we feel about Isha dying ina few hours

isha-janna theory is dumber than AU jinx on a zepelin or jinx leaving p&z

Takes place here next week, with Caitlyn holding her this time.

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She dies in EP8

blackout text

Oh god all the newfags arcane brought is disgusting

She ll survive act 2

I actually would hate that ending because it would mean the studio can shoehorn in Jinx to other places of Runeterra for future series

Jinx in Demacia causing chaos because...she's popular!

At that point she would just be the Joker, where they force the character in situations they're not needed just to sell more of the brand.

The kid has so many obvious deadflags that i actually think it's a fakeout and she will survive.

Based trump kino

I love and appreciate you, cute newfren

Vi holding the place where Cait hit her


What can I say? That’s my crazy and I’m sticking with it. Ride or die. I’m sure you’ll make me eat my words if I’m wrong after act 3

very happy! YAY!

Go listen to Ishas song. The kid is super dead in ep 6

Women like to lash out at scrupulous men when they get used up by lowlifes. It's a vicious cycle.

It’s just so peak

I’m not even new but I am lazy heh

Go listen to Ishas song

not listening to that chinkslop

comes to spoiler site

tries to hide spoilers

guys, I made fried eggs. Does anyone want some??

I'm sure you aren't

I've seen the leaks and it doesn't

Vi's eggs?
Those have been scrambled good by cait.

Nope not new but also not… frequent? There’s a lot more new that have joined in the past 2 months

act 2 was kinda better than act 1 but nothing to write home about

I shaved today but left my mustache on for a funny picture for a friend.
Then got distracted by this general, forgot, and left for work with my bad facial hair
Its over.

So how is season 2?

I’ll take it at this point - let Act 1 be the worst right now.

post mouth bush

Isha is clearly named in homage to Goddess Janna the protector after the human shield scene in the Janna temple
no one calls her Isha (the protector) until after she pulls that stunt and saves Jinx from capture/death
any relation beyond that might be a stretch

So theories on who this song is about?

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its VW song, you can see the music video is about vander,powder and child vi

Apparently it's a montage of Vi, Jinx, Ekko, and Cait's childhoods from the promo stuff.

not your blog faggot

It's about this: x. com/arcaneshow/status/1857287441377583415

So which songs are playing tonight?

ok wtf? wasn't the song supposed to be about Powder?

I am hyped for The Beast

Bill gates is too much of a creepy jew to really compare

E4: PTTB, Rebel Heart, and The Beast
E5: Cocktail Molotov, What Have They Done to US
E6: Remember Me (intro and full version), Isha's song

Ep 6 is gonna be a heart wrenching episode

When do the episodes drop?

Making the small girl by the big spoon.

Is Caitlyn even capable of love?

8 hours

Is Caitlyn even capable of love?

she doesn't love maddie

Caitlyn is. Caitler isn't

Which episode does Jinx burn down the last drop?

months of years of not being able to flush their butt out

apocalypse scenario so they may not even have toilet paper

Crust etc. Poopoo, girl!

Naaah Roshi is fucking wild for this one

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So not 12 am?
Caitlyn has never once demonstrated her love for Vi.

This is all Ekko's fault. We wouldn't be here if he hadn't decided to kidnap Vi and Caitlyn.

Why did Vi bring a cop to the lanes?

Are you blind


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Her seething hate boner for Silco

None of the hero's from the game are going to die, you dumb fucks.
The outcry of fanboys in worst korea over jinx dying would be biblical.
Jinx, yayce, vi, victor, etc.... they are al safe.

Its a WW song but it's also gonna be about how all these characters lost their childish innocence.

mfw no scene showing a mom giving birth to a baby and one of the midwives or Vander commenting "gorgeous hair...not like yours', its more of a...POWDER blue..."

and also implying he cucked Vi's dad and is Jinx's actual father

come to think of it we haven't even scene any of their official dad in flashbacks at all.

brings her little sister to steal shit in Piltover

Vander has to explain to her why she is responsible for Powder

Hits Powder

Abandons Powder

goes to prison

brings cops straight to the undercity (one of the good ones, surely she wont gas anyone in the future)

Finds her sister and bring the cop straight to her!

Escorts cop back to Piltover

was literally walking back to Zaun but then changed her mind and starts hugging cop

Jinx appears, Vi decides to take the most retarded course of action

escortes Cait off the bridge instead of letting Ekko do it so she can talk to her sister

lets Ekko handle Jinx while just leaving her behind again for a cop, solidifying her suspicions

sees a huge explosion on the bridge and doesn't do everything in her power to get back there after Cait was back on Piltover's side of the bridge

the next day she goes to the Council with Cait and rats out Jinx to them (even Cait wasn't going to do this and it surprises her)

now the council wont agree to peace unless her sister is in chains

next season will join Cait and become an enforcer for the oppressive state that was the root cause of her and her loved one's suffering her entire life

Vi deserves all punishment she received.

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she's also still 15-16 here, adult in the game tho.
so unless they flash forward for an epilogue after the events of the game itself, I don't think they'd dare go there.

12 am Pacific Standard Time



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How long will it take for sites to release the eps torrent files? (for stremio)

There are a lot of people on Twitter who will stream the episodes on discord. You should look for someone, maybe one of them will give you a link or you can record the episodes from the transmission

It would've been Kino if Cait and Vi never got back together and Cait stayed with Maddie to the end. Shame that won't happen.

Does anyone here have the link to episode 6 that leaked 15 minutes ago on Telegram???

Caitvi sex when



That is why episodes 3-9 will be aggressive competitive scissoring between Leona and Diana

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man these co threads are
fucking gay
and also faggot
I wish you gays burn in hell

First time on Anon Babble, newfag?

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She's 18 in S1 Act 2. This is confirmed. If ayear passes between Act 1 and 2 of S2, she'll be 19.

OK Ivan

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wtf kind of name is powder?

Here's what happens in Ep.6:

-Vi, Jinx, Isha, and Warwick go to Viktor's base. At the entrance, they're forced to give up their weapons.
-Viktor tries to heal Warwick, but is unable too. Is able to calm him down but WW is too far gone
-Vi and Cait reconcile; Cait agrees to help with Warwick/Vander. They make a plan to betray Ambessa by pretending to turn Vi in. Vi uses the net from Cait's rifle (equivalent to her E in game) to subdue Ambessa.
-WW kills Rictus
-Don't remember if Mel shows up in this episode, but if she does: she breaks out of Black Rose jail with new powers and outfit/hair. Black Rose witch (maybe Leblanc? Her name and appearance are never revealed) attempts to recruit Mel and gives her a special necklace.
-Isha dies trying to sacrifice herself to kill WW while he's going crazy. She steals Jinx's gun and overloads it three hex crystals. (Isha's Song plays here).
-Jayce comes to the camp. The followers lead him to Viktor. Once there, Jayce shoots a hole in Viktor's chest.
-Ep.7's title is "Pretend Like It's the First Time"

Cardboard sex ain't happening. Don't come asking me for Act 3 leaks later.

-Isha dies trying to sacrifice herself to kill WW while he's going crazy. She steals Jinx's gun and overloads it three hex crystals. (Isha's Song plays here).

You're so fucking retarded its painfull

-Ep.7's title is "Pretend Like It's the First Time"



Nice fanfic

Why would you leak something 6 and a half hours before it comes out?

We established last night that she's 9 before the 7 year time skip.

Why does Caitlyn betray Ambessa?

is this futa?

Coincidentally, you know about the Cardboard Anon leak, but you write this just a few hours before it officially drops, bullshit

who the fuck is isha? am I retarded?

And how the hell did you see it? Did you dream it or what the fuck?


aisha dies trying to stop ww

you just have to watch 30 seconds of the sneak peak to realize you're fucking dumb

Are they ever gonna play get jinxed during the show? If not why not

It came to him in a dream, the 3000 Late Arcane Leaks of Fortiche.

Episode 6 Leak:

- Vi and Caitlyn are caught off guard by Draven, who buries his axes into the torso of one of them (I won't say who).

- Jinx has a slow-motion fight against Lissandra, who has come to Piltover looking for Singed to revive Avarosa and Serylda.

- The sex scene happens, but it's not between Caitlyn and Vi, it’s between Yasuo and Fizz.

- The episode ends with a cliffhanger as Vel'Koz's tentacle appears from Viktor's hideout.

play get jinxed during the show

Already happened, anon. You should get some a hearing aid.

Have u seen ep. 02x02?

it’s between Yasuo and Fizz


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Such Kino, Big Wow.

Why are you mentioning the name of episode 7 as confirmation, if by the time episode 7 comes out, we'll already know it's fake?

I actually saw EP6 and I'll tell you what really happens...

-Vi and Jinx try to heal WW together with Viktor, but it is impossible
-Cait sees Vi and immediately runs to kiss her for no reason, Vi reciprocates because anyway, it's Caitlyn. They fly due to the power of Amanda's plot and Caitvi sex happens on the moon (the surprise of EP7 is that they die from lack of oxygen)
-Meanwhile, in Viktor's place, after seeing that beautiful scene, an unstoppable orgy begins, everyone with everyone.
-The episode ends with WW savagely fucking Ambessa (I liked the other anon's ship)
-And the cliffhanger is Ekko fucking Heimerdinger and Jayce crying because he's alone

What the fuck did I just read and why did I read the whole thing? KEKKKK

Seems legit, does Aurelion Sol appear?

Yes and a universal orgy happens

All these "leaks" talking about the girls taking Vander to Viktor. Who's going to spring up the idea to them? Singed?

Aurelion Sol is watching all this happen from space, masturbating furiously.
His cum is raining on runeterra as everyone on the planet starts having sex with the nearest person (or creature).

taking Vander to Viktor

It's because of the leaked Vanderwick league icon, anon. He has the same wild rune texture on his head as that shimmer addict who was cured by Viktor.


peak act 2

-Viktor tries to heal Warwick, but is unable too. Is able to calm him down but WW is too far gone

Hexcore revives a mortally injured man, who in turn miraculously cures paraplegics and deformed junkies but a wolf-man is too much to ask....

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You are wrong, Ekko is the one who fills the screen with semen and then all of Piltover and Zaun together have an Orgasm in unison

Nobody really cares for Mel

at least she depicted lesbian domestic violence so she's not bad in my book

What's up with the uninspired episode titles though?

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s1 was uninspired titles

Justice for Smeech

Smeech had smegma



It was when, not if

Episode 4 is about Jynx and Vi

Episode 5 is about Warwick

Episode 6 is about Viktor and Jayce

That's my prediction from those episode titles.

They did. Twice. Maybe you should watch the show.

Jayce appears in an alternate reality where Piltover has been destroyed; in that reality, he must fight against his counterpart from that world

Believable, but

Don't remember if Mel shows up this episode, BUT IF SHE DOES

Jayce doesn't murder followers but Kakyoin's Victor

on top ofhard to believe

It is kind of gated because it is too "final bosses"

why wouldnt it?

Have alternate timelines/time travel ever worked out in a show that didn't build its premise around them to begin with? I'm a little pessimistic about taking the plot there.


Jinx is going to die, Ekko will use time bullshit to just before she dies to change that she lives and leaves the city

were these dogshit cringe zoomer songs in the first season too or are these just especially bad

They were always cringe and zoomer
Woodkid's and Sting's songs were okay though


First season had a much more cohesive and impactful soundtrack. It also didn't overuse it like this season does. Having an AMV at the start of every episode is fucking annoying.

I like Enemy

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"Our Love" is timeless.

Episode 6 title has to be a line by Ekko

Somewhat agree.
Hating imagine dragons is a meme. They aren't great but the song is catchy enough.

What will be the explanation for Akko's time powers though? There's still nothing, he's just some guy right now.

Agreed, one of S1's best.


I meant Ekko.

I'm suddenly reminded of the crack theory of how Silco is somehow related to Cassandra Kiramman.

They did.

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Probably given to him by an alternate universe's Ekko. A scene like this could be cool, but they need to be careful not to make his MacGuffin too OP.

They're painfully generic
Radioactive playing 24/7 when it came out made me want to burn them alive

we never got Silco and Mel politiking shenanigans

them working together (+ Jayce) after recognising the threat from Ambessa

Absolute cinema forever lost

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Would Mel try to sleep with Silco to manipulate him like she did with Jayce

Or instead of going to an AU, he goes to zilean's place and creates the z-drive there.

Maddie's lips are made for DICK, not snatch

It won't work

Silco probably asexual at this point from all the stress

Jinx will shoot any female approaching daddy that isn't Sevika

Maybe, but jayce dicked her down hard enough that she fell in love, cant see silco do that.

She needs the moistness of box for her chapped lip problem

Even the cringe zoomers songs were better in S1. As far as I can tell, S2 won't have anything good until act 3.

It wouldn't work, there's only room for Jinx in Silco's heart. He's just like me.

Being known enough for Sevika to roll her eyes

Sevika is probably the only person that gets sent to Jinx's lair often enough to be annoyed by it. No one else plays it, and I doubt Silco's goons go there without being specifically told to, there's probably layers and layers of booby traps.

Jinx sets up the arm she was gonna give to Selvia to play her song

Selvia is the only other living person whose even heard of it


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How long until the release?

alternate universe

I don't get where the AU theories are coming from. Didn't Riot say that Arcane is "The Canon" from now on?
It defeats the entire purpose of having a canon if you're going to introduce a multiverse into it. They could have just made the game an AU and Arcane another AU, not having to change any in-game lore at all, but that's not what's happening. The game's lore is being changed to fit into the Arcane canon.

If they wanted multiversal fuckery then they would have followed the MCU model, where comics and movies are just different universes without an ultimate canon version.

6 hours

Just 5 hours and 15 minutes.

You don't like Rapping every 10 minutes in your 35 minute episodes?

Eminem starts raping faster than grandma

Ekko's champion teaser is really well made, I like how he legitimately just doesn't succeed. Really makes it seem like he's optimizing

So does the hex core control Viktor or the other way around

He seems to be in control in Act 1, but with some hallucinations.

mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry.

good lord

Here's how it works. League of Legends has a main timeline and many other Alternate Universes. There's Star Guardian universe, PROJECT universe, Musicverse, Pulsefire Universe, Cafe cuties universe, etc...

But there's one main universe and Arcane is now part of it because League lore writers didn't want fans to feel that their lore is inferior to the other lore. In other words, they wanted to make you feel that your investment wasn't gonna be thrown out of the window. You could agree with this approach or not but it's undeniable that it works for Riot because this way they can keep a good portion of Arcane fans invested in the League franchise from now on.

Right, but what I don't understand are these theories that an AU Ekko will appear in Arcane and give our Ekko time travel powers.
I understand how the AU skins from League work, but there's no reason for multiverse fuckery in the Arcane show specifically.

5 hours

I really want to see this in the finale w/ fortiche eye-candy. mb not attempt #47 depth but 3 or 4 rewinds until he finds the desired outcome

hell they gave Sevika 5-6 rolls on the slot machine, Ekko should get something

Fellow leak watchers, are you guys going straight to e6 or watching all 3 eps?

Why is the thread here so much better compared to Anon Babble

Multiverse is already a thing in League so Alternate Universes appearing in Arcane isn't a big deal. The Z-Drive itself is a weapon that is primitive when Ekko first gets it but eventually gets so advanced that it can achieve multiversal travel.

I've rewatched every episode because I want to see what everything is actually supposed to look like. That's especially true for the less finished later episodes.

Watch all three, they probably going to add shit since the episodes weren't finished.

Watching the cuck scene and then skipping

Stay strong

that thread is so miserable, somehow more offensive and repulsive than this place

Watching all three episodes, then immediately come here after the cucking scene appears.

Because Anon Babble is still seething about Arcane three years later and can't have a productive discussion about it.

Cause they are gay and lame?
Probably people who work in riot are causing shitstorms in there to deflect from the leaks or something.

Line One

Line Two

What’s happening over there havent checked

I hate how they wasted Ekko in this show

What do you mean you don't like the magical negro in tune with nature that gets five seconds of screentime?

Is there any bad fanart of Arcane? I'm surprised you guys aren't shitposting with it.

he's one of my favorites in the league lore but in arcane he's just there

Storage space is precious, I ain't wasting it on bad art.

this would be so good if they do it. We might, with the Z-drive in act 3

Anon Babble isn't a good board for anything, which is why Anon Babble is stuck with live-action capeshit.

I wish we got more Ekko/Heimer adventured, their short lived trio with Jayce was also fun

New thread