English-dubbed anime on a western cartoon block.
Where the reruns still aren't properly labeled.
Toonami Rewind
Rei best girl
No seriously, they're marking Blue Exorcist as a premiere despite coming out TEN YEARS AGO.
If I haven't seen it, then it's new to me!
Anyone gonna watch the Luke vs. Balrog fight tonight?
It has been so long I genuinely remember nothing about it.
with a really big-
Tonight! On Sailor Moon!
A slight break from shit getting real as we explore Minako's backstory as Sailor V!
Then it's the last MOTW episode of the season as we end on a particularly sexy one!
Mordecai fucked a bat
this regular show finale still makes me sad.
i mean friends since age 3 or 5, just parting ways like that after 20+ years of being friends and apparently not talking that much for 25 years afterwards
look forward to minako's first true spotlight episode all week (plus hinata coming back), even set time aside to find some art to share for her
friend who always asks a day or more in advance to hang out suddenly texts this morning having free time and wanting to hang exactly when rewind's starting
sorry to the adorable minako and precious hinata, but i can't turn down having a hint of a social life. i'll just catch the low quality west coast feed even if the thread will be dead by then (which sucks because that's half the fun of finally having something to enjoy watching, getting to share the enjoyment with others for once)
but at least i get to chat with a friend and have a good burger. see you later on. hope you enjoy the night Anon Babble
pops dying, "jolly good show"
i forgot how much that hurts.
No one watches the Saturday block, dude.
That's life. All my friends growing up I haven't talked to in years. Adulthood is lonely.
Jolly good show
Got The second half of Codename Sailor V earlier this week. I'll probably start reading it soon after this thread. Wonder what's going to happen after Sailor Moon. Mashle was fun.
unironically watching anything involving a scammer
Had to end up with someone after Margaret and CJ.
Just wanted to apologize for last week. It's stupid to start shit just due someone's favorite Sailor Scout.
You should watch Rewind with him.
Happened with me. Me and a few kids grew up on the same street together so we ended up being friends. Right up until they started moving away and going to different schools. There's one kid I had known for my entire childhood who I haven't heard from in over a decade. I quickly realised I was only friends with him because of proximity.
they're still going to revive regular show after that finale
Pic I found browsing twitter. Pretty kino
Mashle did kind of suck. Rewind remains the superior block.
No news yet about whether Sailor Moon will keep going past episode 46 or reset.
You should be crying about the fact that they had a series blu ray box set as both a plot point and center of a episode yet no such thing actually exist.
Pretty wild that if you're on the west coast, CN "ends" at 2PM for [as]. Kids aren't even out of school yet.
I'll (probably) be able to tell after this episode.
I don't think it's supposed to be a continuation, just more episodic stuff that could have taken place before the ending.
This is my first time watching Blue Exorcist and Sailor Moon
God I wish I was Minako's boyfriend...
first minako-centric episode weeks after she was introduced
A few weeks ago I saw that adult swim had the rights to Sailor Moon S I think it was. It would be imbecilic for them to not have picked up R or Super.
months if you remember we're going twice as fast as intended
Ami going for the Missile Command hi-score
Is it ever explained how she became silly and retarded weeks after being introduced as cool and super serious?
Usually the last add on ranger hogs the spotlight
I wonder what those sweets were censored into back in the DiC dub.
Venus is trawling bathhouses
So the arcade has a computer that can track coordinates and map details?
Mashle did kind of suck.
luna just laying on a pillow
how did usagi do that? mine always prefers to get under the covers with me
White Dino Ranger
Honestly still love the fuck outta him
I hope they air the movies.
Long story short, she felt she could finally relax around the other scouts.
it took the Dark Kingdom this long to go international
So possessive you have to possess him like a ghost.
Both sides are Minako.
She can just relax a little now that she's not alone in the fight.
thinking modern toonami will do anything friggin’ cool
lemme guess, allen isnt his name
Wow, Squidward, you're choking!
shohjo gag comedy
Alright lady back the fuck off
Have some personal space
It's a lot easier when the cat can talk back and has a wider vocabulary than you do.
I hate Gamergate for ruining Anon Babble's ability to read love triangles.
Mina prefers white men
Good to know
japanese chicks can't resist white dick, even in fiction
everyone's name is allen though
Yea, now everyone's obsessed with cucking
Know who Sailor V/Venus is
Don't just follow her around and see who she hangs out with the most
Papillion is pronounced "puppy-on"
French is weird.
Though now I really get why they changed his name to Hawk Moth.
I thought she knew she was Sailor Venus. Like, wasn't that the whole point?
Toonami hasn't aired any anime movies since 2016, almost every movie since 2020 has been something owned by Warner Brothers in some form
aer we ending the "fetish of the week"? era?
also did usagi have a panty shot when running in with luna and art?
usagi pantsu
holy thighs
Maybe she's stupid
why didn't she just tranform into sailor moon, who is obviously a sailor
are you fucking kidding me? a energy beam was a weaker attack then two 10 pound cats pouncing?
disguises gives talent
So why doesn't she use it to ace her tests?
What? Minako's really Sailor Venus?!
... wait, you knew she was Sailor V but didn't know she was Venus?
disguises come with skills now
That's pretty damn convenient. You'd think they would use them more often.
She's the one named Sailor
He thinks light has weight.
She got flanderized real fast. Ironically, the manga has her being extremely goofy in the Sailor V prequel books, but the main SM series makes her as serious and dull as the rest.
Magic can only do so much
transform into Amy Anderson!
Are we gonna have a movie night here, then?
aer we ending the "fetish of the week"? era?
holy shit panty shots fuck with my mind, what i meant to say was
Are we entering the "fetish of the week" era?
When was the last time a cartoon didn't look hideous?
They really horny this week
You know how we feel about TVTropes words.
She can't take a test disguised as someone else.
The disguise wouldn't be listed as a student at school, and she'd be absent for her own test.
when was the last time you were happy?
Did ya get that shot of usagi's panties right after this when she entered with the cats?
Aimed toward little girls btw
Ah this is the episode where you can see Usagi's cameltoe
Mashle was the best new show we've gotten in years.
Sailor Moon is for little girls
Sailor Moon is for adult men
When I was watching seasons 2 and 3 of She-Ra a couple years ago. But Anon Babble says I'm not allowed to like that show.
The show is a year older than me.
are abandoned cruise ships common in japan?
Why is there a big deserted ship anchored over there?
I think she tried something like that, like the pen can't write lies, and Artemis called her out on it.
deserted cruise liner
Well isn't that convenient
Luna with green eyes
japan's economy imploded in the late 80's
Oh right, Victory Gundam comes out at around this point.
the website with high res ones didn't have it so i had to get it myself from pirate site
If they're supposed to be in England, then how come everyone has American accents?
Light does not have rest mass but it does have momentum, otherwise solar sails would not work.
Those shoulderpads. It's like she wants her own version of the Green Ranger shield.
Because England is America
The best stuff is equally appealing to both
So you're just going to skip over how you became Sailor V in the first place? Okay, cool.
ive nutted to less, thanks anon!
Like sisters
All the imagry is clearly romantic even for "girl" friends
Why does japan do this?
who threw the fucking grenade???
Because in-universe they're speaking Japanese. And gag accents aren't acceptable in anime dubs anymore.
So was that a terrorist bombing?
Someone just throw and actual god damn grenade at her
Honestly more effective than the monsters
Every race exhibits awkwardness differently
I don't think we've seen any of the sailors injured that badly by a monster.
What did DiC do?
full blown ass shot at the bar
Panty SHOT
More Usagi Pantsu!
Usagi's voice getting deeper when she gets serious
A Sailor is Sailor Moon
damn, weren't even trying to hide it then.
This thread needs to stop being horny. So many posts I need to hide.
oh look another agent of the Dark Kingdom that knows Usagi and Queen Beryl will never find out
We're they implying usagi was gonna merc her or something?
its scared of the horniness
posting on Anon Babble
not surprised
Both of you know that the Moon Stick will just turn Katarina forgiving, why even have this conversation
usagi is seriously ready to kill a bitch over love triangle bullshit that doesn't even involve her
You're in the wrong place if you don't like horrnyposting, missy.
Girls are allowed to be this intimate without it being gay unlike guys
did katarina just take the fuckin boat?
Not panties but you gotta appreciate a good ass in a leotard.
Also I made a realization that the only way they could get away with keeping Raven in the Teen Titans show was basically to never actually draw her ass
It's a nice boat.
She called dibs
minako's a lot more mature than any of us
I mean half the time she's as goofy as Usagi
nice boat
venus ass seen blowing in the wind
holy shit this is a good episode
They really added that cheek line, huh?
this but also don’t be a pussy and have the balls to show hints of ass or whatever
forgot image
mina ass visible for a split second
IRA don't fuck around
as long as you're both happy that's what matters
that's some real cuckquean shit
It's not like they were married.
The closer we get to the end, the sloppier these episode's plots are getting.
usagi you’re retarded: the episode
somber moment at the end of the episode
animators made her ass slightly visible
She's kinda resigned to it at this point.
In the manga, she might literally be cursed.
It wouldn't be gag accents though. And how come everyone in England speaks fluent Japanese?
my bike got stolen the other day
Do any of the girls other than Usagi get with a guy in the end or are they all cuckqueans?
But that's every episode.
I guess Usagi should just let Queen Beryl have Momaru then since they're both happy
a few frames before that is more ass
The anime essentially screwed over Minako hard.
I voted last week, Carl I hope you're happy.
In the manga, she might literally be cursed.
Do all her relationships end up in cucking?
They are all my girlfriends.
People were posting NTR cuck shit before GG, around the time Moot got a gf
whenever they draw cleavage or breast lines with slight hatching like this it just makes it look they got hair on their chest
Well I still ain't on TV sos you must've done it wrong.
Unless Mamoru figures out how to revive his Shittenou, they're lesbians or foreveralones.
Episode 45's going to have a rerun a week after. I presume Sailor Moon R will start in December.
I voted
Liberal media: great, Kabala needs all the help she can ge-
for the orange man
Liberal media: REEEE not like that!
It's more like pappy-on
I never saw anyone say cuck until moot banned GG discussion on Anon Babble.
People did talk about NTR all the time, but we called it NTR.
I don't know if anon is asking for a return to that.
I do not trust her to operate a boat, even with magic.
The intent is for the line to look less harsh
No they weren't. They only called Moot a loser. It didn't infect the vocabulary and warp the perspective of the entire fucking website like Gamergate's use of the word did.
Was that announced somewhere?
they all fuck Mamoru behind Usagi's back
the N changes the quality of the O instead of being pronounced as a consonant in its own right but there is no way to represent this in english orthography
basically you exhale through your nose while pronouncing the O
Actually, the last non-Warner owned movie they aired was Mind Game in 2018, but your point still stands.
I'm just going by Xfinity's schedule. They'll probably say something soon.
I don't think anyone called it NTR when Chisato won in TWGOK.
seconds before disaster
I'm glad this is the one stupid trick the Dark Kingdom wasn't dumb enough to believe
whatever happened with that sunspot stuff from the last episode? is it ever addressed again?
If they are getting some dick, it's not behind Usagi's back.
tfw no bon bon gf
So why didn't they have this chick around for the last half-dozen episodes?! She's the one person who knows how to use a camera!
jewelry break-in
We've come full circle.
Idea for a Sailor Moon series.
Sailor Meteorite
A basic sailor foot solder
Wears a sailor uniform, with a grey skirt and other details that correspond with the color of the skirt, like the guardians, except the bows and hair have uniform colors (Blue Bows and Blue Hair etc.)
Aside from the hair colors, and hair styles, they're all female with similar body types to the guardians
Unlike the Guardians, they can be anyone, yes ANYONE.
This is because Sailor Moon can give anyone this power, as well as take it away
A bit like Miraculous
They're weaker and have the same abilities, but are plentiful
I don't know what their powers would be.
Where did this difficulty with Usagi even come from?
National inquirer is based
I always liked Weekly World News myself.
Got her ass kicked
Based. Sailor Mars the best.
what in the scooby doo fuck is this reporters clothing
It's funny to think this entire time the dark kingdom has had a ninja who can take pictures and hasn't use them in secret to try and find Sailor Moon
Inb4 GIWTWN posts.
I heard Sailor Moon has a G-cup!
70s(?) Cher.
That shit about periods synching appears to be true
Bat Boy was based
trying to make it look real
venus just swings a branch like link
That's some cute chibi Sailor Mars there, anon.
What is this disco outfit. Fucking bellbottoms, platform boots, buckskin jacket.. Like she just stepped out of 1977
now there's a crack in it
Nah that's Jupiter. Source is me
This is the first episode where the girls have even tried training.
"I know what my butt felt"
there's a crack in it
here's the screencap at the tsukino hotsprings
spoiling the plan right out in the open
Also the last, as I recall.
Does it need filled?
This is one of the most meaningful Sailor Mars episodes
I feel like they've tried it at least once before, but I can't remember exactly.
How'd she get her own stationary?
Why didn't Luna just drop the letter at her door
unsure i had a dream about chibiusa last night. also helios is thousand years old than her?
This group is saved by plot armor
She bought it. Various companies have been cashing in on her for a while now.
So they're pretending to fight with each other but they still let a real crime happen.
She transformed into a stationary store clerk which allowed her to 'sell' it to Shinji, she then sneaked into his room and stole some
Fucking IRA.
Sailor Moon is a multimedia enterprise even in-universe
Always funny
what came first? the bonbon song or this sailor moon episode?
funny should have been sailor venus considering she's the original. in fact it's been 30 years, why not give minako series she deserved before joining the team. Is Naoko still on bad terms with Toei Animation?
The egg
Yeah, I don't know how to edit shit like this
Hook line and sinker.
Anybody else reminded of Dirty Harry
Is Naoko still on bad terms with Toei Animation?
I don't think so, considering Crystal happened.
Based Sailor Mars
i just noticed kunzite's bare chest
Maybe? Significantly more than a thousand if so.
He's the priest of Elysion, which has some kind of tie to Endymion.
Not sure if he's the only one ever, or if not, if he's had the position since the fall of the Golden Age, or just recently.
We know sailor v is considering she has a movie and merch
i remember playing with a glass prism that made me think of the healing crystal when i was a kid
Is that a real clock in Japan?
Specifically mentioned Mars
Uh oh, the bad guys passed their perception check!
Why attack her now? Couldn't you have waited until after she walked through the portal
It's Ban-ban, you mongs.
Bandana and Obiwanbanshu.
sailor venus spinoff
a spinoff featuring tuxedo mask's senshi
parallel sailor moon
what is naoko doing?!
he somehow knew princess serenity, eons before usagi came to existence. i don't even think helios is mortal. guess the dream world has time dilation.
That snark from Mako
Dark Kingdom is extremely retarded, please understand
Usagi have Rei the Moon Stick
Aww, that's so... dumb, in hindsight. Nice sentiment though.
This. It proves the trust that Sailor Moon has on Mars.
we should go
no we shouldn't
I'm going
Female indecisiveness
That's just the same attack, Rei.
That blade placement covering them monster cheeks
Mercury does nothing.
It's ok Ami I still love you.
Oh she does get to do something after all
Not for nothing Sailor Mars is entrusted the Silver Crystal. She's the one with most determination and strongest mind.
That Moon Stick is made of strong stuff. Usagi should use it as an actual weapon one day.
And it's "blooming onion", Usagi
I love Bon Bon's outfit
the high cut outfit that just shows all her thighs
chibiusa may be the daughter of usagi, but i can see she inherited Rei's attitude.
'Blooming' is a minced oath for 'bloody'.
So was Bon bon an actual person before or they the Moon magic turn her into a real person?
They mentioned before that this woman just showed up outta nowhere
Just FUCK already!
Looks like femanons are in for a treat next month
Usagi's gay awakening next ep
fighting by moonlight
it's always a moonlit sky whenever the enemy approaches.
implying they exist
Based Sailor Mars appreciator. This was one of the best Rei Hino episodes.
Welp, block is over. Laters
next episode is canon
Thanks Luna.
So these last two episodes were filler.
LOL they straight-up say in the PV that next episode will be a story one.
Whoops, meant to say next week
what about the ski resort episode?
Next week on Sailor Moon!
We finally get the full details of the Fall of the Silver Millennium, and Kunzite refuses to go down like a bitch!
Then the raid on D-Point begins!
She was a real person who was brainwashed.
No such thing as canon or non-canon in this show. Anime was being released in tandem with a manga.
sailor moon on the night of a super moon
Next week on Sailor Moon:
A message from the Distant past.
To You, 2000 years from now.
She's coming....back
like right now?
Cumming on Hinata's back...
So is Kim Kardashian
I'd figured she likes it on her face, like a tribute
It's up there as one of the best. It develops more Rei's character but this one shows that despite the bickering Sailor Moon trusts Mars the most and that Rei will always go the extra mile to fulfill her duties.
Nerve gas
Yeah, go outside.
Very good Sailor Mars block this week. Too bad we're still a long way from her best attack.
there's the beach episode, but it has chibiusa in it. don't know how many weeks that will take.
They ate bugs out there?
the planet mercury is twinkling in the sky
It's gonna be at least 15 more weeks until we find out just how stupid the block schedulers were with Naruto.
Naruto: Serious Business
Everytime that happened Shino could hear them scream
Dino episode is actually based. It also establishes Sailor Mars as being the protector of sorts among the inner Senshi of Chibiusa.
dragonball daima VA's announced
Watching this after Shippuden's finale is so sovlful
After growing from a child into a manchild, I still find it wild that Naruto is about child soldiers.
Man I remember cranking it to this image in Jr High. Like 2007 or so
ninja black ops
They premiered the dub last weekend in theatres. I went to see it.
Yeah I hear that often
Is Invincible Fight Girl any good?
The first episode is terrible.
The next two are like 6/10 at best.
I think I had these on my gaiaonline profile
Is Daima worth watching? I heard from some places that it's geared more towards younger kids than a general audience.
depends on your tolerance on the abuse of anime-isims
More comfy adventuring like Dragonball than New alien punching like Dragonball Z.
That's something universal for Rei across all SM versions. In the manga she's also shown taking care of some kids at the shrine, during Sailor Mars first act.
Unironically nowhere near as bad as all the promos make it out to be. Honestly all the hate for it in the weekend threads seems forced, like people want it or were hoping for it to be worse than it actually is. It's just a sincere show made by a guy who grew up on anime.
Man, I don't actually know what that it is but it sounds mid oughts as hell
It's Mid, leaning good.
Ino's team passing is bullshit.
Eh. It's basically Toriyama's 'official' version of GT. It's better than Super but that's not saying much. It's the same shounen as any other Dragonball series, I'd put its maturity on the same level as original DB when Goku was a kid.
Is this room one of THE most iconic locations in the series?
Toriyama's legacy is Dragon Ball Babies
It was one of Anon Babble's boogeyman back in the day.
Alright, thanks guys. I'll give it a try.
It was a weeb browser-based MMO. Like a really cheap and lazy Second Life game.
The designs in this episode are so wonky.
It's on par with the Cell Games arena for iconic locations in shonen anime generally.
Every single character has to have a reaction.
lol it's taking to long for the plot to move along, as expected of Naruto
This is one of the most meaningful Sailor Mars episodes
It was actually pretty good
Her one line of the episode is just saying Naruto's name
it begins
Increase friendships
Is that why they're allowed and expected to kill each other?
Temari is 6' tall
Sailor Mars
strongest mind
This. Grand season finale confirms.
Temari and Ino are close to 6ft tall
someone give him a cough drop
this dude coughing without moving his head, just his jaw
cheap ass animation
There he is!
Mike suffers bean face syndrome and is hideous. why would anyone love wrestling.
Fighting and dying in the shinobi world is friendship
Isn't that the opposite on the mindset the founders of the village came to?
Ami is best girl, best senshi, and best Dungeon Keeper.
it's still around. in an odd way, it's become incredibly valuable: while a lot of old social media has purged, only surviving in small samples of happened-to-be-archived bits, gaia online's entire fucking forum history is still there, albeit using an incredibly archaic system that makes external archiving all but impossible, and even makes normal usage painful if you're digging through old stuff.
it's wild to see what life was like back then. now it's like no one can get laid, back then it was constant 14 year old pregnancy scares.
something something all institutions become corrupt and misguided over time
She's a big girl.
Also during PGSM Sailor Mars runs the Hikawa Shrine kids' club and mentors a girl called Erika-chan.
The whole episode was just our characters in like 3 rooms talking
Almost forgot they had Vic singing this theme
Uh... Will of Fire?
Reminds me of this brief couple of years when a now basically forgotten forum called, IIRC, teencreek dot net was around.
In hindsight it seems like anything labeled 'teen' should have automatically attracted an unintended contingent of grown men like it seems to now.
Tardku moment
Because everyone lives online now, terrified of the outside world. Girls all think they're going to get raped, boys all think they're going to be accused of rape and have their lives destroyed, and both sexes think they're always one slipup away from appearing in a viral fail video on tiktok or twitter.
Goku is currently fast/strong enough to have stopped him. He did not.
Based Sailor Mars
that's what happened to all the teen sites, yeah. not enough enforcement or funding for enforcement, so they all got dropped.
I want to be dominated by a 6' 13 year old msgk
Because of shit like marathons Rewind is ahead of the Saturday block despite Saturday airing 2 a time
I swear there were fewer pedos online when I was a kid. I never ran into one (outside of Anon Babble lol) and we didn't have a firm line between 18+ and all-ages spaces back then.
Because the overwhelming majority of netizens prior to 2008 were teenagers and college kids. If you were to look at the average age of Anon Babble users back then I would not be surprised if it was like 16 or 17.
Wanna say it's just due to way more being online these days. Back in the oughts, there were more boomers and older gens around.
Looking back Namek is the last time Z tried to have a proper Adventure in it's story and not just back to back fights with one dude
Yet another problem caused by allowing normies online.
The iPhone and it's consequences were a disaster for online discussion and freedom.
How did Goku become so retarded after this? He's such a chad here
there were fewer because just getting on the internet had a level of gatekeeping to it. now that any idiot can get online, people who don't realize how fucking stupid it is to say "kids can consent" in youtube comments are gunking up the tubes.
despite the bickering Sailor Moon trusts Mars the most
Sailor Mercury would be the best wife and it's not even close.
Imagine if they brought Ginyu back for the ToP and he stole Jiren's body.
she seems like she wont be interested in sex or having kids
You just have to give the right study materials.
He'd still lose to El Hermano.
Would have been hilarious.
She's definitely more into cuddling and kissing.
fuck that shit. she goes to bed at 9-11pm
For the Tienbros in this thread
Bye bye, see you soon!
Toonami General was the one who actually taught me the term NTR back in like 2014.
Cell would've made more sense than Frieza, but he isn't popular in Japan.
Didn't fall asleep this week!
See you tomorrow everyone
Wish I could've talked more, but I'm currently having keyboard troubles.
Anyway, Later.
I learned it from HSG in 2012.
blocks over
Well that was fun. Getting Minako's backstory was long needed and the silly episode was a good time. Naruto was Naruto and the start of the Captain Ginyu fight is always a great watch. See you tomorrow. No more premieres for regular Toonami for the rest of the year I imagine.
See you fags next time.
Which Sailor Scout would be the most interested in having sex and kids then?
I am approaching you with romantic intent
rei seems teh most outgoing, zero fucks about dating someone in college while shes still in high school
jupiter wants to but too shy
venus is too hurt to continue on with life
and usagi wants to get mating pressed in the arcade by that dude who kinda disappeared
Peggy is such a cunt.
I wish they would air Yu Yu Hakusho again, but maybe there's some license problems with Netflix?
I know they have a "we won't air "old" anime unless it already aired on Cartoon Network or Adult Swiim years ago" rule, but I also wish they would air "Flame Of Recca" wich is basically "we have Yu Yu Hakusho at home"
Episode 42 was a skipped episode never dubbed by DiC.
usagi stinky
It's a psychological thing, all she needed was confidence all along.
Usagi was whinging and terrified to board the bus in episode 8 until she transformed into a pretty bus attendant.
Hinata likes to finger herself
Still no word on when the dub is coming or not, whether they want to stream it alongside the sub, or air it on (God willing) Toonami.
tfw Sailor Moon panty and butt shots are the highlight of my week
Slow night
If you like Dragon Ball and adventuring, yeah. Bear in mind the story pacing is much slower than most DB products, but Toriyama really put a lot of thought and effort into the setting.
There will be new episodes.
Dragon Ball manga is his legacy
Daima is his love letter to the true Dragon Ball fans
Cute girls are his legacy.
Megumi smell gud
rei stinky
Now go watch the west coast broadcast.
i love this series
Minako’s manko
also note that for tonights adult swim friday midnight marathon there will be anime inspired Smalls for an hour or so. High Moon Queen is basically sailor moon but sailor moon wanting dick
sailor moon but sailor moon wanting dick
but that's just sailor moon
Usagi dies
Useless cats.
Not even at bump limit 1 hour after Rewind ended
what killed the hype?
turn yourself into a real sailor
Is that how that works?
Shingo didn't put up with the dumbest sister in human history for 10 years just to be called 'Shinji.'
Minako has nice thighs.
Imagine choosing some random police woman over prime Sailor pussy.
Jadeite really was shit compared to the other generals.
if you weren't trying to meet random people in AIM chatrooms, online spaces were various small 00s niche interest-specific phpBB forums, not the less than half a dozen social media sites we have now. Even a small percent of a half a billion users means they're there on the same site you are.
RIP Misc & bodybuilding.com forums they were like one of the last holdouts.
Kicking Usagi’s butt!
Naru never got that jewelry back.
Luna insisted the episode 20 trip (consisting of three 14-year-olds supervised only by a talking cat) was for 'training' as sailor senshi.
But it was just a beach episode when they weren't dealing with the episode plot.
Usagi’s butt crack…
spurn policewoman
policewoman arrests you under UK anti-nonce laws
Dude was thinking ahead.
Either it's nostalgia or everything anime-original is just superior to the manga-canon episodes, but I'm really looking forward to the Doom Tree arc.
Rei is too good for Usagi.
It has been ages since the thread has survived long enough for the Naruto rerun.
I remember his name as Sammy, sorry.
Just got home and missed both episodes of Sailor Moon and caught the last second of Naruto before the commercial break. Oh well, at least I can check the episodes out shortly elsewhere.
Hopefully I didn't miss Hinata's only line(s).
Fair enough.
But if she says even just that I'd want to hear it live. Doesn't hurt getting to see her non-speaking appearances either since she's just standing in this crowd right now.
Naruto passed too! Thank goodness!
also a determined little noise
I made it. I didn't miss her speaking role, sweet. I'll look up the SM episodes after Naruto goes off.
Anyway I hope everyone enjoyed the episodes this week. Good night to anyone still lingering.
Ino sex
Toriyama should have made a Ginyu force spinoff.
So you all looking forward to Toonami tomorrow?
thread survived the west coast broadcast too
Alright goodnight.
Asahina Hikage > Mizuryu Kei doujins.
Minako's episode was as nice as I was hoping for. Glad to see them delve into her more as being tender and sweet. She's pretty great.
The "twist" of the second episode was spoiled by the TV description but I still enjoyed everyone struggling with either hiding for the plan or helping Usagi, and Rei having a hard time seeing her suffer, even if it had to end with the usual bickering. The sentiment was there at least.
Goodnight again, see you next time.
There are only a few weeks left of Sailor Moon. Wonder what will happen.
I found a torrent of the DiC dub easily but for some reason can't find the hardsubs that all these meme screenshots were taken from, with the subtitles color-coded to each character.
Only found the KickAssAnime hardsubs on a streaming site which makes it basically un-downloadable and probably shit resolution.
There are four more seasons.
Those subs are from the ViZ rerelease in 2014.
Yeah but are we actually going to get them?
demarco had lots of time
sailor moon is so popular it overtook dragonball for 2 slots
i am 51% sure we will get doom tree at this point
movies? maybe not. but even then sunday movie nights on adult swim might get it
but probably not
I guess it depends on how well Rewind is doing.
future trunks should have stayed for the ToP
Ami is my wife.
Everyone pales to the simple brilliance of Kunzite's "find the bumbling ditz who's a savant at frisbee" plan.
he does in Sparking 0
and usagi wants to get mating pressed in the arcade by that dude who kinda disappeared
yea wtf where is that guy?
Too busy fucking age appropriate women unlike Mamoru.
there is, to this day, someone still keeping a website online dedicate entirely to a pair of Sailor Moon characters
there's more than one of these
These 2004-ass websites still on life support in 2024 is just another breed of dedication.
Based fujo
Canonically, Usagi is for double-teaming.
The contrast against the main character only makes Rei shine brighter.
Both the millennium queen and the DP queen