Would you say that indie/internet animation has a promising future?
Are there any projects you would like to share?
Would you say that indie/internet animation has a promising future?
Are there any projects you would like to share?
should've made a waifu, east vs west, fat edit, or twitter screencap thread.
Would you say that indie/internet animation has a promising future?
Why not?
Monkey Wrench had a cool concept but it felt too talky
Catching Up had even more talking in it. It was boring, it really didn't need to be a cartoon.
Animation is expensive and takes lots of time.
It's really hard for inde to keep working on their stuff while staying on pair with the industry standard, and most of the time indie stuff in general lacks a certain kind of quality control because most of the time these are made by amateur or students without a real background resulting in the end product feeling weird at least from my stand point.
Rarely you get actually good products and it's okay and should stay like this.
The industry still needs to focus on building new talents from experience working alongside senior and building their careers into the animation industry as it should be.
how to make a thread on "Anon Babble - Comics & Cartoons"
It's really hard for inde to keep working on their stuff while staying on pair with the industry standard
True but stuff like Eddsworld and WG4JK can get a fanbase without looking/being industry standard, and were updated regularly.
I don't really consider that kind of stuff actual animation but rather simple gag comics animated for the sake of using the video player as a medium.
Also the end goal of animation isn't to build a big fanbase. That should come naturally later, but the real goal is to make good animation, something visually appealing, finding creative ways of art style and animation technique while also having good and engaging narrative, not counting all the other aspects like the audio part, with voice acting, music and sound design. That's why I don't really consider that kind of stuff actual animation just because they effortless nature doesn't allow it to be such.
how will Zeurel ever recover
i think the girl is cute
Truthfully now. While it's true that the internet is how most people view stuff lets face reality when a show takes like three months to make ONE single new episode like Digital Circus people will quickly get bored waiting around for new episodes. This format ensures people age out of a series most of the time.
And lets face reality the alternative which is streaming shit services like for Hazbin Hotel? That is a scam. Streaming is a scam. No matter what there is no proper way to deliver anything.
And that's not even discussing the actual quality of the series we're getting. Anyone who says Lackadaisy or Murder Drones are good need to be tortured to death. And I don't think we need to get into detail to explain why Helluva Boss is so terrible.
This board is trash.
Yes, for a handful of shows, no for everything else.
i like the lackadaisy comic more than the animation, i think they cranked up the goofiness way too much
Was just about to reply with this
Can you name a few, if you don't mind me asking?
Threads about ugly shit women and Death Battle nigger subhuman shit. This board seriously got bad.
I am never going to watch millennial ""cartoons"" that started out as YouTube algorithm shit
I think it has a very bright one, because of the development of tech including gen AI stuff. It'll drastically reduce the effort and cost for animation, indie animation will become a lot more viable at that point.
Right now gen AI has a real ick about it but when the right tools are made it'll be a no-brainer for animators to use it. The cost and time-saving incentive is way too high, for example it makes no sense to draw most in-between frames if apps are competently capable of doing them.
Are there any projects you would like to share?
this one is pretty cute: youtu.be
Yeah I think UkinoJoe/Joe Gran is already using AI to inbetween some of his cartoons
Needs more variety and people with unique visions. There's a terribly high amount of "ermm well that just happened" tier-dialogue and low-hanging-fruit meme humor.
I'd rather watch those than millennial tv cartoons
Description says it's a senior thesis and the animator has worked on it for a year. And it shows because it's pretty good. This is the stuff I'm talking about in my other posts. Animation takes lots of time. One year for just 10 minutes. Tho this animator is really talented and will surely have a great career going forward. This is the stuff to look forward to.
It will end up as a monopoly with the most successful at the top while the new arrivals lurk in the wastes
It's been said plenty of times and it's still true, nobody cares about the little guys until they suddenly get big, then and ONLY then will "people" start talking about it
It'll drastically reduce the effort and cost for animation, indie animation will become a lot more viable at that point.
Thrust me you don't want that.
Lackadaisy interests me. I really like cats, and I have an interest in history, so this just clicks with my brain that's filled with autism
why the fuck did LSMark's low effort self wank get more attention than Zeurel's passion project
speaking of Monkey Wrench
As much as I love Digital Circus it survived via the exact sort of mindset every executive has making any cartoon and partially proves them right:
Using it as a launchpad to create a brand.
Marks reviews of all the episodes of shit like the simpsons and such made him gain a bigger audience and he used that, plus some word of mouth from some indie friends, to get it reach to more people.
Regardless of the quality of the pilot itself.
Anon for every Digital Circus/Hazbin Hotel there will be dozens of mediocre trash like pain girl or things only a severe autist can enjoy like pretty blood
Would you say that indie/internet animation has a promising future?
They do if everybody who gets into it
Never listens to Anon Babble
Keeps their politics in check
Remembers to make their idea FUN
there will be dozens of mediocre trash like pain girl or things only a severe autist can enjoy like pretty blood
or Catching Up
That's still mediocre
Boring AND mediocre
God damn, if Digital Circus/Hazbin Hotel are considered above mediocre that's pretty grim.
That's still mediocre
I wasn't disagreeing with you.
Mordecai’s kinda...
at the very least I can choose what I want to watch and ignore the shit. it's not like when a tv channel only airs garbage
yeah but it's a furfag show so I hate it
The bar of entry is low. Like, below the Earth's crust low. Digital Circus and Murder Drones are only rising expectations that not everyone can match.
I no fan of Hazbin/Helluva Boss either, but I think I'd prefer those over the other shit on streaming/television
Yeah there’s actually a window of opportunity for talented artists who are willing to target low cost production styles and shorter formats and possibly establish something sustainable, the questions is who will succeed at that
I'd rather stay watching gen x cartoons
Well that's true. Streaming/television these days is nothing but braindead shit made by senile old boomers whos brains are leaking out of their ears.
But I hate having to pretend that this millenial/zoomer garbage on the internet is some "bastion of hope" when its equally as trite, all it does is just include more references to internet culture.
What was the last cartoon made by a Gen Xer? Primal? there aren't too many of those
Yeah there’s actually a window of opportunity for talented artists who are willing to target low cost production styles and shorter formats and possibly establish something sustainable, the questions is who will succeed at that
chikn nuggit
so what are your favorite internet cartoons?
Brain Dump
Monkey Wrench
Baman Piderman
Cyanide and Happiness
The Goddamn George Liquor Program
Primal came out in 2019
But I hate having to pretend that this millenial/zoomer garbage on the internet is some "bastion of hope" when its equally as trite, all it does is just include more references to internet culture.
Which is exactly why I like Monkey Wrench because it doesn't have that, and also because it isn't animated like shit
That's also.. one cartoon. For a timespan of five years, that's not very impressive.
Please check out Mutant Busters, thanks
Hazbin Hotel
Can you honestly count it among actual indie shows anymore?
Like sure the pilot counted, but the actual show is now made by an actual animation studio, aired by Amazon, and stars big name broadway stars, it’s pretty much the opposite of indie animation now.
Dick Figures
Baman Piderman
Deep Space 69
Goodwin Badwin
only stuff from 2010s-onward
and Happy Tree Friends
t. 2000/2010s kid
Is that bad?
It only has a promising future if indie creators continue to work together and promote collaboration, and people keep supporting them, of course.
the main reason indie animation is even as big as it is right now are the atrocious ways mainstream entertainment is treating animators and showrunners. Who in their right mind would want to work at a place that will put some schmuck in a suit in charge of your dream project? Or even scrap it entirely for a tax writeoff after years of time and effort?
True chikn nuggit is the future of cartoons
Nah I'm just kidding around
can't wait to see the algorithm fuck this one over
I think Glitch is getting big to the point they can't really be called indie anymore.
I find odd how long it took for indie animation to take off compared to indie games, but I think it will remain more or less steady from now on.
Still, most projects will fail in the end, as with most things. They should take a lesson from Hanna-Barbera and and cut corners to save up time and money.
all it does is just include more references to internet culture.
and it's also not all pastel beanhead/(family guy clone #435) shit that all looks the same.
Zeurel needs to start reviewing every episode of the Simpsons and also a bunch of other kiddie shit cartoons that no one gives a fuck about before he can get any recognition
Obviously not every internet show is going to be able to maintain quality and put out stuff regularly at the same time. But even semi-regularly like in Helluva Boss' case I can appreciate
You know the answer, Ohpee McFaggot, which makes me wonder why you REALLY made this thread.
ew it's in the thread
I'm sorry your waifufag/twitter screencap thread died, faggot. Just make another one
i wish burnbot was real and also a human so i could fuck her