Gunnerkrigg Court

Ah, well, then. No reason to save her at all. She seems fine, Omega is fine thanks to the distortion, I'm sure Lana can also be saved without ending the distortion.
How is Annie going to ruin this?

I guess none of this making sense is just thanks to Coyote?

Zimmingham is now normal

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Clean cut Zimmy is pretty hot. She should take her meds more often.

Honestly, though, feet art of NormalZimmy when?!?

She looks EXACTLY like Annie, just with a different color scheme.

Annie should stop taking her meds.

Annie has another shot at a clone. She can get it right this time! It won't bring back Court Annie and Forest Annie, but maybe if Annie and Normal Zimmy kissed, it would provide some sort of closure.

Is Tom going too far with the whole Annie ruins everything meme, or not far enough? I can't tell.

Zimmy and Coyote interacting

... Fuck that's weird.

cmon zimmy let's skip class and go back to your place so i can rub your feet in those leggings

What the fuck she's hot

Holy FUCK she looks like Annie

It was real, all of it

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another intriguing and tantalizing premise

I can't wait to see how Tom fucks this one up

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What in the Shin Seiki Evangelion is going on now?

Why don't they do it in the road?

Where's Jones


Zimmy is NOT for sexual!

i need to fuck zeta.

white border


Oh hey it's that bit from the last episodes of Evangelion where Shinji is shown a vision of his life as a normal high schooler. Tom's weebness shining through again!

oh dang i knew something felt even odder than normal

It's Zeta's memories of inserting herself into that band Coyote and the boys had got going that was getting extremely popular. The Rutles.

it's a business suit fetish you didn't know about.

Give Annie black hair

People cream themselves over it

Just more proof that Annie's hot no matter what! I bet she'd look hot as a blonde or brunette too!

Annie STILL hasn't fucked herself.

If Zeta's new design is anything to go off of, she might still have a chance.

Wait a minute, I wonder if this isn't why Tom felt the two Annies were incompatible with the end of the story. Like Zeta's already another Annie and having an additional other Annie would fuck with things somehow.

You don't know what happened offscreen.

Fuck off retards. your "memeing" that "Annie ruins everything" has NEVER been true OR remotely funny. DIE

The fanart says she fucked herself a lot, and that's canon fanart 100% directly endorsed by Tom that he told me when he gave me a billion dollars for being his biggest fan.

It's literally what most of the comic is about. It's like more than 75% of the plot.

meanwhile, in the better Annie-less universe where she died falling the bridge...

is this from that gunnerkirgg dating sim?


Dude, that timeline is fucked because Annie wasn't there to solve a bunch of problems.

is there something wrong with me if i find fucked up zimmy hotter than this

Ok but no she really looks like Annie holy shit

I kind of want to plow normal Zimmy.

Same. And the fact that she looks a lot like a weird version of Annie just contributes to that for me.

Zimmy. Is not. For lewd!

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That just makes me wanna stick it in her even more!

She looks like a sexy business lady.

Maybe regular Zimmy isn't. Alt-world Zimmy looks like a fucking breeding sow.

Don't get me wrong I'd also like to bang regular fucked up Zimmy's gremlin butt too.

Regular messed-up Zimmy is for weird awkward sex where she's squirming around way too much and keeps making odd noises
Alt-world Zimmy is for riding you like a pornstar


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Synchronous sex between Annie and Zimmy when?
"Annie" and "Zimmy".
A and Z. What does it MEAN?

Considering that Zimmy's real name is Zeta and she's dating Gamma, along with the Omega device (which has since been shown to be a woman), there's some old fan-speculation that Annie is actually some kind of "Alpha" to the puzzle. Whatever that actually means.