Oust Butch from his own show

hot take: I blame the Christian parents. Not really, but now that I have your attention: When I was a kid, all the neighborhood parents knew each other. If something degenerate was on TV, the moms would talk and tell each other and they'd know not to let their kids watch it. Christian conservatives need a revitalization of the 80s and 90s censorship wave. No more jewish subversion on TV.

If it makes you feel any better, FOP could pull in 5 million US viewers back in the day and now it's down to 60,000.

I'm pretty sure that isn't a character in the show. I'm pretty sure they're just a window dressing

inject woke into it

I thought Peri was already gay.

I know it's not apples to apples but I've been looking at the ratings, and even when the final season of FOP got shelved to Nicktoons in 2018 it still pulled in 250k, meanwhile this is on the main channel

The original show already had woke elements, such as ftm coded characters like Trixie or Cosmo (He got pregnant that one time)

Most mothers today are too tired from housework to care about what there children watch

(He got pregnant that one time)

It's called a joke

It's called a joke

Which is where the woke get 90% of their delusions from. DOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Those elements were played as jokes. Winn is played entirely straight and if you so much as laugh at them, God help you.

the moms would talk and tell each other and they'd know not to let their kids watch it.

And that's a problem because?

holy shit, nigger, can you read?

Why does every reboot and revival do this?

Housework and working. It takes 2 full time incomes to afford a home these days

the days of cartoons getting millions of viewers are long over.

Sheltered faggots like you belong on the gallows.

It takes 2 full time incomes to afford a home these days

Only if you're financially retarded.

how do we design a non-binary character?

idk give him purple hair

70 million households still have Nickelodeon, there's just nothing interesting enough to get kids to turn the TV on and click a few buttons on the remote.

This is the kind of people shilling a new wish

1729781123672.jpg - 1080x1730, 280.09K

No, you dolt.
Trixie is a girl who likes boy things, she doesn't want to be a boy. People like you are the reason she felt the need to disguise herself in the first place, because people like you think it's odd for females to enjoy things for boys.

That retard was probably born after the episode was made

Butch is still on New Wish as an executive producer, same role has had as the later FOP seasons

Seriously question, chudly doright: if all of the good media of the past was made by Jews, how is Jewish people still making stuff a subversion?

Isn't he still a producer?

show by a religious cunt

show now woke

It's like a scale of shit.

tomboys MUST be FtM monstrosities!!!!!!

Why are people like this?

The Amazing Digital Circus has over 300 millions views....

You will outgrow your atheist phase once day


No such thing, trannism isn't an actual condition, it's a retardation born from one's self absorption and extreme narcissism.

I was talking about tv

i-is that girl a... a tomboy!!??!?!?




Mandatory prayer and bible study that they’re going to be forcing public schools to do will lead to a new wave of atheism, it’s never going away


probably a girl who dresses like a boy

this is somehow a different gender thing and not just crossdressing

or being a tomboy

or even being trans

I don't think anyone knows how this shit is supposed to work when gender is supposed to be whatever you feel and whatever you want it to be, but also that gender is when girls wear pants and have short hair.

This. All these tradcath larpers forget that rigid overbearing conservative parenting creates MORE liberals, not fewer.

This kind of gaslighting is why you lost.

Nah, they lost because people care more about being able to pay off their mortgages than cartoons characters kissing, and rightfully so

look up the actor


They prefer the use of lowercase letters when their name is written.

Oh my god what an insufferable attention-seeking faggot

so true, dont forget to attend your "all white people are racist" class

most people also dislike open borders

The adults in the audience make it clear this is some kind of liberal arts college class. Not a school for children. Try again, schizo.

I blame Christian parents. Maybe if they hadn't clutched their pearls over literally everything that could have stopped the degeneracy.

The angels will gather the wheats and throw the weeds in the burning furnace.

wiki editor still writes the name with capital letters.

Kek. Also isn’t capitalizing the first letters of names basic English grammar? I thought these type of people loved that type of stuff with ya know…pronouns and all.

If Jesus died to save everyone from hell, why does hell still exist? Doesn’t it make his sacrifice meaningless?

Damn he got so memed by the J's that he became pro censorship. What a retard.

Being absolved of the original sin doesn't mean you are immune from all future sins you might commit.

i was an adult when i learned that leftists just hate white people, came as a surprise actually. did you hope that if you had clutches deep enough in the childrens mind you would have them forever?

when did jesus say sinners go to hell forever?