It wasn't THAT bad, anons.
It wasn't THAT bad, anons
Modelo? I just don't get the point of a lager.
Try watching the first episode
Main characters grate on my nerves one minute in.
I disagree.
But...slime boy cute...
It was the new porn.
it taste like piss, some like the taste of pìss
I understood that reference
piss? Nah that would be bud light. Don't know how Americans can drink that shit. Then again their completely complacent with shoving toxic waste down their gullets
It's nice. It gets you buzzed, has a mild malty flavour, and doesn't give you a bad hangover.
Yeah, it was worse.
High Guardian Spice is a perfectly good show; calling it bad is ridiculous.
It's flawed but okay
It wasn't that great, either
People drew her with some rockin tits
If the show's so bad, why does everyone want to fuck the characters? Is it a "correction" thing?
God I fucking luv a good Modelo after a long days work.
It was not as unwatchable as some said but it was still genuinely very bad
They're cute designs
They fumbled on it.
Rosemary and Amaryllis should have been a couple. I usually hate the "poor person falls in love with the rich person" cliche but Amaryllis and Rosemary have way more in common to the point where theyre perfectly in sync
They both love stabbing things
They both love adventure
They both love fighting
They both love frilly girly things
They both love sweets
Literally perfect. Rosemary needs a Purple Haired Ax Wielding Princesses to teach her why the poor are not to be trusted (Like Sage)
You're right, it was worse.
How do you know what piss tastes like?
I like lagers cause they don't have a strong after taste and are pretty smooth. Haven't tried Modelo, so I can't comment on it.
Incredibly bad taste. Another symptom of bad taste or trying to force it down everyone else's throats, as is the purpose of this thread.
Someone who understands.
The Chelada ones are so good, with the exception of the gross ass orange'n.
I prefer Corona, but Modelo's good in a can. Corona's better in a bottle.
I don't get it why if you can make a show about anything would you choose something so generic
You guys drink beer?
Mead Drinker.
It's MUCH worse.
Too many cooks. Eveyone was fighting over what to put in the show, which is why the script wasn't done before they started drawing.
A good show that was kept from being great due to company oversight. From the low budget and time the show had compared to normal destroying the animation and writing, Crunchyroll buyout changing direction from slice of life kids show to serialized story driven 13+ with dirty jokes, a trailer the staff didn't even want talking about muh diversity. It was set up for failure.
I still like it despite and enjoy the characters, but I wish it got a fair shot
Amaryllis was unironically fun to watch from the clips I saw. The rest you can throw away.
Both High Guardian Spice and Onyx Equinox are Crunchyroll originals
HGS was widely panned and criticized
OE was considered to be generally pretty decent
But HGS is the show that still gets threads, nobody outside of aztec history autists still talks about OE
One was just a show that needed a Gastly better streaming service. The other gets all it's hate because rainbow colored hair people think "anime" is now a catch all term
I find the show annoying and ugly, but I remember the biggest reason for the blow back was that Crunchyroll was spending a ton of money on this and random events with expensive celebrities' instead of spreading those funds throughout the anime industry like they said they would. Crunchyroll is a parasite of a company and does nothing but ruin everything it touches.
Because waifufags, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
I kind of want a Season 2 just to see if the theories about New Magic being the cause of the Rot were right.
You make the art at the bottom anon?
The main issue people had with it was Crunchyroll was talking about how they needed to raise money to keep affording the anime licensing and translating, only to turn around and announce they had blown millions on the self-insert pet project of a group of interns. It left a really nasty taste in the mouths of people who trusted Crunchyroll to stick to anime. The actual show is just a boring parody of Sailor Moon and isekai that nobody asked for.
The funny thing about Crunchyroll wanting to be its own streaming service when the service itself was predictably eaten up by a larger conglomerate
Because the creators were sellout hacks who didn't care nearly as much about "spreading anime to the masses" as they claimed. same as the guy behind Fakku.
and I get the feeling mangadex will head on the same direction sooner or later
I want Parsley to look at me like that...
Yeah, they have enough in common they should at least be friends. Then again, sometimes people don't become friends with people like themselves because their own negative traits annoy them to see.
They need to keep doing that. It's too bad drawfags don't visit these threads often because I want to see more of it.
Is Fakku still going?
No clue, I dumped the site back when they went paid-only. 2015 or 2016
People will want to fuck anything. Just cause Modifyers got a ZONE toon doesn't make it that great either.