When are we gonna get some new action animated shows or movies with a white male hero for a change...

When are we gonna get some new action animated shows or movies with a white male hero for a change, one who is actually smart and cool, and not some comic relief weakling who spends most the time getting rescued or beaten up by strong wyman?

Never. They are never going to get a wake-up call. You can guess how bad they're doing, and you'd still be way off. Adventure Time's season premieres had around 3.5 million TV sets tuned in, now they get like 60,000 viewers for their flagship shows. If that doesn't sound alarms to execs that their programming is trash, nothing will. They only noticeably started to fall off in 2017, 10 years after Netflix launched their platform, and they still blame streaming for why their audience is down to 2% of its peak. They will never look inward and blame quality.

look I am tryng to be a more compassioned being and try seeing things form another persons sight so I am not laughing when women cry online about someone posting "my body your choice" or when a black guy complaings how he feels left behind.
But the left has to come may way a bit as well.
Having every franchise be about strong wyman and blacks and having every white guy in media be a negative depiction is not fun either.
I really wish lefties woudl realize that wokeness is hurting them in the long run as well since it leads to conservative parties winning elections.

much texto
bad punctuation

Ben from Jurassic World Chaos Theory.

he is barley in the show and every character is still depicted as better then him

Year 3 of Cartoon Network's 5 year plan for World Domination.

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Are you on crack?
Him and Darius are the only ones in the whole season. They barely show Brooklyn at all.

Women make 90% of purchases. Roll back the economy to 2007 and you’ll see things made for boys and men.

This. They got the white male humiliation out of their system for the first show and in Chaos Theory Ben wound up the most Chad out of all the guys. Sucks for Kenji who got JUSTED with that haircut, like damn.

Look, I'm fine with diversity and all that stuff. I really don't mind any of it. Have all the black characters and gay characters and strong woman characters that you want. All I'm asking for here is for showrunners and animators to stop with these lame, wimpy, or straight up evil white guys. Just put in some cool white guys doing cool things. I'm not saying give them the spotlight or make them the leads or exclude everyone else because that would be stupid, so don't strawman me and say that I only want white male heroes because I don't. But you got to give the white guys something to show you don't hold our demographic in complete contempt.

It's just really annoying to get preached to about how representation is important and that people deserve to be seen and then see those same people go out of their way to exclude straight white guys - and if they do include them, make them villains or wimps or cowards. They'll tell you "oh how does it feel to be on the other side", but there are movies and shows from FIFTY years ago that were supposedly during a drought of representation and they portrayed women and minorities as capable and brave and heroic, so I really don't understand what they think they're getting payback for.

Make ya own show

Ask them how it feels to be unemployed, now that they're all down to one show with like 50 employees

B-but muh pay gap!

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I'm not saying give them the spotlight or make them the leads or exclude everyone else

why not?
liteally every franchise is about woman or minorites?
white guys actually have every right to demand a show that focuses on them for a change

Industry is going to crash soon, maybe once new studios crop up to fill the void we might see stuff like that again

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My main gripe isn't in the character lineup, but more in the target demographic and decision making. Like they made the decision to target everybody a few years ago, and by everybody they mean they're going to target girls, and by target girls they mean they'll ask older women what young girls want, and so for some reason everything on CN recently has been a Hallmark movie with chibi characters. 100% of the edge removed because a lot of women find it distasteful. Like, Elliot from Earth was fine for what they were going for, it's just the type of thing middle-aged moms want to watch and the exact opposite of what middle school boys (the target demographic of the channel) want to watch, especially evidenced by the ever-tanking viewership numbers.

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Well that's just too reasonable, anon. Why can't you be angry and demand removing minorities wholesale so I can point at your post and justify tripling down on the progressive slant?

nah they straight up hate any form of male character who isn't weak or pathetic
there are plenty of shows with edge and action/adventure shows but they all only feature female characters
shows with boy leads are always comedies or the boys are lame and weak with a female supporting character who is better then the boy at everything

it's a boys vs girls episode

girls always win

annoyed the fuck out of me when I was a kid

we’re not getting action cartoons anymore, anon. there’s no point in producing them. studio execs think they’re too expensive and boys get their action fix from video games, sports, and anime.

Wow, all you men here do is cry and bitch.
I thought you were supposed to to be made of sterner stuff.

Holy crap it's Jim Lee

TOH was bemoaned as a woke show but it had multiple cool white male characters

super competent and irredeemably evil Belos

white Zuko Hunter the fan favorite

Alador the rare "father in the right" in a broken marriage

Principal Bump the school conqueror

Caleb the colonizer great great grandfather of half the cast


Get back in the fridge

one who is actually smart and cool, and not some comic relief weakling who spends most the time getting rescued or beaten up by strong wyman

reminder that western cartoons are just following anime

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Hopefully if we ever get a Diablo cartoon. Although I don't think Deckard Cain is white.

one who is actually smart and cool, and not some comic relief weakling who spends most the time getting rescued or beaten up by strong wyman?

Be honest, you'll still overly criticize any white male MC if he isn't 110% a gary stu

When are white men just going to give up and commit suicide en masse?

It's not going to happen because Trump won.

That's the trade off you get for feeding this diversity first mindset though. They demonize the white guys.

Never? It must be said but North America historically is kind of real incompetent at making strong white males. A problem shared by all white nations. Batman is probably the most famous successful example and he's a fluke. By and large the USA loves its incompetent STUPID emasculated white males who only exist to be humiliated and abused usually by their superior Mary Sue female characters.

And this problem will never get better until the United States kills all the Jews. So long as you're not willing to kill all the Jews, their families, and their supporters you deserve to be sabotaged forever.

This problem with Non Whites media will get worse so long as the United States remains a Multicultural Diverse Nation of idiots who allowed this to happen. Start by blaming your Jewish Overlords who blend in white countries and order for the diversity and immigrants to come to white countries. You idiot.

Worrying about cartoons, pfft.

Look, I'm fine with diversity

This is where you fucked up. You should not be okay with it if you are white. All diversity means is It's Okay To Hate Whites Especially White Males. So if you're a white person who likes diversity you are a self hating pile of shit and I hope you die a painful death. And if you're a Non White who likes diversity you are simply trash.

Being "white" doesn't being a turbo-Nazi, you brainrotted Anon Babblefag.

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