Favorite Aliens?
What would be your ideal Ben 10 series?
Also anything else.
Ben 10
Here to rep my boy eatle.
Based eatle chad.
Basic but feedback rules.
My favorite drug addiction metaphor.
The riff helps.
Such a sick theme song. Every alien should have a theme tho.
Is XLR8 doing the Sonic Adventure pose?
Blue speedster
Would people be okay with a story where some villain creates Omnitrix knockoffs and spreads it throughout the universe? I know the watch is what makes Ben unique, but thinking about how they could challenge him after Omniverse is a bit tough as he's already so overpowered. I'm not saying they should have the same aliens and powers Ben has, but some replica that's being sold to villains across the universe would make for a fun challenge I think. There's already cases of that with Albedo and Khyber, so it wouldn't even be that much of a stretch.
I'm pretty sure XLR8 and Fasttrack are doing Sonic poses.
It comes off as basic but it's gotta be Diamondhead. He's the reason I got into the show from the start. Also, I love how massive Way Big is in the OP lol
He is...big.
Way Big!
Umm he's not tho.
My choices for aliens of a contuation of omniverse.
Honestly I'd say itd take place after the roadtrip with took where the plumbers essentially no longer a trustworthy org after they become very militarisc while also being second fiddle to space superpower (plumbers are the Britain/China to the whoever's USSR/USA) and Ben, rook, kevin and others (Gwen is very on and off) try making a new org from scratch since max is actually too old for this shit anymore. Just a WIP tho anyone else can shift this to what they like
But honestly I see the memes and I uniroincally want this series to be JJK season 2 quality so bad it's driving me insane
what if le good guys were ackshually...
le NOT SEES???!!
Every gosh damn time. Kys bro.
That's jut the rooters. Which is fine, but you can just say the original plumbers disbanded leaving only the rooters.
I'll throw in an idea, though its a simple one. People always ask for a Ben 10000 show but I'm actually curious to see one where Ben is around his early 20s. This would be when he becomes more a solo hero because everyone else has started to find their own paths in life, but he will still do team ups depending on where he's needed. We can see the start of him building his own HQ and visiting other planets more often, maybe even some arcs like in Anur Transyl where he stays on them longer.
20 year old ben is pretty popular as an idea, strange it hasnt happened yet.
I prefer that over a ben 10,000 show. Especially since I like that every future version changes in each series, I don't want to sacrifice that theme just to satisfy some fans.
When people say they want Ben 10k show they are just saying they want Ben 10 to take itself more seriously and be more badass, but you don't need the future version for that.
Right now executives would prefer to use 10 year old Ben as a safety net. Anything with an adult Ben would be considered to risky to promote to kids. At most I can see them testing the waters by introducing teen Ben again if we ever get another show that wants to do a time skip or start right off with him being an established hero.
But kids don't like kid characters. They prefer teen or adult characters.
I don't disagree, its just the executives (and maybe even the writers) are the ones convinced that kids don't want to see adults on screen beating up bad guys. Its just an easy scapegoat so that they could keep pulling back Ben's character.
I think kids wouldn't mind seeing older characters to do the same as long as its fun and engaging enough. I feel like a good chunk of previous superhero cartoons already proved that its possible. Right now though? Too many of these companies are afraid of risk, even if its for an existing IP.
I feel the same. The possible futures being left open is better and healthier for the franchise. We still have so many storytelling opportunities before even reaching close to Ben 10k, and there will always be time travel/alternate universes for when we want to see a different take on Ben's character that isn't possible under normal circumstances.
Just saying that OS and AF worked better because the plumbers were disbanded and too far away retrospectively to assist so there wasn't always a question of
why don't they just wait for backup/professionals
It also provides new possible story arcs potential and new potential better empire villains since after the highbreed/DNA ALIENS were beaten all the new ones sucked ass
Incursions are so comically evil despite never been shown any bad stuff they do while also having no characters other than atea who aren't just punchlines
vilgax has not been cool or imposing since OS after lame ass season 3 and AF jobber status
I dont disagree, i do like the rooters so i think it works.
Unrelated to conversation but great choices
I'm a bit of a basic bitch but heatblast, and then would say second is upgrade.
Would say I'm a fan of a year later or 2 years later so ben and gwen are still young but on the cusps of teenhood.
so ben 11-13, gwen 12-14
So kind of gives them that same dynamic we love in OS but a bit more growth but still room to grow. I see ben being more refined as a hero but still with a bit of the ego especially containing his secret for months to a year from the other summer. He still got a bit of that childishness mixed with the growth from OS so a more time tested hero but obviously tons of room to grow still so fun potential episodic stuff but can have more serious plot lines as well.
Also would be cool with a bit darker themes since even man of action said they'd want to do a more adult animation/mature ben 10.
Better question is if you could pick your own 10 which would they be?
well i already posted my picks ()
but this is from a Anon Babble collage pic that someone made like a year or so back desuarchive.org
jurryrig as underpowered creative small guy
brainstorm also as smart guy, wall climber and non biped
slugdepup and goop as creative fighters non bipeds
articquana as non flying speed alien
NRG as like 3rd most powerful fighter and wildcard option with energy form
echo echo +later ultimate as mid tier fighter and ultimate because hes sick
jetray for mobile fighter + fastest alien
waterhazard as samurai like secondary fighter
wrath as main powerhouse (but slightly less annoying)
ult swampfire as backbackup fighter because hes a danger to everything around him by being and ben by being too strong youtube.com
I wish we got more information on the Plumber hierarchy and how they run everything. The organization has to be massive if they have an influence on most of the galaxy. All we know is that the Magistrata/Magistratus is the leader and that Proctors are above the main characters.
If they had their own unique gimmicks like the Nemetrix and Ultimatrix, maybe it can work, cause otherwise you'll have people asking why not just use the evil alternate Bens.
I think kids wouldn't mind seeing older characters to do the same as long as its fun and engaging enough
We've had several successful hero shows where the good guys are teens or adults. Yes, they'd like them just fine. Fucking Spider-Man has been either a teen or adult but never an actual child.
Total reboot.
Ben gets the Omnitrix at 15 rather than 10.
No road-trip. Bellwood’s the main setting.
Julie’s the love interest.
Ben and Gwen are twin siblings here since them being cousins is now unnecessary.
We actually see Kevin’s development to being a hero, or anti-hero/dark hero in this case. This includes his and Gwen’s blossoming relationship, and his and Ben’s brotherly friendship. He could be the Han Solo to Ben and Gwen’s Luke and Leia.
Charmcaster is Gwen’s foil and a Black Cat analogue to Ben. She’s the Bad Girl Veronica to Julie’s Good Girl Betty.
6-10 episodes a season. 10 if you wanna be cute about it. That way the budget’s better spread throughout.
I was thinking of spider-man too when I typed my previous post. Ben 10 is gonna be a money maker regardless of his age. All we need now is to hope new designs don't suffer because toymakers can't be assed to make a few non-humanoid designs.
i like upgrade and ghostfreak
How would Julie develop in this reboot? An issue with her in the main series is that her character is underdeveloped and doesn't have much going for her beyond tennis and Ship.