Name one cool thing about him

Name one cool thing about him.

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it's cool how he makes every other male protagonist feel cooler by how lame he is

Nothing. Hes a self insert for losers on this board pretending women want small beta manlets.

He had one (1) good episode with Pacifica where he was actually pretty good.

The rest of the series he was just a pack mule punching bag for Mabel.

He has good tastes in hats?

he looked really cool in the lamb costume haha he should do it more often

13 year old me could beat the shit out of him and that makes me feel cool

Name one cool thing about him.

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Sleek hat

Effortless fashion sense, wore the Patagonia vests and high waist pants before it was cool. Even has a bit of a mullet.

Serious answer, he has his own interests and is ambitious in his ability to solve mysteries.

Doesn't let evil entities walk all over him
Doesn't let rich assholes walk all over him
Doesn't let his sister walk all over him

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Doesn't let his sister walk all over him


He's nice to her, but that doesn't mean he lets her walk all over him

He quit his dream career because she threw a tantrum over Candy and Grenda not coming to her birthday party
He let Robbie take Wendy from him and make Wendy his girlfriend because she threw a tantrum over not getting a pet pig
He sacrificed his chance to go to a party with Wendy because Mabel insisted they trick or treat instead of just buying candy to pay off his debt
She walks all over him, all the time

he has his own interests

Nope. Gave up his only interest to be Mabel's bitch

and is ambitious in his ability to solve mysteries

not at all, the only times he makes any progress or does anything to solve these things are when it literally falls into his lap by chance or happenstance

Doesn't let evil entities walk all over him

But they did walk over him.

Doesn't let rich assholes walk all over him

But they did walk over him.

Doesn't let his sister walk all over him

Dude, please.

being poor and lazy isn't noble
and cheating at a sport because you seethe at other people for being rich and ambitious and hard-working is very ignoble

He fulfilled every boy's fantasy of making a pretty rich blonde girl fall for him just by being himself.

Twists off Dipper Cools head like a snapple cap.

That last one is a lie.

Maybe I should rephrase. Dipper doesn't usually take hits without a fight. He beat up Gideon in a mech suit, beat up the man bear, almost punched Bill in the eye, etc.

I can't
Dude literally has no friends

He beat up Gideon in a mech suit

He had a girly slap fight with a 9 year old, which Gideon was winning, then he had to be saved by Mabel

beat up the man bear

which was established to be a girly weak sissy like him

almost punched Bill in the eye

aka didn't, pussed out, and had to be saved by Wendy and Stan had to beat him, as usual

He always goes down without a fight. He shat his diaper and cried like a bitch when Robbie was gonna beat him up, let Robbie steal the love of his life like a fag, and flopped over like a cuck when the love of his life said he's not worthy of her and accepted that she's right and he is a worthless maggot who doesn't deserve her (as per his own words in Weirdmageddon, says he's not "worthy" of Wendy)

OP is Bill Cipher

He quit his dream career because she threw a tantrum over Candy and Grenda not coming to her birthday party

Dipper simply grew up and realized that it was an uncertain and potentially dangerous dream and would've cost him his childhood with his real family and his school life. That's him being mature.

He let Robbie take Wendy from him and make Wendy his girlfriend because she threw a tantrum over not getting a pet pig

That was Dipper simply being charitable to Mabel. That whole ending where Mabel acts out exists solely to make Dipper the more mature one and make Mabel into the selfish brat that she is. It works because it makes Dipper look good. I should've added selfless to my original post.

He sacrificed his chance to go to a party with Wendy because Mabel insisted they trick or treat instead of just buying candy to pay off his debt

He and Mabel were literally threatened by a monster.

it's him being a sissy coward. Real life is taking risks and being brave, not simpering like a weak coward

He had a girly slap fight with a 9 year old, which Gideon was winning, then he had to be saved by Mabel

Gideon was def not winning, you can see it in the gif I posted, and Mabel merely rescued him from falling, she had nothing to do with beatdown Dipper was dishing out.

which was established to be a girly weak sissy like him

Three times his size though, and he didn't know he was a sissy until AFTER he took him on, so I just shows Dipper's bravery to face the unknown.

aka didn't, pussed out, and had to be saved by Wendy and Stan had to beat him, as usual

Incorrect. Bill was almost caught off guard and had to use one of his pussy ass power moves on a 13 year old. Then Dipper did the high IQ move of trying to get the upper hand on Bill later for maximum success. This just shows Dipper's high intellect, which dominants Mabel's in every way.

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Gideon was def winning, you can see it in the actual fight and not just your single gif of dipper getting gideon the 9 year old to temporarily hit himself before Gideon went back to beating Dipper up

Then Dipper did the high IQ move of trying to get the upper hand on Bill later for maximum success

Dipper never got any upper hand on Bill, Bill btfo him effortlessly then Stan had to beat Bill. Also Alex himself said that Dipper is dumb and that Mabel is smarter than him if she actually tries

Also Alex himself said that Dipper is dumb and that Mabel is smarter than him if she actually tries

Alex is projecting his own incompetence onto Dipper. In truth, Alex doesn't understand his own damn writing. He said he wanted this show to be the summer him and sister always but he made his sister into an insufferable selfish brat.

pimply, smelly

very short for his age manlet

no friends, no valentines, bullied at home

weak and scrawny with noodle arms, can't even bench a stick


also chubby, shown in dvm

can't fight, lives in fear of Robbie beating him to a pulp

S2 revealed he's not smart, he just fakes it

Mabel confirms this saying he's not smart in the mushroom ep, loses in chess to a jock fratboy in the book, doesn't know basic math like pi but pretends he does, uses words he doesn't know the meaning to

cowardly, gave Candy the ick

has to be saved by women like Candy and Wendy and Mabel and even Pacifica countless times, has never saved them back except for maybe Mabel once (before she saved him)

weak-willed and won't fight for what he loves, will let others take it from him

girls are repulsed by him, only time in his life he ever had any appeal to Mabel's friends was when he was copying Stan, then when his real personality showed-through they went back to being ICKed at him, no rizz

”noble” poor who shoplifts and thinks rich people are bad for having money and not being disgusting sloppy pigs who don’t groom themselves, even if they trained or worked for their wins (golf wars) and will cheat to fake real-effort and steal it from them out of laziness, entitlement and jealousy. Total white-dudes-for-Harris mentality

squeaky bitch voice that even Wendy and SOOS bully him for

canonically spends his time on the computer back home stalking Wendy and Pacifica’s onlyfans (book of bill)

he also frequents incel e-dating forums hoping to find someone who would ever love him, where he got catfished by Soos (book of bill)

blames himself for everything and has no self-worth, if Candy or Wendy tell him he's wrong he will never stand up for himself, he'll only say "yeah you're right, women are never wrong, i'm just a worthless creep who should have known his place"

canonically grows up to look like Alex Hirsch

but he has a great personality

Trying to make Mabel into the smarter twin just doesn't work no matter how you spin it cause the logic of the show says otherwise. She literally solves problems through dumb luck and writer favoritism in Irrational Treasure. And then you have dumb 30 year olds on shitter screaming in your ear that's she's a great character because she's going through puberty and nearing vag bleeding season and that's makes her realistic.

I don't think Dipper's that bad.

Girls don't like him

Should he try to get a boyfriend at that point?

only after he transitions, and the boyfriend has to be an older mexican guy

Dipper’s a bigger cuck and even more of a loser than Finn, which is truly saying something. How could anyone like this character?

Amazing. Every word of what you just said, was wrong.

he looks better in the wolf costume haha
also just realized he got to be both the wolf and the lamb

He's got a cool hat

He took down a bear with nothing but a spear, and jumped off a cliff to fight a giant robot.

Wrong. He said that they’re equals.

His childhood of being Mabel’s slave? Honestly think for yourself, and tell me what he has to miss out on if he stays with Ford. Coming to Gravity Falls was probably the happiest and most excited he’s ever been. He made friends for the first time in his life, and found his passion in life. What does he have to gain by going back?

You know it’s bad when Bill had a solid point about her being selfish, and Hirsh making an entire comic as an apology for how terribly she was written.

Based and true

He’s Mabel admitting that she doesn’t like or value anything about her brother outside of being a sycophant to her whims, and she’d rather him be a carbon copy of every bad 90s stereotype under the sun.

There’s no way Dipper and Mabel’s relationship doesn’t fall apart by the time they hit their late teens or early twenties.