Did any of these stand a chance at making it? A lot of them just seem too campy to make it, but so did AT's pilot and look at how that turned out.
Pilots, New shows, Etc
I have no idea what any of those are. From those pictures:
Dang! It's Dracula
Mouth Wash Madness
Fruit Stand at the End of the World
are the only ones that don't look like total trash. I'm going purely off of those pictures. I have no idea who any of those people are, so if something that I listed is trash, then I have no idea.
Where's a leaker when you actually need one?
Unravel looks like it might be interesting
I couldn't tell what I was even looking at there.
Has there been any news on this at all or did this get canceled?
Scaredy Cat looks like a maybe.
Off the Menu and Fruit Stand give me strong 'shorts' vibes.
Mouth Wash Madness looks like tween girl bait, but that title.
Good Boy Report and Harmony in Despair clearly for young adults.
I Love You, Jocelyn sounds like strong premise for a preschool show, but that art is an eyesore.
Pig in a Wig - goofy, might surprise.
Everything else washes.
Nick edwards is a great artist in spite of Uncle Grandpa so I'd be interested in a project all of his own.
Genuinely what the fuck happened to modern creators' ability to make ANYTHING that would actually catch on?
I'm not asking them to "sell out" but none of these feel like they have marketable characters or styles that could carry a series. Nothing the network or audiences would want to put on a t-shirt. The only one even close is "Harmony in Despair" and even that feels derivative of so many things we already have.
I understand that this was a "shorts program" first and a backdoor pilot thing second, but you would think this would be your best shot at making something that could potentially become a series.
Genuinely what the fuck happened to modern creators' ability to make ANYTHING that would actually catch on?
None of these are out, so this argument falls apart
They are never coming out according to a creator
I hope JJ Villard never gets another cartoon again. He should go sell cars or flip houses or something that pays his way but stops him from ever animating again.
None of these are out, so this argument falls apart
All the kids are gonna stop watching Tiktok so they can watch "Hungy Ghost".
Audiences are going to be begging to buy "ugly green rat from Buttons' Gamezone" t shirts
You won't be able to stop people from busting down the doors on Black Friday to get "Pig in a Wig" dolls.
You don't think this is good anon?
This is just you spouting your personal preferences. You also didn't specify kids enjoying this, you said something that could catch on. Adventure time and Regular show caught on with adults, even more than kids.
Kids are dying to see pale looking awkward jester though
Probably because she has a good character design.
I see several good designs on that poster.
why is this girl whining already, her short was literally made March this year and she already wants it to come out when the other creators have been waiting longer. She also violated NDA by putting materials on website and patreon
meant to reply to
That's a sad state of affairs, anon.
so they can watch "Hungy Ghost"
I hate these kinds of posts that pick on things for their names alone. You don't know anything about this.
This whole program looks like if you took What A Cartoon/Oh Yeah Cartoons/ Random Cartoons/ Cartoonstitute and rounded up all the shorts nobody remembers into one package.
These are not out so it's pointless explaining to you, but Summoning girl is a good example of what I mean. Summoning caught on due to cute design, and several of those are all cute AND fresh so people would be eager to watch them.
Never heard of it.
Too bad
Harmony in Despair is the only short actually worth watching just my visuals alone if you ask me. Hungi ghost already leaked, and it's garbage
Harmony in Despair is the only short actually worth watching
See this? Just admitting that even one of shorts looks good proves me right already.
Cartoon Network is doomed
But it's not being made
This is all kyle carrozza tier aimless slop
seven years ago
only 6m views
Big oof.
Mouth wash madness
These actually look fairly good. Unravel and The Good Boy Report seem like something that would be fun and not grating to the senses.
>seven years ago
Not relevant to what I said.
>>only 6m views
Pretty good actually. Not like kids watch the Glitch shows that aren't Digital circus
good cause white kids
you're ruining discussion
If it is somehow about them trying to get drunk/make a party "better" then I will respect the balls of putting that on television.
If it's just girls afraid about the smell of their breath it will be pretty weak.
Better than going
urgh! it's all sloppa! like
not relevant
You were literally talking like this show had 'caught on'. It decidedly did not. Fucking cope.
Pay attention to the fucking views you nimrod
I specifically pointed them out you malding fuckup.
How is 6mil a little bit?
The amount of defense here is baffling.
It's fair to defend something that isn't out, but it's also fair to criticize it the same way.
You can't really make the fairest judgement without watching them, but the stuff we DO have, these screenshots, are fair game to discuss from an artistic standpoint. And most of them just don't look like anything that's going to impress. I'd love to be proven wrong, but as it stands I think we're seeing more impressive stuff coming from independent artists.
Over seven (7) years?
Explain how that's significant to an advertiser.
Explain how 40,000 people watching the latest Teen Titans Go season premiere is significant to an advertiser.
but it's also fair to criticize it the same way.
No, you're creating an imaginary version in your head to make up an argument, for ideas that are already so vague that it's hard to actually hate them. Hating something like "The emoji movie" is valid cause that's a corporte sounding idea. Hating something like "it's dracula" even though you can't recognize what the tone will be like is immature, especially since you know these are going to vaulted away. It's sounds like you're pro having these buried cause it's not "cool action superhero cartoon number 136161919"
For one-time initial views, that's exactly what advertisers are looking for. Tell me you don't work in the industry without telling me.
The industry that keeps breaking records for least watched program?
It's sounds like you're pro having these buried
What? Maybe some other anon said that but not me. No, I'm not against them being released. I think it's stupid for CN to spend so much money making these and then not release them.
I don't even really like action cartoons either, I just think these all look lame as hell and won't really win anyone over.
Seems like you're creating a version of the opposition in your head to win an argument.
Tell me you don't work in the industry without telling me.
I'm guessing you DO work in the industry because there'd be no other reason to get so damn defensive.
But that's not appropriate for kids (like Beavis and Butthead and South Park were originally)
The All-nimal,Buttons' Gamezone and to an extent Pig in a Wig and Off the Menu are the only ones that pike my interest
There's a Stephen King bit he said in an interview. Basically, one of the editors wanted to make versions of his books for kids and teens by toning down the violence and removing the swearing. He responded that kids wouldn't want to read them if you took the profanity and violence out.