Which of the sam and max comics are worth reading?


...the only ones? They sell the whole series in a one-volume paperback, you could read it in a day.

Just read what exists. It's not even very long.

I'll take any excuse I get to dump some Salmon Mack

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Sam and Max is one of those series that seems bigger than it is. There's only a small handful of comics, a LucasArts point and click adventure game, one season of a cartoon show, like sixteen episodes of Telltale's point and click adventure games, and a VR game. Sam and Max often reminisce about characters and events that seem like they could be from real stories but they generally are not, which is part of the charm. Read, watch, and play whatever tickles your fancy.

Better yet, write/draw your own adventures to add to their limited legacy.
Steve Purcell loves any and all attention they get yes, even from THAT group

If he loves it so much why doesn't he make more damn comics?

Disney has him working in the slave mines

Steve Purcell is a they/them now?

The psychotoc animal creatures, you retard.

No, just Max

Huh, I've always wanted to draw/make my own Sam & Max adventure, so good to know that one day he might notice me

Not only will Steve love you, but fans will too, anon.

Just don't make them gay, unless it's as a joke

Making them actually gay ruins the funny. Plus I'm sure most people who like them together in fanart prefer small nudges rather than something overt

I dont get it

I'm sure most people who like them together in fanart prefer small nudges rather than something overt

You are incorrect

Your picrel is a tongue-in-cheek joke though

Yes, because I don't save the gay smut
And trust me, I see a LOT of it considering my best friend is gay and thinks it's hilarious to send me the stuff

Alright, I'll concede and take you at your word. I don't know about the underground gay furry scene for Sam & Max fans enough to refute that

I appreciate the trust, it isn't misplaced, I assure you

I wonder if the games will ever go back to 2D. The 3D games are cool, but I really miss the cartoony antics you can really only get in 2D. A detective game like Layton/Ace Attorney would be neat

Dear furries
Please stop ruining Sam & Max
Regards, anon

*gay furries

That's actually surprising

You dont care about the franchise and most importantly, this is not your safespace, normieshit

The sentiment is warped, but not incorect. Max talks a lot of shit about going on rampages or attacking people, but his feats are very lacking. All the fights he actually wins are against people as small as he is, people who are pathetic and were no threat anyway, or people he gets by surprise and takes down quickly before they can mount a defense.
Any fight against a prepared threat, like the singer's bodyguard in the Lucas Arts game, he gets his ass handed to him. Even in the original comic, when Sam throws him at some cultists to create havoc, Max gets defeated and captured in the time it takes for Sam to break down the door.
Max is a pushover with a Napoleon complex.

Dear Anon,
Yours sincerely, the furries.

playing hit the road with my dad and it's super soul

Depends if you mean actual fans of the series or people that have to make every same sex duo they see a couple because it means they're "winning" against some nonexistent enemy only they can see.

Dear Anon,
just give it enough time and fags like will lose interest and go away. Hopefully in like a year or two if the series lies dormant for long enough.
All the best, a sam and max fan and a furry but the two are unrelated

dont have fun with this characters because... Uh because I dont want to!

Be thankful there is at least a bit of exposure for the franchise thanks to this fags, the only people who seemingly buy the merch and games are them, where were you when the last game came out? Show me your Sam and Max collection if you want to dictate shit, otherwise you are just an annoying big mouth.

Dread it, run from it, rule 34 is inevitable.

You cannot just tell women what to do!

having fun means making gay jokes, not the kind the creator makes, but forcing the kind terminally online twitter fujos make

also i didn't buy the last game because i don't have VR and I'm not buying a headset for a post censorship sam and max vr game

This is what happens when you dont support an IP, the people who do aka rhe ones giving money to the creators decide what happens to the products so brace yourself for the canonization process of Sam and Max faggotry, small properties like this are easy prey for such change in consumer demographics amd once it happens then all the supossed fans crawl out from under the rocks to claim the ip is dead and whatnot, bunch of hypocritic niggers

Okay well i bought the telltale games on steam and wii and then nothing else got made until the censored remaster so idk what you want me to do.

Purcell works at Pixar now.