More Encanto Anon Babblentent likely incoming. What would you like to see, anon? Sequel? Series?
More Encanto Anon Babblentent likely incoming. What would you like to see, anon? Sequel? Series?
It's fine as a standalone film
You're right of course, but too bad: merchandise calls!
I am requesting a crumb of original content
Honestly an animated series would be neat. All the characters are good and they bounce well off each other, give us a bunch of episodes.
Definitely a series,but 2D, not cheap 3DCG
Jesus just learn to let a story fucking end.
Either is ok with a change of protagonist.
Well the beauty of a series is that we'd get to spend a lot of time with members of the family that AREN'T Mirabel.
These two are ___
Enjoying a spot of innocent family time.
Anon, this is Disney. They will milk a cash cow drier than the Sahara.
They just greenlit Ice Age fucking 6.
oh boy, more mirabel dolls for the discount bin
You joke, but Disney treats Encanto as it's own thing separate from Disney Princess, like Frozen. Clearly its merch moves.
Hence the specificity.
That's idiotic just because they make a film doesn't mean they gotta make merch
What did Jeb Bush say about this?
more Camilo being cute
Request Luisa dressed up as Garnet
even the Isabela toys which have more effort and are more conventionally attractive are instantly surplused out to dollar store after a brief moment in the Walmart discount bins. I am 99% sure children just see it and ask what's with the brown Rapunzel with worse toys.
supposed to be a teenage latina
looks like a middle aged jewish woman
Outside of Anon Babble I’ve never seen or heard any indication that this movie ever existed.
They had enough material for a series and it would have worked better as one. But I'm glad it's a big budget movie instead.
Yet, a series with additional family members each episode would be cool. I want to see the little fire girl.
Absolutely divine thighs.
What would you like to see, anon?
The quirky goblina killed off
I was planning on drawing this, I'll get back to you when I come home from work (if the thread dies before then just post this in the draw thread)
Oh thank you in advance
Then you clearly are a shut in with zero access to children. Its soundtrack was the biggest thing in the world for the first half of 2022.
waaah I'm not privileged enough!
No wonder Byron directed this
I legit don't understand what was good about this film. It felt janky as fuck and had one of the worst asspull endings I've ever seen in Disney flick.
Did someone say "TV show pilot reworked as an hour and a half 'sequel'"?
Yaaaay the rich people got their house back!
They will never know hardship again
Nah, that Moana.
And it will likely suck ass.
2d series with this animation style.
every time 2D concepts for 3Dslop are much much better than final product
Seriously. Every single fucking time. 3D must be erased from existence.
Polka never dies.