Blackfire looks completely different from every other Tamaranean in the show

Blackfire looks completely different from every other Tamaranean in the show

She flew all the time so she clearly wasn't a cripple, but was Cartoon Blackfire meant to be deformed like her comic version?

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Why does Starfire dress like a harlot?

Tamaraneans are free love sluts
Next question

She's half robot.

Nah, she's just asian.

She was considered a cripple?

cause that's essentially what the character is all about in the comics

Comics Blackfire can't fly. She's a genetic freak.
Both sisters got starbolts from being abducted and experimented on by (other) aliens.

That's been a fan theory for years yeah, we never see phenotypical differences in the Tamaraneans and Blackfire is Starfire's true sister. It's even been speculated that her loose behavior in the show stems from a desire to be accepted, as non-Tamaraneans wouldn't really perceive her appearance as a deformity.

Love how Blackfire’s sociopathic skills are there from her very intro, where she adapts to what the other characters would like about her in order to manipulate them better.


I mean I kind of can't blame her. Imagine that you were bullied your entirely life, or at the very least looked down on, because of your physical appearance. Then you leave your homeworld and everyone wants to fuck the shit out of you because they just think you're hot.

Look at these Troqs

These Troqs are amazing! Give them a lick.

Blackfire looks more asian than other Tamaraneans makes me wish that there was more asian aliens in cartoons.

They look like they grab each other's hair and furiously make out while being dicked down in a sweaty incestuous threesome

I figure that Blackfire is the Tamaranean version of counter culture. Which, for them, means she's much less overtly weird and actively tries to tone down her troq traits

She's an albino if that makes sense.

but she is covered?

Yeah that's pretty much it, it seems like the Tamaranean equivalent of albinism. Not sure how that would explain her more slanted eyes though, maybe just an associated gene error?

Her sister sold her as a sex toy for aliens to use as they pleased. This is official canon from New Teen Titans.

Not all thots are troqs, but all troqs are thots.

She even doesn't mind walking naked after a shower. Is in her species nature

Tamaraneans genuinely have a totally different set of social mores, especially regarding sexuality. They toned Starfire's personality down A LOT compared to the comics, but you could genuinely grab '03 Blackfire's tits and she'd just be ready to go.

Yeah, when she forgets she was with dick, she literally ends up fucking like a dozen other guys as if it was going oit for icecream

steals your man


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Why no green eyes, what they mean

brat correction

brap correction is needed

Where are the Tamaranean twinks?

Too busy getting fucked to prevent their women from being bred by human men.

We got ONE and they never did anything with him ever again.

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Don't the guys default to being cavemen?

were they...?

You tell me

They needed her to look differently than Starfire, that's it, they didn't think about anything else

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I assumed she just dyed her hair since she fucked around the universe some and most aliens don't care for Tamaraneans, or really anyone from the Vega sector at all.

No idea about the flying, I guess the cartoon people didn't want to deal with that shit and were content to just make her an evil twin.

She could have just grabbed a Nth metal belt or something though.

I assumed she just dyed her hair

Doesn't really check out since her "aura" or whatever is a different color too. Leads more credence to the idea that she was just born that way

To be fair, we get a crumb of Omega Men content maybe once a decade, he's not one of the iconic team members, and he's always getting fucked by DC's retcons to Starfire's backstory (looking at you Lobdell, Taylor).

Weren't the TT showrunners planning to introduce the Omega Men in a Season 6 that would have focused on Starfire?

no small tamaranean men in slutty outfits like the females

DC will pay for this...