What's his secret?

What's his secret?

He wears a corset.

Being thrilling

He's cool.
Or at least he was, until they over explained his background and the source of his power, I was kind of hoping this guy prayed to ancient Babylonian demons or space gods to get power, idk.

That shoulders to waist ratio should be illegal

Yes, because we have so much spare time to setup a whole another mythology and fit it into the setting

He’s so kinky and twinky.


But also seems like it'll lead to some form of alastor redemption/being more agreeable to charlie.

Charlie is the only person who consistently treats Alastor with respect and doesn't ask anything in return

This confuses Alastor into giving himself up to her willingly, obeying everything she says just out of sheer gratitude, because he doesn't know how else to express it

He becomes very nice and amiable, very domesticated, but only towards her

"Charlie my deer! I swept the floors and made breakfast and welcomed the new guests just like you asked!"

"I... didn't... ask you to do that?

Charlie notices the new guests are indeed welcomed, if by that you mean terrified and shaking after Alastor very strongly warned them against upsetting his princess and Hotel owner

Alastor doesn't even eat the sweets he makes, he just makes them with Niffty's help for Charlie... "and the guests, I guess!"

Charlie is actually a bit uncomfortable with how clingy and protective he's become, almost like a puppy who just finished imprinting on his owner

He threatens anyone who seems like he might bother Charlie, but is blind to how bothersome he himself is being

Actually, we do.
Ack!lastor is a bitch, deal with it.

Yeah, sure. We don't even know how the dichotomy heaven-hell works yet, even the fucking hotel was mostly unexplored, but let's add multiple mythologies to the mix


I don't know what that is

Alastor will be enthralled by Charlie and her kindness, and repay her 1,000 fold with his loyalty, but I don't believe they will outshine one another. They're complements to each other and fulfill their needs on so many levels. In addition to redemption into Heaven being feasible, they'll find meaning and redemption in each other.

He was made for me

I just want some meaningful interactions of sorts. For a mostly character driven story, for sure we are fucking starved of character interactions

NTA but all it would take is a scene or 2 to explain Alastors source of powers and why it seemingly still couldn't make Alastor on par with the other Overlords before he made a deal with Rosie
You're overestimating time management

That would be cute, although I expect he'll still retain a more surface level casual attitude even if he becomes affectionate

So saying "this entity granted this character powers for shits and giggles" and then never mention it ever again is ok now?

Absolutely, but he'll still feel very intensely about her.
I also love to imagine that when he's done a lot healing he'll begin to feel comfortable letting his guard down around certain people, I think it would be lovely if he started acting goofy with the people he trusts instead of being always tense and with his guard up.

Charlie has her very own house deerigger without even trying.

What would you do to him?

Definitely better than what we got, unless you have Stockholm Syndrome/are a woman.

Better than deer abuse?

Kek, ironic that it's only women who's been whining about their self insert not being a gary stu

Rub my hand on that chestfur.

An asshole that eventually gets his comeuppance is always amusing to watch, but it didn't feel quite warranted yet, it only made him look like a phony.
Women selfinsert into Alastor?, I thought they wanted him to insert himself into them, a-hyuck!

Why do people think that the obsession between Vox and Alastor is mutual? Why don't they believe it's just Vox who's a stalker?

it only made him look like a phony

well yes!

To make their ship less toxic and therefore sailable

But how did they convince themselves? That'd be like if a subset of people started shipping valangel not because it's a based toxic ship but because they became convinced that they're gonna reconcile and become a healthier gay couple. It's actually delusional.

Rosie is a fakeout, Niffty is actually the one who owns his soul.

Everyone wants to speak over Alastor

People keep telling his story wrong and he has no opportunity to do it himself

Being a radio host, using his voice, is all he has to make a name for himself and be respected

His microphone, the representation of him using his voice, broke

He is literally gonna be gagged

Okay, I see the theme they're going with.

They are delusional. They want to be fucked by daddy dom Alastor and use Vox as their self insert or they feel too much twitter guilt to like a dubcon ship.
Clearly the solution is to tie his hands behind his back

His soul is enslaved by a Jewish cannibal Auntie who may or may not be the first wife of the first man in existence

Another strong hint toward Lilith being Rosie is that Lilith is only found in Jewish mythology and not Christianity. Not sure if Vic is capable of such subtle wink and nodding but we will see

I love alastor threads and I'm very excited for s2

my favorite characters are the eggmen everyone else sucks donkey dick, why did she force me to watch this shit