Anus is not a genital?
Well let’s hope he doesn’t have our Anon Babble pass!
it's not a reproductive organ, no... except for your mom's
he's back at it?
I saw it 5 times today. He probabably posted it more than that I missed.
Good morning.
how are they getting by the impregnable 900 second captcha??? it was supposed to specifically stop spammers!?... (unless it was really something else)
Someone explain the lore of Peridot spammer to me.
He's changed up his tactics once again, but thankfully this time round his spam his much slower and the posts are deleted much faster.
It's still insane that he does this in the first place, of course
Gay space rocks cause brain damage.
Seriously, why the fuck is he doing it?
Mentally ill underaged kid
The timelime as I understand it is:
A janny deletes a random Peridot thread, probably because there were a tad too many for one week
This makes Perifag think the mods are biased towards his waifu and he starts spamming as a retaliation
Now the mods are in fact biased against his waifu because of anger at Perifag, so they delete every Peridot thread even if it doesn't break the rules
This convinces Perifag he was right all along and he ramps up his spam
Mods are forced to put long timers as a measure to try to stop him (5 minutes at first and now 15 minutes)
He continues to spam to this day because the mods are still deleting Peridot threads
I think the best measure at this point is to let Peridot threads be
I think the best measure at this point is to let Peridot threads be
No that will only reward and embolden the retard
Surely they're gonna revert that after seeing how it doesn't work...right???
He got Peridot threads, he went back to spamming
So just make the site shitter for everyone because of one guy because winning a battle of autism against an SUfag is more important? It's way better to have one thread I can hide easily, that's nothing
>Mods are forced to put long timers as a measure to try to stop him (5 minutes at first and now 15 minutes)
This was a site-wide change. I doubt it was done just to deal with one single autistic spammer on Anon Babble
He did? I think every Peridot thread still gets nuked on sight
capcha was implemented because of one guy
Hola ESL
Well lets hope the jannies still do it for free!
I just wish he would use different images just for a change of pace.
I think it was also influenced by Vidya Butts on Anon Babble and other spammers so more like five or six autistic spammers but it's not like they want people to think that by not doing it on the other boards because it would make those five spammers feel way more powerful
Why is it always steven universe why is it always that fanbase that causes Anon Babble so much trouble
For a brief moment Anon Babble had a weird captcha that was not on any other board which was like the current one but the colors were mushed up together and it was only for posting threads so that was most likely done to break Perifag's solver and once he got around that they reverted it to the same one the other boards used
A day prior to the sitewide implementation, some sharty kids stole a "get" on Anon Babble
That faggot crossed the line and deserves to be tracked at this point so that he stops being a retard online
I also heard on Anon Babble that was because of VidyaButts. He's basically their Perifag.
What gets me is that this shit head is immediately shut down while there are god knows how many other schizos running around shitting up the place You wanna know why? It's because Perifag kills threads with his spam. Other Schizos are allowed if not encouraged because they shit up already made threads and provide "engagement"
Perifag is a bit worse than Vidya Butts because he posts 24/7 thanks to a spambot and occupies most of the deleted threads section of Anon Babble while VB has a time range and is a minority of Anon Babble's deleted threads most of the time
So just make the site shitter for everyone because of one guy
Yup. We can't have nice things.
I wish he would post Lapis' instead.
By impregnating peridot instead
Vidya Butts poster if he Anon Babble