Disney officially responds to the news of the leaked Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur episode that was reportedly banned

Disney officially responds to the news of the leaked Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur episode that was reportedly banned

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What a typical, vague, corporate nothing statement.

Sounds like TOH was cancelled for telling kids it’s ok to be yourself after all.

So the animator was making shit up for drama? Lel

Fucking hate the brown/black stripe chronically online faggots slap onto the pride flag. It's fine as a rainbow, it's already meant to be inclusive, that and the goddamn "trans/black" triangle that's an eyesore. I hate the modern obsession with shoving absolutely every single minority into everything ever as a way to coddle minority groups and appease white liberals so goddamn much.

They probably saw how poorly the proud family reboot did o with their lgbt episodes and decided to not let another black aimed show sabotage itself like that

lol thanks tough guy

Did they ask the source any follow up questions?

So can you chuds finally stop screaming about how woke companies are when they don't give a shit and just follow the money?

This is troon propaganda aimed at grooming k8lids. Why do they want men to be able to compete vs women? All it leads to is women losing opportunities and potentially getting injured, especially in contact sports. Everyone thinks troons are creepy. Just go away troons

Good on them for once. The Proud Family reboot is such obvious political brainwashing that it's alarming Disney even allowed it.

They always blame orange man.

More than a year ago

I guess is when they lost Reedy Creek and Desantis was on their necks

conservatives will conveniently forget all their smugness about the obvious pride month pandering now that it's more profitable to pander to them

What else did you want?
“omg heckin trans rights!” Or “Fuck trannies!” There’s literally nothing else to say. Kids 6-12 shouldn’t be learning about sexual identity politics anyway

This, it's the animators and creatives who are woke.
Which is why I don't support their strikes, they support all this dumb shit.

Could you ever expect anything more from the Mouse?

mega for ep?

I'm black and I absolutely agree. Putting Black and brown stripes on the flag like "oh we're including you" as if the goddamn RAINBOW isn't inherently inclusive? It's performative bullshit. Just let the rainbow be a fucking rainbow.

I don't care how many trans people play organized sports. Not a single person gives a fuck about women's volleyball. I can't even name a volleyball player. Or name anyone who would. I guess all 6 fans of Women's basketball will be really upset.

it’s ok to be yourself after all

That's about as transphobic as you can get.

2010s gay rep

Characters of the same gender are in a relationship, nobody really cares or really brings up gender, done casually and done well

2020s "trans rep"


Why are troons like this?

2000s gay rep

attention whore

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No black in a rainbow

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I thought the real reason was budget cuts due to COVID.

Money is the only thing they really care about.

The Owl House deserves props for portraying LGBTQ relationship as casually as they did.

I know Anon Babble has a chronic need to be retarded, but you can all parse the corporate bullshit hear and see the episode WAS pulled for having a trans character as the focus, and Disney is trying to bullshit their way out of it by making the emphasis on it already being pulled before the election, right?

Anon Babble reaction to 2010s gay rep


Anon Babble reaction to 2020s trans rep


Anon you're missing the forest for the trees: you react like a dipshit retard no matter what, so why the fuck should they ever care about what you think?

Reactions are irrelevant; there is very much a difference in how these subjects are handled in the writing on these shows. It doesn't take a genius to see that.
It is easy to portray a character as gay or bi without bringing up their orientation, you just show them being romantic with someone of the same gender. You don't need to have an entire plot about how eeeeeevil someone on one political side is or have a character talk about how gay or bi they are. It's extremely easy to do it casually, and many shows do.
Showing a character as trans is handled completely differently. Characters stop the story to talk about the importance of pronouns and non-binary identities, like in that Transformers cartoon. Or they do what Moon Girl does and have an entire episode center around a real world political issue where they portray those who have genuine concerns with trans women in sports having an unfair advantage as a supervillain bigot. High Guardian Spice has the FTM teacher talk to an MTF characters about "transition magic" like it's profound in a world where realistically speaking this wouldn't be a big deal. All of it is handled with the subtlety of a brick to the face. I can't think of a single time a trans Anon Babble character is portrayed without the narrative bringing up how trans they are or about how eeeeevil those dastardly bigots are. I'm not even sure modern writers even could.

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But therein lies the problem, anon - you don't want them to be there, so you lie about how you want it handled. I don't know if you think you're lying or not, but the fact is you are. Because when a trans character is presented matter-of-factly and not called attention to by the story, the reaction of Anon Babble is to either shriek about them anyway, or claim that they're cis. Which ironically is why episodes that directly call out their identity and affirm their existence are necessary in the first place.

You tell on yourselves.

these people are batshit crazy and make identity politics into their identity, it's no surprise they do stuff like this

Link to episode?

Anon Babble is not a hivemind. I personally do not care if trans characters or people exist, I have trans friends myself and I call them by whatever they prefer. I do not engage in culture war or identity politics bullshit. I'm just telling it as I've seen it as a singular person.
So tell me: do you think the examples I've mentioned are good examples of rep or writing? Because I personally do not.

Make an episode about notoriously sensitive demographic.

What if they don't like it? It's not supposed to be offensive, but someone will be offended.

Maybe just don't air this episode...

Just a guess.

Putting Black and brown stripes on the flag like "oh we're including you" as if the goddamn RAINBOW isn't inherently inclusive?

Putting black and brown stripes on the flag means liberals are putting black and brown people in the same group and trannies and queers. And they wonder why most Hispanic men voted for Trump...

It's supposed to represent black and brown queer people specifically, which is still retarded because the rainbow already includes all queer people regardless of race.

Tons of women make a living playing professional women's volleyball in Asian and European leagues. Many of them are hot and have huge fanbases and sponsorships. Men infiltrating their sport physically endangers all of them+ steaks jobs from women. Just let the men in wigs play in the male league. Women's sports should be two x chromosomes only

One of this days that flag is going to become the color bar signal.

Glad to know you support trans rights anon.

Anon here is wrong.

I'm black and I absolutely agree

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Wasnt this in production when The Little Mermaid remake flopped