
Who is the best Anon Babble mouse of all time?

Pinky is a retard.

It's obviously Minnie.

1647268312980.png - 1346x912, 472.59K


Can't believe OP doesn't know it's meeses

He's cool

I don't really know where to ask since there isn't a Minne thread up all the time, but there's that one artist who always draws her, and he took a bunch of requests and he said he'd work on them, but no clue when or if he started them and where they will be posted. I wonder if he will just post them in Anon Babble instead?

God this is cringe.

The guy who does this stuff? Couldn't tell you where he is.

Yeah, had a large pink canvas, took something like 15 or so requests, said he'd slowly work on them, but there was no...plan given, I guess, to where they would be posted. I don't think I saw him again after I saw him in trash a few months ago

Okay...fuck you, the chorus is catchy as fuck, I like the 1990s pop stylings of it, but this would have worked so much better had it not gone into coomervillie.

I know he sometimes goes by motorboat willie (or mbwillie) and you can find some of us stuff on e621, but I don't know if he uploads there or if it's just people uploading the stuff he posts here.

i forgot zoomers are allergic to anything sexual

Didn't this bitch get fucked by a fly?

We've had a lot of Brisby threads lately, surprised those guys haven't shown up.

in a "behind the scenes" movie with ugly sonic
it's about as canon as that one episode of the simpsons where they were all actors on a show called "the simpsons" or any treehouse of horror episode.

Pinky's retarded

You take her name out of your mouth! You take my waifu's name out of your goddman mouth!

who made this?

but no clue when or if he started them and where they will be posted

When: when there's free time from having to do work for rent
Where: any thread like this I see open when any of the requests are done, or any relevant Anon Babble thread, or the booru

Whole reason I took so many requests is exactly that I knew I wouldn't be able to do it all fast, so instead I have ideas for months to slow burn through

file.png - 1139x1243, 661.35K

and here's another one

see you whenever the next couple get drawn

file.png - 795x1253, 514.54K

I always wondered what happened to her after the bar fight.


Do you think if Minnie was cosplaying Lara canonically, would she wear a wig? Or would that be considered weird in-universe?

Damn, shame what happened


my lara suggestion

Noice. I should try to find that thread again. I know I had 2-3 things in that pile, but I'd have to skim the thread to remember which ones were mine.


She probably would, I just find drawing it like this makes it come across easier it's Minnie and not just Lara turned into a mouse


try this one too

Anon Babble

I don't want to lurk Anon Babble. But I don't want to miss out on those glorious Minnie doodles either.

I love mouses

jltec5.gif - 300x443, 2.39M

It's all appreciated drawbro, no rush at all.

here's a sketch I never finished from spooktober, been wanting to draw minnie for awhile

IMG_7977.jpg - 1728x2592, 1.71M

I like it, it's a good style. You should finish it. Or maybe a Christmas Minnie...?

I'll try drawing that for the holidays but you're right, I should actually finish what I started... tomorrow's the day I stop procrastinating

What are you thinking of going with? Classic Santa girl, CHRISTmas angel girl, elf girl, reindeer girl in horse tack BDSM gear?

You're still shitposting, even if you're only pretending to be a retarded troll.

Who is the best Anon Babble mouse of all time?

Pic related.

This, maybe because the OP is minnie

Did you reply to the wrong post or something? Being horny isn't shitposting.