ITT: Alt History in Anon Babble universes

O.G Human Torch killed Hitler

Covid Never happened in Marvel

Ex Machina The Machine stopped half of 9/11

Alternate senators and politicians exist in D.C

The Original Starman is said to have been part of the Manhattan project

Hitler got ressurected by Ultra Humanite and fought the Superheroes in the White House.

Any other cool Alternate histories present in Anon Babble , especially because of the existence of wacky stuff.

Low difficulty challenge: No Watchmen

In TDKR, the Cold War has escalated considerably and Russia ends up going nuclear over a conflict in the island of "Corto Maltese" (which is not real)

So Namor killed a bunch of people and they made a holiday out of it did they?

>Hitler got ressurected by Ultra Humanite and fought the Superheroes in the White House.

That's nothing. In Marvel Hitler was saved by Arnim Zola transferring his mind into a clone body. He went through a succession of deaths and new clone bodies fighting everyone from the FF to Man-Wolf, then became a brain in a robot body, then got his mind trapped in a fake Cosmic Cube. Then he came back as a pure energy being, was destroyed again, then somehow came back and possessed a new body but was defeated by Black Panther. He also once tried to go back in time and kill Obama as a child.

Joe McCarthy died in an auto accident on Earth-2, and replaced by a senator named Fallon who went after the Justice Society, forcing them to retire

X-Men Grand Design universe used this as the starting point of hatred towards mutants

In 616 it was either glossed over or wasn't as severe, in Grand Design universe it says that Namor killed tens of thousands with the flooding

Fallon himself died in similar circumstances shortly thereafter. His son or grandson then went after the returning JSA and in his defense, Fallon dying the same way as McCarthy did is pretty fucking suspect. They'd at least be Persons of Interest.


Lex Luthor became President in 2000 with Pete Ross as VP

Luthor went crazy in the first Superman/Batman arc and got impeached

VP Pete Ross took over but dropped out of the 2004 election for personal reasons; Jonathan Horne won the election and is sometimes drawn to look like Bush

Horne doesn't run for reelection (probably because he went through Amazons Attack and Final Crisis)

Martin Suarez became the next President in 2008 and is President for a while till something happened and Barack Obama replaced him

"Corto Maltese" (which is not real)

He's real to me, and he was friends with Jack London

He's real but the island isn't

Forgot pic

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OG Ultimate Universe:
The Maker destroyed Washington DC with Obama and Congress in it, in Hickman's Ultimates

But before that, Obama's VP was Robert Blackthorne instead of Biden, and Blackthorne got to that position because he and his biker friends killed Johnny Blaze and his girlfriend in a ritual to make a deal with Mephisto for power.

Spider-Man Life Story

Tony Stark doesn't change his mind about the Vietnam War and decided to get more involved in it as Iron Man. Captain America is brought in but goes AWOL as he fights to save villagers. The Vietnam War goes far into the late 70s instead of ending in the early 70s. In 1984 the Soviet Union superhumans attack while most of the superheroes went missing during the Secret Wars in the 80s and Allentown, PA is blown up. the 90s chapter implied the US/Soviet war ended sometime before 1995.

9/11 still happens, though.

Is it still canon that Blackbeard was actually The Thing during some time travel shenanigans? Also Dr. Doom dicked down Morgan Le Fey.

X-Men Grand Design universe used this as the starting point of hatred towards mutants

Perfect. Mainline should use this.

Martin Suarez became the next President in 2008 and is President for a while till something happened and Barack Obama replaced him

The fucking creatives couldn't help themselves.

Captain America is brought in but goes AWOL as he fights to save villagers

Fuck off.

9/11 still happens, though.

How the fuck? They've had heroes since the fucking 60s.

King Arthur and Merlin were real historical figures in both Marvel and DC.

How would people back then recognize Namor as a mutant and not just the King of Atlantis? I feel like if anything this would be the reason why people routinely try to destroy Atlantis or fuck with their food and territory in some way

Weren't mutants were kinda sparse back then, with most of the "marvels" being regular people in costumes like Angel or science experiments like The Destroyer?

Weren't mutants were kinda sparse back then

iirc comics from the 70s/80s loosely establish the mutant population being in the hundreds. What's it confirmed for now? A million?

The Tunguska event was Kang sending one of Black Bolt's whispers back through time

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9/11 Still happens though

Holy fuck, these guys save planes and shit all the time how did they not stop them this time.

I'd agree if not for the fact that Mutants were virtually unknown by the public or governments until the late 1940s to 1950s. Of course that was the history in the 6th iteration of the multiverse. Maybe in the 7th iteration of the multiverse which while a direct continuation of the previous multiverse had some events play out differently that aspect of the Grand Design universe could be 616 canon.

It's never shown or said exactly what caused their 9/11 but from dialogue it implied that the disaster led to Tony Stark taking control and setting up the Superhuman Registration Act

For all we know it might be Nitro vs New Warriors instead of terrorists and planes

Yeah in the Grand Design version it was different; mutants were public knowledge as far back as medieval times, though with tensions

DC and Marvel had a sort of superpower/supersoldier WMD escalation in the cold war.

Conan and Kull the Conqueror Hyborean Age lore is an official part of 616 Earth history. Hyborean Age happened on Marvel Earth 12K years ago. Namor is directly related to Kull. The Inhumans of Attilan and Eternals/Deviants were there too at the same point in time.

Trump was somehow, ironically, a better President than both Obama and Biden in the DC universe.

Obama had his arm twisted by Waller and let her create her own Justice League then was sent to a cuck bunker during Forever Evil.

The Obama administration also demanded Ocean Master's imprisonment even though he was innocent in Throne of Atlantis.

When Black Manta tried to start another US/Atlantis conflict, Trump sent a team of fishmen super soldiers after Aquaman.

Trump also kept a close eye on Waller and intended to replace the suicide squad with power armor soldiers.

Absolute Power is pretty much Biden's fault.

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Marvel really has no excuse for it considering there are a shitload of superheroes in Manhattan. Maybe if it happened during another Secret Wars type scenario and every available hero that can catch a plane was on another planet.

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The thing about Biden is they really didn't know how to approach him. They were all hardcore democrats afraid of giving the Republican party any "points" but well... dems didn't like Biden either and everyone saw him as ripe for satire while being afraid to satirize.

If you take the entire Millerverse into account the world history is insane

Cold War is over at the time of Spawn/Batman, when Batman is in his 30s

Reagan is President when Batman is in his mid-50s and the US/Soviet Union conflict escalated

By the time of DK2 the new President is a computer generated composite of Gore and Bush but named after Prez Rickard, set up by Luthor

Trump is only mayor of Gotham, at the time of Golden Child

If you count Holy Terror then it means George W Bush and Obama were Presidents long before Reagan became President, and that 9/11 happened before Gotham got its own 9/11

Mark Waid retconned Fallon as working for Vandal Savage, with Savage being the secret brains behind HUAC, in JLA Year 1.

Jack the Ripper doesn't really exist in Marvel, the murdered women were possessed by pissed off ghosts and had actually killed many more people than he allegedly did. The police cooperated with time travelling supervillains (including the daughter of Satan) to cover the whole thing up and got their memories wiped

Camelot was also a real place, and fell because this same group of villains ruined Merlins plan to save it from its fated destruction, but I guess this one doesn't *really* count

Since you're doing Marvel then i guess we should also include the whole Hyborean style cyclical Camelot from DC and how it along with other civilizations constantly rise and fall after being raided and pillaged by Dark Elves from Earth's Future (which are sort of implied to be future humans).

Man, Cagebolts really went places. At least we got that story where Satanna fucked Namor back to life.

And given everything said about the origin of Mutants on 616 post-Secret Wars, it's certainly possible for the Grand Design Universes starting point for hatred of Mutants to be Canon to Earth-616 in some capacity.

If earth 616's 9/11 happened when alp the heroes who could have easily stopped it were either off world, lost in the multiverse or otherwise incapacitated then maybe I can buy that event happening.

Did that pocket dimension stuff still happen after Onslaught?
Maybe in the sliding timescale 9/11 happened when most of the heroes were in Franklins dimension, and the Thunderbolts (and whoever else was around) just missed the opportunity?

Pre-Wanted Millarverse was originally like the Jupiter's Legacy universe, only with the characters younger and having different looks/origins that were closer to their DC counterparts

Reagan was VP while Ernest George Marshall was President (a reference to EG Marshall playing the President in Superman II), and events similar to Superman II occurred after the Iranian hostage crisis was resolved.

Probably, but with the sliding timeline as it is now, the Fantastic Four took their spaceflight and got their powers after 9/11 At that time Namor was still amnesiac, Hammond was inert, and Cap was on ice

"twin towers destroyed again? Ho hum."

Human Torch killed Hitler

We need to reopen Nazi killing season

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that's right, didn't the juggernaut destroy the twin towers once? And I recall in a spider-man comic once, terrorists actually attacked the towers too

that's right, didn't the juggernaut destroy the twin towers once?

He did, back when McFarlane was on Spider-Man and Liefeld was on X-Force

They kinda ripped off Wolf In The Fold from Star Trek and made out like the Zaniac was responsible.

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I forgot about the fucking floating timeline. I really hate it.

this blew my mind the first time I read it
think I have 6 pages

Man I love Atlantis Attacks

So there were little to no heroes active or in existence until after 9/11? Yeah I can actually buy 9/11 happening due to the floating timeline.

people in the marvel universe have an actual reason to fear reptilians trying to destroy their society

life as a conspiracy theorist there must be nuts

Crappy but somewhat more detailed re-telling of the opening from Thor Annual #10.

BEFORE the Celestials arrived but AFTER the original attack of Atum, Set possessed all of the dinosaurs of Earth to genocide the emerging mammals, leading to the destruction of all dinos

>Covid Never happened in Marvel

You'd be wrong about that.
The Wu Ping Cough never happened in DC.

that's nothing

Kang destroyed DC completely, and then because of the sliding timeline literally months or maybe a year later at most, underground Antarctic Nazi mecha holdouts destroyed it again while backed by the power of the evil hammers and the Red Skull's daughter

meanwhile Paris was completely turned to stone by the Gargoyle under the influence of his own evil hammer, and then Thor and Odin talked about it and Odin wished it better

yeah, Cap remembers it explicitly, but like in a dream, which is fair since he and the others (and the imaginary She-Hulk, since the original didn't actually die fighting Onslaught) came back to 616 on a rocket ship

You'd be wrong about that.

That's a PSA comic, they're not in-continuity. Same thing with the Spider-Man story where Skip molested him, it only takes place in the PSA universe.

from Marvel's Transformers, which is an alternate universe to 616 but one which at least has a Spider-Man

this story was originally published in 1990, but is set in 2009 and NY was reduced to this (in what is also an alternate timeline within the MTF setting) sometime between 2006 (because that's what Transformers: The Movie materials used for the date of the movie by the Marvel writers said the movie was set in) and 2009

so I guess 9/11 is one of those anchor events or whatever, only in this timeline it was probably transformers who crashed into the WTC

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Seattle Space Needle

Golden Gate Bridge

Hoover Dam and consequently most of downtown Las Vegas

Marvel Godzilla certainly must've kept Damage Control busy. What other beloved cultural landmarks has he destroyed?

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Kang destroyed DC completely

Incidentally, this is part of why the Avengers didn't help Genosha