Mike Tyson Mysteries thread

You really just want to talk about the boxing match
Kill yourself you disingenuous cunt or go back to Anon Babble where you belong

did he kill the bitch or not, nobody gives a shit about the cartoon

This show was great fuck you nigga

i feel like this should've crossed over with harvey birdman, did it ever?

Netflix literally shit the bucket near me. I'm so pissed, good luck trying to avoid spoilers yawl.

Bro could barely throw a punch this was fucking embarrassing

Why would it? Mike Tyson's Mysteries didn't feature any classic Hannah Barbara characters. Why the fuck would Harvey crossover with Mike?

It went exactly as how you would expect it to go.

That would make for a great special

They were up the same ally

Jake couldn't knock out a 58 year old man in 8 rounds.
Embarrassing all around.
Liked the chick fight though

I miss Norm MacDonald

Norm was a terrible voice actor, but hearing the pigeon always made me crack a small one.

I didn't watch the fight, but I figured something like that would happen. Maybe I'm wrong and he didn't hold back, but few want to be the person who brutalizes a borderline elderly man, much less a legend in the sport. Mike is a sketchy figure on his own, but a one-sided KO would be an awful way to end things.

Imagine losing to a cringe YouTuber.

you're trans

We're old, guys..

We all do, except that crone Barbara Walters.

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The real mystery is how much was he paid to throw the match?
Norm would have been so happy because he would have bet against Tyson and make a ton of money

Old but not dead.

In this episode Mike is brainwashed into accepting a fake match with professional grifter Jake Paul who won't release him until Netflix has amassed 100 million viewers

Can Team Tyson break Mike out of Netflix's mind control? or will Mike Tyson's reputation be destroyed?

The episode ends with Team Tyson getting side tracked by bullshit and never making into the match.
The match ends with everyone booing Jake Paul.
Mike breaks out of Netflix "mind control" control and is about to kick Jake Paul's ass for real when he receives a giant check that was part of the agreement.
Jake confesses he is Mike's biggest fan
Mike assumes Jake is a Make Wish kid or something and let's it go and heads to bail out Team Tyson using the giant check.

*I* give a shit about the Mike Tyson Mystery Team.

Me too. Damn. Worst part was i always liked him but had only just started to really go through his body of work when it happened.

the direction in the show was so funny. Couldn’t just go with a normal shot of Pigeon shooting, they had to do this dramatic closeup on his gunhand.

I give more a shit about that show than the fight.

I find it odd that this show and Swifty from Venture Brothers are both homages to "I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali" when I only learned about that cartoon because of the homages.

Mike Tyson was older on the day Jake Paul was born than Jake Paul is today. And Paul had to go for a decision?

garbage animation style
garbage stories
garbage characters.

I don't really care.

Garbage opinion.

take scooby-doo formula

make sure to end with mystery and paranormal shit

It was a fun show. What did you expect from someone being 58 facing down a 27 years old? Both of them played defense and Tyson tire easily.

The fight was always gonna be a disappointment. I hate that it became so huge that literally EVERYONE was talking about, but the silver lining is we're having MTM threads again so that's nice at least

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I just knew there was no way Tyson was winning but I had hoped they'd just rig the fuck out of it so it'd still have he'd look cool as he lost. I don't know, maybe have Paul go down in the third while Mike screams his lungs off and flexes at the crowd like it's still the 90s, have a bit where they trade a dozen blows in five seconds, but still have Paul win because of a 2-point difference or because the judge is a huge pussy who stopped the fight because Mike got hit in the jaw and appears to have brain damage, stuff like that.

Maybe in their hubris they thought they didn't need to, that somehow the 60 year old man with a knee injury was going to pull his own weight and give them a good fight instead of getting his ass beat or at least getting smart and going for points.

I still wish they made more seasons of this show, MacDonald dying was sad but we shouldn't stop entire projects just because of things like that. when a storyboard artist gets isekai'd on his way to work he just gets a mention in the credits and we move on with another guy, why can't we just do that with VAs.

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why can't we just do that with VAs.

As much as people like to pretend otherwise, the VAs are basically an extension of the character.
It's why no one liked the Squidbillies season where they replaced Early's VA.
That only works with no-name side characters that get very little screentime.

This was boring and you know it, and norm's character is an unfunny piece of shit.

did he kill the bitch or not, nobody gives a shit about the cartoon

Here's the abridged version:

go into mike tyson mysteries thread

suddenly people hate pigeon/norm for being "unfunny" and "a piece of shit"

and yet every time i pull up this board everyone's worshipping a piece of shit female character who only knows how to scowl or have a femdom glare. or a fucking indie artist succubus. you ask for a character who isn't a piece of shit and you're treated as garbage
pigeon's a hell of a lot better than the female characters the internet loves so much. if you can enjoy piece of shit female characters you want to get anally devestated by why can't you handle a crass pigeon?

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Pigeon would be more popular if he was voiced by/was a woman. The design could be exactly the same without any female characteristics (like eyelashes) and as long as a woman was saying the crude lines and talking about smoking weed and jerking off and killing people, suddenly those complaints about pigeon being awful and unfunny would just, disappear.

t. jerks off to regular show

Most modern adult male cartoonfags tend to be either yurifags or femdomfags.
It's part of why cartoon fandom is becoming heavily female-centric; all the male fans are fags who drive away other males who don't hate themselves.

pigeon's a hell of a lot better than the female characters the internet loves so much.

He has a shit lazy design and he only knows teenage level edgy "jokes". Fuck your taste and fuck you for even making this political

female characters ruined my life waaaaah

Yep, they got you fuming.

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This but ironically.