new season is coming
no one talks about it
What went wrong?
new season is coming
no one talks about it
What went wrong?
It's hard to discuss something that isn't out yet.
Feels like the season is more of the same with just the void having more screentime than before and I know tawogfags could care less about that since they want the funny only
Let it die already holy shit
It was painful to see this turn into a diet Rick & Morty
it has no real fandom besides shipping anyway
Anon Babble says they want a simple comedy cartoon, they have one yet they don't like it and just jerk off to the characters and ship them
Gumball is more family guy than R&M
Gumball was one of those shows I wouldn't change the channel for, but if it came on I'd watch it
Nah its more south park
show was on air for 8 years
FIVE year hiatus (soon to be six)
still absolutely no signs of the new season
all the press releases and announcements amount to pic related
Gee I wonder why no one's talking about it
I feel satisfied enough with this show, it's cool and actually fun to watch and with already many seasons and episodes. I will surely watch the new season but I'm not super hyped about it.
Development hell killed the hype
Nobody has high expectations of Cartoon Network anymore.
I don't have high expectations about anything since 2015
not enough Gato Sexo u_u
Once I reunite with my beautiful boy I'll have something to live for again
Gumball has no fandom because it’s wasted potential: the show. No, the Gumwin fags don’t count as a fandom.
I hate the diet South Park approach so much. Stay in your lane Gumball.
Anyone saying Gumball has no fandom better mean it doesn't *anymore. It definitely used to, and it can again. Probably not as strong of one though, because "fandom" in general doesn't exist online the way it used to.
Either way, I'm trying to think of a character they haven't done a focus episode on yet. Are they going to have to make more again, or are there some I'm forgetting?
I don't think it's wasted potential. Rarely I watched a cartoon series where basically 3/4 of the episodes actually entertained me.
It definitely used to, and it can again
I wish not, fandoms nowadays are cancer
wasted potential
I wish they would focus more on the story and arcs of their characters instead of the funny when tawog seems to be genuine or be mature its actually really good the shitty part is that we get so little of instead we just get more muh meta humor slop.
Tawog is wasted potential The pilot's plot would have been more interesting then what we got
For me its Darwin
As much as I love Gumball I don't want it to end up being another Simpons or Spongebob.
All I asked for was the movie so it could have a proper ending. That's it. I never asked for the ride to go on forever.
damnit, he showed up. thread ruined
Yeah Gumfag keeps being a fucking pedo and ragebaiting kinda like you
Go fucking kill yourself gumfag!
Thread ruined as soon as gumfag or pedofags show up
I wish they would focus more on the story and arcs of their characters instead of the funny
Character development is there but i always felt like it's a secondary thing that they managed to make it subtle at least in early seasons. But yeah to be honest I really appreciate the random episodes like Nicole goes to pay bills or the happiness zombie apocalypse. And most importantly I love when Nicole is featured.
always felt the arcs of the characters and stories are secondary
That's why it should be the primary thing going on for season 7 and onwards if they want to keep this show going Gumball's comedy's was getting noticeably bad in the second half of season 6 the show must focus on what's genuinely the last thing good about it and that being its stories and arcs of the characters.
I love when Nicole is featured.
Nicole became more serliazed and dummer plus I want the show to focus on the other adult female characters like Tobais's mom or Penny's mom and maybe the that thicc flight atteneted.
Nicole looked really cute with oval shaped eyes
why would that be a surprise?
I mean, if the editors are just out of ideas or for whatever reason they are slowly abandoning the initial vision of the show that everyone loved I don't understand how focusing on character development would help. They would just ruin it further.
Nicole is always cute
they are slowly abandoning the initial vision of the show that everyone loved.
It worked for Adventure time and to some extent Regular show and don't tell me Tawog is a different show because season 1 of all of those shows are similar to one another
't tell me Tawog is a different show because season 1 of all of those shows are similar to one another
Maybe but in tawog the comedy is quite unique to itself, and they tried and successfully evolved trough later seasons. If they can't manage to stay up to the standard they set it's not worth anyway because that's the comedy is still the best part.
TAWoG changed quite a bit over the first three seasons
It worked for Adventure time
Not really
because that's the comedy is still the best part.
I would want the comedy to take a backseat and not main be the focus any longer but not entirely removed it as it made Tawog what it is and focus the ideas and concepts that were implemented but were never utilized.
It did but not a total complete shift like the other shows I mentioned, Tawog is still a comedy show at first the writers should change that in season 7 or in future seasons.
Majority of the cartoonist would say otherwise and while I don't like AT's stories and arcs it did give other shows to have a total 180 or 360 with their tone and can work for the majority of viewers while only making a few of the old fans grumble about it
Yeah the producers progressively switched to more heavy drugs
I wish they kept the oval eyes instead of removing them all together. Were way more appealing than the circle tool ones in later seasons.
All the gumbros I used to know circa 2011-2014 have likely all left the board
I don't namefag anymore
Had such good times
All gone like tears in the rain
I hope you had the time of your life.
2011-2014 Anon Babble was great. I miss those days
last thing I heard was they were supposed to make a movie and then call it there
see this thread
So they just did cancel the movie then?
No one knows