There has not been a single notable heterosexual relationship in Western animation for over a decade.
There has not been a single notable heterosexual relationship in Western animation for over a decade
not one
i was gonna call you out but shit i cant think of anything.
Define notable
like a character that would be notable, but the fact you had to ask proves OP is right.
Meanwhile, I can name several famous lesbian relationships that have come out in the last two years. Significantly more, if I apply the same decade. She-Ra, Owl House, Arcane, Korra - hell, RWBY.
Define notable
A relationship that pops in your mind when you think, "notable straight relationship in western animation." As said, if you have to think hard about it than it wasn't notable.
Vox Machina
Superman and Lois in MAWS
Honestly I'm actually a bit surprised that show went so hard on the romance. Like it wouldn't really be so odd if they barely acknowledged it. It didn't even come up that much in the DCAU show.
i get your point but its kinda of been done before.
Handsome goody-goody Superman
Gorgeous Lois
Both of them genuinely admire each other, entire first season is about them falling in love
You could tell the romance was an anomaly since every other relationship outside of the main cast was LGBT.
>Gorgeous Lois
she looks like Lance from Voltron
She look like Casca from Berserk
What about the dude and the elf chick from Dragon Prince? Are they a thing?
Came here to say this.
That doesn't really count when it's a couple that was created several decades ago, that's like saying DC is conservative because batman is a rich and white hero.
I would've said picrel but given Moxxie had a gay relationship first and was so gay he has to simulate being gay with pegging, I don't think it counts.
Superman isn't a human.
so am I the only one who remembers the Star Vs. shipping wars
Lois x Clark
Jimmy x Kara
Mala x Brain
Livewire x Butch girl
I might be forgetting stuff but it's a fairly even spread. Hell I don't even mind how they did the gay stuff this time either really. Mala and Brain where from the comics and they had interesting stuff going on beyond LOL GAY, that is namely being a gorilla and a german brain in a tube. Livewire was probably pandering but eh. It was fine. Worked it into the plot. Helped Lois sort her own relationship. Gotta pick your battles.
That wasn't stipulated.
Who the fuck are they?
My Adventures With Superman.
Vox Machina.
Spider-Verse Again.
Puss in Boots.
Star Vs.
Murder Drones.
Just off the top of my head.
Strange way to say you only watch gay toons
Why lie?
It's either that or no toons, all the straight ones are 10+ years old and we've seen them all already.
Callum and Rayla from the Dragon Prince
Just to extrapolate on the numbers.
There's 1 in Arcane.
2 in MAWS.
1 in Spider-Verse.
1 in PoB,
Something like... 3 in Star Vs? Maybe more?
2 in Murder Drones.
There's also Castlevania, which has around 2 IIRC. The romantic subplot in The Bad Guys is a pretty major part of that film too, and it's straight.
Arcane’s heterosexual relationships
lol. Lmao, even.
Ehh, cartoons these days are for gay people anyways.
Jayce and Mel's relationship is a major element of the first season. It's like the primary developing narrative device for her as a character beyond being manipulative, and it literally changes the course of the plot.
Very good, very good. Now name one between a white man and a white woman.
You need to watch other cartoons then.
The Dragon Prince.
Do Spanish cats count as white?
Oh shit, haha, there were actually two Puss in Boots hetero romances in the last decade.
Because anime took that demographic, anon. All the straight guys are watching fuckin’ seasonal slop so of course western animation is going to pivot their marketing to other groups. Western animation is gay because that’s where the money is, now.
Ewww, she's brown
Spaniards invented the concept of “blue blood” so I’m pretty sure they’re the whitest people in Europe.
Add Vox Machina to this. Three romances and all white.
Yeah but can you point to people ogling the relationship like they do Cait and Vi?
It's genuinely funny that people accuse that show of le gay degeneracy.
Every single major character is white. All the romances are straight. For all the sex gnome jokes, VM is ultimately extremely heterosexual as a franchise.
I don't think you were around back during the "don't lose your nuts" scene, anon. Or, hell, the sex scene. People went wild over those two because it was basically the two most attractive people in the show getting it on.
Sprig and Ivy.
Hop Pop and Sylvia.
Guy and Michellee
They say that because Mighty Nein is the gay one.
Why does this matter?
white cat
What's with this meme? Do you guys just hate Kitty for being black or what?
Notable as in there is a considerable focus on them in the plot? There's tons.
Dragon Prince has one, Arcane has one, Castlevania has one, the new Superman show has two, Vox Machina has three, Amphibia has one, I think Star Vs was still around ten years ago and that had two... That's before we even start talking movies.
Because OP is dishonest.
I only know those guys through cultural osmosis, but isn't it 2-1 for the heteros with them? I know for a fact the tiefling boinks the water genasi looking motherfucker, and the goblin chick has a halfling dude. The one that seems to be gay is the scruffy wizard guy, though I'm not sure with who, as every time I see art implying this it's a different character.
Public display of Homosexual and Heterosexual relationship of two white Caucasians should be banned in all US entertainment.
fagon prince
my ACKventures with notsuperman
cox machina
Not notable. In fact I haven't even HEARD of vox maxhina before.
Has two not one you dumb fuck. Learn to count fuck.
star vs
Didn't come out this decade so it doesn't count. Also another reason why the "superman" one doesn't count because that was a couple from the 1930s.
doesn't even mention Green Eggs and Ham
Oh! You're a troll, gotchu...
... is what I would say if I was retarded.
How long ago was Star X Marco?
Gumball and Penny
Mr. Krabs and Mrs. Puff
Rigby and Eileen
You forgot Korra-looking girl who gets with the Fallen Aasimar.
And if you'll believe it, the Water Genasi guy is supposed to be a half-orc.
Notable as in there is a considerable focus on them in the plot?
Nah, I think OP is saying he wants more straight relationships having popular appeal rather than narrative significance. For example, how people still talk about She-Ra and Catra, or Korra and Asami, or Caitlyn and Vi. This probably stems from American society being obsessed with LGBTQIA+ and his heterosexuality feeling diminished or even neglected by societal opinion. I'm armchair psychologizing the guy but who fucking cares. Though to answer OP? The only really new heterosexual relationship from a modern Western animation is the Dragon Prince. I know, I know, you could argue Star Vs. or even Arcane have prominent heterosexual relationships, but OP is looking for ones that you can see spontaneously come up in a conversation as, "it's so cute" and Dragon Prince is the only one.
Someone in this thread did ask for a hetro relationship between a ginger (nearly white) and a white wocat. So i supplied.
op never said they had to be human
That's called a "no that one doesn't count" clause.
Not only has there been one, it's been the biggest homosexual relationship of all. It's between you, the reader and nothing else, you're just a big gay!
This couple made a lot of the fandom of TGAMM angry because of them being a heterosexual relationship and not Molly being LGBTQIA+ with Libby or Andrea. Is Molly even straight anyways? That wasn’t answered when the series ended.
I feel like these people just complain that there aren't as many frenzied fanartists gushing over straight pairings. Like motherfuckers take some art classes and get to work your own damn selves.
I don't fucking have my dominant hand.
Then dictate some fanfiction motherfucker. Be the change you wanna see. Nobody else is gonna get excited about this shit if you won't. Instead of bitching about the gay stuff make an effort to promote the straight stuff in a positive way that makes people wanna give a shit.
I feel like these people just complain that there aren't as many frenzied fanartists gushing over straight pairings
Nobody likes to feel like they've been left out of the party, anon. It's why the "sex pest male ally" is so common, same with the straight girls who change nothing about their life except "I'm she/they now" so they can get the clout. LGBTQIA+ is the hottest thing in America right now and people want to get in on the action.
And yet there's plenty of evidence in this very thread that indicates that they're not being left out, unless you read between the lines that they're jealous the FANDOMS latch onto the gay stuff.
same with the straight girls who change nothing about their life except "I'm she/they now" so they can get the clout.
Hm. Maybe I should get in on this and bang some enby girls.
Yes, it's jealousy. Why is that such a damning thing to say? People get jealous. The heteros are jealous that gay stuff is incredibly popular. It's not sexism or homophobia, it's the simple urge to get your own slice of the pie. But as somebody else in the thread said earlier, they don't need to; why should anyone shove themselves into the "conversation" when they can just talk about Orihime or Yoruichi or Raikou or the thousands of very heterosexual and very male-gaze-designed characters that are available from Japan? This isn't discounting the power of fujos, heaven knows I've seen 'em in action, but the "straight" presence is so much stronger in anime/manga that I think most straight audiences interested in representation get it from Japan these days.
tfw you’ve lived long enough to see Japan become more red-blooded than America
You love to see it.
It's damning because OP is passing this off as creators not making enough straight stuff when the jealousy is about the fans not caring about it as much. And as I already said, the remedy to that is to get fucking excited about the stuff you do like. And if you're not excited about any of the straight pairings that absolutely exist out there, that's more an issue of taste at that point. Western cartoons don't GENERALLY focus on romance that much in the first place, that's why there's a discrepancy between the west and Japan.
I like manga but I would also like to like cartoons.
Man this sucks shit. I should go watch Robin Hood already.
It's kinda funny how it used to be that the anime fandom was the one overrun with fujos and fags spamming their gay headcanon and spamming death threats at one another over fanfics, but nowadays that's more applicable to the cartoon fandom, and even worse, is applicable to the actual cartoon showrunners.
And if the cycle continues, we’ve got another 20 years of it before things flip again.
Beautiful, white, Aryan, trad, aristocratic heterosexual couple
It's like this shit was generated by a Stormfront AI.
There's been quite a few. You may just be a closeted homosexual and unable to notice all the sex in the missionary position for the purposes of reproduction.
Fuck's sake, if we're talking about fanart, even ADC has an even spread of gay to straight fanart.
There's not even any shipping in that show and people agree that Jax should be raping all the females or be getting raped by all the females.
That's not really making the point you want it to make, considering that's a show with no romance or couples.
Just goes to show that the cartoon fandom is just really gay.
"Jokes on you ladies! I consent. "
But anon that was exactly the point I was trying to make. OP is one of those people who think everything's gay because there's so many gay fanartists.
How is it gay to want the girls to have dicks shoved in their pussies?
Anon, your reading comprehension is horrible.
Why is gen Z so fucking GAY?!
They're just fixing the math, chud
it's fixing bad math
Yeah well I put two and two together and decided you're pissing me off
fixing math
Do I have to point out all the all-girl built bridges that keep collapsing?