
What do you think about this show or universe?

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Honestly love it but the execution of the show gets worse every season.

Unwatchable shit and the fans should be castrated to death.

This is how I feel and I ended up enjoying Dofus series + movie more.

The worldbuilding is good, its just the overal writing its bad, its like this series was written by sanderson


I thought season 4 was a decent improvement over season 3.

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Sex with Cleophee

This. I think part of it is that the characters developed way too fast.
Season 1 is the best, season 2 is still good but its hard to beat Nox. Then the characters are having kids and stuff after 2.

I think it's fucking great, anons who complain about seasons 3 and 4 can suck a dick. Do not understand why make a 5th season though.

you know why you're here

you'd like kissing your ex-gf, won't you?

It's really good by its own merits but it has an extra special place in my heart because watching it together with my best friend is what truly connected the two of us in the first place.

I stopped caring about it after Oropo cucked Echo and then suicide-bombed her and Hareborg. Season 1 is fun though.

Mishandled IP.

Heavily flawed but I have tons of fun watching it and discussing it with others here

The sequels were such a downgrade that no one on Anon Babble gave a shit.
It's sad that there are no more active threads even though the season came out literally this year.

What do you mean?

How's the game?

I need friends

More fake anime

Americans are unoriginal.


I wish they made a good single player game where you can make your own character. The MMOs are ruined by being MMOs and filled with micro-transactions.

It's the story of basically every successful French franchises.

Amalia x Yugo is a retarded and random ship.

C'est n'importe quoi.

Post downloads to this show

I just happen to have saved it

Thanks. I hope this file gets updated soon.

this thing tries way too hard to be just like anime,for my taste. How about some more originality

So.. why aren't they releasing the S4 on Netflix again?

Wasted potential - the show. Great setting with cool cultures, but all they do now is focus on dejected god fuckery that makes the entire world feel meaningless because it could and WILL just get destroyed over and over.