Popeye horror movie with brutal fights
Will it work?
Popeye horror movie with brutal fights
Will it work?
Imagine if they made a Popeye movie where he's in a Resident Evil 4 type situation where he has to save Olive Oyl from a bunch of mutants and zombies.
Popeye horror movie
Oh cool.
It's a slasher
Popeye is the villain
Retarded ass shit. Could've had him hunting down lovecraft monsters instead of lame ass retards.
Does he have to continuously punch things to stop the cancerous masses in his forearms ala the movie Speed?
Why is it always horror movies? Like why the hell can’t these people just make nice stories or some shit?
Is Bluto a main character and Pop-Eye is knocking off his lieutenants at like a criminally involved ship dock or barge fleet or something? That's the only way this works.
another remake
Six words is not a pitch.
It is in the horror genre for movies, Anon. Especially when it's of something that's gone public domain.
how fucking dumb are these niggas to not know that despite his unpleasant appearance Popeye is generally supposed to be if not a good guy at least not a fucking psychotic murderer?
Popeye legit is using rusted anchor one handed.
but seriously, public domain works being turned into "horror" is pure slop
Why oh why is he the villain? Why can't it be a slasher/monster versus him?
And you best fucking get used to it.
Three Blind Mice
Please tell me the mice aren't the killers.
Of course they're the killers. The protagonist is always turned into the monster in these. It's the lowest hanging fruit and this slop doesn't aim high at all.
Budget-friendly, so any cunt can do it + shock value of "look we took a thing from your childhood and TWISTED it" to attract attention.
All of these "what if fairytale character was a slasher" flicks are definition of cynical slop.
Oh for...
At least make them the size of normal mice. That'd at least be funny.
this is what the Wolf of Wallstreet saw when he was watching Popeye on crazy pills.
if you see this movie, you will be forced to imagine Leo going UUUUUUAAAAAARGH and pounding on Jonah Hill's chest whenever something scary happens.
If only they had lapsed into the public domain well before it became "funny" to make intentionally so-bad-it's-good movies.
Peter Pan and Pinocchio
pretty sure they've been done as horror before already.
fucking hell this isn't real, this can't be real
Those aren't even mice they're weird goblin creatures.
Those two mickey ones are the same poster with a different title slapped on.
Those two mickey ones are the same poster with a different title slapped on.
I wouldn't be surprised if the image is actually AI generated.
Yep and Peter Pan basically is low key horror vibe originally. He despatches the Lost Boys that get too old outta paranoia of his own aging.
Popeye is more mature then any horror film
That's why this shit is laughable
If you want a Popeye movie, it would be better as something like the movie Upgrade or whatever
Over the top bloody fights but still ridiculous
my vision for Bambi is a homoerotic thriller. “Bambi” is an hispanic femboy prostitute that witnesses a ritual killing at a rich client’s party. the anal scenes are simulated but the controversial bukkake scene will be legit real dicks and semen.
I envision Popeye and Mickey Mouse in a gay romantic comedy. Will be pretty much family friendly except for the 17 minute rimjob scene which can be easily forward past.
Finally, my plan for Winnie The Pooh and Piglet is something in the vain of a French New Wave fairy tale. This will be the magnum opus of public domain character films, every frame will be considered art. Decades from now people will be talking about the impact and influence the scene where Winnie and Piglet 69 each other had on them.
They should make a Goldilocks and the three bears movie where three hairy gay men have to fight a hyper conservative Karen who's trying to get them evicted from their home, and after that fails tries to kill them.
Boring and lame, i'd rather a B movie style Popeye, sort with the same"style" as Savage Dragon (not the politics) where it's all extreme violence, Popeye just punching people's heads off
If you want Karen-themed horror films, you're not exactly hurting for choices already.
It didn't work for the Banana Splits it won't work here.
I think you might have a place at my production company if you are interested. We can go ahead with your project right after our debut project (the femboy Bambi thriller)
It's been quite a rabbithole to look for one movie I kinda sorta remembered from my childhood and suddenly find out just how many there are of these flicks.
... wat?
Where is 4chin horror?
Reddit horror?
twatter horror?
suddenly find out just how many there are of these flicks
At least 85 films, as that's the ones just listed on IMDB.
Where is 4chin horror?
Cuck (2019)
Reddit horror?
Cuck (2019)
twatter horror?
Cuck (2019)
Unfriended (2014)
...of hell!
the fug
Cuck (2019)
Its actually exist
... i give up
Okay how much did those shit cost?
So, is D-tier horror the isekai genre of Hollywood's movie?
Piglet's Return
It's funny how this is obviously pretending to be a Blood and Honey spin-off despite being unrelated, it's like an endless spiral of shameless cashgrabs
Amityville Tea Bag
Amityville Cocaine Bear
Amityville Clownhouse
Amityville Klown Kar
Amityville Scarecrow
Amityville Asylum
Amityville Vibrator
Amityville Anaconda
Amityville Dybbuk Box
Amityville Shark House
Amityville Turkey Day
Amityville Thanksgiving
Amityville Bigfoot
Amityville Barbi
Amityville Emanuelle
If you didn't understand, this is the exact energy of what you can expect from Disney IPs once they enter public domain AKA the next 10-15 years of Halloween.
I'm one tough Gazookus
Wot hates all Palookas
Wot ain't on the ups and square
I biffs 'em and buffs 'em
And always out roughs 'em
But none of 'em gets nowhere
If anyone dasses to risk my "Fisk"
It's "Boff" an' it's "Wham" un'erstan'?
So, keep "Good Be-hav-or"
That's your one life saver
With Popeye the Sailor Man
Popeye is objectively a righteous man who punishes reprobates so turning him into a serial murderer is completely subversive and inappropriate unless all his victims are villainous
if blood and honey didn't do so well we wouldn't be getting all these, but everyone had to make videos talking about the shitty edgy winnie the pooh horror film
inb4 these would have been made either way
they saw the money made from low budget public domain characters and latched on to it
The Blood and Honey guy actually started trying with the second movie. I'm not saying it's good, but he at least gave the thing an actual plotline that uses the Pooh brand for more than name recognition
not everyone is gonna do that, some of these guys are just scum bags