This is some REALLY great art... But the contents are so miserable. Remember the nerd and the devil girl that had a big crush on him? I liked that.
What is the message here?
Before this thread gets deleted, this is just a reminder that Tats has been certifiably insane since 2011 and no matter what degree of overlap he happens to have with your particular brand of ideology, he does not actually agree with you. He's a crazy person on the street corner shouting so much shit that it's eventually bound to agree with someone.
Cause Tatsuya Ishida is a miserable, miserable person, OP. He's the natural end result of what happens when you let politics poison your brain, like everyone in this generation and very likely the next at the rate things are going
Momey doesnt buy you respect?
whoa whoa wait he's naming the jew now....
Dude has gone down a new rabbit hole and is now in his pagan RETVRN TO TRADITION phase which is really funny considering this is a guy named Tatsuya Ishida
Where is Slick? Isn't he supposed to be the main character of this comic?
I thought it was weird that he was portraying Yahweh as a covetous moneybags stereotype at first, considering that at this time he was pretty overtly a war deity. Then he dropped the Classical Greece angle entirely except for aesthetics and is just making it a modern day parallel without trying to tie it into the Classical era at all. Dude's brain is fucking rotten.
Japanese are pagans too, pagans aren't competitive with the pantheons of other nations.
s now in his pagan RETVRN TO TRADITION phase
no fucking way
Then why doesn't he make comics about the japanese and abrahamic religions instead of comics about europeans and abrahamic religions?
He's simping exclusively for white pagans tho
Is that Odyseus and Polyphemus? But Odyseus never fought him with a sword, or directly at all.
for real Shintoism can get pretty insane
He's been in that phase for like three years.
He's been going all over the political spectrum like a game of pong.
I'm not going to find them cause he LITERALLY makes a comic every single day and 80% of it is about trannies but for like 2 years he had this ongoing subplot about a family of farmers that's meant to represent goodness and morality. And they are very much a traditional conservative family with stay at home wife, gun toting dad, etc.
Still seems kind of silly to idolize someone else's gods instead of your own.
i wish this yellow gnat would get his internet privileges revoked for shamefur dispray
This is a guy who has subscribed to nearly every political ideology under the sun, I don't think he cares about the specific details of Greek mythology here.
I got kicked off of Patreon so please support me at one of these platforms
lmao how did he pull this off
yeah this is all i remember hearing about him last is finally realizing trannies are nothing more than unironic misogynistic ultra woman haters whos peepees get hard degrading women and take great pride subverting&destroying femininity because they will never be women nor fucking look anything like one
I think it's really funny when his mind suddenly remembers one of the old characters and throws them in, seeing Slick or Monique in this feels like they're guest appearances in a different comic now. God I fucking hate what happened to this comic, the Fuschia and Criminy threads we had here when they were coming out were so fucking comfy.
I mean, him going "Christianity is a Jewish plot, go back to your roots" is a fairly new wrinkle.
You think he is seething that he will never be as popular as Rosebuds?
I personally love seeing the general insanity evolve and am fully onboard seeing where he goes.
His dedication for making a comic everyday for over 20 years lets you see his ideological development change and this man has been in just about every god damn grid.
I'm not trying to make a bad thread, I just went through some of the latest comics he's made and I have such mixed feelings over what I've gone through. Like he's a WONDERFUL artist, I don't think this has ever changed, he has disciplined himself brilliantly, and yet he's also insane. It's so tragic to me, 'cuz this is JUST some shit you'd see on one of the lower tier Anon Babble boards, but I'm hoping this isn't where his story ends and he sobers up eventually.
Huh, it is! Especially since just last yeat he was all for old fashioned Christian values.
Man, it never stops it this dude.
every single symbol on the right has tried nonstop to destroy every other symbol
jewbros.... are we our greatest enemy?
That's the perfect description. They're guest stars in their own comic now.
holy fuck wait he legit full on named the jew
has he been talking about the fall of rome too kek. oh fuck off anon he's not dave sim dudes not really a good artist however he is dedicated
The point isn't to suck off the Greeks, it's to bash God. Nobody actually cares about the Greek gods, they're a stand-in for native mythology.
Sinfest is like a modern day Cerebus except the bad part is wayyyyyyyyyyy longer. It'd be nice if he turned around at the end like Dave Sim did.
The funniest thing is that all of this insanity originates directly from him being as textbook simp over pussy then immediately going down the white nationalist rabbit hole once he realized he would never get it.
It's come to a point even once direded characters like that hardcore SJW femanist on a tricycle are now just as old and no unreresentetive of his values as Slick and Monique is.
pussy or the lack thereof is the cause of every man's problems
every fucking time
I mean like what else should we care about? especially in our lovely modern times
But he also specifically lists Christianity as part of a Jew plot which I think would upset many anti-semites.
Say what you want about Tat's but his dernaged insanity feels authentic.
His exact beliefs are the sort of thing that pisses off everyone.
Tats is like Dave Sim but much less talented yeah. He's got a very appealing style, or at least did, but he's fallen into a similar well of insanity, and his comic similarly evolved into being fairly high-concept before driving off that cliff. Kind of weird really. It's like that Doofenshmirtz meme with the two nickels.
....because it is. it was created to be a thorn in the side of romes ass and pacify romans as well as view the jews higher people.
literally everyone knows this the fall of rome is because of christainity and jews gaining massive power in rome ushering in 1k years of darkness in the west
But he also specifically lists Christianity as part of a Jew plot which I think would upset many anti-semites
You'd be surprised, a lot of Anti-Semotes eventually bounce off the "Christ is King." routine after enough Christians tell them to knock it off with their vexing of strangers and harrassment of samaritans.
At least Sim getting bitter over his divorce is kind of understandable, it makes Cerberus take a nosedive in quality but still understandable. Tats went full on
Like he's a WONDERFUL artist, I don't think this has ever changed, he has disciplined himself brilliantly, and yet he's also insane
'cuz this is JUST some shit you'd see on one of the lower tier Anon Babble boards
This is a pretty good summary on the tragedy of Tats
the fall of rome
renaissance-era pseudohistory created by old farts reminiscing about the "good old times" that never factually existed
jews gaining massive power
the jews that were famously hated by the romans and christians alike, being exiled from rome and its descendants on multiple occasions?
ushering in 1k years of darkness in the west
see first point
It wasn't really immediate. It was kind of a slow burn actually. He wouldn't even touch some issues (immigration) for a long time.
Maybe Anon really, really hates the Eastern Roman Empire.
renaissance-era pseudohistory
lol ok anon yes you're right the roman empire was a shit hole
The Jews were pretty easily subjugated by Rome and were pretty irrelevant at that time anyway, constantly being tossed between empire after empire.
Who doesn't? LOL!
there is no such thing as the roman empire after Constantine I anyone who says other wise belongs on a cross
You're right, there was an initial clear break where he became your standard conservative, then Christian Traditionalist, then the Jew stuff started popping up, now he's full on white nationalist despite not being white himself lmao
Ben Garrison
Tatsuya Ishida
Scott Adams
Which cartoonist will fall next?
but anon, Constantine I outlawed crucifixion...
man how old is this guy now? mid 40's?
is he actually serious or just trolling?
He had that QAnon phase where he was poking fun at it but celebrating it at the same time.
could this all just be a ludokino shitposting scitzo larp fuckl you guys im as cool as dave sims look at meeeeee
not gonna lie bros, the reptillian woke teacher was kinda hot
wdym? The Illuminati being another mask for da jooz is a pretty standard belief for those folks.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:5
It's something that is real in-comic but it's basically just Satan's spy network.
the fall of rome
Rome had been relegated to just a place of lesser importance in the Roman Empire for a long time before its "fall"(Diocletian onwards Rome had become a more eastern Empire), and the more important parts did not fall when the west did.
Rome lasted until 1453.
He was a professional in the comic industry in the early the 90s. Assuming he was 18 when he got hired at the time, he'd have to be 50 at the absolute bare minimum now.
jews hated by christians before the christianization of the empire
lmao, jews were stoning Christians in the street until the day they were banished.
It's kind of sad to think that one day, Sinfest is going to go offline, and this incredible display of a man's mental breakdown will be lost forever.
Rome lasted until 1453.
it did not you filthy turk you shut your whore mouth it died in uhh fuck 330 326?? wait year was it again when they should have pulled a Caesars to Constantine I and nailing a shit load of people to crosses
Knowing Tat's after so long it's less "literally the illuminate" and more "religion is a psyop by institutions to take over the world".
So it's more a metaphor for Isreal and the Vatican.
But mostly Isreal.
Holy shit dude
Holy fuck, I looked it up and he's at least 51
Stupid. Everybody knows jews are the dwarves building the nibelungen, stealing the dragon hoardes and ethnically displacing the jotunns
That just makes it even worse, we're reading the mental unravelling of a middle aged man soon to enter his twilight years
Wet, slippery selkie hands typed this post.
so I'll be finding Sinfest threads where the Chick Tracts used to get left outside bars? Makes sense.
oh wow fuck he really is a reverse dave sims this is even funnier now I thought he was like 40-41 I thought sinfest started in the early 00's not lieral 2000
Is that the ring opera that Tolkien "totally didn't take ideas to make Lord of the Rings I swear, I never even heard of it actually".
Yeah, someone did some digging and determined he was at least born in 1972 since he went to college in 1991. I was kinda under the impression he was somewhere in his 30s-40s before I remembered that sinfest was going on since goddamn Y2K
Since October 7th, yeah. He has some that are borderline reasonable depictions of the brutality the Israelis have been subjecting Palestinian civilians to, but now he's mostly just saying the Jews have always been working to undermine all civilization, including this weeks long arc where he's depicting a greco roman society as full of blond people
oh man we should really be allow to have sinfest threads again this arc is amazing. I have not laughed this hard since CWC and the ideaguy saga.
this is why you dont drink from an aquifer/well in america kids heavy metals chemicals bio-medical run off not even once.
You could go get a job
and pay taxes I think not
Eh, LoTR was more Volsung Saga and Beowulf than Nibelungen
Jews hate ethnic Europeans and want to wipe them out(they've already largely accomplished this)
t'd be nice if he turned around at the end
This IS the turning around at the end anon
SO how is this going to end and where do you think its going? unironically wanna see a return to Shintoism and the empire of japan arc.
also this better end in the uncle ted kind of way just to make everything perfect but katan instead of letter bombs so we can get like a colourized version of a japanese dude killing a commie on camera but instead of student its an old man
It's a little uhhh.... Ummm.... Yeah.
It's not even amusingly schizo like "THE TWITTER ILLUMINATI VACCINE TRANNIES ARE COMING FOR THE ARYAN RACE" anymore, it's just lame.
How do you think 2012 Tat's would've react if you went back in time and showed him this?
"the real chud was within him all along".
did it really need the blm/antifa flags?
You think the stop asian hate being thrown to the curb for obvious reasons. had something to do with stemming this rage?
This was early 2010's Tat's to get you a good idea how this dude evolved.
I dunno, horrified? Disturbed? Confused?
I think that is a pretty reasonable phase in his life still, being all "well that was a little embarrassing huh" but still being a sensible person... Maybe he'd try to stop himself from ever going crazy.
Looking through these older comics is really nice actually.
This is good stuff, I like it alot.
and here we see the unwitting incel stalking a succubus(male) as (s)he sinks her fangs into another victim draining his testosterone as the incel recoils in fear not knowing what to do after seeing its true form
yeah this is cute and wholesome
Gonna check and see if someone has made some autistic long ass series on sinfest surely someone has created a series on youtube
I mean youd only need to spend 20-40mins for every 5 years till around mid 2010's when shit gets really whacky
Eh, he was going through his PC/feminist phase but the two comics you just said you liked where in early 2010's as you can see the date and SLick and Monique were still very much the main characters.
He didn't go full psycho until 2014 where he went from "Hey, women do get objectified too much" to "ALL MEN ARE SCUM. KILL ALL PENIS HAVERS. IT'S THE GIRLZ TURN NOW!" and then from there slowly devovled and evovled his ideologies every 4 years or so.
Tremendous talent as an illustrator but as you said complete brainworm rot since 2011
Probably has an industry job, well paid and secretly furious at the world
Ethnic Europeans are represented in totality by...Greeks?
I like how he went around from Christian conservative to supporting gay sex and human sacrifices.
whats wrong with human sacrifices?
Slick, the pig, the nerd, the religious nerd and even Satan went missing a decade ago. This hurts to hear but he was never a great strip writer and he found it easier to evangelize whatever he thought he believed on given day as long as it blames someone else.
Also if anyone believes that's his legal name or he's actually Japanese, I have an NFT to sell you.
I grow increasingly concerned that this man is shifting wildly from worldview to worldview based on an underlying mental problem.
Rosebuds is actually syndicated, that's not even on the radar
He's seething that Stonetoss is funnier than he is
I miss keenspot and I miss my youth.
Also the sinfest forums were something magical for a long time.
surely he's been dox'd by now and its proven its not a pen name there is no way dude can have opsec this good as a boomer
So like Curt Sibling then.
This isn't the house of ideas. He's called himself Tatsuya Ishida for nearly 30 years. If it's a pseudonym, the persona overtook the true self a long time ago.
Literally the first strip is Slick selling out and if it wasn't clear enough, him and Monique putting on Calvin and Hobbes costumes soon afterward to hammer home the point because if he admitted he was actually trying to imitate Liberty Meadows he'd be murdered
So now he's a cringe LARPagan and overt anti-semite. What will he be next?
The given/surname pair I've used on social media for 30 years isn't my legal name either for pretty much the same reason. I have relatives I'd like to stay on good terms with and a job in an "employ at will" state.
What will he be next?
it stops being a webcomic
Given his age, he's going to have a stroke that affects his drawing hand and ends whatever his day job is, never mind this webcomic
Remember Kit and Kay Boodle, one of three furry webcomics supposedly done by separate artists (one of whom was ostensibly the wife of another) then they all stopped at the same exact time when the guy actually doing all of them had a heart attack and died in his home? If you don't, the whole thing is on KF.
if he's actually a Jap he might have moved back to the Homerand which makes him Ian Miles Tinydong now, LARPing as an American which is even worse
Albert was "living" as anywhere from eight to ten people in JUST the furry fandom alone.
wow and dude was updating his webcomics nonstop for decades thats amazing
Why are the Greeks blond? Like where do Anon Babble and Tats draw the line with their revisionism.
Abrahamic God bad, Odin good
I guess no one's told him yet that Hitler thought LARPagans were Jewish patsies.
I'll say this, he doesn't let his work get stale. Every month it's a new mentally ill fixation.
Because the Japanese for the most part fought them off until recently.
I don't think it's anything that dramatic. I just think that Tats is incredibly susceptible to propaganda and spends a lot of time online, passively absorbing that propaganda. His beliefs follow the usual trends of the internet at the times, even now.
Hitler was a crypto jew that destroyed Germany and created the perpetual victim narrative that the jews currently use to this day.
The Greeks have some nerve calling others sophists.
The hell is a crypto jew?
jews gaining massive power
lol jews didn't have shit after what hadrian did to them and no amount of christianity, which actively hated them as well, made up for it
Synagogue of satan
I can't imagine anything more soul-sucking for an artist then wasting your time drawing what's nothing more than a retarded, glorified soapbox for this damn long. What a loser
le dark ages meme
He had a bunch of different old computers dedicated to each persona so he wouldn’t fuck up and post something as the wrong. I know he had at least 4 but I’ve heard it go as high as 100 old computers, each dedicated to a different persona which is probably a complete bullshit, but it would be very funny/sad.
Yep been that way a long time.
Is this one of those instances where the creator hyperfixiates on an arc that seems to go forever?
Same I can't even tell what the author wants me to think of it. My first thought was this was some jew captured by the romans looking at the various shit they've looted and built and thinking these guys are idol worshipping assholes and he's mad that he has to see them. And then I remembered it's sinfest so that's 100% not the case but still
Good art though
The fact that you don’t know really goes to show you shouldn’t be calling anyone out let alone quoting anything. It’s a jew that hides the fact that they’re a jew and publicly practices another religion in public.
No it's more like every new arc is a more unhinged political tirade and he's been turning that dial up for 12 years or so. But it's not the same politics.
He 100% did admit taking inspiration, also Beowulf and the Poetic Edda. Hell, many of his names comes directly from there, lilebGandalf, Thorin, Eomer, all the Dwarves and sonon
Hitler was Jewish?
The plot is "YHVH buys his way into Mount Olympus, seethes at all the art, and commands 'thou shalt not make any graven image'"
He never said he wasn't inspired by it you dumb faggot. He TALKED about how he was inspired by it.
But the contents are so miserable.
Sinfest jumped the shark so hard we need a new term for how bad it gets.
This is Greece
Nah man, the dude’s Asian. This is from his old Facebook (it’s still up on the Librarything) and if you don’t believe this, then I believe he has a picture is somewhere in the old Daily Bruin archives, which is the UCLA student news (it also has the earliest Sinfest strips known to man!), but I’m too lazy to find the exact issue for you, sorry. Also someone at the Sinfest subreddit got a hold of his fucking middle school yearbook of all things and I remembered they upload a picture of a Kid Ishida but when I went to check imgur had deleted the gallery in a three years since it was uploaded so oh well.
Look up his father’s actual last name.
Personally I've always thought that the only thing Tats truly desires is to be seen as a lone voice of reason. The little guy, heroically speaking out against a world gone mad. That's why he switches views as often as he does, because it's all interchangeable to him. All he really cares about is being "right" in a way that goes against the grain.
It's really hard to pin down his opinions on Trump, because even as recently as a few weeks ago his visual shorthand for good and moral people is having them wear a red hat. But then you've got stuff like this and I just don't get it.
Reminder that all the hip and cool philosophers and mathematicians of the time lived in north africa, turkey and greece, while northern europe was populated by uneducated barbarians.
Hell, even the guy who defeated the romans at Teutoburg was a roman citizen an a roman general....
That's right. He just fights the power. Whatever he sees as the power. I don't know what he does after Israel though. It clearly has some immense power.
Yes but Kristian "Varg" Vikerness and Anon Babble now choose to believe that the ancient Greeks and Romans had blond hair and blue eyes until the Jews brought Mexicans or something to replace them.
Even having it explained to me this analogy is still so off the walls I don't get it. There needs to be some kind of Geneva convention against torturing metaphors
most of them ARE ethnic Europeans tho.
He's not really trying to tell a coherent story, it's just a backdrop. His recent formula has been pretty straightforward, actually.
Pick a fun theme to use for a month or two (Greece, Norse, Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, etc)
Bitch about whatever's in the news recently, using that theme
If there's nothing specific to complain about, Jews.
Is this supposed to be ancient Rome or Greece?
Then why doesn't he make comics about the japanese and abrahamic religions
He used to
I'm a little surprised he doesn't purge his older stuff. I highly doubt he's still on board with depicting Obama as Superman, for example.
It's impossible to be "right" in a way that goes against the grain if you're always going to switching your view often because of that "interchangeability"; without at least having certainty and security of the decision, or a least principles, and the consequences that would happen. (And I make a separate point about the change of opinion, which is a natural it's frecuencial shift.)
By under that statement,it only make the integrity and fidelity of convictions and credibility of one going to fickle in the face of the onrush tidal waves of a world it's undeniably dynamic.
One positive thing I can say about Tats is he NEVER deletes shit. Even when he was castigating himself for drawing terribly offensive shit like Blaxploitation Funk Bible he never ever deleted any of it. I think on his old forms he mentioned that he keeps everything up so he always remembers what he did so he can grow from it but I might be misremembering as it’s been a while. Side note: can someone who’s less socially retarded and/or black please explain to me what’s so particularly offensive about this comic? I mean, yeah I understand that it IS offensive but he keeps bringing up this specific comic like it’s one of the worst things he’s ever done and honestly, is it really that much worst then the like 50 other “LOL BLACK PEOPLE” comics he did?
oops forgot to upload the famous Blaxploitation Funk Bible strip
Dude can still draw some hot women even after all these years of insanity.