AI can't make ar-
AI can't make ar-
This trolley says a lot about Society.
The part where he said I'm a fluffin made me cry
Congratulations on training an algorithm to make tumblr memes.
Better than recent tv cartoons
What is wrong with you guys was picking up a pencil and drawing a circle and some lines that difficult you act like it was breaking rocks in the Sun. There's something very pathetic about people who have to obsessively discuss AI replacing artists as the artists have a difficult job. Make excuses of why they can't create anything because the AI is not good enough. Guess what sugar Puff if you had a good idea you would have done it already AI or no AI you're just lazy like every single person I've seen except for one person
Most AIfags are failed artists who feel gatekept by "talent" and that normal artists are hording some kind of magic from them. Which is why they'll do shit like this, and then turn around and cry that people are stealing their prompts and it's not fair they can't copyright their images. They're desperate to play at being artists and recreate the situation they think they're being held out from despite it purely being a lack of ambition.
Correction: I'm not lazy, I'm retarded.
I like trains
It sounds like you're coping hard with the fact that no one really cares about AI. How much spam do you have to see of this crap and oh yeah that great Coke ad before you start realizing maybe you're getting scammed. These AI companies are selling you a story that you're going to be able to create what you wanted to create all your life easy and freely the fact is you're not. Because if everyone's special no one is and that's one of the things you guys can't understand supply and demand. Flood the market with cheap AI crap no one wants it value goes down I swear to God you AI guys sit around talking about how we're going to leave living in a post scarcity world and how we're all going to be flying around and rocket ships when you don't even understand basic economics or well anything. I used to be very into it and then I started dealing with the community and it wasn't long before I started seeing people talk about how they literally did not need to learn anything because the magic computer was going to do everything and they were all going to be billionaires somehow.
Your posts sounds ai written dude
Kind of partially, I want to call myself anti AI I'm more anti AI community at this point. It's definitely changed since when it first started, it was definitely people having fun and figuring out actually how to get these things to work now it's scammers and weirdos that are trying to make a buck off it. It's kind of depressing to talk to people who tell you how AI is going to fix their life, my final moment was when I was talking to this dude a
, he was 40 plus years old living his parents attic didn't have a car couldn't drive couldn't work had no job skills no source of income basically living off his elderly parents and the desperation that he had totally convinced himself that AI was 2 weeks away he was going to become this prompt engineer it was going to fix his life and the guy couldn't even see he was 5 minutes from being homeless. He's still sitting waiting for the magic AI to come down from the sky and fix his life and I couldn't deal with it anymore I couldn't deal with just the level of wanting a god to save you it's the same thing Christians do. I guess I'm sort of rambling but I don't know it's just so bad right now it's the scammers and the sad lonely people. character AI literally just prayed on people's loneliness it didn't have to go this way it could have been a lot better but the people right now in these communities are not good people and have also with mental problems
I'm kinda mixed on AI as a whole, it's a fun side gig if you wanna make shit artists won't.
I think there's room for both.
over an hour
yeah right nigga, what the fuck are you smoking
Tbh I'm more concerned about AI replacing 40% of the work force.
That's kinda what bugs me about this whole debacle. It's the first time that Art has been hit in the same way as other fields have by developing technologies and they're freaking out like it's vital that art get to be a protected class but they need to learn from every union vs developing technology conflict in known history. WGA and SAG-AFTRA saw significant gains specifically because they did this.
How does our field evolve with this technology and how do we keep job security while facing it?
Problem is, free lance comissioned art can't really unionize, so the best angle to attack here would be the way AI uses potentially copyrighted work but damn that could have implications for Fair Use
That's basically every single AI as, you go to YouTube you see 100,000 of those videos saying the exact same thing I've heard it all before AI is going to replace everyone blah blah blah blah doesn't happen won't happen the technology is not that good. Now artists they are such a small community they're basically irrelevant very few of them make any money I keep hearing you guys act like entertainment Fields this monolithic thing it's not it's small very few people even make money you are looking at a few big wigs that have their name and are going to make a ton of cash with AI or without it. All AI is going to do and what it's going to do is make crap and make a lot of it very fast that's about it and scam old ladies. It's not going to give you what you want everybody knows that it's just Spam technology. Whatever was good about it in the beginning has been lost because at the end of the day this is just one big Ponzi scheme you don't tell me mid journey or stable diffusion is worth a billion dollars because they're not no artistic company I don't care if it's real art is worth a billion dollars it's all smoke and mirrors. This is the nft craze all over again just now you got a whole bunch of money thrown at AI which isn't even real AI. The same language you heard about nfts and cryptos are what they're using with ai. Can some people make good amount of money off of it yeah but not everyone. If you want to see the future look up peanut the squirrel crypto, it's everything that the modern tech industry is smoking mirrors and then driving the cost up of a stock or a crypto and then dumping it and moving on to the next thing
But AI didn't make this. TomSka had these ideas. He made the cartoons. AI could never make this without the original TomSka video.
Looks like shit, wtf is this awkward branch
There's no composition, nothing guides the eye, there's no structure to the roots to create any kind of vibe or emotion, the roots reach into the path as if it's been overgrown, but the path itself looks perfectly clean-trodden, the artist couldn't decide if this should be an evergreen forest or not, to the point where I wonder if the artist has ever seen a forest (because of course, it hasn't). 0/10, don't try to pass off this shit as art again.
This is bad and not funny.
The weirdest part about every one of these conversations is the AI tech Bros act like AI is not in almost all digital tools. Blender has a plug in for mid journey I believe stable diffusion has a plug in for Krita Adobe has Firefly including video so I don't get with AI guys are so mad about like a lot of artists are using ai to create things. I think it really comes down to like they can't use AI to create anything worth value.
I don't think people have an issue with using AI as a tool, something used only for grunt work. Generative AI where it's used to make things whole-cloth is where the issue arises because it looks like shit when there isn't a human hand involved with the process.
It's the first time that Art has been hit in the same way as other fields have by developing technologies
No? This shit has been hitting artists since the rise of computers. CGI animation caused a ton of traditional animators to be out of work, despite companies needing their animation basics to make the CGI look good.
The problem with AI is that there isn't even a pretence of making quality content. It's technology designed to create spam, slop for the sake of "saving" money by outright stealing other people's property and poorly repackaging it.
These anons only read headlines.
honestly better writing than most animated movies.
You're absolutely right! Art is indeed easy, and not worthy of worship! Thanks for selling me on using AI!
That's just the plot of Pontypool
can you draw something for me?
sure, pay me $1,000 dollars for a sketch
No thanks. I don't have disposable income to spend on silly drawings.
Go away then, loser.
I guess I'll just use AI to draw what I want.
I want art that looks like X artist.
just learn to draw
I have no time to learn because of other responsibilities.
too bad, loser.
I guess I'll just use AI to draw what I want.
sudden advance in tools allow a greater portion of the masses to create
99% of the creations are ass and poo
Elitists were right.
neither of these scenarios ever happened
aifags just want to be condescending smug faggots
Which AI program generated this?
Was it Flux?
I want in.
My position is that it's fine up to a point
I'm an artist and I use it as an idea machine whenever I have art block
I think it works the best as a tool but don't really blame people that generate stuff for themselves
My only real annoyance is whenever it gets spammed since it ruined many sites for me especially since most of the stuff uploaded nobody bothers to clean up so it ends up looking like highly rendered trash
ai threads
anons hate ai
animation strike threads
anons love ai
Ok but why poast Cyanicide & Happyness?
no commission artist has ever demanded ridiculous sums of money for a few crumbs of art
AI will almost certainly never replace artists, contrary to what both artfag alarmists and techjeet crypto bros say.
It's great for generating shitposts and other stuff that 95% of artists won't touch or can't really do well, but really even the super high end models will never be able to suitably mimic actual art, at least not without so much extra work/input that it makes it less efficient than just hiring an actual artist, and the publicly-available stuff is oftentimes laughably bad and barely better than it was 2 years ago when it really took off.
You want a specific artist to draw you something but you can't afford their commissions. So out of this desperation you turn to AI because communism good. AI steals from artists it's a data laundering scheme, sold to morons to pretend that they are going to get somewhere in life without any skills. Doesn't matter how many digital software packages come with it and how it's incorporated into digital tools this has nothing to do with AI this has to do with unimaginative lazy people wanted to get rich off ideas that never worked. That's why there's always this excuse of the AI was not good enough and in a few years will be good enough for me to actually create what I wanted to create. If your idea was actually good and your story was actually good you would have made it with any tool available to you be it a stick a rock or pencil.available.
ridiculous sums
Huh, there really are people who go their whole lives wondering why artisan products are more expensive than mass-produced slop.
You're talking to people that want to stay in the same place and be drip fed entertainment. I don't even think they're human anymore they don't want to struggle and get somewhere in life they want to work their crappy little jobs come home masturbate and pretend they're getting somewhere most of them are so ridiculously driven by this idea that they're unique and special. If they had any drive they would have created something. As a human being we want to get better and these people don't they want it all handed to them it has nothing to do with AI it has to do with their mentality. You can give them all the tools and all the access to information in the world they will never produce anything even if they were given a full team of animators and artists they would still fail because at the end of the day they're really not as creative or clever as they think they are