Stolen Mom Edition
Where To Watch HTS -
Stolen Mom Edition
Where To Watch HTS -
Call animal control.
There's a cougar loose.
bully wins by seducing the MC's mom
Is this canon?
It should be
Is Harriet gonna have to call Marion mom now?
No, Marion is the new dad.
She is so cute!
I've got a need to see Harriet's mom making out messily with Harriet's female friends/acquaintances whether their willing or not.
By that grip I'd think it's more the mom who made the call. Still a win either way for everyone but Harriet.
That Crabgrass strip where black kid compliments the white mom, but with Harriet and Mrs. Hawthorn.
That's just the fervent desire of the seduced. She needs it.
Of course. Harriet's mom already had her fill of Janie and wanted some Marion as well. I'm looking forward to when she manages to get Marion's little group to service her at once.
Harriet got the bad ending.
I worry for the depraved display she's about to put on while Harriet watches every second.
She has forgotten her daughter completely. Her mind is filled with Marion.
Rachel Hennessy was the best!
I mean, how anyone can resist to marion's attractive face?
Holy fuck thats so hot.
With every lick Harriet's whimpers and gasps feel further and further away.
The image was supposed to be a joke...this was supposed to be a normal thread...
There are no normal threads, anon
It's time. Requests
Marion sending Harriet to her room so she and Harriet's mom can fuck.
Of course they make shit like this for pedophillas
It's nice to see you again! You know what to do do a porn version of OP pic related with both Marion and Harriet's mom been naked with a bush making love. from Bushanon btw:)
Marion and Harriet's mom getting married.
Harriet forced to be ring-bear or flower girl.
Anything Beth Ellen related, personally.
Maybe her being the note-leaver.
Evil sinful shit . I'm going to laugh in heaven while you all burn in hell.
kek, that'd be perfect.
Bible states pride is sinful and only the lord will judge in the end. I'll be seeing you very soon.
I'm the artist with the least pride.
Anon, there's no way you didn't realize that leading with girls having their moms steal their young female friends and rivals is too hot to ignore. /ll/ is too damn rare for how hot it is.
Marion pulling Harriet's hair and asking if she "likes the way it feels" because Marion is a freak.
Marion saying to Harriet: "I am your father" and Harriet scrames: "No...that's not true...that's impossible!!"
Of fucking course you were going to show up
Marion in a bold swimsuit trying to seduce. Maybe tie it into the OP and have her be working on Harriet's mom. Not the usual anon but it would be cool if she had a fiery bush peeking out too.