What the fuck was he actually thinking when he made this? What reality is he in where he rewrites his own shit getting stolen as being a positive experience?
What the fuck was he actually thinking when he made this...
bike cuck
ibek uckc
kebi ckcu
ekeb kcuc
I looked up his recent posts and everyone keeps calling him trans. Why?
I think he was having a psychotic episode
Post the genderbent version of him.
don't you know about utilitarianism?
some psycho killed my brother but he seemed pretty happy while doing it, good for him
it's this faggot-ass "merit badge" culture these people live in. virtue signaling run amok is the root source of societal cancer. it really don't need to go any deeper than that.
oh you think its cool it when brownoids loot Targets?
*points at bike-cuck badge on faggot sash*
well I'M even ok with having my own personal property stolen by criminals...humph.
But the amount of brain rot you have to have in order to virtue signal your bike getting stolen is something I can't comprehend.
Like, is this the mental equivalent of when you say something horrible about your childhood and laugh it off as a joke and everyone around you goes, "What the fuck, that's sad, not funny"? Is it that level of being desensitized or something? How often is this dude buying bikes to not be bothered by it.
I think this triggers people not because it’s stupid (obviously it is) but because it demonstrates staying unhappy about shit you can’t control is a choice
Nah, if he framed the comic in a way that didn't justify the robbery there wouldn't have been an uproar.
The idea of being such a pushover on a deep-seated psychological and philosophical level elicits a visceral disgust response in 99% of humans. Same thing with cuckolding. That's why they call him bike cuck.
nowhere he does justify the robbery
He said that he felt good because whoever stole his bike probably was way happier about it than he was sad about it.
Which is nonsense. It was almost certainly stolen to sell for drug money.
Bike cuck's gonna cuck. Might as well get his shoes stolen away from him too.
This is a certified white people moment
White knight or white saviour?
He went back on this
Doubled down?
It's pure cope.
You tell generations of people that "crime is just poverty lol" and they justify the most awful behaviours even though there not entirely true. Culture, psychology, mental health do all play a factor. But the truth is, the people that do awful shit to you really don't care, they hate you and would justify their behaviour absolutely. But then the middle class cuckery opinions kick in.
This is just like that shitty Italian movie.
He made another comic calling himself dumb then he got his bike back
What the fuck was he actually thinking when he made this?
To create the perfect encapsulation of how to explain what cuckold fetish is so that even a child could comprehend it.
Thus he arose to the status of a god...
That is...
The Bike Cuck.
You think Tyrone wasn't happy getting his fix?
Shen may have """redeemed""" himself from being the bike cuck, but his art is so much shittier now and he still hasn't changed or improved his life in any real way so now he's just a cuck at life
Cope and propaganda about how thieves in general are no so bad and most thieves are just honorable people trying to get by. It simply isn't true yet has completely captured our entire culture wholesale.
is bike cuck going to troon out
It's the logic of someone who believes in utilitarianism and lives in a very sheltered/affluent world.
Still, Jesus would probably give his bike away though too, but make the guy repent first.
Bike cuck thread McCurrentyear
An important thing to remember is that the situation didn't really happen. His bike was not stolen. He invented a situation where he got robbed because he thought he could turn it into a positive message. The readership were unable to accept this, because bikes cost fucking money, which is why the response to the comic was so explosively negative.
I don't think Jesus would've even had a bike to get stolen to begin with. He was not materialistic and not having possessions was a defining trait. I'm not entirely sure, could be wrong on this, but I don't even think he owned things like livestock despite it being common in those days.
sees someone obviously coping
literally cannot comprehend it
I’m not defending the comic, but there’s nothing difficult to understand here unless you’re an actual retard.
Because he keeps making comics where the man is submissive to the woman and the general vibe of the comics match the transport of the internet. In addition to drawing his self insert more feminine
Though I don’t buy it because well, it could also just be the typical modern male fantasy where big muscle mommy dom or whatever
typical modern male fantasy where big muscle mommy dom or whatever
I've noticed the only socially acceptable way a man can express sexuality online anymore without being cancelled is to be self-depricating and masochistic.
I wish I had a tomboy gf to punch me in the balls that would be so funny haha
oh no dommy mommy pls don't step on me lol
Post the one that makes libtards seethe
Post parodies
This shit doesn't even make sense if you apply the categorical imperative to it.
don't give a fuck about your shit being stolen
thieves are emboldened to steal more
other people get stolen from
the total happiness in the world decreased
I understand this is Anon Babble but have you been oblivious to the last decade or so? These freaks can literally be attacked / raped /murdered by swarthoids and they will defend the heckin brownerino until blue in the face. Look at how parents who have their children murdered / raped always call for peace and anti-racist unity publicly. Look at the leftist fag who got stabbed to death while his gf did nothing because she was ACAB and didn't want to be heckin racist calling them on the dude eviscerating her boyfriend. Maybe the joke is fucking on all of us and they are the most Christlike of us all.
Except that's not what's happening. A bike thief didn't steal it to have a means of transportation. They stole it, because they're a criminal, finding shit to sell.
Bikecuck was coping in the least aware way.
I wish I could find the video of the guy crying, when he found out that the homeless guy was getting arrested for attacking someone with a weapon. He called the cops, expecting the cops to just stop the homeless guy from attacking the other person, and then let the homeless person go.
Libcucks are wild.
I think those people are out of their fucking minds, too. Most people get radicalized when they get literally punched in the face against the thing they're preaching for, so when I see that one dude whose little boy is killed in a bus accident because of an illegal immigrant and he goes, "Open borders are still cool, guys", I just have no idea how you can be brainwashed THAT much.
I can understand an abusive relationship. A girl has a black eye and deludes herself into thinking, "It's my fault" out of fear, out of loneliness, out of insecurity. But this is a scenario where she feels physically trapped in a situation. If you gave her the money and the means to get the fuck out of there, a majority of women will take it and fucking run because even they know in their own head that they're in a horrible situation.
What compels you to go up to a podium when no one is pressuring you and advocate for your kids murderer? That was a decision you made. So strange. Bike Cuck is also weird.
What compels you to go up to a podium when no one is pressuring you and advocate for your kids murderer?
It's either complete ideological capture or it's the government telling you that if you don't push the message that the government will make their life miserable.
White progressives get more upset on a huge range of issues than blacks and hispanics.