
Zauns strongest soldier

it took six (6) years for silco to take zaun from a town of hardworking alcoholic working class proletariat to a town of hedonistic degenerate hard druggies

I just finished act 2. It's kind of disappointing Caitlyn decided to help Vi despite her built up rage against Zaunites. Knew Isha was going to have something bad happen to her. The plot with Jayce and Viktor is kind of confusing. What the fuck happened to Jayce? He became a full anti hextech shizo which I like. Hopefully we see Vnder evolve further into his in-game Warwick look.

Last thread:

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whats the music track name playing after jayce goes HAMMERS ?

Imagine the discourse over them

/our boy/ is gonna be ok right Anon Babble? h-he didn't die did he? :,( He'll get back up again w-won't he? ;_;

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my cult leader can't be this cute!

What the hell does Ekko even do for the plot this season? He might as well not have been in it at all if he shows up at the last second in act 3.

Garbage character, because writers are afraid to commit to her story arc for yuri pandering.

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I think Cait turning on a dime to helping Vi again and not even batting an eye at Jinx being there was the first time the show broke my suspension of disbelief. That was horrifically rushed and is almost nonsensical, and just felt like the writers needed her to switch sides for the plot and not for her character. S2 really is relying on Act 3 sticking the landing.

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His power is time travel. He can serve no function other than Deus Ex Machina.

Still keeping everything of Viktor out of the trailer

Only one big conflict shown with the whole "Noxus invading" thing

What are they hiding? Is there going to be some insane thing happening in Episode 8 like a portal to the Void opening up forcing everyone to unite in getting it closed up?
Would explain how we wind up with a tenuous "peace" between Piltover and Zaun to establish a kind of status quo for the end.

I miss her bros

Cait did seethe for a moment

We got few Powpows in new act2

Did the script of Act 3 actually leak or Arcanetwt is freaking out over nothing again?

did the nameless kid even die? Everybody is jobbing, but also surviving KOs like its nothing, I imagine it was done for just a cheap effect. I hate when characters get that invincible plot armor on, cant tell what's real and what's not

weren't the leaks only up to episode 5? I stayed away from these threads till episode 6 to avoid spoilers but now I'm hearing there were leaks for the 3rd act too?
goddammit I want to shitpost on Anon Babble

Do you own any official Arcane merchandise?

There's been tie in stuff leaked from LoL and TfT showing Victor with his mask on. He's going to come back as a magic, robot necromancer.

Yeah, a moment. It was a symptom of the pacing issues that plagued this season so far unfortunately.

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Powder bros...

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wtf are they talking about?

I have the S1 soundtrack on vinyl, and preordered S2.

Me and my bros are fucked up for how hard we were cheering for the mute to die. We called it saying she was obviously a plot device and would die and when we heard that sad french music and saw her running in a war against a beast we knew what was up.

Me when isha died

Derailed the entire plot by insisting the Ambessa become the driving force behind the story

Introduce the Black Rose using magic willy-nilly like generic high fantasy when half of the S1 plot was predicated on a single person seeing one guy use magic once 25 years prior

Introduce a little girl everyone knows is meant to die as a catalyst for a crazy violent character to continue being crazy and violent

Literally teleport Ekko and Heimerdinger out of the plot for 3 episodes when they were already underutilized in S1

Continued schizodyke relationship drama that not even yurifreaks find compelling at this point

Setting up the introduction of time travel and alternate timelines in the LAST THREE EPISODES of a two season TV show

Randomly drop a reveal that Silco knew all about Vi and Powder since before birth which recontexualizes his actions in S1 to make them more retarded

Piltover v Zaun plot still has not created an actual replacement for Zaun figurehead which makes the entire conflict nebulous at best

Piltover v Zaun plot sidelined in general in favor of a fucking stupid Caitler subplot that goes nowhere, changes nothing about the story besides making Caitlyn less likable, then ends in an unearned doublecross

Viktor's emotional center is a tulpa of a character who had three minutes of screentime in S1 then died when Viktor barely knew she existed

Bing Chilling as the Act 2 ending song

Constant musical montages which even the normies are turning on, "Paint the Town Blue" was worst-of-all-time contender

Firelights sidelined to be as relevant to the story as the chembaron goons

Wild Rune plot still not adequately explained with only 3 episodes left to go

Jayce, Ekko, and Heimerdonger have been trapped in the Arcane for a year now

What'd they see ?

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The pre Act 2 leaks were 100% correct on predicting actually 2, and also included the whole outline of Act 3.

Opinion is divided on whether the leaker actually knows everything, or just saw A t 2 early and pulled the rest out of his ass. But it's leaning towards them being right.

Probably leaks from that hack of the big localisation company a few months ago if I had to guess. A shit tonne of anime got massively spoiled at the same time.

Why he go from a old nerd to a young twink?

Caitlyn a cute! A CUTE!!

I need more pictures of her in that big coat it was hot as fuck

Which leaker are we believing and which leakers are we saying are full of shit?

that sad French music

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Viktor turned him into a meat puppet. His appearance is just a glamour, underneath he's the distorted eldritch monster that Jayce saw him as.

Why is jinx seen as a hero? she really did kill all of their best people over and over also brought in the military police. She really isn't silco or vander, she's like that asshole that cause your neighborhood to be designated a at risk area.

I miss post season 1 threads bros.
I miss Jilco posting
I miss warden posting
I miss when Heimerdinger was the most hated character
I miss powder posting
I miss when discussions where about the shows potential

Show me good season 1 stuff to cope...

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so is Isha just Powder if she didn't mess up and was actually competent?

It sounded foreign, and I know it's a French production. what was it?

Zaun was oppressed before and is being oppressed harder now. She's a symbol of resistance.

the song was chinese niggy

how the fuck was aisha competent? she did almost nothing

Fucking Chinese!

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I thought the point was Jayce was the crazy one now and that they were both treading a dangerous line between the arcane. Which can be a force of chaos and good.

Why do repressed people see violent thugs as "freedom fighters" in real life?

People venerate the IRA still? Robin Hood got turned into a Disney character and all he did was steal from people and probably have gay sex in the woods.

If this all leaked a while ago, why did anon wait until the ep 6 premiere to say all of this? It’s very convenient anon leaked act 2 and act 3 right after press got to see ep 6 + the snippet.

Anyway, what are some early indications leaker anon is right?

And some that anon is wrong…?

A few things can kinda be deduced from the snippet. But if for example caitvi fuck in the office instead of Jinx’s cell, then we’ll know the leak is fake.

estrogen saved her

the real reason Jayce goes insane

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I'm not sure if it's obvious but I figured the whole point was she was an allegory for Powder, and Jinx taking her in and befriending her was in actuality a way for her to forgive and love 'Powder'.

song name and lyrics is paint the town blue

scene is a bunch of blue hair people painting the town blue

legit shocked if the leaks are right and they kill jinx, they really passing the opportunity of dyking her up with lux in the demacia show?

How in the goddamn am I suppose to know Chinese bros? I don't know non-american. it all sounds the same to me.

This season feels like its on meth, disjointed rushed and things just happen for no reason

I know Jayce's game and I understand.

AU Jinx is going to kiss Ekko isn’t she

cait did realize that ambessa was manipulating and controlling her, and she knew that they were going too far, but didn't know how to stop it.
then after seeing ambessa's soldiers ready to destroy a little paradise of peace just to get a weapon, and that weapon is vi's adoptive dad, and vi herself is an ally so she's not alone anymore she decided to go against ambessa.
So it's less that she suddenly decided to turn against ambessa and more that that was the straw that broke the camel's back
it wasn't fully explained but it was implied in the rest of the season.
probably needed more time to be made more clear I guess

I mean but she pretty much fucked them out of being a free nation, so it's all her fault literally.
True wait I thought the IRA was good cause fuck the British? Also yeah really is weird like that young thug thing people were so happy he got away with it as if sure the trial was bs, but he's still connected to organized crime and murders.

people like when occupiers get blown the fuck up

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I really wish they had cut the 2 of the music videos, and the whole "pit fighter Vi" story, and just put more time into whatever the fuck is going on with the Black Rose, because right now it feels completely superfluous to the story.

lux is garen cock only


Think back to season one and all that happened there. Jinx murdered countless enforcers, firelights and councilmembers. Neither Vi nor Cait should have been as able to just forgive or forget all that happened. Same with Jinx. Cait is basically the reason why her life with Silco went to shit but she just saves her in the commune. It's all irredeemably rushed and I'm sure act three will somehow manage to fuck up the believability of this tory even more.

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AU jinx???

Why must Jinx suffer so much?
She can’t even have one good thing in her life, this is just unfair, what did she do to deserve all this shit?

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Viktor’s death was pretty kino yet I can’t help but feel frustrated at how even more kino it could have been given how much of a blunder this act was

she pretty much fucked them out of being a free nation

Nobody, not even Jinx knew that so you can't blame her for it. Perhaps it's grand irony that only the audience will ever know.

the reason the explosion that killed Isha and WW freezes at the end of the episode is because ekko stopped time

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I mean but she pretty much fucked them out of being a free nation, so it's all her fault literally.

No one knows that. Silco never told anyone, and neither than the councilors. From the average zaunite's perspective she's striking back against 200 years of brutalization

The one with the shark hoodie and shaved side head to commemorate Vi since she’s dead in her universe

Fuck Jinx
Fcuk Vi
Fuck Caitlyn
Fuck Mel
Fuck Ambessa
Fuck Silo
Fuck Piltover
Fuck Zaun
Fuck Heimerdinger
Fuck Viktor

But most of all...


neither than the councilors

neither did the*

Isha is dead bro

Yeah weird they mention the firelights and for all they know jinx murdered ekko he was last seen fighting jinx right? Also even if not she literally murdered tons of the firelights and ekko would definitely tell them Jinx is responsible for everything. Weird they'd fold under jinx as a revolutionary when she's their mortal enemy.

Why is jinx seen as a hero

because piltover made them their number one enemy. So it's more a symbol of rebellion against the government.
Notice that only a group of people are actually called jinxers, the others are still doing their thing and aren't jinx followers

Why must Jinx suffer so much?


but didn't know how to stop it

Anon, Cait is a grown ass woman and even outranks Ambessa. She could have easily stopped if she wanted. Unless this is about how to stop herself which makes her sound like an even bigger retard undeserving of such easy redemption.

i had a dream ep 7-9 came out and it was the most dogshit thing ever

she didn't kill anyone she wasn't trying to kill for starters.

took me out of it

Oh wait so were going into AU territory in part 3 or that's just from LoL shit?

Better learn your mandarin anon, the chinese century is upon us

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for all they know jinx murdered ekko he was last seen fighting jinx right?

No he left with Heimerdinger to infiltrate the Hexcore thing, they knew where he was going.

This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

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literally magic aint gotta explain shit.

The rapid pacing is really shitting up this season, I don't even think the plot would be that bad if it had proper breathing room but since everything happens so fast it feels like they're just throwing shit at the wall


Ah well still pretty easy to blame jinx since they know she hated him and piltover.

Obviously Isha was Chinese and that’s why she never talked

jesus viktor

not having the original storyboard artists to do him justice


I want to nibble on his little toes

getting triggered by the chinese

It’s happening bros. This shit is so ass. Thx Amanda

I swear to god if Vi goes with Caitlyn instead of supporting her sister after losing her daughter and father(again) im going to loose my shit.

I think it has to do with the fact that Jinx reveals herself by literally saving Cait's life. There wasn't really any time for Cait to bitch about it more than a couple of angry glares, but we'd better see some shit about it in E7 or I'll be pissed.

From the way it was presented it seems that Mel is the daughter of Ambessa and a member of the Black Rose since they called her sister.

So the "thing" Ambessa stole from them was Mel, and the Black Rose want her back.

Where is Kino

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so jayce is being controlled by the void or trying to stop the void you know the visions he had
this nigga raped all the jinx clones too?

pussy > sister

Just don’t miss the bowl, your mom is gonna kick you out if you do that again

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How does hobo Jayce smell like?

I'm not scared of them. Once their obese leader dies, they'll go back to being a war-torn country like in the old dynasty days. All it takes for a government like that to fall to shit is the head guy dying and all his grubby friends vying for his power, and because all of them are pathetic worms, they end up tearing the foundation of their power apart.

Cait is a grown ass woman and even outranks Ambessa.

anon Cait has no experience of government or military leadership and all that she knows she's learned on the job from Ambessa herself. Jayce and Mel who could have helped her have disappeared, the other experienced council members are either dead or became hippy druggies, and the new council members probably are pushing to have jinx captured.
Yes, technically she could stop, in practice she doesn't actually know how to do it.

It’s disingenuous because the song was obviously written in English but riot said to “make this one Chinese” because Chinese audience and what not. Just like industry plant seraphine.

>Randomly drop a reveal that Silco knew all about Vi and Powder since before birth which recontexualizes his actions in S1 to make them more retarded

I agree with you on every point but this one, how do you figure?

sister pussy >>

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Ekko turns back time before Isha dies
Viktor/Jayce, Vi/Cailtyn reconcile
Caitlyn forgives Jinx after she goers "heh sorry about ur mom"
The heroes defeat the noxians non lethally
Ambessa is thrown in a jail cell.

final scene is a dance party ending set to a taylor swift song, ends with Jinx flying an airship right into the camera (call back to ep 1), screen cuts to black

So many people complaining about isha and jinx's lack of on screen development for their relationship but i think you guys forget that this is always how arcane wrote it's characters. Silco and jinx, from start of act 4 to just before the tea party, have only maybe 9 minutes or so of even a modicum of "development". Silco and Jinx's father daughter relationship basically got ZERO development other then we are told it happened. Some of that time is even eaten up by Silco literally just a couple lines said back and forth with other characters that aren't even jinx, like Silco talking to Sevika about daddy issues.
But in s2 basically every scene with jinx either has isha in it giving them character moments and showing their relationship or has isha as a key conflict in the scene for jinx. If you didn't like isha it's likely cause you've spent to much time in cesspools that have calcified your jaded hearts. Cause Isha's a little girl that's largely not fucked up in any way so you refuse to engage or connect with the her, cause of course, she isn't a drug slinging merciless people slaughtering kingpin after all.

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buttfucking this twink until he farts my cum for a month

this is so fucking ass

True I'm just saying I remember mentioning it, bro went from old nerd to junkie corpse to cute twink. Maybe hextech is worth the risk

random mute child character they threw in to justify Jinx being slightly more normal and then killing her off so Jinx can go crazy again in the last act

Truly excellent writing

I remember the Elden Ring DLC also getting leaked and people shat on it purely from that, calling it nonsensical and contradictory, but when people played it it got a much better reception because they could experience it as intended. I hope this is the case here as well.

this nigga raped all the jinx clones too?

He likes em pink

So over

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Sad our glorious beef fucker died, even he could not defeat the power of a angry father.

I am not a shipper retard and I feel gross typing this, but I will only accept Jinx dying at the end if Vi ends up with Caitlyn. I need one of the two girls to end somewhat happy and now that Isha is kill, Jinx will probably an hero or die heroically. And I really don't see another way for Vi to have a content life than with Cait. Shes lost Vander twice now and will likely lose her sister again. There needs to be some kind of light in the dark here man, come on.

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arcane cancoon

Leaks confirmed. We literally see it in the act 3 trailer

I like how they resolved the central conflict of the entire show (Jinx vs Vi) by not even addressing any of the animosity between them, just "oh our dad is alive after all" and things are fine between them now

What I find disappointing about this season is how the chembarons and civil war in Zaun gets dropped. The only one the story bothered with was Smeech. What about the other two chembarons? Were they not interested in the rally held by Sevika? All we saw was their minions attending. Did they die?

But that's forbidden love!

I grant your wish.

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if this happens would be extremely antikino
especially heim dying and the lesbian sex

Uh Sevika?

nobody will feel good after watching it

It's so fucking over

That's what the said about Mao, then Enlai, then Deng, and now Xi
They've got enough steam for another century

Its not just the development, it's the fact Isha doesn't have a character. Silco and Jinx's relationship didn't have much development BUT Silco had a cool character that we got attached to, and by proxy, his relationship with Jinx. Isha doesn't get any of that. She just fall on top Jinx and follows her around. That's all

Since Isha kills VanderWick, then Viktor is going to take the blood he needs on the corpse.
therefore VanderWick is not the WW.

i didn't read the leaks btw.


Caitlyn is 100% losing her eye

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If you watched 1-6 and the snippet, you can tell though.

I do think the leaks are true and I hate them, but I’m also taking it all with a grain of salt. Wish leaker anon clarified more what happens because the leak leaves out Mel and Ambessa’s fates.

Cait may "outrank" Ambessa but the Noxian soldiers would never listen to her over Ambessa

Whew, jeez, Jinx being forced to kill her surrogate father then nuking Piltover, killing many influential people including her sister's girlfriend's beloved mom must put a real damper on their relationship. It would have to be impossible to get these two to reconcile after everything that happened in Season 1!

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Leaker knew what released in 6 eps and then wrote fanfiction basing on act3 trailer.

Maddie is sus as fuck. A junior beat cop worms her way into everything important going on, including the leader's bed? That bitch is either black Rose or works for Ambessa to keep Cait unstable.

Most of us predicted that Jinx won't survive S2 back in 2021

Pretty sure a thug held a knife to Vi’s eye in S1. The preeminent eyeless character in Arcane is Silco. Make it make sense.

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Sevika killing one of them I suppose was enough to scare the others back into hiding

Feels like pure shit, Jinxbros.
All I wanted ever since season 1 is to see that all that shit was worth it and that even if your life is shit and you are sick in the head, there is hope. But no, instead we get more torture.

and jinx and ekko's development was about 20 seconds and happened during their fight scene.
vi and vander barely had more time than jinx and isha. Arcane was always fast paced and built character relationships by showing only a few selected meaningful moments and song montages.
I think a lot of people have spent too much time building their headcanon and speculating about characters relationships and are mad that the story went into a different direction.

Season 1? Forgotten.

Wish leaker anon clarified more what happens because the leak leaves out Mel

Apparently nothing. Mel just breaks out and helps the gang. Black rose doesn’t show up again.

no bros, act 3 will be worse than it

Seriously? Why does after all of this Vi allows Jinx to be arrested? Jinx and Zaun goes to bail out Piltover from the mess they made? Jinx dies fighting WW? What's the theme around this bullshit? If Jinx has to die, it would be fighting Caitlyn or Vi, maybe blowing herself with Piltover, but this is so random.

Idk why, but I hate this so much. Like her eyes are one of her defining traits and to lose an eye in the last possible episode (when we know she won’t die) just feels unnecessary. Still, that’s a reasonably good ending compared to everyone else who dies.

Idk how canon it’ll be to the game, since she has both eyes in her Caitler skin.

It's not. Act3 is pure fanfic

They're gonna make it, right?

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Maddie’s bit doesn’t make sense, she seems to be against Ambessa’s tactics. But there’s that tft interaction, so who knows.

Also that official trailer shot of Caitlyn hurt on the ground and looking surprised..?

The skin just represents Caitler during the timeskip. Arcane is canon, skins are not.

1/3 is the best I can do

Caitlyn loses her eys to parallel Silco or sumn idk

Something about Jinx acting as if "Jinx" was a separate persona from herself really broke me. It spat on the face of season 1's ending. Jinx/Powder completely embraced Jinx out of love for Silco. That's what the Council bombing was, a statement. Jinx is born.

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what is the date of the premiere?

Vander’s letter to Silco after the bridge

Imagine, in a better timeline the girls grew up with their two gay dads and none of the violence happened.

I don't buy it

no mention of Ambessa or Mel's fates

no mention of Shimmer Noxians

not!Ryze (or maybe just Ryze) didn't have Viktor's robot hands

Maddie repeatedly tries to convince Caitler to tell Ambessa to fuck off, but is somehow working for Ambessa the whole time? Also there's a shot in the Act 3 preview of Maddie working as a spotter for Cait during what is presumably a clash with the Noxians

Bros when act 3 drops I might skip straight to ep 9 to see if Caitlyn losing her eye is true. If it is, I’ll spend eps 7-8 preparing for the shitshow ending.

I guess Jinx never actually gave a fuck about Silco or his cause??

i refuse to read this, i wont be spoiled

I'm going to ep 8 to lesbian sex
fuck ep7 AU

Post Varwick

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Stop gaslighting, it was nonsensical and contradictory when it leaked and it's worse the more you think about it, Arcane S2 marks another massive disappointment storywise that shits on everything the previous story built up

I can't wait for her to be revealed as a boring side character who had enough charisma to get into caitlyn's bed. Maybe it will enlighten some of the dykes that keep obsessing over her.

She's never given a fuck about his cause, Silco was aware of this.

50/50 could be that or the leaker is legit. judging by the writing so far, it's probably the latter.

Arcane S2 feels like a first draft. Very predictable and rushed

everybody who gets close to me dies

Isha gets close and dies

Cant belief this happened :/

Referring to the ER DLC here, the final boss is dogshit in every conceivable way but the music, I still can't believe that modded fanfiction garbage is real

I am not a shipper retard


Jinx is perfect

Jinx is dead

what the actual fuck?

it's the same as all the other fake leaks. nibbles of truth with bullshit and caitvi sex tossed in. i don't doubt that this is a discord group fishing to see whose dumb enough to post their theories. i've caught 3 in my discord and i'm just a bystander.

Idk bro

I think the key part is when SOTE was 'leaked', they conveniently completely left out all the allegory and lore dropped about Marika, the Shamans and the Hornsent. They all just focused on "RADAHN IS THE FINAL BOSS MIQUELLA IS EVIL AND MINDCONTROLLED HIM" so they completely pasted over the truth and nuance to the story.

I guess poor people have to bail out their oppressors when the warmongers the allied themselves with became a problem. Let's ignore all the problems that caused the rift, big problem means you shut up.

cure vander

he comes out as a husk


cure vander

he stays like this and lives the rest of his days a wolf abomination

what was the plan here exactly or what were the sisters thinking besides just "saving"? also i know its an allegory and shit but all viktor really did inside vander was wander around and see which buttons he could press

This is Viktor

I don't believe it.

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Who's Felicias VA?

We’ll prob find out the ending on Friday cuz of the premiere in LA

could have easily stopped if she wanted

thats not how politics work. You need key support for that, that ambessa lady provided her soldiers. Soldiers, which were ready to turn on cait and her friends, the moment ambessa felt like it

Ambessa filled the void in Cait, not Maddie

Good for nothing lassie. Maddie was the cuck all along.

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Could be a disguise or a vessel so Jayce wont recognise him later in life when he sees him for real, avoiding him changing the future.

Your protagonist for the next league series.

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It was an allegory for bisexual identity exploration

Isha is dead

is not

The more I look at NuWW the worse he looks.

Jayce and Viktor just disappear and we get no answers

This is the shit that makes me more mad than the predictable af Jinx death which we have been calling for 3 years (she just has no satisfying way to go other than that)

Whatever been saying, too, wrt vi letting jinx be arrested. Vi has become so unlikable, she's practically a villain

Isha more like deasha

The "allegory" is fucking trash too, because 1. Miquella's story is not actually very similar to Marika's at all and only people who think muh parallels automatically means it's well written think this is interesting, 2. they complete kill any sort of emotional impact to it with how everything bad he did happened BEFORE he abandons his love, making that entire plot point meaningless, 3. the final fight itself has literally nothing to do with this and is just more Radahnwank while still failing to make his character (and Miquella's for that matter) interesting in any way.

The execution is the worst part and you have to be delusional to defend it, all that buildup and we get "Radahn is my consort" repeated 4 times and nothing else

Ambussy likes twink boys tho

NTA, but Silco introduces himself to Vi and Jinx in S1 when he first meets them, and doesn't know who they are beyond "vander's protégés".

If he knew their parents, and was around and actively involved in raising them he'd know who the fuck they were, they're pretty distinctive.

Also, his willingness to murder them and use them as scapegoats to provoke the people of the lanes seems a bit odd seeing as his entire motivation for building the nation of Zaun is now based around a promise he made to their mother to build them a better world.

didnt he had a leaked model, and he looked like Ryze?

I want ekko back but I want that mute goblin to stay dead.

It feels like the first draft of 3 seasons worth of content that got compressed into one by ChatGPT.

Just turn your brain off

S1 was truly elite

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wasn't really hearing the music

melody and instrumentation almost makes it sound french, thought I heard the word "champaigne" at some point

I see you're subscribed to the "I'm not so easily triggered, snowflake" starter kit.

I just understood my sister is not some monster and it's quite human and in pain.

She just lost her daughter and father.

Better put her in a cell, because my ex told me so!

Fucking hell i hope this is not true.

Vi is one tough motherfucker

they complete kill any sort of emotional impact to it with how everything bad he did happened BEFORE he abandons his love

If you're referring to using Mohg as a tool and forsaking his soul, then he did that because he is racist.

dude Im buing xiaomi earbuds and this weird pistol just because they look slick and have good reviews. Fuck the 20 times overpriced apple shit

good. fuck jilco


I swear to god at this rate they're gonna reveal Vi called her mother 'Cupcake' in a flashback too.

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>he stays like this and lives the rest of his days a wolf abomination

What's so bad about this? Like yeah he's ugly but he has his daughters again and he's alive. He has his daughter, who love him. There are much uglier things out in the world such as darkin.

I’d settle for this or a Demacia show with Lux.
I don’t know why people want Noxus, they suck.

Cait is so fucking ugly in this shot. That tooth gap really amplifies it.

*what I've

I want a Xerath/Azir story. Have Renekton and Nasus as a side plot. Hell, maybe even explore what Aatrox and the Darkin were like before the fall. There's so much tragedy and potential there.

It's going to happen, you know it in your heart. The whole thing with Singed and Ambessa is a set up for the Noxian invasion on Chingapan

It just was out of place, could've as well used some balkan or aztec melody. Outside of Riot being Tencent's slaves, and Caitlyn being ~half asian, there was nothing chinese about all these 15 episodes.

Muh Jinx this

Muh Isha that

Muh Vi the other

Guys, please, think about the real victims here - the video essayists who have to figure out how this is all actually KINO, great symbolism, parallels, pottery, character and not plot-driven, tastefully gender non-conforming, provides new perspectives on class struggle and how it will change the world of not just animation, but entertainment as a whole.

Please somebody tell me that leak is from someone who just saw act 1 / 2 and it messing with us. Some parts of season 2 have been mid, but holy shit, that ending is just terrible. It shit on all the themes of season 1 just to get big threat, everyone have to join up.

Vi is into getting beaten up

It’s adorable

time loop

aaand dropped

So Kino was definitely gay, right?

Cait is cute in every shot, you heathen.

Anon they probably just watched/heard about episode 6 then saw the teaser for act 3.

The splash on the screen was actually her squirting

Where exactly do you think all the LoL players are anon?
There's a reason the ending song for episode 6 is in Chinese, and the most watched video on the LoL YouTube channel is a Kpop video.

Given the lengths he was willing to go to create Zaun, he almost certainly forgot about his original promise at some point. Probably when Vander was drowning him.

She is the main character I fond the least attractive
For me its
Mel (not main but still hottest girl in the show)

I like that Isha has parallels to Powder's wind up monkey bombs in Act I.

Please parallel yourself out the nearest window.


The fuck do you mean "the latter"? The latter 50? Which one is that?

I think Ekko is kind of "time displaced" in the lore, which is what allows him to bend time. I think this travel to the arcane will give him that property. Idk what will happen to Heim, maybe he will come back a bigger magic hater than he was before.

Switching between Cassiopeia and Sivir exploring the desert and flashbacks to Azir and Xerath

Tons of Yuribait between haughty noblewoman and big tiddy tomboy

Ends with Cass stabbing Sivir

Everyone watching sides with poor little slave boy Xerath

Ends up as one of the most monstruous people in the setting

Fund it

I know.... I just hope that if it HAS to be in Ionia, then it's at least about Riven and not fucking foxtits or edgy samurai man. I watch Blue Eye Samurai, thats enough grorious nippon

Will Jinx blame Vi for stopping her?

All black men become gay when they become rich and he was born rich so he was probably Noxus' free use prince

You're forgetting fujobait between Azir and Xerath. Xerath would 100% be a fucking yandere for Azir. Nigga was killing unborn noble babies so Azir would be left unthreatened for the throne.

act 1 - Caitlyn loses her mother

act 2 - Jinx loses Isha

act 3 - Vi loses Jinx


NO ONE HAD SEEN ACT 3 YET. But nice try.

She just fall on top Jinx and follows her around. That's a

Isha doesn't speak, which is different from not having a character. She's clearly incredibly opinionated and strong willed, and despite her appearance as a mini-jinx/powder, she's not at all as tepid as jinx was as a kid. She's more competent then jinx was and not nearly as much as a crybaby like when she gets hit in the face. Like a lot of zaun she idolizes jinx, though probably on a more personal level, and like sevika wants jinx to step up to the responsibility of being a symbol for resistance against piltover. She's actually proactive in that belief of doing something whether that's playing copy-cat jinx, launching herself rat claws first into a noxian guard, or wanting desperately to stay with jinx when vanderwick shows up. She's also still a kid, with all her childlike wonder, but also all the stupidity and lack of experience which goes to explain why she has such reckless abandon.

it's the fact Isha doesn't have a character.

so to say she doesn't have a character at all is just wrong. Imagine replacing powder from season one act 1 with isha instead and it becomes obvious that she's more then a blank slate.

BUT Silco had a cool character that we got attached to

Which is the point i was making. People liked Silco so they gave him and their relationship and the story more allowance. But i get the strong impression that people here liked him cause they either identified with him heavily or thought he was super "cool and badass" and you can only let yourself like "hardcore" things,etc. If you don't like isha as a character that's fine and totally reasonable if it's really not to your taste. Some people don't like chocolate or cake or sweets in general. Taste is subjective, but it seems like people here don't like isha's character cause they didn't give her a chance at all. Cause liking her requires letting your feelings be soft, in contrast to how cool and hard liking silco is.

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Ionia has a LOT of champs, besides Riven and her whole deal you also have Zed and Jhin (who's an Ionian for some fucking reason) or Ivern.

TFW you see Cait and Maddie

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It's the Xerath bait and switch I want to see. Sure Powder ended up as Jinx but you still empathsize with her. There is no empathizing with Xerath. Azir isn't much better but he's not THAT evil.

Now that the dust has settled, who was a better fuck; Vi or Maddie?

this is what "Why is Warwick a wolf" fags unironically wanted to see

Why does Vi look like a man here.

The Cait and Maddie thing is even more infuriating cause Maddie doesn't really appear at all while Cait and Vi are pretty much making bedroom eyes at each other. WHAT THE HELL WAS THE POINT OF HER CHARACTER THEN

Also, his willingness to murder them and use them as scapegoats to provoke the people of the lanes seems a bit odd seeing as his entire motivation for building the nation of Zaun is now based around a promise he made to their mother to build them a better world.

Stop speedwatching, his entire motivation is not based around a promise to their mom. Promising a friend he would finish what they started is an additional motivation, but it's not his primary driver. He would've been as single-minded without that promise.
As for the kid murder thing, Silco subscribes to the, "can't make an omelette without breaking few eggs" school of thought. After all, Zaun is bigger than a few kids (until it isn't).

Since fortiche likes throwing AMVs into their shows, I hope they take queues from the Prince of Egypt if they ever do Shurima

There's a man goin' 'round takin' names

How I expected season 2 to end going into this year

Warwick (IN HIS FULL FORM) appears as the ultimate or penultimate villain

final big battle is a team up between at least half the champs against a bunch of void grubs because a portal to the void opens from hextech shenanigans

Ekko invents the z-drive and saves the day in episode 9 a la the flash in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. A lot of us also liked the idea of Warwick killing Vi and/or Jinx and Ekko reversing it. Overall it’s a useful way to kill champions without actually killing them.

Heimerdinger embraces Ekko’s philosophy and invents the hex turrets. Implements Hextech into the academy.

Viktor goes full machine throughout the season and parts ways with Jayce

Caitlyn becomes sheriff at the end and Vi leaves Zaun to work with her in Piltover

Jinx is Jinx

Singed leaves with Ambessa to Noxus and plays a part in the first (or second I don’t recall) Ionian invasion as seen in the Darius comic. Mel also leaves and gives a heartfelt goodbye to Jayce

All the champions basically end up as their current lore counterparts.

What actually happens

Jinx, WW, and Heimerdinger die

Viktor becomes a time traveling mage and completely disappears along with Jayce

Caitlyn loses her eye and marries Vi (practically)

total hextech abandonment

who the fuck knows what happens to Singed and Ori

after all the shit jinx went through, I doubt she even has the energy to be angry anymore. she'll just be depressed now

Didn't Xerath chimp out because he thought Azir wasn't going to free the slaves (he was, he just wanted to wait until he was ascended before naming him his brother) but was already too far in with his plan to go back on it? He's still crazy but sympathetic

Did you see his shirt? 100% for the guys

I'm saying that if it's Ionia that the main focus is Riven. Riven is a good main character for Ionia.
She's foreign so the audience can learn about the setting with her. Her story is sad and further emphasizes just how awful Noxus is even to its own people. And she's a badass so you get some cool fight scenes. She interacts and is involved with a lot of different character plots.

DV had more repercussion than cuckolding
But now everyone has forgotten about DV because Vi is into BDSM with Cait

So what was Sevika doing all that time they were in the detox camp? What was happening to all the other Zaunites outside of the hippie commune? It seems like they just swept that under the rug like it's no big deal.

They're 100% going to do a yuri plot with Irelia if she's the MC

Vi obviously


That was an interesting creative choice, glad to see I wasn’t the only one thinking the whole thing was oddly sexual..? Like it’s so clear those two want to fuck.

Sees child

First instinct is to charge his hex hammer at him

ask Amanduh

Probably Maddie. She's a pleaser. Vi probably gets too emotional and starts crying while demanding constant eye contact.

Vi and Cait are into some weird BDSM shit so Vi

you can always just, come up with a character, dont make her speak, dont really animate it, just make a bunch characters mention her

oy yeah, she is real, this and that happened, and Im deeply moved by said actions

Best character.

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sad ending to act 2 :?(

I came back anons. What the hell has happened all day?

What happened to Vi’s drinking buddy after she drove him off?
He was a bro.

The dialogue in this scene was absolutely gobbledygook

Holy shit thats a nice theory


did I forget something?

I didn't expect her to have a meltdown over it. I thought she'd be way more happy about it just because it's lesbians. She was genuinely pissed for the rest of the episode.

He doesn't say anything to indicate either way whether he recognized Vi. Literally the first time he sees Powder in the show, he knows that she's Vi's sister. And if his feelings toward Vander are a result of Vander abandoning Zaun to raise Vi and Powder, wouldn't he also have similar feelings about them, as the cause?

I'll admit, the backstory with the girls' mom being one of the bros planning the revolution, and the idea of Vander being a bartender at the same time that Silco and the girls' father are slaving away in the mines, doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But it doesn't seem to conflict with S1 as far as I can tell.

Xerath will be hard to pull off because he has to appear to be one of the best and most honest characters around and slowly be revealed to be more and more monstrous as the arc plays out, probably by jumping around his and Azir's lives so you see the child slave Xerath and Azir learning to read together then adult Xerath being basically an uncle to Azir's kids while offering wise counsel to Azir then as the episodes progress you get shown shit like using a continent spanning spy network to set off wars just to get Nasus and Renekton out of the city. Until the sun disc he wasn't just loved and respected when Azir made his announcement of freeing the slaves Xerath got a mass salute from the royal guards.

They completely ruined her design for no reason

Yeah, unless Viktor magically sheds his metallic/hexcore parts and zips through time it makes no sense. That's literally just a less manawarped Ryze, who is trying to bring back magic and see if humanity can be trusted with it.

They're going to make a yuri plot regardless of who the mc is. Yes, even if the mc is Xayah.

Riot will never do that. Lux x Ezreal will always be Riot's favorite pairing.

LOL handcuffs, blindfold, and spitting

Maddie’s too obedient, Cait likes it when they fight back a little

What champions are aware of Aurelion Sol’s existence?

pet names

Rightfully so. Maddie only exists to add more drama.

Buh- but time passed anon! She had to get a makeover!

Jinx looks exactly the same


cause its a dumb choice, maddie's purpose was to show how caitlyn is coping with her mom's death, they barely speak on screen, have 1 scene together and they just break up at ep 5. If the plan was to have caitlyn redeem herself why the fuck maddie even existed? why even the enforcer task exists, cause shieldbro also is a non-character. Amanda was literally the only person who seemed to 'like' this scene

The Most Toxic Yuri in the Franchise


The Most Toxic Yuri in Arcane

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They will never meet. Lux has zero reason to be in PNZ and Jinx zero reason to be in Demacia. It's a ship that only ever makes sense in AU's like Star Guardian or Valorant Town.

Who the fuck is Amanda?

Vander being a bartender at the same time that Silco and the girls' father are slaving away in the mines

Vander was simultaneously a miner and a barkeep (somehow).
Vander has the mining gauntlets, and Jinx and Vi find the mining jackets with "V" and "S" written on them when they're looking for Warwick in the old mines and find the hut where Vander left a note for Silco that he never found.

I can’t say I’m disappointed with the ending. I like the idea of champions dying and Viktor reaching an ever higher form of evolution than we imagined. I’m just disappointed in the execution. This season could have been so good with better planning and goals.

The hack of a writer that accidentally managed to make S1 and then decided she could do no wrong and ruined S2. Many such cases.

Targonians and Zoe

she was a writer on Succession

Azir refused to free him years before his ascension ceremony because he wanted to alter his empire so it didn't need slaves and Xerath started working to undermine him afterwards, getting publicly freed and named Azir's brother happened when Xerath was too far to turn back so he just said fuck it and blew up the city.

I figured Vander had retired from the mines at some point before becoming a barkeep.

Riven x Irelia will become close second for most toxic yuri if Riot actually leans into it with a Noxus vs Ionia show

wait, ep 5 did leak right? i can't remember shit from it for some reason

What is even their relationship, are they just the leaders of rival clans who happen to be fucking

Silco and Jinx's relationship from new found to daughter is not showed but it is retroactively developed throughout season 1 by Silco's actions and behavior around Jinx. That's the issue with Isha, she has no character or motives beyond liking Jinx. That's pretty shallow and just used to set up the tragic death. Silco in the other hand had people guessing about his motives with Jinx but it's clear he was a good father even if he was an enabler for Jinx's psychotic behavior but in the end his love for her came on top anything else in his life. See Not a single relationship in season 2 is half as complex and deep. Everyone just turns or forgives each other on the writers whims. This bled into Isha's development "Why does she like Jinx?" Because she does. "Why does Jinx care so much about her?" Because she does. A musical montage wont ever equal what they did in season 1 across a whole season.

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Now that we know caitvi are on the same bdsm page, who do you think initiates the sex..?

Vi angrily kisses her in that library where they're arguing

Vi keeps instigating her until Cait pins her down and rape corrects her

who do you think initiates the sex..?

Vi will initiate but Caitlyn will take control eventually

I like the idea of champions dying

It's stupid to start Arcane off as a non-canon story, so they have freedom to do their own thing. But not kill anyone important.

Only to then canonise it, and kill off a bunch of champions which creates a whole bunch of conflicts with other canon events set afterwards where those characters need to be alive.

If it's canon, then anyone in the game has to live. Except maybe Viktor or Warwick, as they're both easy to put back together again by magic in a semi satisfying way.

Childhood (?) friends turned lovers turned enemies the moment Diana figured out she's a lunari and the solari massacred all her tribes people IIRC

So isn't it funny how Caitlyn hitting Vi gets brushed over cause apparently Vi is into that shit.

Why are all the gay pairings in league so disfunctional? What is Riot trying to tell us?

when does veigar show up

Maddie bros did we still win?

Leona wants to kill Diana because her religion said so and Diana hates Leona for being so zealous and narrow minded. Leona is a straight up villain in the lore.

This says a lot about Vi psychologically.

idk if I'm ready to see Ambessa skewer her peeper out like that, not that I'm squeamish but *shudder*. imagine the screaming...

they already foreshadowed someone losing their peepers with Smeech and Jinx, downfall of the long-range Cait

Originally there was no Lunari clan and both of the women just hated each other's guts with Diana being a Solari that got exiled for discovering the history of the Lunari faith and Leona wanting her dead for being filthy moon worshipping scum.

not a pirate show about bilgewater

I think that’s Caitlyn’s office. I don’t think Cait would defile Vi there in front of her family’s portraits. What would great-grandmother Matilda think…?

Cait waits for Vi to commit some minor mistake just to be able to degrade her for being a Zaunigger with filthy Jinx tainted blood before consensually raping her with the nearest phallic object.

Shippers live for drama. A healthy relationship wouldn't interest the deranged twitter masses.

Tons of videos of Palis shooting tanks

None of an actual wreck when Syrian and Ukraine war had tons of before and after videos

Pure copium

The disturbing implication is that Vi was fucking soaked through when Sevika pummeled the shit out of her

Riot really likes doing the “akshully the thematically light people are the bad guys!!”

Any anons going to the act 3 premiere? If so, after the show drop by and confirm whether the leaks are true or not.

Sevika wasn't wearing an enforcers uniform while beating her so dry as a desert.

he knew about them being vander's adopted kids by having his goons spy on them. nothing else. it's clear that after learning about her pregnancy that their mother ditched the whole independency revolution thing to focus on her daughters. we don't know if she and her family and silco stayed in touch after that.

he was willing to murder them because vander was a rival leader figure in control of the lanes as of S1 act 1. by removing him and his family he's simply getting rid of the competition. just your average gang war.

Oh no! Jayce is coming to kill you. Pick one Lol champion to defend you.

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m-muh tencent

oh no, it was the "useful idiot" starter kit.
my mistake. there's a lot of overlap in the userbase.

It’s hot when women do it to each other

No sorry. It took Vi calling Caitlyn cupcake to make her fold.

pick any character that isn't a child


Wonder how Vi will react when she finds out that Caitlyn is with Maddie.

vi is the only person who knows what really happened to silco and never told anyone because reasons

They ruined both characters for the sake of shipping. Caitlyn isn't allowed to remain a dictator. Vi runs back to her and is actually enjoying the pain being inflicted on her.

Vi and Caitlyn are extremely stable. Just in this prequel show they aren't.
Hell, they're probably the most stable couple in the series, gay or not. They protect each other and have been together for like a decade.
Them and Ashe and Tryn. Senna and Lucian are all kinds of fucked up even in the AUs.

She'll probably be pissed and scream and drink like she always does.

He reminds me of a southpark episode in which the police guy was like the best black children killer in the world. Jayce is like that but with zaunite kids.

Everyone in the LoL setting is a dick. There are no unambiguous good guys. There is a direct line of inheritance from LoL through Blizzard back to Warhammer after all.

Maddie will be double teamed while Jinx watches in the rafters crying about a dead child

Alright, give me your best theories on why and how this is Viktor

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vi is the only person


the only person

you are retarded

noooo don't rape me teeeheeeee

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They did this shit twice

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What about Kat and Garen?


she should have adopted a smarter kid.

It is confirmed

BASEDgana deserves the mantle

Childhood sweethearts who climbed a mountain together then had a pretty bad break up and now they make googly eyes at each other sometimes.

ep8 angry fuck

I don't believe it still

Are you fucking kidding me? Nobody that replied to you called you out for being a massive retard, so let me do that for them. You're one stupid little faggot, you know that?

why did they make Vi so much hotter in act 2

she still mogs you

Their relationship is LITERALLY forbidden. Cait and Vi are just unlikely and because of their castes. Garen and Kat will probably be summarily executed for being together. That's not stable.

It's the black hair, which Caitlyn insulted btw

there is no way in proving if he's viktor or not, not even disproving at this point desu, if anyone told me last night that Jayce would kill viktor in a one-sided attack without having a fight i would call bullshit and wouldn't believe them, they haven't established limits of what arcane magic can do, he could very well just use a vessel or wathever

Asol I guess?

Episode 6 is now the season 2 finale, allowing everything that happened in 1-6 9 episodes to properly play out

Season 3 is now whatever happens in the next 3 episodes, plus 6 more episodes of what ever

Would this have fixed it?

what pure magic does to a mfer

Because her voice actress is noticeably worse than everyone else on the cast, and they needed to distract you from how flat her performance is.

Absolute kino. Reminded me of DOOM ost.

looks like

Kat and Garen

Nothing stable about starcrossed lovers from politically and philosophically opposing factions/empires. Either or both would be exiled and/or executed if it got out they were fraternizing.

So do we already know the ending? Until now I don't accept it, since I found out in the morning I can't accept it, I just don't believe it.

People really bet on shieldbro getting Vi

Lux, Milio, Nunu, Talia, and a couple others are genuinely kind hearted and good intentioned. Blitzcrank just wants friends. Ashe wants peace and her childhood friend to stop hating her.

Anon they are using literal homemade RPGs and AT bombs. All sides of the Syrian and Ukrainian wars have access to weaponry from industrialized nations. Be fr, there is no Jinx irl that can jury rig a nuke from scraps.

Anything will do, he's been shit in the meta for a long time. RIP tear stacking with R.

I honestly can see writers trying to rationalize Maddie Noxian spy subsubplot as Ambessa's version of guile, which she harps on about

like *ha-ha Caitlyn I had your number the entire time, spies all around you, sleeping with the enemy, I owned you.*

feels unnecessary and just another waste of time when everything actually cool was glossed over and rushed in general

Literally Ryze's ultimate.

Anybody got a webm of her dancing? shit made me diamonds

she has no character or motives beyond liking Jinx.

just read my other post >Why does she like Jinx?
because jinx saved her from goons 1 2 3 primarily. That's what set off the relationship. But also Isha wasn't scared of, and maybe even enjoyed, "the buzzing" feeling jinx described. She watches jinx blow a guys head off and she smiles to jinx. She threw the grenade that did that guy in, picks up the gun and points it at vi without a second though, and you see this more clearly in act 2. Isha's a little rat that doesn't shy away from the violence of the world. She tries to participate in it to the best of her abilities as a child.

Why does Jinx care so much about her

This one is just so blatantly explained in act 2. Jinx has always been an emotionally stunted person due to the trauma she went through as a kid. She has locked in behaviors and mentalities from that time of never getting to really grow up as a child, plus whatever fucked psychosis she has. She likes isha cause isha is someone that she can be true to an aspect of herself she never got to be. To give in to her childlike whimsy that she never really got to do growing up in the turmoil stained streets of zaun. They literally show this in how jinx and isha fill their days with playing games, dancing, jumping into bodies of water, etc. But oddly enough ishas the mature one, wanting to do more then just be a child.

rewatch the isha death scene

in the compilation of isha and jinx, jinx's eyes flash blue a few times

"muh isha is like powder"/"isha heals her inner powder"

So the ending of season one where Jinx official chooses to be Jinx after killing another father means nothing?

I don't know shit about League, but is Jinx supposed to be preternaturally nimble? why and how?

Vander don't you have a twink to choke

I'm positive there are many people at Riot who ship these two.

So the final episode will be long no?

I would be fine with Maddie being Ambessa’s pawn if she still genuinely loved Cait. I mean her comment to Maddie about seeing her so often sounded honest

How did Vi manage to get the bit of booba she has with how flat their mother is?

Jinx acts like a redditor, also it was pretty cringe when she said Jinx was dead.

I still can't get over the fact that Jinx nearly beat Vi 1v1 melee before Cait's intervention

She's a shimmered up super soldier. You don't need to know League. Just watch season 1.

Ah, so the Arcane is just drugs, and they cover the two end results of taking LOTS of drugs.

stole it all from powder

she's a teenager, everything they do is cringe

The writing makes no sense when you think that Silco knew Vi from the moment she was inside her mother's belly and made a promise to her to protect Vi, and then the next time we see them interacting he's actively trying to kill her in cold blood.

rewatch season 1

after all the season 1 trauma, Jinx feels suicidal

give her a kid as a glimmer of hope

immediately kill it as soon as she starts feeling any joy back in her life

she feels suicidal again, then goes ahead and dies in a final attempt at redemption

Honestly, it's difficult to put a story more miseryporny than this and still have it aired.

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then why doesn't she have the scars like every other shimmer addict

best thing about s2? there are so many cute asian girls reacting to s1/s2

jinx lost her will to live without silco. her trying to suicide via vi made that pretty clear. she still hates being called powder by anyone except vanderwick so she's still sticking to jinx. powder is gone, it's just depressive emptiness jinx has to deal with in act 1. and now in act 3 again with isha out of the picture.

Isn't Ella the one who rated Jinx's ending 5/10? She already got over the worst part (Isha dying), it will only go up from here.

It takes 2 parents to make a baby anon. Dad could come from a family of big milkers.

If you could only pick one to be your bangwife forever, would it be

Because she's not an addict. She got one massive dose when Singed saved her ass, and that was enough to give her lasting benefits

I loved that Arcane was a unique story inspired by the league of legends universe and not strictly adhered to it. I remember when season 1 came out one of the producers said killings champs was on the table which was exciting. Lots of potential. When they decided to canonize arcane I was worried that it would constrain everything and stifle the magic that made the show so good. Apparently that’s not the case judging by the leaks. But it begs the question why they canonized it, was it really just because it was popular? There’s really no benefit to it. Should’ve never done it.

She doesnt take shimmer, either some gland got installed or it got added to her blood some other way.
She, like Warwick, is a Singed experiment.

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The true yurikino that Riot will never be able to address

League patch update on the 20th meaning they'd normally update the PBE at the same time

League PBE won't get the next batch of Arcane stuff till the 26th

So pretty clear no more leaks from that unless they fuck up royally

God we're just gonna be stuck with this stupid "warwick and jinx die fighting each other" leak for the whole week.

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Singed juiced her up with shimmer in season 1

vi deserves to be laughed at.

Only GOOD scene in Act 2 were the two judo throws in Ep 6. That was beautifully animated.

Everyone in the cast beat or nearly beat Vi in a one-on-one.

If she says 10/10 it kinda spoils what happens.
If she gets redemption through death and is at peace with herself, its serviceable enough to be mid on the depression scale.

We will NEVER again get more Caitler KINO

He's not, he just sends his goons to attack her to wear her down and as a test. Sevika goes to fight Vi and Silco stops her because because he doesn't want either one of them dead.

shut up Silco, you're dead

Juiced up white girl busting it down murderous style

These two definitely had a thing for her right?

a picture of two guys looking at a woman


how does that logic work?

Love this shit

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Yes Viktor saved Jayce and his mom BUT this is not our Viktor. This is the Viktor Jayce met in the alternate future he traveled to.

Vander has got to be Vi's dad.
That potato-looking father doesn't look anything like Vi.

well, i just wanted the actual warwick.
the arcanewick is closer to actualwick then your pick btw. its literally just the face thats the problem.

Hmm, Viktors rework was supposed to be live on the 11th...

I genuinely wondered the entire time if one of them dumped the seed in her

It's so neat how you can clearly tell that Caitlyn is much weaker than Vi.

I'm calling that Vander is her brother and Silco was friendzoned.

Parallels is new subversion

They were in a polycule together

hey maybe wild rift will fuck up somehow

They'll pull a yasuo/yone where same mother different fathers with jinx/vi

Vi sits there crying because she thinks Jinx is dead

silence falls

out of nowhere you hear:"She's such a loser, always ready to cry!"

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Vander was eye fucking her the whole time, he's not her brother

The fact that Jinx has young Silco's bangs and wiry build, and Vi has Vander's stocky build is certainly a choice that was made on purpose.

That's explained in S1. In game her passive give her more movement speed and attack speed after a takedown or destroying a tower though, so I guess they introduced that concept by making her into a shimmer super soldier.

The bridge incident. Did you not listen to his monologues in season 1? Silco became a totally different person. The kids were also with their parents until Vander adopted them. They’re basically nobodies to Silco.

platonic best friends
sometimes vander and felicia would double team silco

even outranks Ambessa

Yes if there's one thing Noxus is famous for, it's always following the authority of the upper class, kings you might even say. They'd all for sure have obeyed Cait and not just laughed at her.

I can tell you it ain't NA buying the $250 gatcha skins, it's Chinese and Korean whales addicts so they can add it next to their Ahri and MF full collections

Willing to bet that the flashforward will be a mirror of the Cait/Maddie scene except it's all bright coming through the window and it's Vi sitting on bed while Cait wakes up and holds her.

please have sex with me

please lets have sex

god just fuck me already

this arc's turning out all right after all.

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I prefer them over subversions

Just kept waiting for them to kill her, I should've known she was safe until the finale of the set of episodes.

That's just Fortiche's animation, same way Jinx is slinking around and eyefucking Silco for all of S1.

where can i get a jinx gf?

start watching in the first place for Warwick sexo

they make him some weird gorilla thing


Genuine question: Would you rather have a long, drawn out pace for a story or a super rushed one like S2?

Beautiful throw

I thought I was the only one who noticed this, the scene with Caitlyn and Maddie is very dark. No wonder it has meaning.

Yordles will get their own Bandle City series where he’s the loveable reoccurring villain trying to take over the city but stopped by the heroic other Yordle characters.
My source? Came to me in a dream.

The psych ward near a 200k/yr art school


Heimerdonger keeps taking Ls

if they released the season all at once, drawn out
since they're releasing them 3 at a time, i want some development for waiting

So much narrative time wasted this act on vanderwick/silco/plotdevicechild/Mel subplot that i couldnt care about because the writers want to spend as much screentime as possible shoving lesbian grief porn down our throats. 6 was the only good episode for Singed and Viktor alone. How on earth do they expect to payoff a timeloop arc in the last 3 episodes when they couldn’t even stick the landing in the second act?
Its such a dramatic drop in story quality from the first season. I was enjoying act 1 for visuals alone, but its getting scary how badly it’s utterly dropped off.
I didn’t want to believe the leaks but atp, the dogshit diamond is unbreakable ending absolutely feels realistic to this quality of storytelling lmfao

What’s this dude and Time Nigga doing right now

we must RETVRN to 22 episode seasons

Sure anon, everyone are idiots, you're the only one smart here.

it hurts how true this is

t. worked emergency ward closest to our state's premier art school

S1 pacing was great, the Jinx/Vi story was blasting at 1000 mph and the Jayce/Viktor and Ekko/Heimer stories were slow and comfy. This season the Jinx/Vi story hasn't slowed down (although it makes a lot less sense), the Jayce/Viktor story is going at mach 10, and the Ekko/Heimer story I guess is happening offscreen.

yes faggot, Warwick in LoL looks fucking cool. The furry trash in this series looks like garbage.

Introduce the Black Rose using magic willy-nilly like generic high fantasy when half of the S1 plot was predicated on a single person seeing one guy use magic once 25 years prior

I mean. The other parts of the setting has a shitton of magic, dude. Just because Piltover can't stand magic doesn't mean the other parts of the setting would care.

i found that charackter interesting. him listening while pretending to be pass out drunk & turning his back on cait when she went caitler made me look forward to finding out more about him.

Is Felicia's baby daddy sitting in the cuck chair?

I grieve with you anon

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Author’s note: Caitlyn never came back to bed.


He's sexy in both versions. Get some taste, furfag

no hes getting his dick sucked by silco too

Maddiebros…she deserves better

I agree. People were criticizing the pacing for S1, but I found it to be perfect

So Singed will 'fix' Warwick and Viktor, right?
Also, that girl in that box is that Orianna?

You aren't wrong, it's strange how the fuck Mel is so much better than the rest. Then again, most Piltover and Zaun girls look kinda ugly to me.

bitch mittens

bitchslaps her

I loled

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Finally, artwork.

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Yes he will "fix" them (he will infuse Viktor with chemtech shit and Warwick will get enhanced with Arcane energy)
Yes its Orianna

If I had to choose one champ to die it would be Viktor. I feel like the perfect way to close things out given how season 1 set things up would be to make Viktor the final villain and have him fulfill Heimerdinger’s worst nightmare. Only for Jayce and the gang to team up and defeat him. Then he has the most kino of deaths.

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the final boss emerges

S1 was already super rushed when it came to plot development, i don't mind it at all as i consider s1 to be an absolute masterpiece. The issue with s2 to me is that it's doing too much. I would like if they dropped the black rose sub plot for example and just gave more screen time to other elements of the story.

Ekko rewinds a suffering and suicidal Jinx mid-suicide so she can't die peacefully, instead meeting death by the hand of her father, after being forced to kill him in combat

you forgot one

I hope you are right because i refuse to believe any of the "alternate universe' type shit

cait is such a power fantasy

tfw i'll never plow my grimy gutter punk gf then dump her because

then be chosen to be the dictator of a state because im the heir of a wealthy lineage

then say fuck it to back my slimy oily gf

What’s his endgame?

Just because Piltover can't stand magic

At least they don't have anti-mage death squads

Never personally saw people complaing about s1 passing. Seems like an odd complaint. Though i don't think s2 pacing is bad either, especially the jayce/viktor plot. I like that the second jayce appears, shit becomes utter pandemonium.

There is AU as well in ep7

He looks like Torbek.

Tired of being called Chuck; goes on a rampage

ep 7 AU
ep 8 lesbian sex and war preparation
ep 9 war and epilogue

it should have been me

She will be matching with Samira


People had issue with S1's pacing in that most of the plot happens in the last two acts and act 1 is self-contained.
The pacing issues are more obvious near the end of S1: on rewatch I thought it was crazy to remember that the entire chembaron mutiny plot is in the season finale and the setup for the "dinner party" is quite fast. Deus Ex Jinx just grabbing everyone and putting them there.
Really, these were just critiques of something even the complainers knew was great. S2's pacing issues are legitimately crippling and are a giant gaping hole in the show, a fatal flaw. S1 doesn't even compare in that department, but at the time, I did see quite a few people nitpick the pacing near the end of S1

Let me break it down:

Ep 7 entirely in AU where hextech wasn't invented

We've seen nothing at all to hint at this in any of the promo stuff besides that one shot of Ekko pulling the Z-Drive chain in a more refined getup. I don't see them making that a whole episode thing, at most it'll be like 10 min of an episode.

Jayce in future where Hextech killed everything

This is easy enough to extrapolate from everything in Episode 5/6 and the promo stuff. I think again if we get this it'll be like a 5-10 minute bit that cuts to Jayce having explained it all to Cait & Vi in pic related

Heimer sacrifices himself to send Ekko back

This sounds extremely bullshit. I really don't think they're going to completely delete Heim here. The only shot of him we haven't seen so far is him pressing the switch on something which is probably part of him helping Ekko with the Z-Drive so they BOTH get home. Also he needs to get to the point of going nuts and making turrets and a hextech t-rex

Ambessa using arcane zombies

No way. The flock is 100% going to be transmuted into Viktor's cocoon to heal him or some shit, those people are gone. The trailer had Ambessa using Shimmer Soldiers. Also Viktor's in the cocoon in all the trailer shots. He's probably not getting out of there for a while.

Jinx trying to kill herself but Ekko stopping her

I can see where they could extrapolate this from the trailers. Ekko talking about leaving stuff behind in the first trailer and the bit of Jinx pulling the pin on that grenade and all. But I don't know, it could be more of a thing like the dirty cop in S1 where she's imagining letting it all go

Jinx in a cell & Caitvi sex happening in it

This is beyond retarded. Cait's not going to do shit in Stillwater Hold at this point. They're reconvening at the Piltover underground and fighting off Ambessa's forces

Final ep is Noxus invasion

Reasonable guess, but I could also see it being 8 actually with some secret threat as 9

Jinx, Ekko & Zaun arrive late

Again, reasonable, but I'm not sure if Jinx is actually arriving to help. Her turning her base into a blimp is a big thing, but she could be there to just be a third force of chaos, hence why Ekko would be flying up to her with Vi in the first trailers

Viktor gets third robot arm

Viktor's getting a VGU, I'm fully expecting his new Arcane look to be vastly different from his current League design. Given the themes, I'm thinking his evolution will be more butterfly like if anything.

Maddie is a traitor

This is the most unbelievable thing by far. I'd sooner believe she was Leblanc with how much she tried to undermine Ambessa's grip on Caitlyn

Viktor is the hooded man

Fuck no, that was 100% Ryze. We're not getting THAT extreme of time travel shenanigans.

They reconcile then disappear

This is probably the guy making the shit up realizing he has nothing cause Viktor is never in these trailers

Vi & Jinx fight Arcane Warwick

I do expect Viktor to be controlling Warwick given the look of him in the leaked icons, but I don't think it'll be anywhere near that straightforward

Jinx & WW die together

Don't see this happening either. Not cause of Jinx, but cause Warwick. I expect Vander may die, but Warwick is going to live on and become his more wolf-like self.

Cait gets an eyepatch

Pure BS taken from her one concept art and the bit in the preview of Ambessa aiming at her eye (different eye from the concept art BTW)
Conclusion: This guy got Act 2 & the preview and made up the rest.

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isn't that the peaky blinders guy?

There weren't an overwhelming amount of complaints, but there were a few. Other all, it wasn't an issue for S1, but I personally think it is for S2.

In my experience, a rushed story isn't necessarily bad, sometimes you have to move things along and that'll inevitably seem rushed. The problem with rushed stories and my problem with S2 of Arcane is the fact they're trying to cramp as much as possible in only a few episodes. With as much they need to fit, it either needed another season or two or they needed to drop a few things and simplify the plot.

final boss isn't Ambessa but Warwick

that's fucking retarded, what was the point of introducing Ambessa?

Also why this faggot says nothing about Mel's arc? Are they gonna leave it unsolved?

It was so rushed Caitlyn switched up so fast the theory Ambessa killed the child and that was what made Caitlyn switch sides was better than this why do Isha even ran towards Warwick I don’t get it anons? It didn’t even look like Warwick was going to kill Jinx I’m so confused

some leak about act 3?

Mel tells Ambessa to fuck off back to Noxus, building off the "I'm reaffirming my dedication to piltover" character moment where Ambessa sees that Mel has destroyed her painting of the Immortal Bastion
As a final gift from Ambessa to Mel to prove that Ambessa does still care, she warns Mel that her brother died from the Black Rose and they could be in Piltover to take her down next. This doesn't actually happen in S2 besides a background easter egg that some random background character is in the Black Rose. All this is just teasing for S3/new-show

Congrats show is now saved. It's back to being about Zaun v Piltover, shitloads of screentime gets saved because now Noxus isn't demanding all the attention, you can actually flesh out the Warwick, Yuri Abuse, and Wild Rune storylines, and you don't need a thousand fucking faggy awful musical montages to speedrun plot developments

The script??

Honestly this makes me realize how much of a passive protagonist Jinx has become in season 2. Season one they heavily implied Jinx and Vi would clash over inheriting the vision of their respective paternal figure but now Jinx has no motivation to do anything beyond whatever is thrown at her. Same with Vi, neither has an actual goal, the plot just drags them along while torturing them for little reason beyond shock value.

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One thing I don’t get about Heimerdinger.
Early on he’s the one always going on about the inherent dangers of magic and it should never be used cause it’s too much of a threat, since he knows firsthand having seen the wars it caused.

The issue is….he's a Yordle. They are an inherently magical species aren’t they, like Yordles have their own magic and even respawn back in Bandle City if they actually die.

Did he just like forget he’s a magical fairylike critter in the centuries of living among science nerds or what.

He's "one of the good ones"

You mean those three definitely had threesomes with her and neither really knows who actually knocked her up

It's the bartender "chuck" from season 1 that Jinx tormented and stuck a smoke grenade to.

The issue is….he's a Yordle. They are an inherently magical species aren’t they

*clears throat*


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Caitvi sex happens in Jinx’s prison cell

What prison cell are they talking about?

he's a demacia enjoyer

So either this girl on twitter is lying or Amanda is now lying to cover her ass after admitting on the Reddit AMA that she was the one responsible for this. I thought she “stood by it making the story better”?

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Here. Keep it on the down low.

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Because he is not?

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The sex in Jinx cell is what makes me inclined to believe it's legit actually. It makes sense when you assume what happens after ep.6:

Jinx too depressed to be in a right state of mind, probably carelessly catatonic out in the open

gets arrested because she's still wanted at the end of the day, gets put in the bottom-most isolated cell they have

Vi begs Caitlyn to release her, there's probably some whole conflict between them about this (part of the arguing we hear - maybe Vi actually defends her sister for once by pointing out how harmful Cait as been)

Cait finally relents, but by the time they get to Jinx's prison cell Jinx has left. Maybe she leaves a suicide note or something.

For whatever reason this is devastating to Vi. Cait comforts her with sex because the writers are just that insane.


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honestly, it cheapens Silco's arc.
having her, in the back of his head, be the daughter of someone he was close to, takes away from Jinx's connection to him.

Uh anon

Stopping baseless speculation with citations is unfun of you

Jinx is mega depressed and suicidal

but not depressed enough to organize a grand escape in order to go die somewhere else

I seriously seriously doubt the writers of this show had this little understanding of mega depression and suicidal tendencies. If Jinx was really that deep down in the hole, she wouldn't give a shit about escaping, she would end it right there in her cell with a rope, or a fork, or starvation.


conveniently ignoring the Gang of Four including Mao's wife who ran China directly after he died and ran it off a cliff

Xi is like Mao, he purged any potential rivals or heirs. Unlike Mao, he doesn't have a vicious snake of a wife to take control after him. His wife stays away from politics. The clock is ticking ricel.

Why is no one talking about the fact that time stops after isha supposedly shoots ww?

Fuck the leak, here's what'll happen. It was revealed to me in a dream:

Episode 7 - Ekko & Heim in another world figuring out how to get back, Mel getting back from Leblanc's fuckhole, everyone at the Isha nuke falls back. Jinx goes off on her own while Vi & Cait find Jayce and go back with him. Ambessa & Singed left with Viktor making a cocoon out of his flock's remains. Jayce tells them about the future he saw where Viktor's hextech unleashed something horrible. Viktor emerges from his cocoon and offers Ambessa and Singed all they want if they help him get the Hexgate where the Anomaly is

Episode 8 - Everyone prepping for battle. Ekko finding Jinx and convincing her not to kill herself/help them. Invasion starts. Shit goes all over the place for a while. Then Jinx shows up with her blimp and reveals she's just going to blow the hexgate up to solve the issue. Vi & Ekko try to stop her. Vanderwick under Viktor's control confronts them. Shit goes all south and Viktor gets to the hexgate and interacts with the anomaly only for it to freak out and open some portal where the Void starts to pour out

Episode 9 - Everyone fighting off the Void, shit just turbo fucked. Jayce and Viktor come up with some plan but need everyone working together to pull it off. Big action episode as they all work together as a LEAGUE OF LEGENDS to stop the void portal. They succeed and then we get half an episode of epilogue as the cities officially split and form their own leadership and whatnot creating a tenuous peace for now

Jayce in future where Hextech killed everything

that's like my last cope if it means Ekko

Isha didn’t die she became Malzahar

Same heterophobia as Silco

Is this ryze! why did he turn blue?

We see her committing suicide in her lair in the preview. I think she wanted to be where she was last happy, to feel close with Isha again.

Guess this was correct, too...


Nothing to worry about Vi. Here, let's make love here in order to calm down instead of going out looking for her.

kek this would elevate the show from horrible drama to grandiose comedy

If Jinx dies at the end of Arcane I'll be pissed, the more seasons it takes to reach the end the more pissed I'll be.

The anon who said that Ekko stops time at the last shot of the episode to save Jinx, Caitlyn, and Vi gives me the idea of how things are going to play out

Ekko saves them

Isha dies while WW is badly injured

Jinx runs away and sulks about Isha's death

Ekko saves Jinx once again by stopping time to save herself from self-immolation in middle picrel

Vi tries to convince Jinx to come join the battle by telling her we meaning Ekko and Vi can rewrite her story seen in the Act 3 preview

Jinx then gains the new look we seen in the official trailer while flying an blimp in the sky which Vi, Ekko, and the Firelights descend in Act 3 preview

This would also prove accurate when Caitlyn is looking up in the sky at Jinx's blimp and Amebessa saying "FIRE" to shoot the blimp down seen in the official

That leak is a crock of shit especially when it says Ambessa uses arcane zombie troopers when really it's shimmered zombie troopers Singed created for her in the Act 3 preview

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it's just a stylistic choice, "time standing still" kind of thing. Jinx is mega depressed in the preview, it's not getting undone.

Who the fuck are these people, who the fuck are you, and why should anyone care about this nonsense?

Because it's not a final render, and his face wast meant to be seen.

so uh. What's the message of the show?

people said the same thing about season 1

it's not "rushed" just because we didn't spend 3 seasons and a tournament arc establishing "these people care for one another," brevity is the soul of wit, which explains how the dumbest of us are always asking for a longer explanation.

Yeah, that's the promo material I was talking about.
But honestly just in general it's an easy guess to make. I'm just saying it's not going to be a full episode thing, it'll be like 5 minutes as Jayce explains himself to Mel, Cait and Vi in pic related.

They shouldn't have let Raimi write an episode

I want a Demacia show cause I feel Lux has a lot of potential for suffering and trauma.
Cute girls suffering like how Jinx is currently is my jam.

and Vi will be beaten up everyday for the remainder of her life

Thanks, anon. It feels good to finally have someone else admit it.

Doesn't the time thing only last for 4 seconds?

Look I hate to nitpick, I like S2 as opposed to Anon Babble it seems, but the "repeating thing other character said" thing is surely a bit overdone? Has anyone else noticed it?

right, we literally see Mel standing in the room with Jayce, Vi, Caitlyn in the war room planning.

and we see LeBlanc in the trailer, no one would forget that reveal or what she did


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It would be really stupid and hacky but there's been visual cues from the start that flat-out suggest that Silco and Vander are Jinx and Vi's respective biological fathers and later became their adoptive fathers as well through pure contrived coincidence

Considering Zaun is a massive ghetto it's not the most ghetto idea anyone's ever had

Here’s the REAL leak:
Episode 7: 40 minute Mel and LeBlanc sex scene
Episode 8: 40 minute CaitVi sex scene
Episode 9: Jinx dances to Madeon - Finale in a black void

I find it funny how they're releasing a bunch of cool Jayce stuff in China only.
We're stuck with lesbian shit.
The west has fallen.

in the old lore, they can do whatever they want with a new canvas.

This sounds better than the leak. I like the part where CaitVi has sex at the same exact time as ViktorJayce and the scene pans between both parties while the Fantastic song plays.

I think the person just mixed up the terms. That's a small detail when they were right about so much else - especially the use of zombies in the first place.

nobody left for Vi but the rich eccentric noblewoman that beats her

Fifty Shades of Violet

basically my thoughts.
Based rational Anon, you're one of the good ones.

I don't want time travel and multiverse bullshit

Think about it logically

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thats ekko. isha aint dead you stupid fucks, thats the “unexpected” twist they said there was in ep7

This is a minor thing dude, he has everything else super accurate

so where do i go for the BEST arcane ver Jinx porn

"Repeating thing other character said" thing?

Wait so Isha literally died for nothing because Warwick is still kicking?

jinx gets a daughter

dies in the next arc

NEVER have daughters

I don’t think she was trying to kill him was she?

reminds me of that species of monkey that typically has twins, and two "dads," both of whom bang the mom, one to help take care of each baby. neither father is sure who's baby it is, so it's schrodinger's cuck in a jungle with no paternity tests.


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Zaun gets it's shit kicked in every time when they got uppity, but somehow jinx keeps on assfucking piltover and they cant stop her.
She is a hero to them.

Isha literally died for nothing

Yes and good riddance

Fuck I wish I could _be_ him!

how does any of this make sense from what we've seen? Caitlyn out right betrays Ambessa, gets Rictus killed and we see Viktor/Ambessa/Singed team up

Why would Caitlyn have any power to release Jinx, she should be in the slammer too with Vi and Jinx. I assume the Noxians round up all 3 after they capture WW and the others and imprison them. Or is it Ambessa/Singed who goes into hiding after taking WW prisoner?

Singed will bring back Isha as a mini furry monster

Warwick got his head blown off but his whole schtick is that he's almost indestructible and has wolverine/Deadpool level healing. Vi already punched half his face off in the tunnels and it grew back in seconds. Singed is just going to sew a new skull on and he'll be up and walking again but looking more like his game version.

You can get buff and find slavic twinks irl, don't despair

I just watched it and I can't remember who did it, but someone says something, then a character later says it to that same person, usually with a hint of irony. I wanna say it was Ambessa and Cait but idk

When I grew my hair out I tried to capture this look but I just looked like a greasy jesus

Yep, no tail.

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Yeah, that killed it for me, what where they thinking.
I know tencent is funding this shit but, still, understand who you are trying to sell this shit too.

He 100% saw Act 2 and the preview, but there's nothing to confirm he saw Act 3. There's many ways that could have happened since review copies of Act 2 were sent out.

Everything else he said could have already been extrapolated from the trailers and promo material, except for the retarded stuff like Maddie being an Ambessa spy. Everything there that sounded extra retarded was stuff not present in any of the promo material. Even the AU Ekko is something we had a tiny glimpse of with no context in the first trailer for S2 but with knowledge of episode 5 and 6, it becomes an easy guess to make that this is an Ekko in an alternate world where he's able to work in the Academy.

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Have you tried washing your hair

This is an unhealthy amount of cope.

Yes it sounds retarded, I rewrote it a couple times and left some extra words in so it sounds ESL. But if you can't tell what I mean by that instantly then it's probably not as much of a problem as I think it is.

But that's not how depression works. That scene in the preview only tells me that the arrest never happens. That she just disappears after Isha dies and goes straight to her lair to kill herself.

Even from a narrative standpoint, what would be the purpose of throwing her into jail and then having her escape again? It's just wasted information about an inconsequential act that added nothing to the story

I don't get the complaints about the look
it's clearly a 1941 wolf man reference, but everyone has to scream "NOOO WHERE SNOOT WHERE TAIL"
sorry furfags, you get nothing but kino

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But anon... I am the slavic twink

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Nigga have you never dealt with show leaks before? This kind of shit happens all the time. Some faggot gets their hands on a partial leak, then makes up BS for the rest while leading with the bit of truth they have to get people buying it.

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I hope Caitlyn washes out the black hair dye out of Vi's hair


unironically naming a character Kino

it's like Centaurworld by Cuck and Dong

We know Vi will talk to her, maybe that's the only way she's able to. Just a contrived way to give them a few moments before Jinx runs off to kill herself, since Vi doesn't know where Jinx's lair is.

Eat big lift big then find another slavic twink
I believe in you


What about Mel?


Imagine how rushed the reintegration of Mel into all this will be.

Just got out of Leblanc's magic

Goes out looking for people

Vi & Cait show up with a grizzled Jayce and explain that Jayce tried to kill Viktor and Mel's mom is about to invade Piltover in response to all this mess

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"he's your father too"

"who's a funny looking rat now?"

And there's something sevika parrots back to jinx after she saves her but I forgor the quote exactly

I was repeating what that anon said...

Singed will bring back Isha

Singed is just going to sew a new skull on


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name 5 instances (with proof)

honestly where do they find time to fuck in this, right before the battle basically, GoT style

what a disaster, writers learn nothing from the fuckups of others

Jinx coming to the rescue of Piltover is so fucking bad. Her whole arc was about escaping her fatalism and becoming the symbol Zaun needed against Piltover oppression. And now she bails them out because the Noxians turned against them? and she dies fighting to put down her father? What was the point of Isha sacrifice if it wasn't to stop Warwick? This shit is so fucking ass if it happens.


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This, lots of things not there that are needed to wrap this entire thing up in two episodes.

"haven't i done you enough favors?"

"you're the kind of guy that likes to get in close."

"you already made your last offer"

it's getting hard to count them already

If this happens this will be so upsetting. Vi was always kind of retarded but this would make me wish death upon her and cait

I want to fuck poppy

a whole ass episode of it too kek

I expect nothing less from Fortiche, and nothing more from furries/fur-lites.

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kino was kino

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Isha was proof for Jinx that she is never going to find peace and rest. Anyone close to her dies.
She always ends up killing people she loves. And now she has to do it one last time and kill Vander, self-destructing in the process.
She was just not meant to find community, family or loved ones.

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I figured that between Isha and being worshipped by the people, Jinx would find a new reason to live, and she kind of does for like 10 seconds before Vanderwick shows up and she completely forgets about it. Now with both Isha and Vander gone completely, what the fuck is left for her? There's no way she goes back to being the hero of the people, she never really was in the first place.

So is the fucking act 3 leak legit or not..?

I think the sex in jail thing is what takes me out of it the most. It's too retarded to be true.

1. You can commit war crimes and kill people without consequence, but only if your city is the richer one. If you're from poorsville, die
2. Mentally ill people must die

Looks 99% legit, some minor grievances that dont really debunk anything.

Arcane Singed

serious and soft-spoken scientist

no combat ability

wants to find immortality and cure death

In-game Singed

laughing psychopath

shield bearing tank

famous for exploiting game mechanics that involve repeatedly killing himself


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How does Ekko know where her lair is?

Vi has never before looked this happy.

furry trash

I cant fap to this flatfaced bullshit. dont lump us in with this cats looking motherfucker

Yeah, it really would suck to end her story like that.
Makes way more sense for her to be showing up in her blimp with the plan to nuke everything. The whole point is that she's always making shit worse with her plans.

Honestly, fucked up as it would be, I think the best result here would be for Jinx to not only live, but be forced to become the leader of Zaun like Silco was.
They released a trailer for her for the fighting game they're making, and her intro line was interesting:

You can try to run, but me? I run this place.
It's an odd line for her, unless Arcane's going to end with her in some kind of leadership position.

you think you are a burden to others? kill yourself.

what kind of fucking message is that?

No you absolute fucking faggot, they’re not. Are you mentally disabled? Do you have down syndrome?

I fucjing hate this Mel plot and I admit I skip all he scenes during my rematches.

so Ekko appears out of nowhere, rewinding time and saving Isha from her kamikaze attack, with a z-drive device that we have no idea how he got?

as bullshit as it sounds it's not much different than Jayce appears out of nowhere looking like a hobo, starts murdering people, including blasting a hole in Viktor's chest without so much as a single word or any hesitation

Jeez, yeah. These writers are embarrassing

From the act 3 preview it looks like they might angry fuck in the office. But who knows. They’re into bdsm so the jail thing might be legit.

We’ll know for sure on Friday when there’s the LA premiere. Too bad I couldn’t get a ticket.

The message zoomers need to hear

if Ekko saves my baby Isha I'll never say the n-word again, except maybe in traffic sometimes.

I know they did this with Game of Thrones. Most leakers always got right that the second dragon would die too, but most of the other stuff was bullshit (although to be fair the real ending also got leaked before the final episode)

Its a miseryporn show, did you not watch season 1?

I like to think Jayce came out off summoners rift where he witnessed things he didn't think were possible, which led him to become mad

It sounds fake as fuck because why would Vi have sex instead of going out to look for her sister.

happens cause Amanda wills it so and no other reason

I hope it isn't. Anyone who consumes fiction that the mere presence of character or device that can time travel instantly implies that whatever happens can be undone.

His lore got updated a couple times but his voice lines are the same as 2009 when LoL was conceived as a joke game. Anyone who plays the game knows his voice lines should get updated eventually, but it's so low down the list by Riot you should gotta accept they're worthless when it comes to his character.

Just saying, Piltover and Zaun are both kinda weak as fuck compared to other regions in the setting, going "reee why is there so much powerful shit thrown around now?!" just seems odd.

Is that Vander’s SKULL?

thats what im thinking, then we’ll probably get a backstory of how everything happened including ekko z drive and jayce madness.

Amanda is suddenly doing damage control saying she wasn't the one responsible for the Maddie/Cait bed scene

Misery porn is just bad writing, nihilism is a fucking cancer in any of it's forms.

Singed has always been a bit of a problem since the current League lore kicked in. He's super dissonant between what they want him to be story-wise and how he was built gameplay-wise. But his gameplay is so unique and memorable that shifting him doesn't seem possible.
There's a lot of champs like that in League, but he's the most extreme. Viktor's close though, he's also been SUPER inconsistent in his characterization compared to his voice/gameplay. They don't know if they want him to be some humanitarian helping people or some insane Saturday morning villain. Hopefully the update they're going to give him to match the Arcane version fixes that for him.

disheveled himbo

unclear backstory

walks into the commune

"you cant walk in armed here" - walks in armed

beelines for the leader

murderhobos him

Every DnD party I have DMd for has a "Jayce" in it.

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passing the blame off to crew members since they won’t be working together anymore


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Why is Arcane full of dick riders?

Thats fine, but its the show you are watching.
Its softened by Cait and Vi having a happy ending. But Jinx is meant to be misery incarnate.

Defender of Tomorrow just defending tomorrow.
His only mistake is he didn't double tap.

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I thought it was full of lesbians

Yeah this is also why I believe that leaker is bullshit

Spends life fighting and hating Pilties

dies to save them from the father she loved

Zaun still a shithole with no leadership

So what's the message? You can spend all your life suffering under the foot of your oppressors but in the end you'll die to save them from the people YOU wanted to save?

Could someone contact the leaker? We have to ask you a few questions

Jinx to not only live, but be forced to become the leader of Zaun like Silco was

As far as wild shots in the dark go this isn't an implausible idea to me because the most unexpected thing this show has done this season is cure Jinx's rabies
She's never stopped being violent or dangerous but she really has stopped being a pit bull, an aggressively existential threat at all times to all people within line of sight of her at all times, y'know?

I think Isha knocked her a little sane when she landed on her fucking head, last year she had this almost No Country For Old Men "She's interacting with someone, is she going to murder them by the end of this scene?" quality that was even played up with the bartender

Isha isn't dead in the first place, it's not even officially stated by official accounts, not even in the official clip on youtube titled "Isha takes the shot" when they could've just titled it "Isha's death" or something

Lesbians who ride the shows dick no matter how the flaws

no matter how the flaws

Anon, I....

Please keep going, I desperately need this copium or else I'm going to start writing Isha fan fics instead.

Sorry, I'm retared

The end of arcane is multiple timelines time travel slop

Yup, I'm thinkin I mentally file S2 under "non canon" and just treat Arcane as a one-season show
this shit is such a disaster. We're over halfway through the final season and nothing at all interesting has happened

Amanda overton literally asking for the blame to be pinned on her even though Lee and linke are also horrible writers. These people went into the premier knowing they were serving slop

Jayce shoots Viktor through the heart

Viktor becomes a heartless monster

Bravo, Amanduh.

Not just that, the whole Noxian invasion was Caitlyn fault and her quest for revenge. Why the fuck Zaun has to bail them out? Same with Hextech and the overuse Piltover did.

Why does she look like a troll?

unironic argument

looks like the Jinx schizopost copypasta

Act 3 is going to break people

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Faggotry aside this has been very bad so far, people might think its good because of the highly emotional scenes but in reality the story is just a mess, it was justifiable in the first season because it felt more like an introduction to the world but now it feel more like it doesnt know how to close those sub plots its only stirring shit up even more. How the use the characters is also shit, every character had its reason to be there but now it feels like they dont even know what to do with those characters, they pretty much got rid of warwick in TWO episodes, such a significant character was a fucking jobber, holy shit and now everyone is fine with each other and they fight noxus, what a shit way to end it

Yes. Vi unironically punched Vander's head so hard it split open

I like S2 so far

I meant "no matter the flaws"

I audibly groan whenever another fucking musical montage starts up

That’s the intention though. It was never going to have a happy ending.

Race check

How horrible.

VW has some kind of morphed face here

I don’t feel so good.

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arcanefags want to replace League lore with this shit

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I'm tired of the music videos too. They're Secret Life of Pets level cringe.

I don't wanna give you hope where there is none, Ekko in Jinx's lair trying to talk her down, leaving the past behind and moving forward, was in the original trailers.

Isha can't be undone. Ekko saves Jinx, her shattered mirror from the suicide attempt rewinds in the trailer. there's no other reason for Jinx to be suicidal than trying to cope with her death.
WW is taken alive and presumably put into that cage the Noxians brought so he's not dead

incredibly malevolent identity


what did he mean by this?

so nothing will redeem jayce right? everyone in social media thinks jayce is the worst arcane character

Why the fuck can't writers resist the time travel multiverse shit
It has literally NEVER been done well in ANY piece of fiction

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Why are they so adamant on starting every episode with a music video. It's weird when you go from the opening titles (which is a music video) into ANOTHER music video


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It's ok, but if the leaks are true. This is beyond crap.

It’s actually quite beautiful as Vi has only had bad experiences in a jail cell through daily beatings so now she’ll correlate it with sex

Isn't it fucking obvious that he sees whatever evil thing Viktor was creating?

How come Viktor didn't even hear Jayce

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Victor’s whole thing has always been to help people, especially the downtrodden of the Undercity


I get it now.
Twitterfags are all Piltie scum.

I'm sorry Jayce. I must now suck your cock to show how sorry i am

why? because her sister after suffering another tragedy and it's likely about to kill herself makes Vi horny?

I'm coping, but it can still be possible for Jinx to be suicidal and have Isha be alive. Isha could be mortally wounded, and Jinx blames herself, believing Isha will eventually die. Jinx has always been suicidal, even when Silco was alive and Isha too. Also there's no telling the timeline of things shown in trailers, or the validity of them (and if they could be dreams or other misleading sequences)

Because they think it's because of Viktor's "death" that Warwick went crazy and "killed" Isha, when actually it's Singed's fault, who injected the serum when Jinx Cait and Vi were distracted

Time stops as soon as Isha fires Jinx's gun at Warwick

Isha having a fake-out death is worse than Isha actually dying.

Isn't this site full of indian bot replies? Might be one of those

Singed milking Vander

Who says you can't mix your fetishes with your research?

the one who captured Caitlyn's heart

your absence left a vacuum I could occupy

This dialogue is corny as hell

Nah, i would rather have Isha back and writers to commit to the arc than do an U turn with Jinx development for cheap drama.

half the council had fakeout deaths too, and also Vander technically (maybe several times).

always has been

Everything with Caitvi is corny and stupid in general. It's the weakest part of the series.

I pray hard that Isha lives cause we don't need more Jinx miseryporn thanks

isha isn’t dead and jinx is not being suicidal lol dont tell me you believe the retarded “leaks”? she’s seen crying in the trailer probably because of vander as there’s no more hope to save him.

Anon, Viktor's going to look VERY different. He's getting a complete overhaul in the game to match whatever they're going to do him in Arcane.
Pic related is some leaked merch. It's a pony version of what he'll look like, but you can get a vibe of how he's shifting from it.

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It is 100% cope and I'm coping too
Jinx deserves her tard daughter and this stupid show is sticking its thumb in our eye

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Isha is dead. Why else would Jinx want to kill herself?

Vi and Caitlyn having a fight because Vi says "you wouldn't understand what your parent dying in a city war is like" to Cait who had just returned from her Mom-who-died-in-a-city-war's funeral (that Vi also attended)
Instantly knew this season would be slop, you can't make interpersonal conflict more contrived than that

I think this line was here simply for shipping cause how does Ambessa know these things?

Lol no, it makes no sense for arcane writers to kill isha who has no character yet, unless their writing has gone to shits which i doubt

idk think this is reaching. life flashing before eyes in a kamikaze attack is pretty much death.

there's way more evidence to suggest Jinx is mourning Isha, from trailers and preview of act 3.
WW is alive and captured so we know her sadness is not about him, if anything she'd be planning with Isha to get him back if Isha were alive, which we get no scenes or hints of

They will be happy together after Ep9, anon :'(

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Yeah, I think it could go either way. If they want to surprise us and subvert expectations they keep Isha alive, and have Jinx be crying about Vander or something else. Isha can also be dead, and the rest of the story can go very predictably, which I hope it does not.

With Salo walking again and Isha dead, the show would be ableist.

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it makes no sense to quickly murder yet another of Jinx's family members the way that everyone Jinx has ever considered family has died except for human cockroach Vi

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The point is Viktor was too far up his own ass to realize what he was doing.
His "help" was probably just replacing the person they were with some "copy" of it that Viktor was pretending to be once he was connected. That's why they all fell in line so much. They were all the same hivemind just playing different people.
And Jayce's action shifted Viktor's view. He now understand that that pretending is unnecessary. Humanity's emotions are the root of their flaws, so next time he's going to just go with the full robot approach.

A fake-out death would be cheaper than having her actually die, I mean. THAT'S cheap drama

Stage 1: Denial

So this person also saw act 3 and pretty much confirmed AU shit too

Y'all, I ain't gonna lie. That petite, just-a-notch-before-flat booty got me acting uncivilized


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Jinx did NOTHING wrong and only ever intentionally killed enforcers, council members, and firelights who open fired on her first. They all deserved it. Unironically, caitlyn deserves death x20000 more than jinx for her actions

You know what's cheaper than that? Killing Isha so Jinx can become le crazy manic girl again.

a tragic song playing while your life flashes before your eyes equals death

not so fast...

Wtf? Have Vi's legs been amputated in this fanart?

my dad works for nintendo

Everybody is doing their best to do something "good"

Viktor does his best

Jayce does his best

Vi, Jinx and Vander try their best

It all goes to utter putrid shit anyway

Nobody watching feels good about it and invents copes

I love Arcane. Cant wait for act 3!

Yeah, both are cheap

OH NO, ISHA'S DEA--oh wait, nevermind.


Either way, the writers have fucked themselves

I think the gas thing in Piltover was pretty intentional.


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Jumps from side character to most plot-relevant character

Takes over your show

Ruins your cartoon

How the FUCK do you respond?

Just right like a wrist rest on a mousepad.

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I fucking hate blacks

You know what, Jinx is still very sex, but Cait takes it this season.

Ep7 spoilers: Ekko the negro saves Isha and Jinx rewards him with a blow job

Maybe don't segregate your poorest workers and force them to drink water and breathe air poisoned by industrial waste

And who did it kill? All she did was release the same gas that caitlyn had been brapping onto the impoverished undercity. Piltover is an open air city, that shit dissipated in 1 day max.

No one who was born in Piltover or Zaun are sex. All the hot girls come from other regions.

God I wish I was her

by begging her to sit on my face

Oh no, those poor innocent pilties will have the breathe the air that zaunites have been breathing for generations!


maybe, but at least one takes Jinx development to somewhere, not back again to the end of season 1,

Vi got cucked lmao

He sees the explosion then rewinds time probably

Lol next act is rated 18+

if you are depressed and feel like a burden - best you can do is off yourself in a heroic way.

any time you think you have joy, it will be for a fleeting moment and then you will fuck it up and hurt people because its in your nature to be a burden

…I dont feel so good

any single episode of s1 is better than the entirety of s2
it's so bad
i can't believe how excited I was for this just over a week ago
i hate riot, I hate fortiche, and I hate those cunt writers

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The linking theme to s2 so far seems to be the dealing with loss. Basically everything they show centers it. Caitlyn's opening as she reels from the loss of her mother and which eventually pushes her into her position of abusive power. Ambessa's loss of her son that brought her here for hextech and the loss of Mel that now makes her pursue it more frantically. You have jinx still trying to deal with silco's death, and now almost certainly Isha. Singe is so racked by the loss of his daughter that it breaks him and he becomes unable to let her go, and would rather change his entire perception of what death is then deal with the loss. The cities themselves are imploding from the loss of their councilors and leaders. Jinx even looses an actual finger. Viktor fucking dies. Vander's loss of humanity. Salo's loss of his legs. Viktor and jayce's loss of their bond. The firelights are dealing with the loss of ekko and Ekko is likely going to be in a fight against loosing something or someone, and will likely fail. Ambessa looses her right hand man, a deep loss for her to be sure(brought on by the undoing of her temporary daughter funnily enough)

Everyone is constantly loosing. it's loss all the way down. Act 3 is probably going to be answering the question of do you let the losses you've suffered fuel you to be unrelenting in your conquest for revenge, retribution, reversal or do you break the cycle and stop spiraling deeper dragging everyone down till everyone has lost everything.

S1E2 was shit


i don't know he looks just like game viktor, is the mask different? maybe i'm blind

Married caitvi

if your favorite character had an arc with a happy ending, you wouldn’t be seething.
You are just throwing a tantrum.
Don’t reply, I wont read it.


what did they do?

They're plenty sex, but go on. Name your top 3.


It was revealed to me inside the hex core

Arcane S2 has a sex warning whereas S1 didn't have one.

Wrong, I got more enjoyment out of the single scene of Jayce meeting the mage than I've gotten out of all of S2
even at its worst it still can't stop winning

the sex warning wasn't for ep 4?

I can't even remember what happened is S1E2

big brain post

No, it's for the entire season. Amanda the dyke used "sex" when asked to describe the season, so, it's happening in act3

Tell me a better ending for Jinx at than point than heroic death.
Hard mode: No copout like ”She just leaves”

where's the anon who said Jinx burns the Last Drop as a funeral for her fathers? cause that's what happening here.

you can see her standing on the balcony leading up to Silco's office, and probably drops the match onto the bar below. pic is from the Jinx mini-game, ceilings light matches

jayce viktor discussion is so cringe: pure tribalism by both sides. everyone immediately assumes jayce fucked up or that viktor was actually helping people, nobody stops for a moment to make questions

isn't this the suicide?

Silco and Isha waiting for her in valhalla

Will Jinx die a virgin

This is so super fake cause we all know they aren't gonna kill off champions let alone fucking JINX

That’s her suicide attempt

how can he see the explosion if he doesn't know where the lair is? was he just randomly passing by and conveniently happened to see an unknown explosion in the neighborhood?

Back to this cope, are we

The assumption she's burning herself there is a reach. What's more likely is she's just burning it down because she wants to be rid of the place itself. Like when she was talking to Silco's chair about how he's gone and she has no reason to keep coming back.

Vi and jinx were slopping on each other in the hippie commune, trust

If that shit is true then this story was pure utter garbage

Anon says S1E2 is shit

Open up netflix to look at the start of it

Cold open is the god tier scene of Jayce first experiencing magic

Single act of magic sparks almost the entire plot of the first season

You never see magic again, keeping it mysterious and cool

Realize that if this was S2 this same scene would be an overly stylized slideshow featuring Nigger Rap or Safe Punk (tm) where in either case the lyrics are "YEAH WE LIKE MAGIC AND TELEPORTING YEAH MAGIC YEAH"

The more you compare, the more you go back, the worse it gets, and the less happy you become

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Probably went out looking for her, Vi came up with the idea where she might have run off to.

Another proof Isha is alive. Jinx is depressed because of Vander, not Isha

Miss Fortune, Qiyana and Ahri.

no, is clearly the Last Drop being burned, look at the railings on the balcony and the ceiling disco lights

in the next couple frames it cuts to Jinx pulling the pin on a monkey bomb or chompers, I think that's the suicide that gets undone, like what she did on the bridge but this time Ekko is there to save her

But Vi didn't know where her lair is. No one does because no one could find her in that year timeskip. Unless they do some bullshit reveal that Ekko always knew where her lair was, this development makes no sense

a single episode of S1 starts with a shitty music video (E7) and it's about 40 seconds long
S2 keeps looking worse jesus

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Jinx has a miseryporn ending

Jayce and Viktor just... disappear

Heimerdinger kill

Ekko ???

Vi has a happy ending married to Caitlyn


bro aisha is fucking DEAD, ekko might found then but aisha is 100% FUCKING DEAD, reviving her would make the plot 100% worse


Ekko rewinds to save Isha

Ekko rewinds to save Jinx from burning Last Drop

So Ekko is just gonna follow her around to undo all her fuck ups now

I can agree, I don't think this is suicide here in this moment, it's more symbolic as you suggest.

Just that someone theorized this months ago in the threads and it wasn't confirmed until now

S2 episodes have been really short compared to S1 whose episodes were each 40minutes or longer. S2 has 40minutes+ episodes but mostly 38minutes episodes. Act 3 better be 40+ each with at least one being 50minutes.

That post is old

Where is this from?

Basic taste, but I respect the jackpot trips.

im not like all the retarded normies, im unique, and cool, and special

you realize being contrarian is the normal boring position, right?

The leaks are fake retards, a billion dollar IP will not make a show where they kill one of the most popular characters.

Pretty basic yeah. But well, vanilla is the most popular flavor for a reason, you get me?

Bayced Jayce [spoilers] slaying the globohomo elite

spelled the tag wrong oops

Highlight and then ctrl+S, you silly sausage.

I think they knew it was a shit scene and a shit plot point, so when they were told to put some chinese song over it they were like "whatever, it can't get any worse anyway".

probably this, the kid dying was so obvious also.